17 research outputs found

    Diversity and gradients of vegetation of Sivrihisar Mountains (Eskişehir-Turkey). Online supplement

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    This study was carried out to determine the plant communities and understand the main topographical driving factors of floristic differentiation in the Sivrihisar Mountains (Eskişehir Province). Vegetation samplings were carried out according to the Braun-Blanquet approach. The relevés were stored in the TURBOVEG database management program. Hierarchical classification was carried out in PC ORD program with Ward’s method and Euclidean distance as a resemblance measure. The diagnostic species were identified by a fidelity measure in the JUICE program. The results of the classification were visualized by ordination techniques in the CANOCO package by using principal component analysis. In conclusion, except for the degraded forest community, all the 7 steppe and 1 scrub plant communities studied were identified and described as new associations. Also, a syntaxonomical scheme for the vegetation of Sivrihisar Mountains was suggested

    Diversity and gradients of vegetation of Sivrihisar Mountains (Eskişehir-Turkey)

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    This study was carried out to determine the plant communities and understand the main topographical driving factors of floristic differentiation in the Sivrihisar Mountains (Eskişehir Province). Vegetation samplings were carried out according to the Braun-Blanquet approach. The relevés were stored in the TURBOVEG database management program. Hierarchical classification was carried out in PC ORD program with Ward’s method and Euclidean distance as a resemblance measure. The diagnostic species were identified by a fidelity measure in the JUICE program. The results of the classification were visualized by ordination techniques in the CANOCO package by using principal component analysis. In conclusion, except for the degraded forest community, all the 7 steppe and 1 scrub plant communities studied were identified and described as new associations. Also, a syntaxonomical scheme for the vegetation of Sivrihisar Mountains was suggested

    Environmental Factors and Semiarid Plants Species on Eroded Marly Soils in Southwest Anatolia (Eskişehir/Türkiye)

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    The natural regeneration of vegetation in areas of marly soils is restricted due to drought and soil erosion. For the ecological restoration of eroded areas, the selection of suitable plant species is critical. The aim of this study is to assess specific plant species and their ecological characteristics for their ability to thrive under drought in eroded areas with marly soil. The study was conducted on 36 sampling locations in the marly areas of Eskisehir-Bozan, Türkiye, during the most drought-prone months, August and September, in 2011 and 2012. Vegetation sampling was conducted according to the Braun-Blanquet method. Fifteen plant taxa with the highest coverage and frequency were identified. Relationships between plant species and environmental factors were determined using Spearman’s correlation analysis. According to the results of numerical analysis, there were correlations between ecological parameters including nitrogen, phosphorus, organic matter, lime, slope, altitude and plant taxa. The resistance rate of fifteen plant taxa in marly areas is quite high even in the driest months. These plant taxa, possessing properties essential for soil protection, may be used for revegetation practices of marly areas exposed to soil erosion. This study’s findings will provide useful guidance for vegetation programs

    Comparison of the clinical efficacy and adverse effects of two hyaluronan preparations with different molecular weights and a methyl prednisolone acetate in knee osteoarthritis

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    Literatürde farklı molekül ağırlığına sahip hyaluronan preparatlarının birbiriyle, plaseboyla veya fizik tedavi modaliteleriyle değerlendirildikleri az sayıda çalışma vardır. Ancak farklı iki molekül ağırlığına sahip hyaluronan preparatı ile bir kortikosteroid preparatının etkinlikleri ve yan etkilerini değerlendiren bir çalışma yoktur. Biz bu çalışma ile diz osteoartritinde iki farklı molekül ağırlıklı hyaluronan preparatı ve metil prednisolon asetat preparatının etki ve yan etkilerini klinik olarak karşılaştırmayı amaçladık.Çalışmaya UÜ-SK Atatürk Rehabilitasyon Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi Kükürtlü Kaplıcaları polikliniğine başvurarak American College of Rheumatology (ACR) kriterlerine göre diz OA'i tanısı alan 69 hasta katıldı. Hastalar rastgele yöntemle üç gruba randomize edildiler. Grup I(n= 22) metilprednizolon Asetat (40 mg/ml), Grup II(n=24) hyaluronan preparatı( MA 500-730 kDA, Grup III(n=23) hyaluronan preparatı( MA 1 milyon kDa'dan büyük). Her üç grubada birer hafta ara ile üç kez intraartiküler enjeksiyon uygulandı. Çalışma prospektif ve tek kör olarak yürütüldü. Hastalar başlangıçta ve 6. ayda radyolojik evre, fonksiyonel evre, doktor ve hasta tatmini parametreleri ile, tedavi öncesi, tedavi sonrası, 2. ay ve 6. ayda günlük asetaminofen kullanımı, doktorun ve hastanın global osteoartrit değerlendirmesi, SF-36, Lequesne algofonksiyonel indeks ve Womac osteoartrit indeksi ile, ağrı ise her enjeksiyondan sonra, 2. ve 6. aylarda değerlendirildi. Enjeksiyonlardan sonra effüzyon varlığı, lokal ve sistemik yan etkiler kaydedildiTedavi öncesinde gruplar arasında fonksiyonel evre dışında farklılık yoktu. Grup içi karşılaştırmalarda radyolojik evre ve fonksyonel evre dışında SF36'nın bazı alt bölümlerinde ve diğer parametrelerde 6. aya kadar uzayan anlamlı düzelmeler saptandı. Gruplar arası karşılaştırmalarda ise hastanın ve doktorun tedavi öncesine göre 2. aydaki global osteoartrit değerlendirmesinde (p 1 million kDa). All three groups had three intraarticular injections at one-week intervals. The study was conducted with a prospective and single-blinded fashion. Patients were assessed at baseline and 6 months later for radiological stage, functional stage, patient and physician satisfaction parameters as well as before the treatment and at month 2 and 6 after treatment for daily acetaminophen intake, physicians and patients global assessment, SF-36, Lequesnes algofunctional index and Womac osteoarthritis index and pain was assessed following each injection at months 2 and 6. Any presence of effusion, local and systemic adverse events were recorded.There were no differences among groups at baseline except for the functional stage. Intra-group comparisons demonstrated significant improvements in 6th in some of the subsections of SF-36, excluding the radiological stage and functional stage, as well as in other parameters. In inter-group comparisons, significant differences were noted in patients and physicians ratings of global osteoarthritis at 2nd month relative to pre-treatment (p<0,05) and in post-treatment SF-36 social function (p<0,05) while no significant differences were observed in other parameters. In paired comparisons, improvements in physician and patient satisfaction and SF-36 social function were significantly lower in the group having the hyaluronan preparation with relatively higher molecular weight compared to the groups having hyaluronan preparation of higher molecular weight and the methyl prednisolone acetate preparation. No serious systemic adverse effects were noted except transient local adverse effects

    Habitat classification of eunıs (european nature ınformation system) and a case study of oriental beech (fagus orientalis lipsky) forests in western euxine province of Turkey

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    Biyolojik çeşitliliği koruma çalışmaları insanların barınma ve beslenme ihtiyaçlarına ve ekonomik gelişmelere genellikle zıt düşmektedir. Ancak var olan kaynaklardan verimli ve sürdürülebilir bir şekilde yararlanmayı sağlamak için her ülke kendi koşullarına göre, biyolojik çeşitliliğinin belirlenmesine yönelik çalışmalarını tamamlamalıdır. Bu amaçla AB ülkeleri kolay ve anlaşılır bir sınıflandırma sistemi olan Avrupa Doğa Bilgi Sistemi (EUNIS)’ni geliştirmişlerdir. Özellikle bitki örtüsünün hâkim olduğu karasal habitatların sınıflandırmasında, bitki sosyolojisi çalışmalarından faydalanılmıştır. Bu çalışma Türkiye’nin Öksin Alanındaki (Trakya hariç, güney Marmara, batı ve orta Karadeniz bölgesi) Doğu kayını ormanlarında yapılan fitososyolojik çalışmalardan yararlanılarak gerçekleştirilen örnek bir çalışmadır. Çalışma sonucunda Türkiye’nin Batı Öksin Alanındaki kayın ormanları EUNIS’e göre kodlanarak sınıflandırılmış ve Doğu Kayını’nın saf veya karışık ormanlarında 10 yeni habitat tipi önerilmiştir.Studies about conservation of biological diversity are often collided with nutritional and sheltering needs of people and economic developments. However, all countries must complete studies to determine their biological diversity according to their own conditions to ensure efficient and sustainable use of existent resources. For that purpose, EU countries have been developed an easy and understandable classification system which is called the European Nature Information System (EUNIS). On the classification of terrestrial habitats that are dominated by vegetation, plant sociological studies were used. In this case study, Oriental beech forests in Euxine province of Turkey (excluding Thrace, South of Marmara, Western and Central Black Sea region) have been coded according to EUNIS and also 10 new habitat types in the pure and mixed Oriental beech forests have been proposed by means of previous phytosociological studies

    İntertisyel (kornual) gebeliğin laparoskopik tedavisi, vaka sunumu

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    24 yaşında bekar bir bayan hastada görülen intertisyel (kornual) ektopik gebelik vakasının laparoskopik kornuostomi uygulanarak, başarılı bir şekilde tedavisi sunulmuştur. Tanı konulmasını takiben; önce metotreksat tedavisine alınan hastada, 2. metotreksat uygulaması sonrası gelişen kasık ağrısı şikayeti nedeniyle yapılan transvajinal ultrasonografide, intraabdominal kanama bulguları görülmüştür. Hemoglobin seviyesinin 12.8 gr/dl’den 11.8 gr/dl’ye düşmesi ve beta hCG düzeyinin 8,314 mIU/ml’den 11,541 mIU/ml’ye yükselmesi üzerine, hasta laparoskopiye alınmıştır. Bu makalede intertisyel gebeliklerde laparoskopik uygulamalar ve diğer tedavi seçenekleri (medikal tedavi ve laparotomi) irdelenmiştir.We report a successful laparoscopic management of an interstitial pregnancy of a 24- year-old single woman, treated by cornuostomy. The patient was first managed with methotrexate treatment. After the 2. methotrexate administration, the patient suffered from low abdominal pain, and intraabdominal bleeding signs were reported by transvaginal ultrasonograpy. The hemoglobin level was decreased from 12.8 gr/dl to 11.8 gr/dl and the beta hCG level was increased from 8,314 mIU/l to 11,541 mIU/l. The laparoscopic approach to interstitial pregnancy was presented and other management strategies such as medical treatment and laparotomy have been reviewed

    Intertisyel (kornual) gebeliğin laparoskopik tedavisi, vaka sunumu

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    İstanbul Bilim Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi.We report a successful laparoscopic management of an interstitial pregnancy of a 24- year-old single woman, treated by cornuostomy. The patient was first managed with methotrexate treatment. After the 2. methotrexate administration, the patient suffered from low abdominal pain, and intraabdominal bleeding signs were reported by transvaginal ultrasonograpy. The hemoglobin level was decreased from 12.8 gr/dl to 11.8 gr/dl and the beta hCG level was increased from 8,314 mIU/l to 11,541 mIU/l. The laparoscopic approach to interstitial pregnancy was presented and other management strategies such as medical treatment and laparotomy have been reviewed

    Antimicrobial activity of endemic Digitalis lamarckii Ivan from Turkey

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    218-221Antimicrobial activity of the methanolic extracts of leaves and flowers of D. lamarckii Ivan, (Scophulariaceae), an endemic plant species of Turkey, was tested on ten bacterial and four yeast strains. Effective antibacterial activity was observed in four bacterial strains. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) was calculated by use of liquid culture tests and in all the four effective bacterial strains, the MIC was found to be ≥199.5 mg/ml. The minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) of B. subtilis, S. aureus, and L. monocytogenes was calculated to be ≥199.5 mg/ml, and MBC value for Shigella was calculated as ≥399 mg/ml

    Hepatitis C virus genotypes in Adana and Antakya regions of Turkey*

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    Background/aim: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotype 1 was found to be dominant in Turkey. In this study, HCV genotypes were examined in the Adana and Antakya regions of Turkey. Materials and methods: The study consisted of 639 HCV-RNA–positive patients with chronic HCV infection in Adana (214 males and 101 females) and Antakya (139 males and 185 females) in Turkey. Real time-polymerase chain reaction was used for genotype determination. Results: In Antakya, it was determined that the percentages of genotypes of type 1a (0.31%), 1b (86.73%), 2 (9.26%), 3 (0.93%), and 4 (2.78%) were compatible with the nationwide results seen in Turkey. In Adana, the percentages of genotypes of type 1a (3.49%), 1b (55.24%), 2 (14.60%), 3 (26.03%), and 4 (0.63%) were found to be different. This difference was mainly due to the infection rates in males: genotype 1b was significantly lower (42.5% versus 82.2%, P &lt; 0.001) in men in Adana, but genotype 2 (17.8% versus 7.9%, P = 0.021) and genotype 3 (34.6% versus 7.9%, P &lt; 0.001) were significantly higher in men than in women in Adana. Conclusion: Rates of genotypes 2 and 3 were unexpectedly high in Adana compared to other parts of TurkeyBackground/aim: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotype 1 was found to be dominant in Turkey. In this study, HCV genotypes were examined in the Adana and Antakya regions of Turkey. Materials and methods: The study consisted of 639 HCV-RNA–positive patients with chronic HCV infection in Adana (214 males and 101 females) and Antakya (139 males and 185 females) in Turkey. Real time-polymerase chain reaction was used for genotype determination. Results: In Antakya, it was determined that the percentages of genotypes of type 1a (0.31%), 1b (86.73%), 2 (9.26%), 3 (0.93%), and 4 (2.78%) were compatible with the nationwide results seen in Turkey. In Adana, the percentages of genotypes of type 1a (3.49%), 1b (55.24%), 2 (14.60%), 3 (26.03%), and 4 (0.63%) were found to be different. This difference was mainly due to the infection rates in males: genotype 1b was significantly lower (42.5% versus 82.2%, P &lt; 0.001) in men in Adana, but genotype 2 (17.8% versus 7.9%, P = 0.021) and genotype 3 (34.6% versus 7.9%, P &lt; 0.001) were significantly higher in men than in women in Adana. Conclusion: Rates of genotypes 2 and 3 were unexpectedly high in Adana compared to other parts of Turke