7 research outputs found

    Klinik örneklerden izole edilen Malassezia furfur'un neden olduğu Pityriasis Versicolor'un (Tinea Versicolor) yaşa ve cinsiyete göre dağılımının tespiti

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    Çalışmamızda Pityriasis versicolor'a sebep olan predispozan faktörler incelenmeye çalışılmıştır. P. versicolor tüm dünyada yaygın olarak görülen, derinin yüzeysel bir mantar enfeksiyonudur. Derinin normal florasının saprofitik bir üyesi olan Malassezia furfur Gordon, hastalığın etkenidir. Hastalığın ortaya çıkmasında etken olan çeşitli çevresel ve kişisel faktörlerin oynadığı rolleri anlayabilmek için Kasım 2000 ile Haziran 2001 arasında, üç hastanenin dermatoloji kliniklerine başvuran hastalarla çalışılmıştır. 112 hastadan alınan bulgularla, yaş, cinsiyet, meslek, lezyon tipi ve rengi gibi çeşitli parametreler incelenmiştir. Buna göre erişkinlerde, çok terleyenlerde, beslenme yetersizliği ve baskılanmış bağışıklık görülenlerde, antibiyotik ve glikokortikoit kullananlarda daha çok görüldüğü tespit edilmiştir

    Comfort level in caregivers of palliative care patients and affecting factors: what should we know?

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    *Sayın Kasar, Kadriye ( Aksaray, Yazar ) *Bulut, Ülkü ( Aksaray, Yazar )Caregivers are an important source of support for patients in palliative care. Comfort is an important concept in nursing care for both patients and their families, and nurses aim to increase comfort. The aim of the study was to determine the comfort level and influencing factors in caregivers of palliative care patients. The research sample consisted of 102 caregivers related to palliative care patients. The data were obtained with an Individual Information Form, the Edmonton Symptom Assessment Scale (ESAS) and the End of Life Comfort Scale (Caregiver/Family). The study was conducted in the palliative care clinic of Aksaray University Training and Research Hospital between October 2018 and April 2019. There was a significant relationship between the total comfort score of the caregivers and the patient's performance status, the caregivers' age, their economic situation, the length of the caregiving period and receiving help in care (social support) (p < 0.05). Providing comfort is an important function and challenge for holistic nursing care, as comfort is a lifelong need in health and disease. Caregivers in the risk group should be aware of this issue and necessary precautions should be taken

    Investigation of Radiation Effects on Coffee Beans Using ESR Technique

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    In this study, radiation effects on coffee beans have been investigated by Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) technique. ESR spectra of natural and irradiated samples at different doses between 0.5 Gy and 11 kGy by 60Co gamma source were recorded with X-band ESR spectrometer and, radiation dose, ESR microwave power and cavity temperature dependency of paramagnetic centers were investigated. At the results of dose- response and kinetic studies it was determined that the paramagnetic centers in coffee beans are stable, and sensitive to radiation. Thus, it is shown that the irradiated beans can be used for detection as radiation dosimeter in the investigated dose range

    Novel copper(II)complexes of i p-tert-butylcalix[4]arene diamide derivatives synthesis antimicrobial and DNA cleavage activities

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    In this study, two new Cu(II) complexes of p-tert-butylcalix[4]arene amide derivatives (8, 9) have been synthesised and investigated their DNA cleavage and antimicrobial activities. On the basis of spectral studies, a smaller distortion of square planar geometry has been proposed for both of the copper(II) complexes. The DNA cleavage studies show that the ligands are not efficacious, whereas the complexes have high activity. Futhermore, in order to determine the site of DNA cleavage, the DNA interactions of these compounds were investigated with some restriction enzymes. In addition, all synthesised compounds were screened for antimicrobial activities against some bacteria and for antifungal activities against yeast strains. The results showed that ethyl ester and furfuryl amide derivatives of the calixarenes are more efficient than other compounds against tested bacteria. However, complexes have not been effective. In case of DNA interaction studies, compounds were very effective against plasmid DNA

    Determination of the irradiation effects on senna (Casia acutifolia) leaves by ESR technique and microbiological analysis

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    WOS:000491301000036In this study, the effects of irradiation on the Senna (Casia acutifolia) leaves exposed to gamma rays at various doses were investigated by means of Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) technique. Before irradiation a broad and asymmetric signal having g value of 2.0038 which was attributed to quinone radicals were observed. In the irradiated samples, a symmetric singlet signal with the g value of 2.0050 was detected and it was determined as radiation sensitive. According to isochronal annealing and fading studies it was shown that this signal was formed of short and long-lived two radicals. Because one of the components of the singlet signal in irradiated samples was quite stable at room temperature, so it was suggested to be used in irradiated food detection studies. It was revealed out by kinetic studies that the thermal responses of the singlet signals in natural and irradiated samples are different, thus it was emphasized that doing kinetic measurements for irradiated food detection was quite important, especially when the satellite signals could not be observed. Furthermore, by microbiological analysis, in order to investigate the effects of radiation on microorganisms in samples, microbial loads of irradiated samples at different doses were examined, and the lowest irradiation doses to inactive the microorganisms found in the natural sample were determined.Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit (BAP) at Selcuk University in Turkey [15401052]This work was financially supported by a project with the grant number [15401052] of Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit (BAP) at Selcuk University in Turkey

    Paramagnetic characterization and dosimetric properties of Airfix drug and its ingredients (Montelukast sodium, Sorbitol): An EPR and DFT study

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    WOS:000792904100001In this study, radiation effect on an asthma drug Airfix and its ingredients (Montelukast sodium, Sorbitol) were analyzed by using EPR spectroscopy in the dose range of 10 Gy–30 kGy. The dependence of radiation-induced radicals on irradiation dose, temperature and time was investigated in detail. It has been determined that the radical observed predominantly in the Airfix structure originates from Sorbitol, and the characteristic features of this alkyl-type radical have been clearly defined using both experimental EPR and theoretical DFT methods. Dosimetric properties were investigated for all samples and it was suggested that Airfix drug and Sorbitol could be used as an EPR dosimeter through this radical agent which was determined to be very stable and sensitive to radiation. Moreover, it has been emphasized that other drugs containing Sorbitol excipient can also be used for dosimetric purposes in the dose range studied and even irradiation doses can be detected in case of radiation sterilization