19 research outputs found

    A data mining application in animal breeding: Determination of some factors in Japanese quail eggs affecting fertility

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı, Japon bıldırcını yumurtalarının döllülük üzerine etkisi olan mevsim, seleksiyon ve yerleşim sıklığı faktörlerine göre veri madenciliği yöntemi ile sınıfandırılması ve bu faktörlerin etkisinin belirlenmesidir. Çalışmada seleksiyon yapılmış bir hattan ve rastgele çiftleştirilmiş bir kontrol hattından 3 farklı mevsimde (Yaz, Kış ve Sonbahar) elde edilen 180 dişi bıldırcın kullanılmıştır. İki farklı tip kafeste barındırılan (160-240 cm2/bıldırcın) bıldırcınlardan 12 haftalık yaşta bir hafta boyunca toplanan 1141 kuluçkalık yumurta çalışmanın materyalini oluşturmuştur. Araştırmada kullanılan sınıfandırma algoritmaları sırasıyla YSA, RBF Network, Naive Bayes, KStar, ve Ridor algoritmalarıdır. Söz konusu bu algoritmalara göre oluşturulan modellerin karşılaştırmasında Kappa istatistiği, Ortalama Mutlak Hata (OMH), Ortalama Hata Karekök (OHK), Göreli Mutlak Hata (GMH) ve Göreli Hata Karekök (GHK) performans kriterleri kullanılmıştır. Analizler sonucunda, yapılan karşılaştırmada performans kriter değerleri sırasıyla OMH: 0.002, OHK: 0.05, GMH: %1.07, GHK: %14.50 ve Kappa: 0.98 olan Ridor algoritmasına göre oluşturulan modelin en az hata ile sınıfandırma yaptığı görülmüştür. Yapılan bu çalışma ile %99.73 doğru sınıfandırma başarısı ile bıldırcın yumurtalarının genel olarak %85inin döllü, %15nin ise üreme kapasitelerinin düşük olduğu tespit edilmiştir.The purpose of this study, classification with data mining methods according to the factors of season, selection, and frequency of settlement which have an efect on fertility in Japanese quail eggs, and is to determine the efect of these factors. In this study, 180 female quails in three diferent seasons (summer, winter and autumn) which were obtained from a selection line and a control line were used. 1141 hatching eggs collected from quails which were hosted on two diferent types of cages (160-240 cm2/quail) during a week at 12 weeks of age have formed the material of study. Classification algorithms used in the study are YSA, RBF Network, Naive Bayes, KStar, and Ridor algorythms, respectively. In the comparison of the models formed according to these algorithms, Kappa statistic, Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD), Mean Square Root Error (MSE), Relative Absolute Error (RAE), Relative Square Root Error (RSE) performance criteria were used. As a result of analysis, it has been seen in the comparison made that the model formed according to Ridor algorithm that has MAD: 0.002, MSE: 0.05, RAE: 1.07%, RSE: 14.50% and Kappa: 0.98 performance criteria values, respectively, has made the classification with minimum error. With this study conducted, it was determined that 85% of the quail eggs fertile and 15% of them has low reproduction capacity with the accurate classification success of 99.73%

    Using of Hierarchical Loglinear Model in Multiway Frequency Tables and an Application on Suicide Cases

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    The aim of this study was to use Hierarchical Loglinear Model (HLLM) in the analysis of multiway frequency tables and to interpret the main and interaction effects of this model on suicide cases. The data set used in this study was taken from the Turkish Republic State Statistical Institute (TUIK). A total of 6479 cases in 2016 and 2018 years were used in this analysis and the analyzes were made by considering gender, year and age variables. As a result of HDLM analysis, Year, Gender and Age, which are the main effects in suicide cases, and the interactions of Year × Gender and Gender × Age were found significantly (

    An application of modified Logistic and Gompertz growth models in Japanese quail

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    Growth functions describe body weight changes over time, allowing information from longitudinal measurements to be combined into a few parameters with biological interpretation. The Gompertz and Logistic models, which have three parameters (A: asymptotic body weight, b: shape parameter,c: constant of average growth rate), have been used extensively in poultry species to describe the development of body weight. The first aim of this study was to gain new two parameters that are called hatching body weight (?) and maximum growth rate (?) these parameters which are important for animal breeding to the Logistic and Gompertz models respectively. Furthermore, the second aim of this study was to reveal similarities and differences of both models in growth data of Japanese quail by using various goodness of fit criteria and residual analysis.The growth data of 64 mixed sex Japanese quail consisted of individual live weights of 3-day intervals from hatching (day 0) to 42 days of age. The parameters ?, A and ? of the Gompertz and Logistic models were estimated as, 8.71, 242.10, 6.00 g and 14.71, 208.44, 6.50 g, respectively. As a result of the goodness of fit criteria and residuals analysis, the Gompertz model indicates a much better fit than the Logistic model to Japanese quail data set. According to the results, transformed Gompertz and Logistic models are not only more profitable for poultry species but also more useful for other livestock species such as goat, sheep and cattle. 2014

    Establishment of optimum regression models and determination of relationships between body measurements and slaughter traits in Japanese quails by path analysis

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    Path analysis was used to investigate direct, indirect and total effects of some morphological measurements on slaughter and carcass traits in Japanese quails. Bodyweight, shank length, shank diameter, breast circumference and body length measurements were taken from 219 Japanese quails. Bivariate correlations between carcass weight and morphological traits in quails ranged from 0.405 to 0.864. The direct effect of bodyweight on carcass weight was the strongest in the study and (path coefficient of 0.85) positively influenced carcass weight (P 0.05). These traits were indirectly realised mostly by shank diameter. Thus, they were dropped from the final regression equations to obtain much more simplified prediction models. The optimum multiple regression equation for Japanese quails included bodyweight, with coefficient of determination (R-2) of 0.7463. The correlation between characters was determined in more detail by using path analysis in this study. Thus, it was shown that path analysis could be used for selecting a variable. The forecast indices obtained in this study could aid in weight estimation, selection and breeding programs

    Hayvancılık alanında bir veri madenciliği uygulaması: Japon bıldırcını yumurtalarında döllülüğe etki eden bazı faktörlerin belirlenmesi]

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    The purpose of this study, classification with data mining methods according to the factors of season, selection, and frequency of settlement which have an effect on fertility in Japanese quail eggs, and is to determine the effect of these factors. In this study, 180 female quails in three different seasons (summer, winter and autumn) which were obtained from a selection line and a control line were used. 1141 hatching eggs collected from quails which were hosted on two different types of cages (160-240 cm(2)/quail) during a week at 12 weeks of age have formed the material of study. Classification algorithms used in the study are YSA, RBF Network, Naive Bayes, KStar, and Ridor algorythms, respectively. In the comparison of the models formed according to these algorithms, Kappa statistic, Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD), Mean Square Root Error (MSE), Relative Absolute Error (RAE), Relative Square Root Error (RSE) performance criteria were used. As a result of analysis, it has been seen in the comparison made that the model formed according to Ridor algorithm that has MAD: 0.002, MSE: 0.05, RAE: 1.07%, RSE: 14.50% and Kappa: 0.98 performance criteria values, respectively, has made the classification with minimum error. With this study conducted, it was determined that 85% of the quail eggs fertile and 15% of them has low reproduction capacity with the accurate classification success of 99.73%

    Sex Determination of Japanese Quails (Coturnix Coturnix Japonica) using with Zoometric Measurements

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    The difficulty of sex determination in most poultry species causes significant financial losses for poultry production as birds cannot be separated at early stages of growth for meat or egg production. Therefore it is important to determine bird’s sex with zoometric parameters. This study was carried out to determine the sex of Japanese quails with zoometric measurements, such as live weight, body length, chest depth and chest width. Eighty-eight male and female Japanese quail chicks were used individually for live weight, chest depth (mm), chest width (mm) and body length (mm) with using digital scaled balance and caliper for every week over a period of six weeks. The weekly collected data were applied to t test for estimating the sex discrimination. The Pearson’s correlation was applied for examining the interrelationship between sex and biometric traits. The results indicated that there was a significant positive correlation between live weight and body length beginning with the 2nd week. Therefore, zoometric measurement of these body traits is suitable for discriminating the sex of Japanese quails in early phase of life

    Meta Analiz İle Farklı Şeftali Türlerinin Meyve Sertliğine Etki Eden Faktörün Belirlenmesi

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı, Caterina, Suidring, Royal Glory ve Tirrenia şeftali türlerini sertliğinin belirlenmesinde etkili olan faktörün meta analizi ile belirlenmesi üzerinedir. Araştırmada, düşük kütleli bir yanal impaktörün şeftaliye çarptırılması tekniği kullanılmasıyla yapılan ölçümlerde, çarpma kuvveti (Fi) ve temas zamanı (tc) algılanmış ve eğri altında kalan alandan bağımsız değişken olarak ifade edilen impuls (I) değerleri hesaplanmıştır. Elastisite teorisi kullanılarak, bağımsız değişkenler, Fmax (maksimum çarpma kuvveti), temas zamanı (tmax), Fmax/tmax, 1/tmax, 1/tmax 2,5, Fmax/tmax 1,25 ile Fmax 2,5parametreleri olarak belirlenmiştir. Bu parametreler ile bağımlı değişken MagnessTaylor kuvveti (M-T) arasındaki ilişkiyi gösteren korelasyon katsayı değerleri hesaplanarak meta analiz ile Hunter- Schmid ve Fisher’s Z Yöntemi kullanılarak birleştirilmiştir. Ortaya çıkan ortalama etki büyüklüğü (birleştirilmiş korelasyon katsayı değeri) ve yönünün değerlendirilmesinde ise Cohen’nin sınıflandırılma ölçütü kullanılmıştır. Meta analiz sonucunda, Hunter-Schmid yöntemine göre ortalama etki büyüklüğü %95 güven aralığında pozitif yönlü 0,436 (0,371-0,497) olarak bulunurken, Fisher’s Z yöntemine göre etki büyüklüğü 0,468 (0,390-0,545) olarak bulunmuştur. Etki büyüklükleri her iki yöntemde de Cohen’nin sınıflandırılmasına göre “orta düzeyde” olduğu belirlenmiştir. Çalışmaların anlamlılık düzeyi Z testi ile incelendiğinde de meta analize alınan çalışmaların hepsi de istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulunmuştur. Şeftali türlerinin meyve sertliği ile olan ilişkisinin değerlendirildiği bu çalışmada meta analiz sonucunda ortalama etki büyüklüğünün “güçlü seviyeye” ulaştığı tespit edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak, her iki yöntemde de uygulanan meta analiz sonuçlarına göre meyve sertliğini belirlemede, etkisi diğer faktörlere nazaran daha güçlü olan faktör “maksimum çarpma ivmesi” olarak saptanmıştır.The aim of this study is to determine the factor effective in determining the hardness of Caterina, Suidring, Royal Glory and Tirrenia peach types using meta analysis. In the study, the impact force (Fi) and the contact time (tc) were detected and the impulse values (I) that are expressed as independent variable in the area under the curve were calculated in the measurements performed using the technique of a low-mass lateral impactor multiplicated with peach. Using the theory of elasticity, the independent variables were determined as Fmax (maximum impact force), contact time (tmax), Fmax/tmax, 1/tmax, 1/tmax 2,5, Fmax/tmax 1.25 and Fmax 2.5 parameters. The correlation coefficient values showing the relationship between these parameters and the dependent variable Magness-Taylor force (MT) were calculated and were combined with meta-analysis by using the Hunter-Schmid and Fisher’s Z methods. The Cohen’s classification criterion was used in evaluating the resulting mean effect size (combined correlation value) and in determining its direction. As a result of the metaanalysis, the mean effect size according to Hunter-Schmid method was found 0.436 (0.371-0.497) positively directed in 95% confidence interval, while it was found 0.468 (0.390-0.545) according to Fisher’s Z method. The effect sizes in both methods were determined “mid-level” according to the Cohen’s classification. When the significance level of the studies was analyzed with the Z test, all of the ones that taken into the meta analysis has been found statistically significant. As a result of the meta analysis in this study evaluating the relationship of peach types with the fruit hardness, the mean effect size has been found to reach “strong level”. Consequently, “maximum shock acceleration” was found to be a more effective factor comparing to the other factors in determining the the fruit hardness according to the results of meta analysis applied in both methods