416 research outputs found

    A method for security breach detection through file access monitoring and pattern recognition

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    In the enterprise context a common requirement is to protect confidential information, such as sensitive customer data, internal corporate data, or research findings, not only against external, but also internal unauthorized access. The rapidly changing technology environment has seriously affected the computer security of organizations and governments around the world. According to the 2013 Data Breach Investigations Report from Verizon, more than 47,000 reported security incidents, 621 confirmed data breaches, and 44 million compromised records have been analyzed in 2012. Security breaches cause enormous damage and cost organizations billions of dollars annually. Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) or Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS) are typical protection mechanisms that monitor security breaches. Nevertheless, these systems suffer from several major drawbacks, such as increased configuration complexity, high cost, high maintenance, high number of false alarms, and requiring a security administrator that can react with countermeasures to a security breach. In this context, the goal of this thesis is to develop a novel Breach Detection System (BDS) able to overcome the disadvantages of current IDSs or IPSs. In order to detect and analyze security breaches at the operating system level, with a special focus on file operations, a BDS will be conceptualized and implemented. The aim of this BDS is to enable Security Breach Detection through File Access Monitoring and Pattern Recognition. For this purpose, a sensor is used to gather information about the system behavior while the system is running in a controlled state. Additional, a pattern recognition engine derives patterns from file access events. These patterns are used to monitor a process that accesses a certain file, and to determine the legitimacy of the file operations. It can also be used to suggest a possible access permission to an administrator

    Devaluation as a balance of payments corrective measure in Turkey

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    Ankara : The Department of Management and Graduate School of Business Administration of Bilkent Univ. , 1990.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 1990.Includes bibliographical references leaves 44-45.The main purpose of this study is to examine emiprically whether or not devaluation could be relied upon as a means fo r correcting the balance of payments deficits in Turkey. The time period is the years between 1968-1984. In this study, an international trade model for Turkey is established to find out price and income elasticities of import and export demands. Restricted form of Marshal 1-Lerner condition (Harberger condition) is applied to see the effectiveness of devaluation. Import and export demands functions are estimated by both Ordinary Least Square and Two Stage Least Square methods to see how Turkey's case fits into the methodological controversy. Another issue considered is the choice between static and dynamic formulations of the export and import functions. It is found that import demand of Turkey is income elastic but price inelastic, whereas export demand for Turkey is elastic both w ith respect to the relative prices and income. Devaluation con be used as an effective tool in correcting the balance of payments in Turkey according to the study’s findings.Öztürk, ZeynepM.S

    The usability of voluntary carbon markets as a financial instrument in Turkish forestry sector

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    There have been many international studies and cooperations to avoid global warming and climate change as being global disasters. As a result of these studies, to avoid these problems, bilateral, regional and multilateral cooperations, legal instruments, incentive mechanisms and international funds are developed. One of these instruments is global carbon market as a cost-effective method to combat climate change. Thanks to carbon markets, projects in renewable energy, energy efficiency, waste management and forestry sectors aiming to reduce greenhouse gas emissions can be developed at. As forests are the most important terrestrial carbon sinks and deforestation and forest degradation are the third-largest source of carbon emissions, forestry sector is one of the crucial sectors in this process. In this context, Turkish forestry sector should benefit from international markets for protection, improvement and sustainable management of forest resources. Currently, Turkish forestry sector has not taken any financial support from these markets. In this study, it is aimed to determine and evaluate opportunities provided by voluntary carbon markets for Turkish forestry sector financing

    Tobin Tax: Reducing the negative effects of capital controls and short-term capital movements

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    The phenomenon liberalization, with the influence of the Bretton Woods system that collapsed subsequent to the Oil Shock in 1970, first began with the efforts to discover markets to value the investments of these countries in the developed countries. In order to provide the desired capital figures, in the 1980s the developed countries, squeezed under the debt load together with insufficient capital accumulation and low saving rates, needed the foreign resources and, at this point, the liberalization process of capital gained importance. Realizing the growth and developmental targets of countries' economies, their integration in the liberalization gained great importance. The developing countries' integration in the system without the necessary arrangement in their financial structures had an effect in terms of disturbing the stability of the economies, particularly in short-term capital inflows. As much as the problem created by the speculative capital inflow, the immediate outflow of this capital, disturbing the balance of economies, also caused crisis. To minimize the negative influence of short-term capital, capital controls are emphasized. Just as these controls can have various application ways, the most emphasized and discussed application was Tobin tax. Even though there are various disagreements in terms of whether or not Tobin tax affected the capital inflows, the examples of Malaysia and Chile represent successful results. In the first section of this study, the development of the liberalization process will be examined. In the second section, the effects created by the capital movements, and particularly short-term capital movements, on the countries' economies will be emphasized. In the third section, the capital controls and Tobin tax, suggested for reducing the negative effects of the short-term capital movements will be considered and the applicability and limitations of Tobin tax will be examined

    Sustainable ecotourism management in protected areas

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    In recent years, there is an increase in social and environmental awareness. As a result of this, tourists prefer tourism types which do not affect cultural and natural resources negatively. Thus, sustainable tourism and ecotourism activities in protected areas such as National Park and Natural Park have gained importance. Within this period, tourists and local community in these areas are most important stakeholders. There is no consensus about evaluation of sustainability, but overall approach is that sustainability can be defined with criteria ad indicators. In this study it is aimed to evaluate possible criteria and indicators for sustainable ecotourism in protected areas within the context of Turkish forestry

    Tobin Tax - reducing the negative effects of capital controls and short-term capital movements

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    The phenomenon liberalization, with the influence of the Bretton Woods system that collapsed subsequent to the Oil Shock in 1970, first began with the efforts to discover markets to value the investments of these countries in the developed countries. In order to provide the desired capital figures, in the 1980s the developed countries, squeezed under the debt load together with insufficient capital accumulation and low saving rates, needed the foreign resources and, at this point, the liberalization process of capital gained importance. Realizing the growth and developmental targets of countries’ economies, their integration in the liberalization gained great importance. The developing countries’ integration in the system without the necessary arrangement in their financial structures had an effect in terms of disturbing the stability of the economies, particularly in short-term capital inflows. As much as the problem created by the speculative capital inflow, the immediate outflow of this capital, disturbing the balance of economies, also caused crisis. To minimize the negative influence of short-term capital, capital controls are emphasized. Just as these controls can have various application ways, the most emphasized and discussed application was Tobin tax. Even though there are various disagreements in terms of whether or not Tobin tax affected the capital inflows, the examples of Malaysia and Chile represent successful results. In the first section of this study, the development of the liberalization process will be examined. In the second section, the effects created by the capital movements, and particularly short-term capital movements, on the countries’ economies will be emphasized. In the third section, the capital controls and Tobin tax, suggested for reducing the negative effects of the short-term capital movements will be considered and the applicability and limitations of Tobin tax will be examined

    Kliniksel Denetim Modelinin Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesinde Uygulanabilirliği İle İlgili Yönetici ve Öğretmen Görüşleri

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    Klasik denetim yaklaşımları ve oluşturdukları imaj, denetime karşı olumsuz bir bakış açısı geliştirmiş olmakla beraber, denetim, yalnızca olanı ortaya koymaya çalışmaktan öteye geçememiştir. Günümüzde artık yeni denetim yaklaşımlarına ihtiyaç duyulduğu açıktır. Bu yaklaşımlar öğretmenin denetime olan bakış açısını değiştiren, kendisini mesleki anlamda geliştiren, öğretmen-denetmen işbirliğini doğuran etkili uygulamalar olmalıdır. Bu araştırmada, Çağdaş Denetim Yaklaşımlarından biri olan Kliniksel Denetimin, Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi’nde uygulanabilirliği ve öğretmenlerin bu yaklaşımın aşamaları ve alt boyutlarına bakış açıları, bir nitel araştırma türü olan durum çalışması ile ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır. Bu kapsamda 8 öğretmen ile görüşülmüş ve Kliniksel Denetim Yaklaşımının alt temalarını yansıtan sorular yöneltilmiştir. Verilen cevaplar doğrultusunda katılımcıların yalnızca 4’ünün Kliniksel Denetim’in bütün aşamalarına olumlu baktığı, diğer 4 öğretmenin ise kısmen olumlu bulduğu görülmüştür. Sonuç olarak bu yöntemin kullanılmasının olumlu sonuç vermeyeceği kanısına varılmıştır. Ayrıca öğretmenlerin bu denetim yaklaşımlarıyla ilgili eğitim almalarının, bakış açılarını değiştireceği düşünülmektedir

    An Integrative Perspective on Understanding Human Functioning: Positive Clinical Psychology

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    The number of studies conducted with a holistic perspective as an alternative to the traditional clinical psychology approach has increased. It is noteworthy that studies examine the effects of positive concepts on human health in addition to discomfort. In this study, it was aimed to examine four concepts that are frequently researched in positive psychology, namely well-being, psychological resilience, hope and coping in an integrative context. Also, it was aimed to give information about the positive clinical psychology approach and the studies which investigate these four positive concepts. Studies were searched through PsycARTICLE, EBSCO and Pubmed electronic databases. Totally 208 studies were reached and 26 articles were included in this review article. As a result, the effective results in treatment of psychological disorders and increase of well-being of an individual with positive psychology interventions suggest that it is important to expand the positive perspective in clinical psychology. It is thought that it may be clinically important that the presence/increase of positive concepts as well as the absence/decrease of psychopathologies should be one of the treatment targets of mental health specialists. It is hoped that adopting an integrative perspective in future studies will enrich empirical research in the field of psychotherapy

    Two Dimensional Materials for Military Applications

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    This paper particularly focuses on 2D materials and their utilization in military applications. 2D and heterostructured 2D materials have great potential for military applications in developing energy storage devices, sensors, electronic devices, and weapon systems. Advanced 2D material-based sensors and detectors provide high awareness and significant opportunities to attain correct data required for planning, optimization, and decision-making, which are the main factors in the command and control processes in the military operations. High capacity sensors and detectors or energy storage can be developed not only by using 2D materials such as graphene, hexagonal boron nitride (hBN), MoS2, MoSe2, MXenes; but also by combining 2D materials to obtain heterostructures. Phototransistors, flexible thin-film transistors, IR detectors, electrodes for batteries, organic photovoltaic cells, and organic light-emitting diodes have been being developed from the 2D materials for devices that are used in weapon systems, chemical-biological warfare sensors, and detection systems. Therefore, the utilization of 2D materials is the key factor and the future of advanced sensors, weapon systems, and energy storage devices for military applications