229 research outputs found

    İstanbul boğazı-mavi kuşak hareketi projesi’nin etkililiğinin belirlenmesi

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    The purpose of this study is to improve students' knowledge and awareness regarding the scale of pollution that has engulfed the Istanbul Strait as well as the general threats faced by the ecosystem. Towards this end, 2310 1-12 grade students were sampled from schools in Istanbul to serve as study participants. To collect the research data, two different instruments namely Personal Information Questionnaire and Information Tests developed by the researchers were used. When the data collected with the questionnaire was examined, it was observed that students' knowledge concerning marine pollution generally came from their teachers and the Internet. Students who took most information from the Internet were those in the high school. The least source of information to students however was civil society organizations. With respect to the courses at school, the students reported taking most information regarding pollution of the sea from their science and social studies' textbooks. When it comes to the results obtained using the tests administered, it was observed that the average scores for posttest were higher than the average scores for pretest across all the levels. In order to examine whether or not the difference between the posttest average scores and the pretest average scores is significant, a t-test analysis was performed; and the results revealed that across all the levels, the differences observed between the average scores for posttest and pretest are significant. These findings and results provide concrete supports for the success of the educational training implemented in the study.Bu çalışmanın amacı öğrencilerin İstanbul Boğazı’ndaki deniz kirliliğine ve ekosistemin karşılaştığı tehditlere yönelik bilgi ve farkındalık düzeylerini geliştirmektir. Çalışma İstanbul ilindeki 1-12. sınıf düzeyinde öğrenim gören 2310 öğrenci üzerinde yürütülmüştür. Çalışmanın verileri araştırmacılar tarafından geliştirilen kişisel bilgi anketi ve bilgi testleriyle toplanmıştır. Anketten elde edilen bulgular incelendiğinde, öğrenciler deniz kirliliğiyle ilgili çoğunlukla öğretmenlerinden ve internetten bilgi aldıklarını belirtmişlerdir. İnternetten bilgi alma oranı en yüksek olan grup lise öğrencilerdir. Öğrencilerin en az bilgi edindikleri kaynak ise sivil toplum kuruluşlarıdır. Öğrenciler denizlerin kirlenmesiyle ilgili daha çok fen ve sosyal bilgiler derslerine ait kitaplardan bilgi aldıklarını ifade etmişlerdir. Bilgi testi sonuçlarına göre tüm gruplarda son test puan ortalamaları ön test puan ortalamalarından yüksek bulunmuştur. Ön test ve son test puan ortalamaları arasındaki farkın manidarlığını test etmek amacıyla yapılan ilişkili örneklemler için t-testi sonucunda; her bir sınıf düzeyi için ön test ve son test puanlar arasında manidar bir farklılık olduğu görülmüştür. Elde edilen bulgular ve sonuçlar, yürütülen eğitimin başarısını destekler niteliktedi

    The role of the state in the development of the indian automobile industry

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    Küreselleşmeyle birlikte üretim faaliyetleri kaynak ve karlılık açısından dünya genelinde yeniden dağılım göstermiş ve bazı bölgeler çeşitli endüstriler açısından cazibe merkezi haline gelmiştir. Hindistan'ın bu yeni düzende payına düşen sektörlerden biri de otomobil sektörü olmuştur. Nitekim Hindistan otomobil endüstrisi son on beş yılda büyük bir büyüme göstermiştir. Halihazırda ülke, otomobil üretiminde dünya dördüncüsü, ticari araç üretiminde ise dünya yedincisidir. Otomotiv sektörü Hindistan'ın ekonomik büyümesinin önemli belirleyicilerinden biridir. Otomotiv endüstrisinin ekonomide geriye ve ileriye doğru ve imalat sanayi ile bağlantıları kuvvetlidir. Dolayısıyla bu sektör ekonomik büyüme açısından büyük bir çarpan etkisi yaratmaktadır. Hindistan, ülke dinamiklerini ve dünyadaki talep yapısını dikkate alarak küçük, yakıt tasarrufu sağlayan, düşük fiyatlı otomobiller üretmeyi planlamaktadır ve halihazırda küresel otomobil üretim ağında önemli bir kompakt otomobil üreticisi olarak ortaya çıkmaktadır. Hindistan'ın önemli bir otomotiv üretim merkezi olmasının temel sebepleri arasında devletin otomobil endüstrisine yönelik uyguladığı politikalar, emek başta olmak üzere ucuz üretim faktörlerinin olması, bazı tarihsel ve coğrafi nedenler,nüfus artışı ve ekonomik büyümeye bağlı olarak otomobile olan artan iç talep yer almaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı Hindistan otomotiv sektörünü incelemek ve otomotiv endüstrisinde yaşanan gelişmelerde devlet politikalarının önemini tespit etmektir.Çalışmada milli otomotiv endüstrisi içinde binek araçların konumu incelenecektir, ticari araçlar kapsam dışıdır.Globalization has led production activities to be redistributed around the world in terms of resources and profitability, and some regions have become a center of attraction for various industries. In this new structuring, one of the sectors that falls to India’s share is the automobile sector. In fact, the Indian automobile industry has grown tremendously over the past fifteen years. Currently, the country is the biggest in the world in automobile production and the seventh in commercial vehicle production. The automotive industry is one of the key determinants of India's economic growth. The automotive industry has strong links in the economy with the backward and forward manufacturing industry. Therefore, this sector creates a great multiplier effect in terms of economic growth. India plans to produce small, fuel- saving, low-priced cars, taking into account the dynamics of the country and the demand structure in the world, and is currently emerging as an important compact car manufacturer in the global car production network. The government's policies towards the automobile industry, having cheap production factors - especially labor-some historical and geographical reasons, increased domestic demand for cars due to population growth and economic growth are important in turning India into an important automotive production center. The aim of this study is to examine the Indian automotive sector and to determine the importance of state policies in the developments in the automotive industry by analyzing national documents and official statistics on the sector. In the study, the position of passenger cars in the national automotive industry will be examined, commercial vehicles are excluded

    Rare earth element-bearing fluorite deposits of Turkey: An overview

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    Rare Earth Element (REE)-bearing fluorite deposits in Turkey occur in association with Cenozoic post-collisional alkaline-carbonatite systems and can be divided into three groups: (1) carbonatite-associated; (2) those associated with subalkaline to alkaline magmatic rocks of Cretaceous to Cenozoic age; and (3) those in sedimentary successions, typically in areas dominated by limestone. Some of these deposits show significant enrichment in the REE, especially the Kızılcaören deposit which has average REE grades of almost 30,000 ppm; others have very low REE contents but have potential fluorite resources. The homogenization temperature and salinity values of fluid inclusions in these deposits vary between 600 °C and 150 °C, and 10–65 wt% NaCl eq., respectively. The carbonatite-associated deposits have the highest bulk REE contents and are LREE-enriched. As a general feature, the REE contents of the fluorite deposits decrease with decreasing homogenization temperatures and salinity of the fluorite fluid inclusions. Fluorite ore chemistry indicates that a plot of Nb + Ta versus total REE differentiates the carbonatite- hosted from the alkali intrusive- hosted and carbonate- hosted deposits. Beyond the cooling and/or dilution of the fluids, REE and fluorite deposition was driven by changes in pH, instead of change in Eh, according to our geostatistical treatment. The chondrite-normalized rare earth element patterns of each group of deposits show some similar features, indicating that the REE in the fluorite are independent of their host lithology, but reflect the magmatic systems from which they were derived. Overall, the F-REE deposits of the Anatolides-Taurides in Turkey are considered to be largely related to the post-collisional magmatic systems, but with variable contributions of fluids from other sources

    Pollution profile and waste minimization study for a corn processing industry

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    Bu çalışmada Marmara Bölgesi’nde faaliyet gösteren büyük bir mısır işleme endüstrisi için kirlenme profili oluşturularak, çeşitli atık azaltım önerileri getirilmiştir. Bu amaçla söz konusu tesiste oluşan atıksu kaynak ve miktarları ile atıksu dışındaki atıkların tür, miktar ve özellikleri incelenmiştir. Tesiste üretim sürekli olup, ıslak öğütme ve rafineri olmak üzere iki temel proses mevcuttur. Tesisin üretim kademesindeki her bir işlem esnasında oluşan kirlilik konsantrasyonu belirlenerek kirlilik profili oluşturulmuştur. Endüstrinin biyolojik ve kimyasal kısımdan oluşan üç kademeli ileri atıksu arıtma tesisinin verimi ile deşarj suyunun kalitesi incelenerek ulusal ve uluslararası deşarj standartlarıyla kıyaslanmıştır. Kirlenme profilinin oluşturulmasında 2004-2005 dönemine ait bir yıllık kompozit numune bazlı analiz sonuçları dikkate alınmıştır. Kirlenme profili için KOİ yükü, deşarj suyunun değerlendirilmesinde ise KOİ, amonyak, nitrat, toplam fosfor ve askıda katı madde parametreleri incelenmiştir. Tesis için oluşturulan kirlenme profili incelendiğinde birim ürün başına oluşan atıksu miktarının rafineri prosesinde literatürle uyumlu olduğu; ıslak öğütme prosesinde ise literatür değerinin üstünde olduğu görülmüştür. Birim ürün başına KOİ yükleri incelendiğinde ise tesis değerlerinin literatür değerinin altında kaldığı görülmüştür. Atıksu oluşumu ve kirlilik açısından en önemli payı ıslak öğütme prosesinde yer alan evaporatör kondanse suyu oluşturmaktadır. İşletmenin arıtma tesisi performansına bakıldığında ise çıkış suyu değerlerinin ilgili ulusal ve uluslar arası yönetmelik limitlerini rahatlıkla sağladığı görülmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Atık azaltımı, ileri atıksu arıtımı, kirlenme profili, mısır işleme endüstrisi.Products such as starch, gluten, glucose, dextrin, fructose etc. can be obtained from corn processing. Corn based glucose products are key ingredients in the growing international markets. As the intermediate products, the vegetable oil is bought by catering factories, protein and whole-wheat are bought by the farmers for animal feed, and fructose obtained from the starch is bought by food processing industries for sweetening and beverage. Effluent from corn milling industry is known as high strength wastewater due to its high protein and starch content. Wastewater from corn wet mill industries has high COD?s (chemical oxygen demand) mainly of soluble and biodegradable character, with an initial inert COD content of less than 15%. This character has promoted the application of biological processes as appropriate treatment technology. Anaerobic and/or aerobic biological treatment systems have been used to treat these types of effluents. In this paper, a pollution profile study for a corn processing industry located in Marmara Region as 21 ha was performed and some waste minimization approaches were proposed. For this purpose, the sources and the quantities of wastewater and other types of wastes generated in the industry were investigated. Around 264000 tons of corn are processed and 997000 tons of water are used annually in the investigated industry. The mean specific water usage can be calculated as  about 3.8 m3/t-corn including regeneration and washing waters. The studied industry has a three-stage advanced wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) including anaerobic expanded granular sludge bed reactor (EGSB), intermittently aerated single sludge activated sludge system for biological nitrogen (N) removal and chemical post treatment unit for phosphorus (P) removal. Simultaneous C and N removal is achieved by the aerobic treatment stage. Chemical P removal has been performed by using FeCl3 as the coagulant in the third stage. The final effluents from the WWTP are discharging to a nearby creek. The related corn processing plant has two main production steps including wet mill and starch slurry production. In the wet mill process, corn germ, fiber, gluten and starch slurry are produced from corn by steeping. The starch slurry is further processed to produce glucose, fructose and dextrin in the starch slurry derivatives units. Efficiency of the existing three stage advanced wastewater treatment plant and the quality of effluents from the WWTP were investigated and compared with national and international discharge standards. One year data set (2004-2005) was considered to generate the pollution profile. All analytical measurements have been carried out by APHA standard methods at the wastewater laboratory of the industry. Control analyses have also been performed by Environmental Engineering Department of Istanbul Technical University on monthly basis. COD parameter for the pollution profile and parameters including COD, ammonium, nitrate, total phosphorus, suspended solids and pH were considered for the evaluation of effluents from the WWTP. The identified three wastewater sources from the wet mill process and seven wastewater sources from refinery process were characterized and the pollution profile was generated. The pollution profile have shown that the amount of wastewater generated per ton of raw material in the refinery process is consistent with the related literature, however in wet milling process the corresponding value is above the literature figure. The COD loading values are also in agreement with the previous works. According to pollution profile, wastewater generation and pollutant loads as COD are mainly originated from evaporator vapor condensate. The efforts should be on the way to minimize the pollution loading and wastewater generation of this process. Some advices were given for this purpose in the study. For example, recycled cooling water from evaporator may be treated by mechanically instead chemical treatment to reduce energy and water consumptions in the plant. The quality of the final effluent meets the discharge limits of Aquatic Products and Water Pollution Control Regulations of Turkey and European Union (EU) Urban Wastewater Directive for Sensitive Regions. The whole WWTP has been operated very successfully and it is one of the best plants in this sector. The biosolids from the WWTP is planning to produce compost by mixing the residual corn wastes by applying windrow composting. Keywords: Advanced wastewater treatment, corn processing industry, pollution profile, waste minimization

    Gebelikte Akut Karın Nedeni Olarak Miyom Torsiyonu

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    Gebelikte akut karın tablosu, anatominin ve fi zyolojinin değişmesi nedeniyle, tanı ve tedavi basamaklarında klinik zorluk yaratmaktadır. Belirtiler değişmekte veya silikleşmekte, laboratuar incelemelerin sonucu gebelikteki fi zyolojik yanıtlarla karışabilmektedir. Karın ağrısı, obstetrik nedenlerle olabileceği kadar karın içi ve pelvis içi organlar nedeniyle de gelişebilmektedir. Leiomiyomlar geç üreme dönenimde sık rastlanan benin jinekolojik tümörlerdir. Çoğunlukla belirti vermezler. Miyom dejenerasyonu, saplı miyomun torsiyone olması veya kitle etkisine bağlı uterusun torsiyonuna yol açarak gebelikte ağrıya yol açabilir. Gebelikte akut karın tanısı ile cerrahi uygulanan torsiyone miyom olgusu tartışılmıştır. G1 P0 31 yaşında hasta, yirmi birinci gebelik haftasında karın ağrısı ile başvurdu. Fizik muayenede batın sağ kadranda defans ve rebaund mevcuttu. Ultrasonografi de ve Doppler incelemede her iki over normal olarak değerlendirildi. Akut appendisit ön tanısı ile eksploratif laparotomi uygulandı. İntraoperatif gözlemde uterus sağ lateral yüzde ince pediküllü subserozal miyomun torsiyone olduğu tespit edildi. Miyomektomi uygulandı. Gebelik normal seyrinde takip edildi

    What is the role of primary hip hemiarthroplasty over 70 years of age?

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    AMAÇ: Yetmiş yaş üzeri anstabil intertrokanterik femur kırıklarda (IFK) hemiartroplasti uyguladığımız olguları morbidite açısından değerlendirdik. Günümüzdeki hemiartroplastinin yerini tartışmayı amaçladık. GEREÇ veYÖNTEMLER: Kliniğimizde 1995-2006 yılları arasında hemiartroplasti yöntemi ile tedevi edilen intertrokanterik femur kırıklı hastaların 75'i çalışmaya dahil edildi. Ortalama takip süreleri 44 (20-82) ay idi. Hastaların 43'ü kadın,32'si erkekti. 45 hastanın sağ, 30 hastanın sol kalçası etkilenmişti. Olguların hepsi Harris kalça skorlamasına göre değerlendirildi. BULGULAR: Harris kalça skorlama sistemine göre dört hastada mükemmel sonuç, 54 hastada iyi sonuç, dokuz hastada orta, sekiz hastada kötü sonuç saptandı.Yetmiş yaş üzeri anstabil IFK'larında uygulanan hemiartroplasti olgularının %78'inde iyi-mükemmel sonuca ulaşılmış olduğu saptandı SONUÇ: Ameliyat süresinin çok kısa olması, skopi gibi teknik donanıma sahip olma şartının olmaması ve erken tam yük verebilme gibi avantajları olan hemiartroplasti yönteminin yaşlı IFK olgularında halen geçerliliğini ve etkinliğini koruyan bir yöntem olduğu sonucuna vardık.OBJECTIVE: We assessed importance of primary hip hemiarthroplasty in treatment algorithm. And we have evaluated patients treated with primary hip hemiarthroplasty for unstable intertrochanteric hip fractures according to morbidity rates. MATERIAL and METHODS: In our clinic between 1995 and 2006; we selected 75 patients treated with primary hip hemiarthroplasty for intertrochanteric femur fracture (IFF). Mean follow-up was 44 months (20-82). Genders of patients were female 43% and male 32%. Numbers of affected hips were 45 right and 30 left. Patients were evaluated with Harris Hip Score. RESULTS: Harris Hip Score of patients; Excellent 4, Good 54, Fair 9 and Poor 8 results were obtained. Seventyeight percent excellent to good results obtained primary hip hemiarthroplasty for unstable intertrochanteric femur fracture patients over 70 years of age. CONCLUSION: There are advantages of primary hip hemiarthroplasty over osteosynthesis for patient's population over 70 years of age such as; short surgery time, no radiation exposure and immediate weight bearing. Primary hip hemiarthroplasty can be an alternative treatment for unstable intertrochanteric fractures in elderly patients so as to achieve earlier mobilization. It is also current and effective treatment option for most elderly

    Post-traumatic stress disorder after terrorist attack in healthcare professionals

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    INTRODUCTION: On the date of 15 July 2016 a terrorist organization launched a terrorist attack using helicopters and heavy combat weapons in the city centers of Istanbul and Ankara simultaneously. Numerous civilian were hurt and many of them lost their lives during the attacks. Terrorism is a form of combat designed to cause the highest psychological influence on the masses. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is one of the most common psychological disorders after such disasters. The aim of this study is to determine the associated risk factors and PTSD rates in healthcare professionals who were on call during the 15 July 2016 terrorist attacks. METHOD: Since the hospital is in a neighbouring the street to where terror attacks occurred, all healthcare professionals ≥ 18 years of age who were on duty that night in the Dr. Ridvan Ege Training and Research Hospital and were auditory or visual witnesses of the event were included in the study as the first group while healthcare professionals who work in the same hospital but were not on duty that night were included as the control group. RESULTS: The mean post-traumatic diagnostic scale stress score of the control group was 11.87. The mean post-traumatic diagnostic scale stress score of the Group 1 was 21.91. There was a significant difference between the groups in terms of posttraumatic diagnostic scale stress score (p < 0.05). While the healthcare professionals on duty on July 15, 2016 (Group 1) had moderate-severe (21.91 ± 5.11) stress disorder, the healthcare professionals who were not at the hospital on July 15, 2016 (Control Group) had moderate stress disorder (11.87 ± 6.86). CONCLUSION: Our country is at risk from the fact that such attacks may be experienced again because of its unique conditions. The results of our work support the data on the high level of exposure to PTSD when exposed to a terrorist attack. For this reason, the identification of the characteristics of pre-traumatic health individuals at risk is useful in planning the presentation of preventive and curative health services. At the same time, there is a need for longer-term work and wider samples to reveal the psychological consequences of such attacks