36 research outputs found

    The Role of Hippocampus in the Pathophysiology of Depression

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    Hippocampus, as a part of the limbic cortex, has a variety of functions ranging from mating behavior to memory besides its role in the regulation of emotions. The hippocampus has reciprocal interactions of with other brain regions which act in the pathophysiology of major depressive disorder (MDD). Moreover, since the hippocampus is a scene for the neurogenesis, which can be seen as a response to antidepressant treatment, the hippocampus became a focus of attention in neuroimaging studies of MDD. It has been shown that brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), that is responsible from the neurogenesis, is associated with the response to the antidepressants and antidepressant drugs are ineffective if neurogenesis is hindered.Hippocampal atrophy is expected with the decrease of neurogenesis as a result of the lower BDNF levels with the deleterious effects of glucocorticoids in depression. Recurrent and severe depression seems to cause such a volume reduction though first episode MDD subjects do not differ from healthy individuals in respect to their hippocampal volumes (HCVs) measured by magnetic resonance imaging methods. One may argue regarding these findings that the atrophy in the hippocampus may be observed in the long term and the decrease in BDNF levels may predispose the volume reduction. Although it has been postulated that smaller HCV as a result of genetic and environmental factors and prior to the illness, may cause a vulnerability to MDD, sufficient evidence has not been accumulated yet and the view that HCV loss develops as depression progresses is widely accepted. Findings that serum BDNF (sBDNF) is lower in MDD patients though HCVs of patients do not differ from healthy individuals and the positive correlation of sBDNF with HCV seen only in the patient group support this view. It can be assumed that depressed patients have sensitivity for the fluctuations in BDNF levels. Follow-up studies which consider effects of hipotalamo-pituiter-adrenal axis dysregulation and monoamine systems are needed to further elucidate the role of BDNF in the pathogenesis of MDD. Results of these studies may lead the way for the treatment of resistant or recurrent depressive disorder

    On Integral Means for Fractional Calculus Operators of Multivalent Functions

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    2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 30C45, Secondary 26A33, 30C80Integral means inequalities are obtained for the fractional derivatives and the fractional integrals of multivalent functions. Relevant connections with various known integral means inequalities are also pointed out

    A study on journal of el bilimi

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    YÖK Tez: 690179İran, bünyesinde en çok Türk nüfusunu barındıran ülkeler arasındadır. Farklı Türk boyları İran'da yaşadıkları uzun süre zarfında oldukça önemli bir kültürel birikime sahip olmuştur. Destan, masal, atalar sözü, alkış, kargış, ninni gibi edebî ürünler ve kendilerine özgü halk inançları, örf, âdet, gelenek ve görenekler canlı bir şekilde varlığını sürdürmektedir. El Bilimi Dergisi İran'ın Tebriz şehrinde bulunan El Bilimi Müessesesi adlı dernek tarafından yayınlanan bir halk bilimi dergisidir. Dergi İran'da yaşayan çeşitli Türk gruplarının halk bilgisi ürünlerini derleyip bunları yayımlamaktadır. Hem Türkçe hem de Farsça makaleleri ihtiva eden bu iki dilli dergide Türkiye'de çalışan araştırmacıların çalışmaları da tanıtılmaktadır. Tez çalışmaları kapsamında dergide yayınlanan makalelerin bibliyografyası hazırlanacak, bunlar içeriklerine göre sınıflandırılacak, değerlendirilecektir.onra doldurulacaktırIran is amongst the countries that of a large population of Turks resides in. During the long time lived in Iran, different tribes of Turks were of a quite significant cultural accumilation. Literatural products such as epic, tale, proverb, alkish, kargish, lullaby and their unique beleifs, customs and traditions have been vividly keeping exist "El Bilimi" is a folkloric journal published by an assossiation named "El Bilimi Müessesesi". This journal complies and issues folkloric produets of various Turkic groups living in Iran. Involving both Turkish and Persian articles, in this bilingual journal, works of researchers living in Turkey are also demonstrated. Within the thesis a bibliography of published articles in the journal are to be prepared and these will be classified according to their content and examined.ulacaktı

    On a subclass of certain k-starlike functions with negative coefficients

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    Foreign Accent Syndrome After COVID 19 Infection: A Case Report.

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    Foreign accent syndrome (FAS) is an extremely rare disorder characterized by the appearance of speech changes that are perceived by the speaker and listeners as an acquired foreign accent. It still remains a poorly understood condition. Three main types of FAS have been reported in the medical literature as neurogenic, psychogenic, and mixed type. Psychogenic FAS includes all cases of FAS in which an organic cause has not been identified and a clear psychological factor has been identified after careful clinical, neurological, and neuroradiological examination. Although the COVID-19 epidemic, which has been ongoing since February 2020, primarily manifests itself with upper respiratory tract infection findings, it is seen that it also causes a wide range of neurological and psychiatric signs and symptoms. In this study, a 42-year-old female patient who started to have speech disorder after COVID-19 infection is presented in the light of clinical history, diagnosis, and differential diagnosis literature findings

    The effects of the duration of formal education on adult brain: A voxel-based morphometry (diffeomorphic anatomical registration using exponentiated lie algebra) DARTEL Study

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    Objective: Recent studies neuroimaging showed that continues environmental stimuli can induce structural changes in the brain. Compared to later life, during formal education in school and university; human brain is not only continuously stimulated with new information but also retrieves the already learned information and extends it with the new one. In this study, we explored the effects of this extensive learning process on brain structure by using voxel-based morphometry (VBM) –DARTEL method. Method: Forty-seven healthy adults were included in this study. After screened carefully by SCID-NP, all subjects were scanned by Siemens 1.5T Magnetic Resonance Imaging machine. T1 weighted images were analyzed by SPM 5 (Statistical Parametric Mapping software) via VBM protocol. Results: Our VBM results showed that the right anterior hippocampus gray matter volume was correlated with the duration of formal education. We also observed that education showed positive correlations with Brodmann (BA) 18 in the occipital lobes and with the right cerebellum. However, the right parietal cortex (BA 7) and the right middle frontal cortex (BA 8) showed negative correlations with education. Conclusion: Our study showed that there is an association between the duration of formal education and the gray matter volume of brain regions related to the detection of novel stimuli, semantic and spatial memory and visual system which might be related to extensive learning process during formal education years.Amaç: Son dönemde yapılan çalışmalar çevresel uyaranların sürekli verilmesinin beyinde yapısal değişikleri tetikleyebileceğini göstermiştir. Okul eğitimi sırasında, insan beyni sadece yeni bilgiler ile karşılaşmamakta, eski bilgilerini de çağırarak yenileri ile birleştirmektedir. Biz bu çalışmada, yoğun öğrenme sürecinin yaşandığı okulda geçirilen sürenin beyin üzerindeki etkisini voksel tabanlı morfometri (VBTM) – DARTEL yöntemini kullanarak araştırmayı amaçladık. Yöntem: Bu çalışmaya 47 sağlıklı erişkin dahil edildi. SCID-NP ile taranan hastaların daha sonra 1.5 T gücündeki Siemens Manyetik Rezonans Görüntüleme cihazı ile beyin görüntüleri alındı. T1 ağırlıklı görüntüler SPM 5’te (Statistical Parametric Mapping software) VBTM protokolü kullanılarak değerlendirildi. Bulgular: VBTM değerlendirmesi sonucunda sağ ön hipokampus hacminin eğitim ile korele olduğu tespit edildi. Bilateral oksipital loblarda (BA 18) ve sağ serebullum da eğitim süresinin artmasına paralel gri madde artışı tespit edildi. Sağ parietal korteks (BA 7) ve sağ orta frontal kortekste (BA 8) ise gri madde miktarı eğitim süresi ile negatif korelasyon göstermekteydi. Sonuçlar: Bu çalışmanın sonuçları beyinin yeni uyaranın tespiti, semantik ve uzay bellek ve görsel sistemler ile ilgili alanlardaki gri madde hacmi ile okulda geçirilen süre arasında ilişki olduğunu göstermiştir. Bu ilişki ilgili alanlarının yoğun uyarımı ile ilişkili olabilir

    Integral means of certain multivalent functions

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    For analytic and multivalent functions f(z) and p(z) in the open unit disk U, a subordination theorem due to Littlewood (1925) which was called the integral mean is applied. Some simple examples for our results are also considered