83 research outputs found
Hemşirelik öğrencilerinin simülasyon eğitimi deneyimi: Nitel bir çalışma
The aim of the study is to determine the
experiences of nursing students in simulation
education. The universe of the research consists of the
students attending the operating room nursing course
in the nursing department. The entire universe was
included in the study (n=15). Each student
experienced the simulation training twice with three
weeks apart. Qualitative data, on the other hand, were
obtained with a semi-structured interview form after
the simulation training was completed and were
analyzed using the "phenomenological analysis"
method. Three main themes were determined in the
research: “our breaking point in professional
awareness”, “looking in the mirror of our professional
skills”, “contributions of simulation training”. Most
students stated that the simulation was instructive and
increased their self-confidence. Some of the students
stated that they developed a sense of responsibility,
that simulation training increased professional
awareness, and that it was a breaking point. Others
stated that it is meaningful to monitor their progress in
the debriefing rooms and that the evaluations show
how they are in terms of professional practices. The
results show that simulation applications that create
realistic clinical situations and enable students to
practice in a safe environment support nursing
students and create a positive perception. It is
recommended to integrate simulation applications into
the nursing education curriculum.Araştırmanın amacı hemşirelik öğrencilerinin
simülasyon eğitimine ilişkin deneyimlerini
belirlemektir. Araştırmanın evrenini hemşirelik
bölümünde ameliyathane hemşireliği dersine devam
eden öğrenciler oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmaya evrenin
tamamı alındı (n=15). Üçer hafta arayla her bir
öğrenci simülasyon eğitimlerini iki kez deneyimledi.
Nitel veriler simülasyon eğitimleri tamamlandıktan
sonra yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formu ile elde
edildi ve “fenomenolojik analiz” yöntemi ile analiz
edildi. Araştırmada üç ana tema belirlendi: “mesleki
farkındalıkta kırılma noktamız”, “mesleki
becerilerimize aynadan bakmak” ve “simülasyon
eğitiminin katkıları”. Öğrencilerin çoğu simülasyonun
öğretici olduğunu ve özgüvenlerini artırdığını belirtti.
Öğrencilerin bazıları sorumluluk duygusunu
geliştirdiğini, simülasyon eğitiminin mesleki
farkındalığı artırdığını, bir kırılma noktası olduğunu
ifade etti. Bazıları ise, çözümleme odalarında
kendilerindeki ilerlemeleri izlemenin anlam verici
olduğunu, değerlendirmelerin mesleki uygulamalar
açısından ne durumda olduklarını gösterdiğini
belirttiler. Elde edilen sonuçlar, gerçekçi klinik
durumları oluşturan ve öğrencilere güvenli bir
ortamda uygulama yapmalarını sağlayan simülasyon
uygulamalarının hemşirelik öğrencilerini
desteklediğini ve olumlu algı oluşturduğunu
göstermektedir. Hemşirelik eğitimi müfredatına
simülasyon uygulamalarının entegre edilmesi
An Empirical study to observe and evaluate management information systems' success in a domestic bank
Ankara : The Department of Management and the Graduate School of Business Administration of Bilkent Univ., 1994.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 1994.Includes bibliographical references leaves 92-96.The main purpose of this thesis is to observe and evaluate the interrelationships of MIS
users’ involvement and users’ system satisfaction. To do that IŞBANK’s management
information systems has been considered as the sample MIS environment. Questionnaire
measuring MIS users involvement and satisfaction levels were conducted as well as preinterviews
with the different MIS user groups at IŞBANK. After the questionnaires postinterviews
were conducted to better analj^ze the subject. Based on the feedback from preinterviews,
the relationships between various measures have been studied. Both statistical
and non-statistical results of the study are represented in the thesis.Albayrak, ÖzlemM.S
Hemşirelikte kişisel değerler ve bakım etiği i̇lişkisi: Tanımlayıcı-kesitsel çalışma
This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between individuals' personal values and the principles of care ethics. The descriptive-cross-sectional study was carried out between January and August 2019. Data were collected whit the form of socio-demo- graphic characteristics and ethical questions created by the researchers in line with the literature, and a case and value scale with evaluate care ethics. It was also found that 75% of the nurses had taken ethics courses, 53% had faced ethical dilemmas, 38% of those who faced ethical dilem- mas acted in line with their values. Additionally, 54% responded to the question 'how frequently do you put ethical principles into practice?' with 'generally,' while 32% responded that patients, 31% said the hos- pital, and 25% said physicians were factors preventing them from putting ethical principles into practice. When evaluating the hierarchy of values scale, it becomes evident that moral value ranks first, fol- lowed by religious value in the second position, and theoretical value in the seventh position. Additionally, statistically significant correla- tions were observed between the sub-dimensions of the scale and eth- ical principles: aesthetic value and confidentiality (p=0.01), religious value and first/emergency aid (p=0.00), theoretical value and auton- omy (p=0.01), and justice/equality (p=0.02). Furthermore, a statisti- cally significant positive correlation was found between political value and confidentiality (p=0.03). The present study showed that factors re- lated to personal care are among the most important obstacles to ob- serving professional ethics from the perspectives of nurses. As a result of the study, personal values affect care ethics practices
A Hybrid Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Method Proposal For The Solution Of The Packaging Supplier Selection Problem
Selection or evaluation problems are solved by looking at the different performance factors of the suppliers along the supply chain and by making comparisons with each other, and it is ensured that important preliminary information about the suppliers is obtained. This study has been prepared in order to choose the most suitable supplier among the suppliers that provide / are candidates to provide packaging material for an enterprise producing goodsDecision processes may not always have precision due to differences of opinion arising from human behaviour. When supplier selection problems are solved, many criteria, such as different opinions of decision-makers and their conflict of interests are considered. Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) techniques are highly effective in finding solutions to such problems. The goal of this article was to find a solution to packaging supplier selection problem of a manufacturing company in a fuzzy environment. To this end, eight suppliers were examined in line with 15 evaluation criteria. The opinions of 4 different decision-makers were taken during decision-making process. The solution of the problem was based upon a mixed model consisting of Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (F-AHP), used to determine the weights of the criteria, and Fuzzy Weighted Aggregated Sum Product Assessment (F-WASPAS), utilised to make preference among alternatives. At the end of the analysis on the determination of the criteria weights, the most appropriate supplier selection was determined as the delivery date and price, respectively, the two factors most influencing the construction phase. As a result of the evaluation made, A2 was specified to be the most proper supplier. Sensitivity analysis was performed to identify the effectiveness of the results. A2 was determined to be the most proper supplier according to the selection results obtained by MARCOS, MABAC, SAW, ARAS, TOPSIS, EDAS methods
Investigation of individual factors impacting the effectiveness of requirements inspections: a replicated experiment
Abstract This paper presents a replication of an empirical study regarding the impact of individual factors on the effectiveness of requirements inspections. Experimental replications are important for verifying results and investigating the generality of empirical studies. We utilized the lab package and procedures from the original study, with some changes and additions, to conduct the replication with 69 professional developers in three different companies in Turkey. In general the results of the replication were consistent with those of the original study. The main result from the original study, which is supported in the replication, was that inspectors whose degree is in a field related to software engineering are less effective during a requirements inspection than inspectors whose degrees are in other fields. In addition, we found that Company, Experience, and English Proficiency impacted inspection effectiveness
The experiences of academicians on the administration of fundamental nursing application lessons with distance education in the pandemic process
Pandemi dünyada ve Türkiye’de hemşirelik
eğitimi için benzeri görülmemiş zorluklar yarattı.
Uzaktan eğitime geçiş yapıldı, klinik ve uygulama
dersleri etkilendi. Bu durumda akademisyenler eğitim
yöntemlerinde değişiklikler yaptılar. İlk kez
hemşirelik uygulamalarıyla karşılaşan öğrencilere
beceri kazandırmayı uzaktan eğitim ile sürdürmek
durumunda kaldılar. Araştırma, pandemi sürecinde
hemşirelik esasları ders uygulamalarının uzaktan
eğitim ile yürütülmesi konusunda dersi yürüten
akademisyenlerin deneyimlerinin belirlenmesi
amacıyla yapıldı. Tanımlayıcı ve kesitsel tipteki
çalışma, online veri formu kullanılarak dersi yürüten
akademisyenler ile yürütüldü. Verilerin analizi,
bilgisayar destekli bir istatistik programında
tanımlayıcı istatistikler (frekans, yüzde, ortalama vb)
ve bağımsız gruplarda t-testi kullanılarak yapıldı.
Çalışma sonucunda hemşirelik esasları derslerinin
%45,8’inin asenkron olarak yapıldığı, %91’inin beceri
gelişimi açısından yetersiz olduğu belirtildi. Bunun
nedeni olarak öğrenci ile etkileşim olmadığı, pratik
eksikliği ve öğrenci katılımı olmayışı gibi durumları
sıraladılar. Akademisyenler dersin değerlendirilmesini
%38,3’u eş zamanlı sınavlar ile gerçekleştirdiler.
Akademisyenlerinin çoğunun bu sürecin gelecekte
hemşirelik mesleğini olumsuz etkileyeceğini belirtildi.
Pandemi ile birlikte üniversitelerde farklı
uygulamalarla eğitim sürdürülmeye çalışıldı. Bu
süreçte akademisyenler farklı deneyimler yaşadılar.
Gerek teorik gerek beceri eğitimlerinin yürütülmesine
yönelik yöntemlerin literatürde paylaşımının
arttırılması, öğrencilerin eksik olduğu düşünülen
beceri eğitimlerinin ilerleyen dönemlerde
tamamlanması, hemşirelik müfredatının uzaktan
eğitimi de içine alacak şekilde planlanması ve benzer
durumlarla daha etkin olabilmek için eğitim
stratejilerinin belirlenmesi önerilmektedir.The pandemic has created unprecedented
challenges for nursing education in the world and in
Turkey. Distance education was made, clinical and
practice courses were affected. Academics made
changes in their education methods. Students who
encountered nursing practices for the first time had to
maintain their skills through distance education. The
research was carried out to determine the experiences
of nursing principles academicians during the
pandemic process. The descriptive and cross-sectional
study was conducted using the online data form. Data
analysis was performed using descriptive statistics
(frequency, percentage, mean, etc.) and t-test for
independent groups in a computer-assisted statistical
program. As a result of the study, it was stated that
45.8% of the nursing fundamentals courses were given
asynchronously, and 91% of them were insufficient in
terms of skill development. They listed the reasons for
this as lack of interaction with the student, lack of
practice and lack of student participation.
Academicians evaluated the course with 38.3%
simultaneous exams. Academics stated that this
process will negatively affect the nursing profession in
the future. With the pandemic, it was tried to continue
education with different applications in universities.
Academics had different experiences. It is
recommended to increase the sharing of methods for
conducting both theoretical and skill training in the
literature, to complete the skills trainings that are
thought to be missing in the future, to plan the nursing
curriculum to include distance education, and to
determine training strategies in order to be more
effective in similar situations
Acanthosis Nigricans in a Patient with Lung Cancer: A Case Report
Some skin lesions may accompany malignancies. Acanthosis nigricans, one such lesion, is a paraneoplastic dermatosis characterized by hyperpigmented and velvety verrucose plaques observed as symetric eruptions. With this report, we aim to present a rare case of concomitant lung cancer and acanthosis nigricans. Malignant acanthosis nigricans is most commonly associated with intra-abdominal malignancies. A 65-year-old patient who had hyperpigmented, hypertrophic and symmetric verrucose lesions at the flexor surfaces of the lower and upper extremities, face, palms and the axillary region. Thoracic computed tomography demonstrated a hypodense mass lesion with a dimension of 5 × 5.5 cm at the center of basal segment bronchi of the left pulmonary lobe. Fiberoptic bronchoscopy showed that the access to the lower left lobe was almost completely obstructed by the endobronchial lesion. The result of the histopathologic examination of the endobronchial tissue biopsy was reported as non-small cell (adenocarcinoma) lung cancer. Result of the histopathologic analysis of the punch biopsy of the skin lesions was reported as acanthosis nigricans .There are no pathognomonic dermatological findings for lung cancer. In conclusion, there are skin lesions that accompany lung cancer and we believe that these should be considered for differential diagnosis
Hybrid and cognitive digital twins for the process industry
In a Europe that is undergoing digital transformation, the COGNITWIN project is contributing to accelerate the transformation and introduce Industry 4.0 to the European process industries. The opportunities here can be illustrated by the SPIRE 2050 Vision document (https://www.spire2030.eu/sites/default/files/users/user85/Vision_Document_V6_Pages_Online_0.pdf), which states that "Digitalisation of process industries has a tremendous potential to dramatically accelerate change in resource management, process control and in the design and the deployment of disruptive new business models." The process industries are characterized with harsh environments where sensors are either costly, not available, or may be subject to costly maintenance. The development of digital twins that can exploit the combinations of data-based and physics-based models is often found to be a preferred path to robust digital twins that can help cutting costs and reduce energy consumption. In this article, we present 5 out of 6 industrial pilots that are developed in the COGNITWIN project. We discuss the commonalities and differences between the selected approaches and give some ideas about how cognition can be incorporated into the digital twins. The aim of this article is to inspire similar projects in related industries.publishedVersio
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