71 research outputs found

    Ekmeklik Buğdayda Embriyo Kararmasına Neden Olan Fungusların Tespiti, Ve Hastalığın Çimlenme Ve Fide Çıkış Gücü Üzerine Etkisi

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    DergiPark: 245864trakyafbdBu çalışmada ekmeklik buğday (Triticum aestivum L.) çeşitlerine (Flamura 85, Katia, Pehlivan ve Sana) ait taneler 2000 ve 2001 yıllarında Tekirdağ’da bulunan çiftçi tarlalarından toplanmış, sağlıklı ve embriyo kararması hastalığı belirtisi gösteren tanelerin embriyo, endosperm ve tane kabukları ayrılarak agar ortamına alınmış, gelişen funguslar tanımlanmıştır. Aynı çeşitler saksı denemelerinde kullanılarak hastalığın çimlenme ve fide çıkış gücü (sürgün uzunluğu, sürgün ve kök kuru ağırlığı) üzerine etkisi belirlenmiştir. Her iki yılda da Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissler, embriyo kararması gösteren tanelerin özellikle endosperm ve tane kabuğu kısımlarından en yaygın tür olarak ancak düşük oranlarda izole edilmiştir. Sağlıklı görünen tanelerde ise hasta tanelerden izole edilen fungusların hiçbirisine rastlanmamıştır. Embriyo kararması belirtisi gösteren, 2000 yılına ait tanelerde çimlenmenin geciktiği, 2001 yılına ait tanelerde ise önemli derecede fide çıkış gücünün azaldığı belirlenmiştir. 2000 ve 2001 yıllarında tanelerin sırasıyla süt olum ve çiçeklenme dönemlerinde yüksek miktarda yağan yağmurlar olgunlaşmayı geciktirerek hastalığın ortaya çıkmasında muhtemelen etkili olmuştur.The kernels of the bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars Flamura 85, Katia, Pehlivan and Sana from farmer fields of Tekirdağ province in 2000 and 2001 were analyzed to identify the fungi associated with the black point disease. Fungi in the embryos, endosperms and seed coats of the kernels (healthy and black pointed) separately, were determined by plating them on agar medium. The same cultivars were used to test the effect of black point on emergence at day five and ten, and seedling vigour (length of shoot, dry weight of roots and shoots) in pot experiments. Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keisler was the dominant fungus in black pointed kernels for both years and isolated from the endosperm and seed coat especially, but present at low level. None of the fungi from black pointed kernels were isolated from healthy kernels. Black point delayed seedling emergence from the kernels of 2000. However the reduction in seedling vigour was significantly higher in the affected kernels of 2001. High rainfall during the anthesis and milk stages in 2000 and 2001, respectively contributed to delayed maturity of the crop and had probably an impact on black point infection

    The Effects of Seed Infestation by Fusarium proliferatum on Root and Crown Rot, Plant Growth and Phenolic Compounds in Roots of Some Pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.) Cultivars

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    This study investigates the reactions of four summer pumpkin cultivars (cvs. Çağlayan, Mert Bey, Sena Hanım, TG38) to root and crown rot caused by Fusarium proliferatum by taking into account criteria such as disease severity, plant growth (number of leaves, height, dry and fresh weight of shoot) and the accumulation of phenolic compounds in the roots. Seeds of each cultivar were inoculated with the pathogen and left to develop for 1 month at 25oC in a controlled climate room. The content of phenolic compounds in ethanolic root extracts was determined using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Cv. Sena Hanım had the lowest disease severity (4.40%) among the cultivars, followed by cvs. Çağlayan (10.62%) and Mert Bey (11.07%). Plants developed from inoculated seeds of cvs. Çağlayan and Sena Hanım had no decrease in the number of leaves and in length, fresh and dry weight of shoots in comparison to the control (plants from non-inoculated seeds), while cv. Mert Bey demonstrated a decrease at very low rates in shoot fresh and dry weight (2.24% and 0.77%, respectively). The phenolic compound that exhibited the highest increase in root extracts of cv. Sena Hanım compared to the control among the cultivars was p-coumaric acid (6.57-fold). This study demonstrates that p-coumaric acid can play an important role in the resistance of pumpkin to seed infestation by F. proliferatum

    Farklı Ayçiçeği Genotiplerinin Perikarp ve Tohumlarında Bulunan Fungal Etmenler ile Metabolitler Arasındaki İlişkiler Üzerinde Araştırmalar

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    Bu çalısmada, ayçiçeginde tohum kökenli fungal patojenlerle (Alternaria alternata, A. infectoria, Bipolarıs cynodontis, Cladosporium cladosporioides, Fusarium culmorum, F. oxysporum) farklı ayçiçegi genotiplerinin (mildiyö hastalıgına karsı tolerant; TTAE 1319, 13 TR009, TTAE-13-9, 11 TR015 CL, 13 TR 00 ve hassas; 2453 A, 9728 A, 9725 A, 2517 A, 9178 A) perikarp ve tohum kısımlarından üç farklı çözücü (hekzan, metanol, kloroform) ile elde edilen ekstraktlardaki bilesikler arasındaki iliskiler incelenmistir. Tüm genotiplerin tohumları perikarba göre daha yüksek miktarda metabolit içermis, kloroform en iyi çözücü olmustur. Tolerant genotiplerin tohumlarından kloroform ile elde edilen metabolik ekstraktlar tüm fungal etmenlere karsı en az bir kriter (koloni çapı, konidi çimlenmesi ve konidi çim tüpü uzunlugunda azalma, inhibisyon zonunda artıs) yönünden yüksek antifungal etki göstermistir. Etmenlerin genotip kısımlarında bulunma oranı ile en yüksek düzeyde pozitif iliski 3?- bromocholest-5-ene (steroid) ile B. cynodontis arasında gözlenmistir. 2-Dodecyl-dodecen (alken)?in miktarının artması ile A. alternata?nın çim tüpü uzunlugunda yüksek oranda azalma oldugu, octadec-9-enoic acid (yag asidi), bombykol (alkol), benzedrex (amin), hexadecanamide (amid), dodecyl cyclohexanecarboxylate (ester)in miktarının artısı ile sırasıyla A. infectoria, B. cynodontis, C. cladosporioides, F. culmorum, F. oxysporum?un konidi çimlenmesinde yüksek oranda azalma oldugu tespit edilmistir. Tüm bu bilgiler ayçiçeginde tohum kökenli fungal etmenlerin kontrolüne ve ıslah çalısmalarına katkıda bulunacaktır

    Marker assisted selection (MAS) for downy mildew resistance in grapevines using Rpv3.1 associated markers

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    Powdery mildew and downy mildew are primary fungal diseases that cause significant damage in viticulture. Therefore, breeding powdery and/or downy mildew resistance is one of the priority subjects in grapevine breeding programs. This study aims to conduct early-selection by marker assisted selection (MAS) method among 869 genotypes obtained through crossbreeding 'Alphonse Lavallee' x 'Regent' cultivars using the markers (GF18-06 and GF18-08) associated with downy mildew resistance gene region Rpv3.1 to develop new grapevine cultivars resistant to downy mildew caused by Plasmopara viticola. A total of 869 hybrid plants which were obtained after crossing 'Alphonse Lavallee' x 'Regent' in a 3-year breeding program were used in the study. The hybrid plants were scored for the resistance level based on their sporulation intensity after artificial inoculation of P. viticola. DNA samples of the hybrid plants were amplified with GF18-06 and GF1808 markers in Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) for MAS. The alleles which were associated to Rpv3.1 resistance locus and the results of resistance scoring were compared, and the applicability of the markers in MAS was verified. It was determined that the GF18-08/410 bp marker can be used successfully for MAS. Gf 18-06 marker 385 bp, 390 bp and 407 bp gave false positive results in our population, respectively 8.86%, 9.02% and 37.94%. Therefore, this may limit its use for MAS.National Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey [1150176]This work was supported by the National Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (grant number 1150176)

    Germinating in Box: An Effective and Practical Method for Grape Seed Germination

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    Asma ıslahında en önemli engellerden biri, iki üzüm çeşidinin melezlenmesi sonucu elde edilen melezçekirdeklerin çimlenme oranının düşük olmasıdır. Çimlenmeyi etkileyen en önemli faktörler arasında;ortam ve tohum nemi gelir. Ayrıca büyümeyi düzenleyici maddeler (BDM)de, çimlenmeyi olumluetkilemektedir. Bu çalışmada, melez üzüm çekirdeklerine BDM uygulamak ve kapalı ortamlarda kararlı birnem düzeyinde çimlendirilmek suretiyle çimlenme oranını arttırmak amaçlanmıştır. Alphonse Lavalle ×Regent melezlemesinden elde edilen F? melez çekirdekleri, nemlendirilmiş perlitte 4 ay süreyle, +5?’dakatlamayı takiben; torf: perlit (1:1) harç ortamı içeren 5 cm çapındaki torf saksılara ekilmiştir. Çimlenmeyiteşvik etmek için, çekirdekler ekimden önce 24 saat gibberellik asit (GA?, 1000 ppm, benzil aminopurin(BAP, 1000 ppm), GA?+BAP (1000 ppm+1000 ppm), hidrojen peroksit (H?O?, 1 M) çözeltisinde ve suda(kontrol) tutulmuştur. Saksılar, bağıl nem miktarı sürekli %99 düzeyinde olan kapaklı plastik kutularakonulmuş ve bu kutular sıcaklığı 27? olan çimlendirme odalarına alınmıştır. Çimlenen çekirdekler yineplastik kutulara konularak sıcaklığı 25? olan ve kutuların hemen üstü LED lambalar ile aydınlatılmış(PAR=135–317 ?mol m?² s?¹) bitki gelişme odalarına yerleştirilmiştir. Kutuların kapakları her iki odada dakapalı tutulmuştur. Bitkicikler 3–5 gerçek yaprak oluşunca, plastik torbalara alınmış ve daha sonra ısıtmalıseraya alınmıştır. Uygulamalar sonucunda çimlenen çekirdek ve elde edilen bitki yüzdesi kontrolde %60.39iken, 1000 ppm GA? uygulanmış çekirdeklerde %78.32’ye kadar yükselmiştir. Üzüm çekirdeklerinin 24saat GA? çözeltisine batırılmasından sonra plastik kutularda çimlendirilmesi ve bunu takiben yine plastikkutularda geliştirilmesi, asma ıslahı çalışmalarında başarıyı arttıracak etkin bir yöntemdir.One of the main problems of grape breeding is low germination rate of hybrid seeds obtained by crossing of grape varieties. Humidity in grape seeds and germination media have extremely important for germination. In addition, some plant growth regulators (PGR) have positive effects on germination. Hybrid seeds obtained by Alphonse Lavallee and Regent grape cultivars were straficated at 5? for 4 months in damp perlite. Seeds were immersed in PGR solutions such as Gibberellic Acid (GA?, 1000 ppm), Benzyl aminopurine (BAP, 1000 ppm), Hydrogen peroxide (H?O?, 1 M), GA? + BAP (1000 ppm + 1000 ppm) and water as a control. Then, they were sown in torf pots with 5cm diameter containing perlite: torf (v/v, 1:1) mixture. Pots were put in plastic boxes with lid containing humidity 99%. All boxes were placed to germination room with temperature 27? and in dark condition. Germinated seeds were transferred another plastic box and put in growth room illuminated by LED lamps (PAR=135–317 ?mol m?² s?¹) and heated to 25?. Lids of boxes were closed position in both rooms. Seedlings with 3–5 true leaves were transferred to plastic seedling bags containing perlite: torf (v/v, 1:1) and then they were moved to greenhouse. Germination rate and obtained seedling rate were increased up to 78.32%at 1000 ppm GA? application when compared to control (60.39%). Germinating grape seeds after immersing in GA? for 24 hours and thereinafter growing seedlings in plastic boxes are an effective method for hybrid seed germination in grape breeding

    Screening for fungal antagonists to control black mold disease and to induce the accumulation of antifungal compounds in onion after seed treatment

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    Twelve isolates belonging to the genera Aspergillus, Penicillium, and Trichoderma, from onion (Allium cepa L.)-growing soils were recently found to have antagonistic features against Aspergillus niger (An) van Tieghem, the cause of black mold disease of onion, in dual culture. In the work reported in this paper, the function of these isolates applied as seed treatment on onion seed germination was investigated. In addition, isolates with no negative effect on seeds were screened for their effect on shoot length, and for their abilities to inhibit colonization of An on seeds, to control black mold disease, to increase set bulb diameter, and to induce production of antifungal compounds in pot-grown onion sets. Application of non-aflatoxigenic A. flavus Link (AS3), T. harzianum Rifai (TRIC7) and (TRIC8) to seeds led to defense reactions with accumulation of antifungal compounds in sets, combined with increased protection against the disease, although they did not enhance bulb diameter

    İstanbul ve çevresinde bazı kesme çiçek türlerinde görülen Fusarium türlerinin tesbiti, dağılışları, morfolojik özellikleri ve patojeniteleri üzerinde bir araştırma

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    TEZ761Tez (Doktora) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 1990.Kaynakça (s. 132-150) var.xiv, 152 s. : rnk. res. ; 30 cm.

    Trichoderma harzianum antagonistic activity and competition for seed colonization against seedborne pathogenic fungi of sunflower

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    This study investigated the antagonistic effects of Trichoderma harzianum isolate (TRIC8) on mycelial growth, hyphal alteration, conidial germination, germ tube length and seed colonization by the seedborne fungal pathogens Alternaria alternata, Bipolaris cynodontis, Fusarium culmorum and F. oxysporum, the causes of seedling rot in over 30% of sunflowers. The antagonistic effect of TRIC8 on mycelial growth of pathogens was evaluated on dual culture that included two inoculation assays: inoculation of antagonist at 48 h before pathogen (deferred inoculation) and inoculation at the same time with pathogen (simultaneous inoculation). TRIC8 inhibited mycelial growth of the fungal pathogens between 70 center dot 67 and 76 center dot 87% with the strongest inhibition seen with deferred inoculation. Alterations in hyphae were observed in all pathogens. Conidial germination of F. culmorum was inhibited by most of the fungal pathogens (38 center dot 28%) by TRIC8. Inhibition of germ tube length by the antagonist varied from 31 center dot 83 to 37 center dot 67%. In seed colonization experiments, TRIC8 was applied in combination with each pathogen to seeds of a sunflower genotype that is highly tolerant to downy mildew. Seed death was inhibited by TRIC8 and the antagonist did not allow growth of A. alternata, B. cynodontis and F. culmorum on seeds and inhibited the growth of F. oxysporum at the rate of 58 center dot 32%

    Biological control of onion basal rot disease using Trichoderma harzianum and induction of antifungal compounds in onion set following seed treatment

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    Trichoderma harzianum KUEN 1585 (commercial product, Sim(R)Derma) was tested to determine its effect on the mycelial growth of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cepae (FOC) in dual culture and its control of basal rot disease in pot- and field-grown onion sets. The abilities of T harzianum to induce the production of antifungal compounds in sets and to increase onion set diameter were also studied. In pot experiments, where the soil was inoculated with a pathogenic isolate of FOC, seeds were coated with T harzianum at the dosage of 10 g kg(-1) seed. In field experiments, seeds coated with T harzianum were sown in soil naturally infested with the pathogen. T harzianum inhibited mycelial growth of the pathogen in vitro. Seed treatment with T harzianum decreased disease incidence comparable to the imidazole fungicide, prochloraz in both pot and field experiments. It also enhanced bulb diameter of sets, especially in the pot experiment. Extracts from onion sets grown from treated seeds under both conditions were fractionated by thin-layer chromatography for their antifungal compounds. Most of the fractions obtained from the sets of T harzianum-treated seeds showed high antifungal activity against the pathogen. This study suggests the possible role of T harzianum in the induction of antifungal compounds against F. oxysporum f. sp. cepae in onion sets. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved