13 research outputs found

    Comparison of Early-period Results of Nasal Splint and Merocel Nasal Packs in Septoplasty

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    Objective:Several types of nasal packs are used postoperatively in septoplasty. In this study, we compared two commonly used nasal packing materials, the intranasal septal splint with airway and Merocel tampon, in terms of pain, bleeding, nasal obstruction, eating difficulties, discomfort in sleep, and pain and bleeding during removal of packing in the early period.Methods:The study group included 60 patients undergoing septoplasty. Patients were divided into two groups (n=30 in each group). An intranasal splint with airway was used for the patients in the first group after septoplasty, while Merocel nasal packing was used for the second group. Patients were investigated in terms of seven different factors - pain, bleeding while the tampon was in place, nasal obstruction, eating difficulties, night sleep, pain during removal of the nasal packing, and bleeding after removal of packing.Results:There was no statistically significant difference between the groups in terms of pain 24 hours after operation (p=0.05), while visual analog scale (VAS) scores for nasal obstruction, night sleep, eating difficulties, and pain during packing removal were lower in the nasal splint group with a statistically significant difference (p<0.05). There was no statistically significant difference between the groups in terms of postoperative bleeding (p=0.23). Significantly less bleeding occurred during removal of the packing in the nasal splint group (p<0.05).Conclusion:Our study indicates that the nasal splint was more comfortable and effective in terms of causing lesser bleeding and pain during removal of packing

    Dasatinib ile muamele edilen k562 hücre serisinde, dasatinib'in, pp2a katalitik ve regulatuvar alt birimlerinde, enzim aktivitesine ve protein ekspresyonu üzerine etkisinin değerlendirilmesi

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    Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), a group of cancer that usually begins in white blood cells and observed in almost all patients belonging this group, is characterized by the increased tyrosine kinase activity depends on BCR/ABL translocation. Resulting in translocation, that is known to cause activation depending on new chimeric gene formation is anew rearrengment Philadelphia (Ph) chromosome. This anew rearrengment occurs after translocation which is between chromosome 9 and 22. This chromosome has small acrocentric structure that is observed in 90% of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) patients. It occurs after breaking from nearby the 5' region of the ABL1 gene in 9q34 region, by the break of the remaining part on the side 3' from nearby 3' region of 22q11 BCR gene and their fusion into this region. New chimeric gene, emerged after fusion, causes increased tyrosie kinase activity and production of ABL1 protein having abnormal cell localization. The patients have being generally treated using tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) to inhibit this BCR-ABL1 kinnase activity, occured by rearrangement. For this purpose, dasatinib is the second-generation tyrosine kinase inhibitör that is used for inhibition of Bcr-Abl1. In CML, it has been using to treat patients with Imatinib-resistant or intolerant CML-AP and it is so effective and safety. Dasatinib shows its effect in leukemia by inhibiting signals related to cell growth and splitting and eventually cell die as a result of blocking signals. Although dasatinib is 325 fold more effective than that of imatinib that is first-generation tyrosine kinase inhibitor, 20% of CMLpatients generally dont respond to treatment with certain drugs. Therefore, alternative drugs should be used and the resistant mechanism should be enlightened. This problem may occur in CML that was induced by BCR-ABL1. This case, in BCR-ABL1-induced KML, one of responses to these questions can be provided by the investigations of structures such as protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) changed genetically or functionally that functions as tumor suppressor in some cancers patients with imatinib-resistant or -intolerant CML-AP Protein phosphatases have major role in maintenance phosphorylation-dephosphorylation balance in cell. Studies related to KML have shown that the activity of PP2A is changed. PP2A is the most important serine/threonine phosphatase ensuring cellular homeostasis. PP2A consist of 65 kDa A, 36 kDa C subunit and regulatory B subunit. Most studies have shown that PP2A expression/or function in hematological malignancies is inhibited. In our study, we aimed to evaluate PP2A enzyme activity in dasatinib treated K562 chronic myleoid leukemia cell line and the expression changes in protein levels. The cytotoxic effects of dasatinib on K562 cell line, were evaluated by WST-1 analysis. Apoptotic situation was determined by using Annexin V and Apo Direct Tunnel assays and cycletest plus DNA Reagent Kit was used to determine cytoctatic effcets of PP2A. We also used okadaic acidas PP2A inhibitor to assesed major role of PP2A in apoptosis. To analyse the changes of PP2A enyzme and protein levels we used serine/theroninephosphatase assay and western blot analysis, respectively. For this aim, the effect of dasatinib on KML and the cytotoxic effect of dasatinib on K562 cell line, forming the model, were evaluated by WST-1 test, apoptotic effect by Annexin V and Apo Direct Tunnel method, and stochastic effect by cell cycle analysis. Okadaic acid, an inhibitor of PP2A, was studied to be able to determine the effect of PP2A on apoptosis and cellular survival. Enzyme activity of the PP2A, changing in K562 cell line, treated by dasatinib and protein levels in subunits of the PP2A were evaluated using serine/threonine phosphatase analysis kit and Western Blot analysis, respectively. The cytotoxic effect of dasatinib in K562 cell line was found to be 4,6 nM at 48th hour. The increase in apoptosis owing to the repression of PP2A by OA was detected. The changes in cell cycle-arresting owing to the repressed PP2A by inhibitors were also detected. The PP2A enzyme activity of cells, treated by dasatinib, increased compared to that of the control, depending on the time. It was found that protein level belonging to the PP2A C catalytic subunit of dasatinib decreased compared to that of the control. Consequently, treatment with okadaic acid revealed the increase in apoptosis and cell cycle-arresting at G2/M transition owing to the PP2A suppressing. Phosphatase activity of PP2A decreased at 72nd hours. When treated with dasatinib. Protein level of catalytic subunit of PP2A slightly decreased. It is also found that the PP2A having a role in cell homeostasis of dasatinibin gave rise to the change in enzyme and protein levels. Thus, we could say that targeting PP2A inhibitors may be promosing therapeutic aim to treat CML.Kronik miyeloid lösemi (KML), kemik iliğinde beyaz kan hücrelerinde başlayan bir kanser tipi olup, hastaların neredeyse tamamında saptanan BCR/ABL translokasyonuna bağlı artmış tirozin kinaz aktivitesiyle karakterizedir. Translokasyon sonucu yeni kimerik gen oluşumuna bağlı aktivasyona neden olduğu bilinen ilk yeniden düzenlenme Philadelphia (Ph) kromozomudur. 9 ve 22 numaralı kromozomlar arasındaki translokasyon sonrasında meydana gelir. 9q34 bölgesine yerleşmiş olan ABL1 geninin 5' kısmına yakın bir bölgeden kırılması sonrasında 3' tarafında kalan parçanın, 22q11 BCR geninin 3' kısmına yakın bir bölgeden kırılması ve kırılan bu bölgeye füzyonu sonrasında ortaya çıkar. Füzyon sonrasında ortaya çıkan yeni kimerik gen, artmış tirozin kinaz aktivitesine ve anormal hücre lokalizasyonuna sahip bir ABL1 proteininin üretilmesine neden olur. Bu yeniden düzenlemeyle oluşan BCR-ABL1 kinaz aktivitesini inhibe etmek için hastalar Tirozin Kinaz İnhibitörleri (TKI) ile tedavi edilmektedir. Bu amaçla, Dasatinib BCR-ABL1'i inhibe etmek için uygulanan ikinci-nesil bir tirozin kinaz inhibitörüdür. KML'de İmatinib dirençli ya da tolere olmayan hastaların tedavisinde kullanılan güvenli ve etkili bir inhibitördür. Dasatinib, lösemide hücrelerin büyüme ve bölünmesiyle ilgili sinyalleri inhibe eder ve sonuç olarak sinyallerin bloklanması hücrenin ölümüyle sonuçlanır. Dasatinib, birinci-nesil TKI olan imatinibden 325 kat daha etkili olsa da KML hastalarının %20'si genel olarak ilaç tedavisine yanıt vermemektedir. Bu durum, tedavide etkin olabilecek alternatif ilaçların gündeme gelmesini ve olası direnç mekanizmalarının aydınlatılmasını gerektirmektedir. BCR-ABL1-indüklü KML'de genomik ya da fonksiyonel değişime uğramış birçok hücresel olayda fonksiyon gören protein fosfotaz 2A (PP2A) gibi yapıların incelenmesi bu sorulara yanıtlardan biri olabilir. Protein fosfotazlar, hücrede fosforilasyon-defosforilasyon dengesinin sağlanması açısından son derece önemlidir. Yapılan çalışmalarda KML'de (PP2A) aktivitesinin değiştiği saptanmıştır. PP2A, hücresel homeostazı sağlayan en önemli serin-treonin fosfotazdır. PP2A, 65kDa yapısal A alt birim ve 36 kDa katalitik C altbirim ve düzenleyici B alt birimden oluşur. Yapılan birçok çalışma sonucu, hematolojik malignansilerde PP2A ekspresyonunun ve/veya fonksiyonunun inhibe olduğu ortaya koyulmuştur. Bu çalışmada amacımız, dasatinib ile muamele edilen K562 kronik myleoid lösemi hücre serisinde, PP2A enzim aktivitesi ve alt birimlerinin protein düzeyinde ekspresyon değişimini saptamaktır. Bu amaç ile dasatinibin KML'ye model oluşturan K562 hücre serisindeki sitotoksik etkisi WST-1 testi ile, apoptotik etkisi Annexin V ve Apo Direct Tunnel metodu ve sitostatik etkisi ise Hücre Döngüsü Analizi ile değerlendirilmiştir. PP2A'nın apoptoz ve hücresel sağkalım üzerindeki etkisini belirlemek için PP2A inhibitörü olan Okadaik asit (OA) ile çalışılmıştır. Dasatinib ile muamele edilen K562 hücre serisindeki değişen PP2A'nın enzim aktivitesi serin/treonin fosfataz analiz kiti, PP2A'nın alt birimlerindeki protein ifade düzeyleri ise Western Blot analizi ile değerlendirilmiştir. Dasatinibin, K562 hücre serisindeki sitotoksik etksi 4,6 Nm olarak belirlenmiştir. OA'nın PP2A'yı baskılanmasından dolayı apoptozda artış belirlenmiştir. İnhibitörler nedeniyle baskılanan PP2A'dan dolayı hücre döngüsü tutuklanmasında da değişiklikler kaydedilmiştir. Dasatinib ile muamele edilen hücrelerin PP2A enzim aktivitesi 72.saatte kontrole kıyasla azalmıştır. Western Blot analizi ile dasatinibin PP2A C alt birimin protein seviyesinin kontrole kıyasla azaldığı bulunmuştur. Sonuç olarak, dasatinibin hücre homeostazında rol oynayan PP2A'nın enzim seviyesini ve protein seviyesinde değişime neden olduğu belirlenmiştir. Böylece PP2A inhibitörlerinin KML tedavisinde terapötik hedef olarak katkı sağlayabileceğini düşünmekteyi


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    82nd Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical-Society (MetSoc) -- JUL 07-12, 2019 -- Sapporo, JAPAN -- Meteorit Soc[Abstract Not Available]WOS:00047211360034

    Revealing genome-wide mRNA and microRNA expression patterns in leukemic cells highlighted “hsa-miR-2278” as a tumor suppressor for regain of chemotherapeutic imatinib response due to targeting STAT5A

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    BCR-ABL oncoprotein stimulates cell proliferation and inhibits apoptosis in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). For cure, imatinib is a widely used tyrosine kinase inhibitor, but developing chemotherapeutic resistance has to be overcome. In this study, we aimed to determine differing genome-wide microRNA (miRNA) and messenger RNA (mRNA) expression profiles in imatinib resistant (K562/IMA-3 μM) and parental cells by targeting STAT5A via small interfering RNA (siRNA) applications. After determining possible therapeutic miRNAs, we aimed to check their effects upon cell viability and proliferation, apoptosis, and find a possible miRNA::mRNA interaction to discover the molecular basis of imatinib resistance. We detected that miR-2278 and miR-1245b-3p were most significantly regulated miRNAs according to miRNome array. Upregulating miR-2278 expression resulted in the inhibition of resistant leukemic cell proliferation and induced apoptosis, whereas miR-1245b-3p did not exhibit therapeutic results. Functional analyses indicated that AKT2, STAM2, and STAT5A mRNAs were functional targets for miR-2278 as mimic transfection decreased their expressions both at transcriptional and translational level, thus highlighting miR-2278 as a tumor suppressor. This study provides new insights in discovering the mechanism of imatinib resistance due to upregulating the tumor-suppressor hsa-miR-2278 which stands for a functional therapeutic approach, inhibited leukemic cell proliferation, induced apoptosis, and regain of chemotherapeutic drug response in CML therapy. © 2015, International Society of Oncology and BioMarkers (ISOBM).Ege University Research Fund (APAK 2013-TIP/083

    ?F508, ?I507 ve F508C kistik fibroz mutasyonlarının gerçek-zamanlı multipleks PCR ile hızlı analizleri

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    Purpose: Cystic fibrosis, usually seen in childhood, is a hereditary disease that proceeds with the dysfunction of all exocrine glands. The disease is widely spread in Europe, affects the life quality of the affected individuals and causes their early death because of complications resulting from repeatedly serious respiratory tract infections. The most common mutation in cystic fibrosis is ;amp;#916;F508. But so far, more than a thousand of other mutations have been discovered in the cystic fibrosis gene (CFTR); like ;amp;#916;I507 and F508C. F508C and ;amp;#916;F508 mutations are also implicated in the development of congenital vas deferens aplasia. The aim of this study was the rapid analyses of these three mutations that reside in the same CFTR gene region with a real-time multiplex PCR method. Methods: A total of 116 DNA samples of cases coming from the Aegean Region with cystic fibrosis or unilateral vas deferens aplasia were analyzed by a specifically designed real-time multiplex PCR method that detects all three CFTR mutations in one-step. The applied method was also compared with gel electrophoresis and dHPLC methods. Results: Although, we could not detect any carrier for the ;amp;#916;I507 and F508C mutations at the end of our study; 6.0 % of the cases were heterozygous carriers for the ;amp;#916;F508 allele and 1.8 % homozygous ill. The frequency of the ;amp;#916;F508 mutation was defined as 4.7 %. The applied PCR method was also found to be faster in obtaining results compared to gel electrophoresis and dHPLC. Conclusion: The employed real-time multiplex PCR method should be the preferential method for the rapid analysis of the CFTR ;amp;#916;F508, ;amp;#916;I507 and F508C gene mutations in cases with cystic fibrosis or congenital unilateral vas deferens aplasia.Amaç: Kistik fibroz genellikle çocukluk yaşlarında ortaya çıkan ve tüm ekzokrin bezlerin fonksiyon bozukluğu ile seyreden kalıtsal bir hastalıktır. Avrupa' da yaygın olarak görülen bu hastalık kişilerin yaşam kalitesini etkilemekte ve tekrarlayan ağır solunum yolu enfeksiyonlarının açtıkları komplikasyonlar nedeniyle, erken yaşta ölüme yol açmaktadır. Kistik fibroz' daki en yaygın mutasyon ?F508' dir. Bununla birlikte, binden fazla kistik fibroz gen (CFTR) mutasyonu tanımlanmıştır; ?I507 ve F508C gibi. F508C ve ?F508 mutasyonları ayrıca konjenital vas deferens agenezin gelişiminde de rol oynarlar. Çalışmadaki amacımız, aynı CFTR gen bölgesine düşen bu üç mutasyonu gerçek-zamanlı multipleks PCR yöntemi ile hızlı analizlerini gerçekleştirmekti. Gereç ve Yöntem: Ege Bölgesinde yaşayan kistik fibrozlu veya konjenital unilateral vas deferens agenezisi bulunan toplam 116 olgunun DNA örnekleri, tek bir çalışmada üç CFTR mutasyonun ayırıcı tanılarına gidilecek şekilde tasarlanmış olan gerçek zamanlı bir multipleks PCR yöntemiyle çalışıldı. Kullanılan yöntem ayrıca jel elekroforezi ve dHPLC yöntemleriyle de karşılaştırıldı. Bulgular: Çalışmanın sonunda, ?I507 ve F508C mutasyonları için taşıyıcı olgu saptanmamasına karşılık, olguların % 6.0' sı ?F508 aleli için heterozigot taşıyıcı ve % 1.8' i de homozigot hasta bulundu. ?F508 mutasyonunun görülme sıklığı % 4.7 olarak belirlendi. Gerçek-zamanlı multipleks PCR yönteminin jel elektroforezi ve dHPLC' den daha hızlı sonuç verdiği görüldü. Sonuç: Kistik fibrozlu veya konjenital unilateral agenezisi bulunan olgularda CFTR ?F508, ?I507 ve F508C gen mutasyonlarının hızlı tayininde gerçek-zamanlı multipleks PCR ilk tercih edilen yöntem olmalıdır

    Revealing genome-wide mRNA and microRNA expression patterns in leukemic cells highlighted “hsa-miR-2278” as a tumor suppressor for regain of chemotherapeutic imatinib response due to targeting STAT5A

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    BCR-ABL oncoprotein stimulates cell proliferation and inhibits apoptosis in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). For cure, imatinib is a widely used tyrosine kinase inhibitor, but developing chemotherapeutic resistance has to be overcome. In this study, we aimed to determine differing genome-wide microRNA (miRNA) and messenger RNA (mRNA) expression profiles in imatinib resistant (K562/IMA-3 μM) and parental cells by targeting STAT5A via small interfering RNA (siRNA) applications. After determining possible therapeutic miRNAs, we aimed to check their effects upon cell viability and proliferation, apoptosis, and find a possible miRNA::mRNA interaction to discover the molecular basis of imatinib resistance. We detected that miR-2278 and miR-1245b-3p were most significantly regulated miRNAs according to miRNome array. Upregulating miR-2278 expression resulted in the inhibition of resistant leukemic cell proliferation and induced apoptosis, whereas miR-1245b-3p did not exhibit therapeutic results. Functional analyses indicated that AKT2, STAM2, and STAT5A mRNAs were functional targets for miR-2278 as mimic transfection decreased their expressions both at transcriptional and translational level, thus highlighting miR-2278 as a tumor suppressor. This study provides new insights in discovering the mechanism of imatinib resistance due to upregulating the tumor-suppressor hsa-miR-2278 which stands for a functional therapeutic approach, inhibited leukemic cell proliferation, induced apoptosis, and regain of chemotherapeutic drug response in CML therapy. © 2015, International Society of Oncology and BioMarkers (ISOBM).Ege University Research Fund (APAK 2013-TIP/083

    Türkiye'de inme hastalarında atrial fibrilasyon ve yönetimi: Nörotek Çalışması gerçek hayat verileri (S-011)

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    Atrial Fibrillation Management in Acute Stroke Patients in Türkiye: Real-life Data from the NöroTek Study

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    Objective: Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common directly preventable cause of ischemic stroke. There is no dependable neurology-based data on the spectrum of stroke caused by AF in Turkiye. Within the scope of NoroTek-Turkiye (TR), hospital-based data on acute stroke patients with AF were collected to contribute to the creation of acute-stroke algorithms.Materials and Methods: On May 10, 2018 (World Stroke Awareness Day), 1,790 patients hospitalized at 87 neurology units in 30 health regions were prospectively evaluated. A total of 929 patients [859 acute ischemic stroke, 70 transient ischemic attack (TIA)] from this study were included in this analysis.Results: The rate of AF in patients hospitalized for ischemic stroke/TIA was 29.8%, of which 65% were known before stroke, 5% were paroxysmal, and 30% were diagnosed after hospital admission. The proportion of patients with AF who received "effective" treatment [international normalization ratio >= 2.0 warfarin or non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants (NOACs) at a guideline dose] was 25.3%, and, either no medication or only antiplatelet was used in 42.5% of the cases. The low dose rate was 50% in 42 patients who had a stroke while taking NOACs. Anticoagulant was prescribed to the patient at discharge at a rate of 94.6%; low molecular weight or unfractionated heparin was prescribed in 28.1%, warfarin in 32.5%, and NOACs in 31%. The dose was in the low category in 22% of the cases discharged with NOACs, and half of the cases, who received NOACs at admission, were discharged with the same drug.Conclusion: NoroTekTR revealed the high but expected frequency of AF in acute stroke in Turkiye, as well as the aspects that could be improved in the management of secondary prophylaxis. AF is found in approximately one-third of hospitalized acute stroke cases in Turkiye. Effective anticoagulant therapy was not used in three-quarters of acute stroke cases with known AF. In AF, heparin, warfarin, and NOACs are planned at a similar frequency (one-third) within the scope of stroke secondary prophylaxis, and the prescribed NOAC dose is subtherapeutic in a quarter of the cases. Non-medical and medical education appears necessary to prevent stroke caused by AF

    Gastrostomy in hospitalized patients with acute stroke: "NoroTek" Turkey point prevalence study subgroup analysis

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    Objective: Nutritional status assessment, dysphagia evaluation and enteral feeding decision are important determinants of prognosis in acute neurovascular diseases. Materials and Methods: NöroTek is a point prevalence study conducted with the participation of 87 hospitals spread across all health sub regions of Turkey conducted on 10-May-2018 (World Stroke Awareness Day). A total of 972 hospitalized neurovascular patients [female: 53%, age: 69±14; acute ischemic stroke in 845; intracerebral hematoma (ICH) in 119 and post-resuscitation encephalopathy (PRE) in 8] with complete data were included in this sub-study. Results: Gastrostomy was inserted in 10.7% of the patients with ischemic stroke, 10.1% of the patients with ICH and in 50% of the patients with PRE. Independent predictors of percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) administration were The National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score at admission [exp (β): 1.09 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.05-1.14, per point] in ischemic stroke; and mechanical ventilation in ischemic [exp (β): 6.18 (95% CI: 3.16-12.09)] and hemorrhagic strokes [exp (β): 26.48 (95% CI: 1.36-515.8)]. PEG was found to be a significant negative indicator of favorable (modified Rankin’s scale score 0-2) functional outcome [exp (β): 0.032 (95% CI: 0.004-0.251)] but not of in-hospital mortality [exp (β): 1.731 (95% CI: 0.785-3.829)]. Nutritional and swallowing assessments were performed in approximately two-thirds of patients. Of the nutritional assessments 69% and 76% of dysphagia assessments were completed within the first 2 days. Tube feeding was performed in 39% of the patients. In 83.5% of them, tube was inserted in the first 2 days; 28% of the patients with feeding tube had PEG later. Conclusion: The NöroTek study provided the first reliable and large-scale data on key quality metrics of nutrition practice in acute stroke in Turkey. In terms of being economical and accurate it makes sense to use the point prevalence method.Amaç: Akut nörovasküler hastalıklarda nütrisyonel durum ve disfaji değerlendirmesi ve enteral beslenme kararı önemli prognoz belirleyicilerindendir. Gereç ve Yöntem: NöroTek, 10 Mayıs 2018’de (Dünya İnme Farkındalık Günü) Türkiye’nin tüm sağlık alt bölgelerine yayılmış 87 hastanenin katılımıyla gerçekleştirilen bir nokta prevalans çalışmasıdır. Hastanede yatan ve bu alt çalışma için toplanan verisi tam olan toplam 972 nörovasküler hasta (kadın: %53, yaş: 69±14 yıl; 845’i akut iskemik inme; 119’u intraserebral hematom ve 8’i post-resüsitasyon ensefalopatisi) analiz edildi. Bulgular: Gastrostomi iskemik inmeli hastaların %10,7, intraserebral kanamalıların %10,1 ve post-resusitasyon ensefalopatisi olanların %50’sine uygulanmıştır. Perkütan endoskopik gastrostomi (PEG) gereksiniminin bağımsız belirleyicileri, iskemik inme grubunda kabul NIHSS [exp (β): 1,09, %95 güven aralığı (GA): 1,05-1,14, puan başına] ile hem iskemik hem de hemorajik inmelerde mekanik ventilasyon uygulanmış olmasıdır [iskemik için: exp (β): 6,18, %95 GA: 3,16- 12,09] ve hemorajik inme için: [exp (β): 26,48, 95% GA: 1,36-515,8]. İnme olgularında PEG uygulaması hastane içi mortalite için bağımsız belirleyici değildi [exp (β): 1,731, 95% GA: 0,785-3,829]. Ancak, PEG uygulanmış olması taburculuk esnasında iyi prognoza (modifiye Rankin skoru 0-2) sahip olabilme için anlamlı bir negatif etmen olarak bulundu [exp (β): 0,032, %95 GA: 0,004-0,251]. Hastanede yatan nörovasküler hastaların yaklaşık üçte ikisinde malnütrisyon ve yutma bozukluğu açısından değerlendirme yapılmıştı. Nutrisyonel status değerlendirmesinin %69’u ve disfaji değerlendirmesinin %76’sı ilk 48 saat içinde gerçekleştirilmişti. Tüple enteral nütrisyon uygulama oranı %39’du. Beslenme tüplerinin %83,5’i ilk 2 gün içinde yerleştirilirken beslenme tüpü olan hastaların %28’ine daha sonra PEG açılmıştı. Sonuç: NöroTek çalışması ile Türkiye’de hastanede yatan akut inme hastalarında nutrisyonel uygulamaların temel kalite ölçütlerine ilişkin ilk güvenilir ve büyük ölçekli veri sağlanmıştır. Ekonomik olması ve doğruluğu açısından nokta yaygınlık yönteminin bu tip verilerin temini için daha fazla kullanılması mantıklıdır