122 research outputs found

    OlağandÄ±ĆŸÄ± HbA1c dĂŒzeyi gözlenen tip 1 diyabetli bir olgunun değerlendirilmesi

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    The HbA1c test provides information about blood glucose levels of previous months depending on the erythrocyte lifetime when monitoring diabetic patients. However, various factors such as HbF and other hemoglobin variants can interfere with the measurement of HbA1c. In this study, an unexpectedly high HbA1c level was observed in a patient with type 1 diabetes. In the hemoglobin chain analysis, which explained the reason for the high value, high fetal hemoglobin levels were detected and interfered with HbA1c measurement with the HPLC method. This finding was in concordance with the literature. As a conclusion, it should be considered that hemoglobinopathy might be found in the patients who have higher levels of HbA1c which is not in agreement with the blood glucose. Thus, it can be said that HbA1c test is not a good marker for monitoring such diabetic patients. In such cases, fructosamine or other glycated end products may be a more reliable marker.HbA1c testi, diyabetik hastalarda eritrosit yaƟam sĂŒresine bağlı olarak son birkaç aylık kan Ɵekeri dĂŒzeyi hakkında bilgi veren bir testtir. ÇeƟitli yöntemlerle ölĂ§ĂŒlen HbF ya da diğer hemoglobin tipleri HbA1c ölĂ§ĂŒm sonuçlarını etkileyebilir. Bu çalÄ±ĆŸmada tip 1 diyabetli bir hastada beklenmedik yĂŒksek HbA1c dĂŒzeyi gözlendi. Nedenini açıklamak için gerçekleƟtirilen Hb zinciri analizinde, yĂŒksek HbF dĂŒzeyinin HPLC metodu ile yapılan HbA1c ölĂ§ĂŒmĂŒnĂŒ etkilediği tespit edildi. Bu bulgu literatĂŒr ile de uyum göstermekteydi. Sonuç olarak, kan Ɵekeri ile uyumu dĂŒĆŸĂŒnĂŒldĂŒÄŸĂŒnde yĂŒksek bulunan HbA1c dĂŒzeyleri için hastalarda hemoglobinopati bulunabileceği göz önĂŒne alınmalıdır. Bu durumda HbA1c testinin böyle diyabetik hastaların takibi için iyi bir rehber olmadığı söylenebilir. Bu gibi vakalarda, fruktozamin veya diğer glukozile son ĂŒrĂŒnler daha gĂŒvenilir izlem belirteci olabilir

    1-(2-Phenyl­benz­yl)-3-(2,4,6-trimethyl­benz­yl)imidazolidinium bromide

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    In the title salt, C26H29N2 +·Br−, which may serve as a precursor for N-heterocyclic carbenes, the imidazolidine ring adopts a twist conformation with a pseudo-twofold axis passing through the N—C—N carbon and the opposite C—C bond. The N—C—N bond angle [113.0 (4)°] and C—N bond lengths [1.313 (6) and 1.305 (6) Å] confirm the existence of strong resonance in this part of the mol­ecule. In the crystal, a C—H⋯Br inter­action is present. The dihedral angle between the biphenyl rings is 64.3 (2)° and the phenyl rings make angles of 76.6 (3) and 18.5 (3)° with the plane of the imidazolidine ring

    A control method for driving dual permanent magnet synchronous motors fed by single matrix converter

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    U ovom je radu predstavljena metoda upravljanja pogonom dva sinhrona motora s paralelno povezanim trajnim magnetom, napajana jednim pretvaračem. Ovdje primijenjeni matrični konverter omogućuje ac-ac konverziju u jednom stupnju. Model matričnog konvertera i d-q model dvostrukih PMSMs izvode se u Matlab/Simulink-u. U industrijskim primjenama s dvostrukim motorima napajanim iz jedinstvenog pretvarača, smanjuje se volumen i teĆŸina pogonskog sustava, reduciraju se energetsko elektronički prekidači i druge komponente i smanjuju instalacijski troĆĄkovi. Zbog ovih su prednosti razvijene mnoge metode za upravljanje dvostrukim motornim pogonom. U ovom se istraĆŸivanju upravljanje motorom izvodi primjenom metode prosječne brzine. Upravljanje sinhronim motorima s dvostrukim permanentnim magnetom s jednim pretvaračem provodi se s neuronskim fuzzy regulatorima na bazi ANFIS-a. Svi se parametri motora smatraju jednakima budući da se razmatraju dva identična sinhrona motora s permanentnim magnetima. U simulaciji se istraĆŸuju dva različita uvjeta rada. U prvom slučaju, jedan od identičnih motora radi bez opterećenja, a drugi s nazivnim opterećenjem. U drugom slučaju, svaki motor radi s različitim momentima opterećenja koji variraju s vremenom. Prikazani su odgovarajući rezultati simulacije kako bi se pokazala učinkovitost pogonskog sustava.In this study, a control method is created to drive two parallel-connected permanent magnet synchronous motors fed by a single converter. Matrix converter used in this work provides ac-ac conversion in one stage. The matrix converter model and d-q model of dual PMSMs are performed in Matlab/Simulink. In industrial applications containing dual motors fed from a single converter, volume and weight of the drive system decreases, power electronics switches and other components are reduced and the installation cost decreases. Because of these advantages, many methods are being developed by researchers to control the dual motor drives. In this study, the motor control has been performed by using the average speed method. Control of dual permanent magnet synchronous motors with a single converter is implemented with ANFIS-based neural fuzzy controllers. All parameters of the motors are taken equal since two identical permanent magnet synchronous motors are considered. Two various operation conditions are investigated in the simulation. In the first case, one of the identical motors is operated on no-load, while the other one is operated with the rated load. In the second case, each motor is operated with various load torques varying with the time. Corresponding simulation results have been presented to show the performance of the drive system

    Right Coronary Artery Originating from the Left: Do Not Miss the Diagnosis!

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    Objective. Left circumflex (LCx) artery originating from the right coronary arterial (RCA) system has been reported as the most common form of anomalous origination of a coronary artery from the opposite sinus (ACAOS). However, some studies claim that RCA originating from the left coronary sinus (LCS) is the most frequent form. The aim of this study was to determine the most common type of ACAOS in a single center. Materials and Methods. The database of the catheterization laboratory was retrospectively searched. All patients who were performed coronary angiography between 1999 and 2006 were included to registry. All examinations were carefully analyzed to determine the most frequent type of ACAOS. Results. We detected ACAOS in 35 cases (16 RCA originating from the LCS, 13 LCx from the RCS or the RCA, and 6 others) out of 5165 coronary angiograms. The most common form was RCA originating from LCS. Moreover, we revealed that 5 cases with RCA originating from the LCS were previously misdiagnosed and not reported as a coronary anomaly. Conclusions. RCA originating from the LCS was the most common form of ACAOS in our registry. The high change of misdiagnosis or underreporting of this anomaly could have biased the true prevalence

    The correlation between birth weight and insulin-like growth factor-binding protein-1 (IGFBP-1), kisspeptin-1 (KISS-1), and three-dimensional fetal volume

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    Purpose: This study aimed to determine the relationship between birth weight, and maternal serum insulin-like growth factor-binding protein-1 (IGFBP-1) and kisspeptin-1 (KISS-1) levels, and first-trimester fetal volume (FV) based on three-dimensional ultrasonography. Materials and methods: The study included 142 pregnant women at gestational week 11 degrees-13(6). All fetuses were imaged ultrasonographically by the same physician. Maternal blood samples were collected at the time of ultrasonographic evaluation and analyzed for IGFBP-1 and KISS-1 levels via enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Maternal and neonatal weights were recorded at birth. Birth weight 90th percentiles was defined as small and large for gestational age (SGA and LGA), respectively. Results: Median crown-rump length (CRL), FV, and maternal serum IGFBP-1 and KISS-1 levels were 58.2 mm (35.3-79.2 mm), 16.3 cm(3) (3.8-34.4 cm(3)), 68.1 ng mL(-1) (3.8-377.9 mL(-1)), and 99.7 ng L-1 (42.1-965.3 ng L-1), respectively. First-trimester IGFBP-1 levels were significantly lower in the mothers with LGA neonates (p .05). The maternal IGFBP-1 level during the first trimester was a significant independent factor for SGA and LGA neonates (Odds ratio (OR): 0.011, 95%CI: 1.005-1.018, p < .001; and OR: 1.297, 95%CI: 1.074-1.566, p = .007, respectively). There was no significant relationship between SGA or LGA, and CRL, FV, or the KISS-1 level. Conclusions: As compared to the maternal KISS-1 level, the maternal IGFBP-1 level during the first trimester might be a better biomarker of fetal growth. Additional larger scale studies are needed to further delineate the utility of IGFBP-1 as a marker of abnormal birth weight

    Association of total serum antioxidant capacity with the Tei index in echocardiography in patients with microvascular angina

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    Objectives Cardiac syndrome X (CSX) is a conditioncharacterized by exercise-induced chest pain that occursconsidering a normal coronary angiogram. We aimed toinvestigate the total serum antioxidant capacity (TAC) andbiventricular global functions using echocardiography inpatients with CSX.Patients and methods The study population included 55patients with typical anginal symptoms and a positiveexercise stress test, or ischemia in myocardial perfusionscintigraphy and normal coronary arteries detectedangiographically, and 49 healthy volunteers with atypicalchest pain and a negative stress test. TAC was assessedfrom blood samples. Transthoracic echocardiography wasperformed for the entire study population. The Tei index wascalculated using the formula IVCT+IVRT/ET.Results TAC was found to be significantly lower in the CSXgroup compared with the control group (0.70 ± 0.37 vs.1.5± 0.30, respectively, P1.77 mmol/l), it was found that the Tei indexwas higher in the decreased TAC group compared with theother groups (0.66 ± 0.18 vs. 0.49 ± 0.10 and0.46± 0.13 mmol/l, P<0.001, respectively).Conclusion Our study suggested that TAC wassignificantly decreased in CSX patients and decreasedantioxidant levels were related to impaired Tei index inechocardiography in patients with microvascularangina. Coron Artery Dis 26:620–625 Copyright © 2015Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved

    Dizajn maske za lice s UVC-LED zračenjem i njezina djelotvornost protiv uobičajenih klica

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    During the Covid-19 pandemic, one of the best means of personal protection was using face masks. In this context, the World Health Organization has declared the attempts to produce masks inactivating airborne virus species a welcome initiative. This preliminary study aimed to prove that airborne germs passing through a mask filter cartridge can be destroyed by the rays emitted from UVC LEDs placed in such cartridge. We therefore designed such a face mask and tested the efficiency of UVC LEDs placed in its cartridge against common contaminants, gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus, gram-negative Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and the influenza A/Puerto Rico/8/1934 virus because of its similarity with SARS CoV-2. Eight UVC LEDs with a total power of 75 mW provided sufficient germicidal effect for all three germs. In terms of safety, ozone production released during UVC LED emission was negligible. Our findings are promising, as they show that well-designed UVC-based face masks can be effective against airborne germs, but further research on a greater sample may help us learn more and optimise such face masks.Tijekom pandemije Covida-19 jedan od najboljih oblika osobne zaĆĄtite bilo je noĆĄenje maski za lice. U tom je smislu Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija pozdravila pokuĆĄaje izrade maski koje ubijaju virusne vrste koje se prenose zrakom. Cilj je ovoga preliminarnog istraĆŸivanja bio dokazati da se zrakom noĆĄene klice koje prolaze kroz filtarske uloĆĄke mogu uniĆĄtiti zračenjem UVC ledica smjeĆĄtenih u takve uloĆĄke. Stoga smo osmislili masku za lice s tom namjenom i iskuĆĄali djelotvornost UVC ledica protiv uobičajenih izvora zaraza: gram-pozitivnoga Staphylococcus aureus, gram-negativnoga Pseudomonas aeruginosa i virusa influence A/Puerto Rico/8/1934 zbog njegove sličnosti s virusom SARS CoV-2. Osam UVC ledica ukupne snage 75 mW iskazale su dovoljan germicidni učinak protiv svih triju klica. U smislu sigurnosti primjene, ozon proizveden tijekom UVC-LED zračenja pokazao se zanemarivim. NaĆĄi su rezultati obećavajući jer pokazuju da dobro osmiĆĄljene maske za lice s UVC zračenjem mogu biti djelotvorne protiv zrakom noĆĄenih klica, ali će tek daljnja istraĆŸivanja na većem uzorku pomoći da doznamo viĆĄe i usavrĆĄimo takve maske za lice

    Magnetic Resonance Imaging Texture Analysis in the Detection of Metastatic Lymph Nodes in Patients with Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma

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    Abstract Aims: To investigate the role of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) texture analysis (TA) in the detection of metastatic lymph nodes in patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). Material and methods: Between January 2020 and October 2021, 15 NPC patients with 32 metastatic lymph nodes and 30 healthy subjects with benign lymph nodes were included in the study. The texture features compared between metastatic and benign lymph nodes. The independent predictor parameters of metastatic lymph nodes were determined using multivariate regression analysis. Receiver operator characteristics (ROC) analysis was used to evaluate the diagnostic performance of the regression models. Results: The first order texture features did not differ significantly between groups (p&gt;0.05). Except for correlation in metastatic lymph nodes, all gray-level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) and gray-level run length matrix (GLRLM) features were significantly different (p&lt;0.05). The GLCM features of joint entropy, joint energy, and maximum probability; and the GLRLM features of gray level non uniformity and low gray level run emphasis were independent predictors of metastatic lymph nodes. The area under the curve (AUC) values for the GLCM regression model and GLRLM regression model were 0.975 and 0.928, respectively. Conclusion: MRI texture analysis may be useful to detect metastatic lymph nodes in patients with NPC by providing quantitative information on tissue heterogeneity and cellular composition

    On nonsingularity of combinations of three group invertible matrices and three tripotent matrices

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    Let T=c1T1+c2T2+c3T3- c4(T1T2+T3T1+T2T3), where T1, T2, T3 are three n x n tripotent matrices and c1, c2, c3, c4 are complex numbers with c1, c2, c3 nonzero. In this article, necessary and sufficient conditions for the nonsingularity of such combinations are established and some formulae for the inverses of them are obtained. Some of these results are given in terms of group invertible matrices.We would like to thank the referee for his/her careful reading. The first author was supported by the Vicerrectorado de Investigacion U.P.V. PAID 06-2010-2285.Benítez López, J.; Sarduvan, M.; Ülker, S.; Özdemir, H. (2013). On nonsingularity of combinations of three group invertible matrices and three tripotent matrices. Linear and Multilinear Algebra. 61(4):463-481. https://doi.org/10.1080/03081087.2012.689986S463481614Baksalary, J. K., & Baksalary, O. M. (2004). Nonsingularity of linear combinationsof idempotent matrices. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 388, 25-29. doi:10.1016/j.laa.2004.02.025Baksalary, J. K., Baksalary, O. M., & Özdemir, H. (2004). A note on linear combinations of commuting tripotent matrices. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 388, 45-51. doi:10.1016/j.laa.2004.01.011Benítez, J., Liu, X., & Zhu, T. (2010). Nonsingularity and group invertibility of linear combinations of twok-potent matrices. Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 58(8), 1023-1035. doi:10.1080/03081080903207932Benítez, J., & Thome, N. (2006). {k}-Group Periodic Matrices. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 28(1), 9-25. doi:10.1137/s0895479803437384Gross, J., & Trenkler, G. (2000). Nonsingularity of the Difference of Two Oblique Projectors. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 21(2), 390-395. doi:10.1137/s0895479897320277Horn, R. A., & Johnson, C. R. (1985). Matrix Analysis. doi:10.1017/cbo9780511810817Koliha, J. J., & Rakočević, V. (2006). The nullity and rank of linear combinations of idempotent matrices. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 418(1), 11-14. doi:10.1016/j.laa.2006.01.011Koliha, J. ., Rakočević, V., & Straơkraba, I. (2004). The difference and sum of projectors. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 388, 279-288. doi:10.1016/j.laa.2004.03.008Liu, X., Wu, S., & Benítez, J. (2011). On nonsingularity of combinations of two group invertible matrices and two tripotent matrices. Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 59(12), 1409-1417. doi:10.1080/03081087.2011.558843Meyer, C. (2000). Matrix Analysis and Applied Linear Algebra. doi:10.1137/1.9780898719512Mitra, S. K. (1987). On group inverses and the sharp order. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 92, 17-37. doi:10.1016/0024-3795(87)90248-5Mitra, S. K., & Bhimasankaram, P. (2010). MATRIX PARTIAL ORDERS, SHORTED OPERATORS AND APPLICATIONS. SERIES IN ALGEBRA. doi:10.1142/9789812838452Zhang, F. (1999). Matrix Theory. Universitext. doi:10.1007/978-1-4757-5797-2Zuo, K. (2010). Nonsingularity of the difference and the sum of two idempotent matrices. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 433(2), 476-482. doi:10.1016/j.laa.2010.03.01

    Hearing Thresholds and Serum Apelin Levels in Patients with Vertebrobasilar Insufficiency

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    Objective: Vertebrobasilar insufficiency (VBI) is a clinical entity that results from the decrease in flow volumes due to hemodynamic changes in the vertebral artery and its branches. Herein, we aimed to investigate the hearing thresholds and serum apelin levels in VBI patients who were admitted to our clinics with vertigo.Methods: Patients who were admitted to our clinics with vertigo were included in our study. They underwent bilateral carotid and vertebral artery color Doppler ultrasound investigation to determine VBI. Then, they were grouped into two groups: having VBI or not. Pure tone audiometry tests between 2500-8000 Hertz (Hz) were applied, and plasma levels of apelin, routine biochemistry parameters, and levels of C-reactive protein were studied in these patients.Results: Thirty-eight (47% women, mean age 57.6±9.3) patients with VBI and 24 controls (50% women, mean age 57.0±10.1) were included. In patients with VBI, hearing thresholds were higher in the left ear except at the 500 Hz frequency. Serum apelin levels were not statistically different between the 2 groups.Conclusion: In this study, several abnormalities in hearing tests were determined in VBI patients. The hypothesis was that basilar artery dysfunction caused by asymmetry of vertebral artery flow volumes in VBI might increase apelin levels, which have functions in angiogenesis, hemostasis, and cardiovascular hemodynamics. However, we could not find a significant difference in apelin levels between the 2 groups. This result was thought to be due to the absence of severe hemodynamic abnormalities and atherosclerosis in the study groups
