5 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Oxidant-Antioxidant Status of Fluvoxamine on Human Lymphocyte Cell Culture

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    Depression is one of the prevalent psychiatric diseases in Turkey and the world. Fluvoxamine is a strong selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) that is used as an antidepressant. No study investigating the doses of Fluvoxamine treatment that may lead to a disruption in the oxidant-antioxidant balance on the cellular level in addition to its beneficial effects has been found in the literature. For this purpose, by creating Fluvoxamine application groups at the doses of 7.5, 15, 30 and 60 μM and durations of 24 and 48 hours on human lymphocyte cell cultures, we investigated the total oxidant status (TOS), total antioxidant status (TAS) and oxidative stress index (OSI). According to the results of the study, the TOS levels of all dose groups increased significantly in the 24- and 48-hour applications (p lt;0.05). While the TAS levels significantly increased in the 24-hour application of the doses of 7.5 and 15 μM and 48-application of the dose of 7.5 μM, they significantly decreased in the 24- and 48-hour applications of the doses of 30 and 60 μM (p lt;0.05). The OSI level increased significantly in the 24- and 48-hour applications of the doses of 30 and 60 μM. The results of our study demonstrated that, in the 24- and 48-hour applications of the doses of 30 and 60 μM, the antioxidant system could not compensate and the cells exposed to oxidative stress

    Cytologic and Clinical Evaluation of Human Papillomavirus in Women Underwent Routine Gynecologic Examination

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine the frequency of Human Papillomavirus infection in routine gynecologic examination and to detect whether there is a relationship between the presence of Human Papilloma Virus and cytologic and gynecological findings. STUDY DESIGN: Four hundred women applying to Gynecology outpatient clinic for routine gynecologic examination were included. Conventional Pap smears of 400 patients were stained by Papanicolaou technique and examined cytologically. HPV DNA was detected by in-house PCR . Also HPV positive samples were evaluated for HPV 16 and 18 by same method. RESULTS: Eleven (2.75%) of 400 women were HPV DNA (+). Two of which were type 16 and 18 and one of which was type 18. Nuclear membrane irregularity, hyperchromatism, koilocytotic cell, vacuolisation and post partum period corralated with HPV infection (p <0.05). CONCLUSION: Pap smear examination is a value of detection of cellular changes belonging Human Papillomavirus and if in this examination it is need to, these patients refer to Human Papillomavirus DNA screening it would be more cost effective

    Protective Effect of L-carnitine on Morphological Alterations and Occurrence in Developing Follicles Exposed Ionising Radiation in Rat Ovary

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    Amaç: Radyasyon hücrelerin çekirdek ve sitoplazmasında bir takım değişikliklere sebebiyet verebilir, memeli germ hücreleri de iyonize radyasyona (İR) karşı oldukça duyarlıdır. İyonize radyasyon ovaryum folliküllerindeki dejenerasyonu arttırır. Bu çalışmanın amacı tüm vücudu iyonize radyasyona maruz kalan sıçanların ovaryum folliküllerinde L-karnitinin (LK) antiapoptotik ve radyoprotektif etkilerini araştırmaktır. Materyal-Method: Çalışmamızda 30 adet Wistar albino dişi sıçan 5 ayrı gruba ayrıldı. Radyasyon hasarı için kontrol hariç tüm sıçanlara 8,3 Gy X ışını uygulandı. LK gruplarına ışınlamadan önce günlük 200mg/kg LK uygulandı. Işınlama sonrası 6.saatte (Rad-1) ve 4. günde (Rad-2) ovaryum dokuları toplandı. Ovaryum dokusundan her 5. kesit alınarak hematoksilen-eozin boyaması yapılarak oosit çekirdeğinin görüldüğü her oosit sayıldı. Folliküller primordiyal, primer, preantral ve antral olacak şekilde sınıflandırıldı. Serumdaki IL-1? (interlökin-1 alfa), IL-4 (interlökin-4) ve GM-CSF (granülosit monosit koloni sitümülan faktör) değerleri flow sitometri ile analiz edildi. Bulgular: İyonize radyasyon uygulamasının sonrasında 6.saat ve 4. gün ovaryum dokuları alınan gruplarda atretik folliküllerin oranında artış gözlendi. Granüloza hücreleri yuvarlak şekilli ve apoptotik hücre görünümünde izlendi. İyonize radyasyona maruz kalan sıçanların ovaryum dokuları incelendiğinde 4.gün İR grubunda atretik folliküllerin sayısı 6. saat İR grubuna göre belirgin bir şekilde artmıştı. LK uygulanan gruplarda İR'nun yarattığı hasarda belirgin bir düzelme gözlendi. İR gruplarında serumdaki IL-1?, IL-4 ve GM-CSF düzeyleri kontrol grubu ve tedavi grubuna göre artmış olarak izlendi.Sonuç: İyonize radyasyonun akut olarak primordiyal ve primer folliküllerdeki dejenerasyonu arttırdığı sonucuna varılmıştır. Ayrıca, L-karnitinin iyonize radyasyona bağlı gelişen folliküler atrezide koruyucu bir rolü olduğunu düşünmekteyiz.Objective: This study deals with the morphological degenerations of normal and atretic follicles based on artificially induced radiation apoptosis. Ovarian follicular degeneration is accelerated by ionising radiation. The aim of the present study was to assess the radioprotective effects of L-carnitine on ovarian follicles. Material-Method: Thirty Wistar albino female rats were divided into five groups. Rats with or without pretreatment with 200 mg/kg L-carnitine, were irradiated with 8.3 Gy of X ray. The ovaries were collected at 6 h and 4 d after irradiation. Every fifth section throughout the entire ovary was stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin and follicles with a nucleus present in the oocyte were counted. The follicles were classified as primordial, primary, preantral and antral. The levels of IL-1?, IL-4 and GM-CSF in serum were determined by flow cytometric analysis. Results: The ratio (%) of normal to atretic follicles decreased with time after the irradiation in primordial follicles and in primary follicles as well. At 6 h after irradiation, the number of degenerated primordial follicles increased. Granulosa cells became round in shape and apoptotic cells started to appear. When the ovarian tissues of the rats exposed to ionizing radiation were examined, the number of atretic follicles in the 4th day ID group was significantly prominent at 6th hour according to the IR group. A significant improvement in IR damage was observed in LK treated groups. Serum levels of IL-1?, IL-4 and GM-CSF were increased in the IR groups compared to the control group and the treatment group. Conclusions: It is concluded that the ionizing radiation acutely induces the degeneration of primordial and primary follicles These results can provide morphological clues for the identification of the degenerating primordial and primary follicles in normal and irradiated rat ovaries

    Migren Hastalarında CHRNA4 Gen Polimorfizmilerinin, Oksidatif DNA Hasarı ve Oksidatif Stres Markır Seviyelerinin Analizi

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    Amaç: Migren, oldukça karmaşık bir genetik etyopatogenezi olan primer başağrısı sendromudur. Migrenin altında yatan mekanizmalar henüz net olarak aydınlatılamamıştır. Çalışmamızın amacı, CHRNA4 geni polimorfizmleri ile migren arasındaki ilişkinin araştırılması ve migren hastalarının plazmalarında 8-oxo2dG ve AOPP düzeylerinin tespiti ile oksidatif DNA hasarı ve oksidatif stresin belirlenmesidir. Method: Çalışmamızda, migren hastaları (n = 79) ve ilişkisiz sağlıklı bireylerden (n = 68) DNA elde edildi. CHRNA4 geni rs1044393 ve rs1044394 polimorfizmlerine ait allel ve genotipler PCR ve RFLP yöntemleri ile belirlendi. Ayrıca, migrenli hastaların plazmasında 8- oxo2dG ve AOPP düzeyleri ölçüldü. Bulgular: Çalışmamızın sonucunda, aurasız migren hastaları ile CHRNA4 geni rs1044394 polimorfizmi arasında anlamlı bir ilişki tespit edildi (p <0.05). Ayrıca, CHRNA4 geni rs1044394 polimorfizmi ile sigara kullanan migren hastaları arasında anlamlı bir ilişki olduğu belirlendi (p <0.05). İlginç bir sonuç olarak, sağlıklı kontrollere oranla migren hastalarında 8- oxo2dG düzeyinin daha düşük olduğu tespit edildi. (p <0.05). Sonuç: Verilerimize göre, CHRNA4 geni migren hastalığı için önemli olabilir. Ayrıca, ilaç tedavisi alan migrenli hastaların plazmasındaki 8-oxo2dG düzeyinde azalma olabileceği belirlenmiştir Bu durum, migrendeki ilaç tedavisinin oksidatif stresi azaltıyor olabileceğini göstermektedir.Aim: Migraine is a primary headache syndrome which has been a genetic factor in quite complex etiopathogenesis. The mechanisms underlying the migraine have not been clearly enlightened. The aim of our study is to investigate the relationship between polymorphisms of CHRNA4 gene and migraine and determined to oxidative DNA damage and oxidative stress with detection of 8-oxo2dG and AOPP levels in plasma of patients with migraine. Methods: In our study, DNA was obtained from migraine patients (n=79) and unrelated healthy persons (n=68). Alleles and genotypes of CHRNA4 gene polymorphisms (rs1044394, rs1044393) were determined with PCR and RFLP methods. Also, 8-oxo2dG and AOPP levels were measured in plasma of migraine patients. Results: As a result, we were found a significant relationship between rs1044394 polymorphism of CHRNA4 gene and migraine patients without aura (p <0.05). Also, it was shown a significant association between rs1044394 polymorphism of CHRNA4 gene and smoker migraine patients (p <0.05). As an interesting, 8-oxo2dG levels in migraine patients were determinate significantly lower than healthy controls (p <0.05). Conclusions: According to our results, CHRNA4 gene may be important for migraine disease. Also, 8-oxo2dG levels in plasma of patients with migraine who have take medicine treatment might be decreased. This situation may show that drug therapy for migraine may reduce oxidative stress

    Interleukin 18 gene polymorphism is a risk factor for multiple sclerosis

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    Proinflammatory cytokines with immunosuppressive properties play an important role in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis (MS). Interleukin 18 (IL-18) is one of the most important innate cytokines produced from macrophages in the early stages of the inflammatory immune response. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there was any relationship between IL18 gene polymorphisms and MS. IL18 genotyping were performed in 101 MS patients and 164 control subjects by using the PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) method. The frequency of MS patients with the CC genotype of the IL18 gene at position -137 was significantly higher than with the GG genotype [p = 0.01, odds ratio (OR) 3.17]. In haplotype analysis of two SNPs in the IL18 gene, frequency of the CC haplotype was significantly higher in MS patients (p = 0.002, OR 3.0). However, the genotype distribution of the IL18 -607 C/A polymorphism in the MS patient group was not significantly different from that of the control group. These data suggest that IL18 gene polymorphisms at position -137 might be a genetic risk factor for MS in the Turkish population