5 research outputs found

    A Rare Cause of Acute Respiratory Distress: Cervical Ranula

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    Plunging or cervical ranula is a mucus extravasation pseudocyst arising from the sublingual gland that is located below the mylohyoid muscle. Clinically, if large enough, cervical ranulas can affect swallowing, speech, chewing, and even breathing. The acute presentation of ranulas, which are clinically known as slow-growing, painless masses, is rare. In this study, we present a case of cervical ranula that grew in a short period of 3 days and resulted in respiratory distress and that was operated in our clinic

    The seroprevalance and vaccination status of Hepatitis B in children 1-6 years of age in Denizli Province

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    AMAÇ: Bu çalışmanın amacı Denizli ilinde, 1-6 yas arası çocuklarda, HBsAg seroprevalansı, anti-HBs sıklıgı ve hepatit B aşılanma durumunu araştırmaktır. GEREÇ ve YÖNTEM: Çalışmaya alınan çocukların hiçbirinde kronik hastalık ve immun yetmezlik yoktu. Hepatit belirleyicileri (HBsAg, anti-HBs, anti-Hbc) 545 çocukta ELISA yöntemi ile tarandı. Ayrıca çocukların anne ve babasının Hepatit B infeksiyon durumu sorgulandı ve kayıt edildi. BULGULAR: Çalışmamızdaki 545 çocuğun 314 (%57.6)'sı kız, 231 (%42.4)'i erkek olup, ortalama yas 3.9±1.2 (2-6) yıl idi. 475 (%87.1) çocukta anti-HBs pozitifliği, 58 (%10.6) çocukta HBsAg ve anti HBs negatifliği, 12 (%2.3) çocukta HBsAg pozitifliği saptandı. SONUÇ: Tüm çocuklar içinde aşılanma oranı %84.9 olarak bulundu. Sonuçta, 1-6 yas arası çocukların aşılanmasının önemine dikkat çekilmiştir.OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to investigate seroprevalence of HBsAg and frequency of anti-HBs positivity and hepatitisBvaccination status in children, 1- 6 years of age, in Denizli province. MATERIALS and METHODS: None of the children had chronic diseases and immun deficiency. In 545 children, Hepatitis markers (HBsAg, anti-HBs, anti-Hbc) were screened by ELISA method. We questioned Hepatitis-B infection of parents. RESULTS: Of 545 patients, 314 (57.6%) were male, 231 (42.4%) were female, mean age was 3.9±1.2 (2-6) years. We found anti-HBs positivity in 475 (87.1%) children. 58 (10.6%) children had anti-HBs and HBsAg negativity. 12 (2.3%) children hadHBsAg positivity. CONCLUSION: The rate of vaccination in all children was found 84.9% (463 children). Importance of vaccination of 1-6 years of age was emphasized

    Our results of the hearing screening

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    Isitme kayıpları yenidoganlarda sosyal, duygusal ve zihinsel gelisimi olumsuz yönde etkilemektedir. Konusma ve dil gelisiminin olumsuz yönde etkilenmemesi için isitme kaybı olan yenidoganların erken dönemde tanınması büyük önem arz etmektedir. Erken dönemde tanı konup tedavisine baslanan çocuklarda konusma ve dil gelisimi, isitmesi normal olan çocukların konusma ve dil gelisimine paralel olmaktadır. Bu çalısmada 2005 2008 yılları arasında 19.464 yenidogana TEOAE (Transient Evoked Otoacoustic Emissions) testi ve ABR (Auditory Brainstem Response) testi kullanılarak isitme taraması yapılmıstır.Testler üç asamalı olarak gerçeklestirilmistir. Ilk ölçümlerde TEOAE testini geçemeyen bebeklere, 15 gün sonraki kontrolde TEOAE testi tekrarlanmıstır. TEOAE testini geçemeyen bebeklerABR testi ile degerlendirilmistir.ABR testinde 18 (%0,1) yenidoganda ileri derecede sensörinörinal isitme kaybı saptanmıstır. Isitme kayıplı yenidoganların tanınmasında isitme tarama testleri büyük öneme sahiptir.The hearing loses affect social, sentimental and mental developments of the newborns negatively. It has great importance to recognize the newborns with hearing loss in the early period in order not to have negative effects on speech and language development. The speech and language development in the children whose treatment has begun is paralel to the speech and language development of the children whose speech and language development is normal.. In this study, the hearing screening was made to 19.464 newborns using TEOAE and ABR tests between 2005-2008. To the newborns who failed the TEOAE test at first measurement the test was re-applied after fifteen days. The newborns who had failed the TEOAE test were evulated by ABR test. In 18 newborns (0.1%) sensorineural hearing losses have been diagnosed. The hearing screening tests have great importance in the recognition of newborns with hearing loss

    The role of the mean platelet volume and neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio in peritonsillar abscesses,

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    Abstract Introduction: Peritonsillar abscess is a serious infectious disease of the tonsillar tissue. Treatment generally requires both medical and surgical approaches to relieve the symptoms. Recently, in addition to clinical follow-up, some inflammatory markers, such as the mean platelet volume and neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio, have been considered to be additional inflammatory monitoring markers in inflammatory diseases. Objective: The aim of this study was to describe the role of mean platelet volume and neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio in patients with peritonsillar abscess. Methods: A retrospective study was conducted in 88 patients with peritonsillar abscess and 88 healthy individuals. We analyzed the white blood cell count, neutrophil count, lymphocyte count, platelet count, C-reactive protein, mean platelet volume and neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio values and compared them among the patient and control groups. Results: The mean platelet volume levels were significantly higher in the peritonsillar abscess pretreatment group than in the peritonsillar abscess posttreatment group and the control group. A mean platelet volume value of 8.7 was the optimal cut-off value for evaluating the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value of 75%, 65.9%, 68% and 72%, respectively. The neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio levels were significantly higher in the peritonsillar abscess pretreatment group than in the peritonsillar abscess post-treatment group and the control group. A neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio value of 3.08 was the optimal cut-off value for evaluating the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value of 90.9%, 90.9%, 90.9% and 90.9%, respectively. While the white blood cell count, neutrophil count, lymphocyte count and C-reactive protein values were significantly different among the patient and control groups (p 0.05). Conclusion: The mean platelet volume and neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio values made us think that these parameters were quick, inexpensive and reliable inflammatory follow-up parameters and could be easily integrated into daily practice for peritonsillar abscess treatment except platelet count