204 research outputs found

    The man who vacuum cleaned the Atlantic : the aerosol collector and Gunnar Erdtman’s attempts to measure pollen rain

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    Acknowledgements It is a pleasure to acknowledge the archival assistance provided by the Center for History of Science, The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and by Maria Asp in particular. The Center and the Palynologiska laboratoriet, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet are both thanked for permission to reproduce images used in this paper and in the associated online Supplementary files. We are grateful to Tony Hooley for his advice concerning the electrical components of the aerosol collector and Malin Eriksson of the Electrolux Company for historical guidance. The sharing of personal reminiscences of the Palynological Laboratory by Elisabeth Grafström is much appreciated.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    ”If we want change, then we have to do something!” : how two municipalities managed to include cooperative farming in the public procurement

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    Sveriges beredskap vid en eventuell kris Ă€r mycket lĂ„g och vi Ă€r idag bara sjĂ€lvförsörjande pĂ„ mjöl, morötter och socker. Ett sĂ€tt att stimulera det svenska jordbruket kan vara en högre grad av samverkan mellan myndigheter och producenter. Dock Ă€r det regelverk som förknippas med upphandlingar, Lagen om offentlig upphandling, detaljerat, komplext och omfattande vilket försvĂ„rar för enskilda tjĂ€nstepersoner att hantera utmaningen hur de kan inkludera lokala producenter. Trots det utmanande regelverket pĂ„gĂ„r det sedan nĂ„gra Ă„r ett innovativt arbete inom kostenheterna i SollefteĂ„ och Kramfors kommun. Som första kommun i Sverige har SollefteĂ„ sjösatt en modell för att öka andelen lokalproducerad mat i de offentliga köken. Vad de gjorde var att köpa andelar hos ett lokalt andelsjordbruk under tvĂ„ odlingssĂ€songer. Året efter SollefteĂ„ startat tog Kramfors efter och deras samarbete med andelsjordbruket Ă€r fortfarande aktivt. För att studera hur arbetet gĂ„tt till Ă„kte jag till VĂ€sternorrland för att intervjua personerna som Ă€r ansvariga för de bĂ„da kostenheterna. Med utgĂ„ngspunkt ur Anthony Giddens struktureringsteori har jag undersökt det handlingsutrymme inom vilket kommuntjĂ€nstepersonerna agerat inom. Vad som speciellt intresserat mig Ă€r de drivkrafter som fĂ„r dessa personer att lĂ€gga ner extra resurser i form av tid, energi och pengar för att möjliggöra inkluderandet av lokala producenter i kommunens livsmedelsupphandlingar. Det empiriska och teoretiska materialet har synliggjort tre nyckelkomponenter för att möjliggöra upphandlingarna. Den mest grundlĂ€ggande Ă€r den politiska viljan och ambitionen frĂ„n kommunledningen. Den andra delen Ă€r de kommuntjĂ€nstepersoner som vĂ„gar tĂ€nka annorlunda och anvĂ€nda sin kunskap för att inkludera andelsjordbruk i livsmedelsupphandlingarna. Avslutningsvis vore inte samarbetet möjligt utan de andelsjordbruk som valde att ingĂ„ samarbete med kommunen

    Dagens ungdom - vad Àr problemet?

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    Recurring statistics in the media, which describes adolescent mental illness as a growing problem in the Swedish society gave rise to an interest to pursue a research which sought to explore how young people's mental illness is constructed as a social problem. The media appears to be important in the construction of a social problem, as they through claims-making current the putative condition, have an opportunity to shape the public's perceptions and opinions about it (Loseke, 2003). Therefore, the aim of this study was to within a media context, examine a part of that process by which members of a society, define a putative condition as a social problem. The study is based on collected data consisted of 55 articles published in various Swedish newspapers in the year of 2010, where over the past decade this particular year published the most number of articles, concerning adolescent mental illness. Is adolescent mental illness a social problem and if so, how is the problem defined as a social problem within a media context? This is qualitative study, which from a social constructionist perspective with the terminology of Loseke (2003) and Spector and Kitsuse (1987) and Blumers (1971) theory of social problems as collective behavior, suggest conclusions that adolescent mental illness is a social problem. Within a Swedish media context adolescent mental illness is constructed as a social problem. The problem is defined as a serious and widespread problem, which society doesn’t have sufficient capacity to meet. The most serious consequence, in addition to adolescent mental health problems can lead to suicide, is that it leads to school absenteeism, which in turn increases the risk of further problems with mental health. The causal explanations referred to in the media can be found at macro-, meso- and micro levels. Solutions to the problem in the current context are presented primarily at macro- and meso level, such that Swedish society needs to prioritize more resources, both in terms of skills improvement and in terms of more professionals, dealing with the problem. Key words: social problem, social construction perspectives, mass media, claims-making, adolescent mental illnes

    Molecular signatures of a TLR4 agonist-adjuvanted HIV-1 vaccine candidate in humans

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    Systems biology approaches have recently provided new insights into the mechanisms of action of human vaccines and adjuvants. Here, we investigated early transcriptional signatures induced in whole blood of healthy subjects following vaccination with a recombinant HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein subunit CN54gp140 adjuvanted with the TLR4 agonist glucopyranosyl lipid adjuvant-aqueous formulation (GLA-AF) and correlated signatures to CN54gp140-specific serum antibody responses. Fourteen healthy volunteers aged 18-45 years were immunized intramuscularly three times at 1-month intervals and whole blood samples were collected at baseline, 6 h, and 1, 3, and 7 days post first immunization. Subtle changes in the transcriptomic profiles were observed following immunization, ranging from over 300 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) at day 1 to nearly 100 DEGs at day 7 following immunization. Functional pathway analysis revealed blood transcription modules (BTMs) related to general cell cycle activation, and innate immune cell activation at early time points, as well as BTMs related to T cells and B cell activation at the later time points post-immunization. Diverse CN54gp140-specific serum antibody responses of the subjects enabled their categorization into high or low responders, at early ( < 1 month) and late (up to 6 months) time points post vaccination. BTM analyses revealed repression of modules enriched in NK cells, and the mitochondrial electron chain, in individuals with high or sustained antigen-specific antibody responses. However, low responders showed an enhancement of BTMs associated with enrichment in myeloid cells and monocytes as well as integrin cell surface interactions. Flow cytometry analysis of peripheral blood mononuclear cells obtained from the subjects revealed an enhanced frequency of CD56 dim NK cells in the majority of vaccines 14 days after vaccination as compared with the baseline. These results emphasize the utility of a systems biology approach to enhance our understanding on the mechanisms of action of TLR4 adjuvanted human vaccines

    Cadmium Intake as a Prognostic Factor in Endometrial Cancer: A Swedish Cohort-Based Study

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    Metalloendocrinology is a new interdisciplinary field, which was established due to the importance of connections between inorganic chemicals and hormonal mechanisms. The role of cadmium in hormone-related tumors is an excellent example of this connection, as cadmium mimics estrogen in the human body. Since endometrial cancer (EC) is hormonerelated, it is well-suited for assessing the estrogenic effects of cadmium. Therefore, the present study aims to explore the role of dietary cadmium intake in the progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) in women with EC. Dietary cadmium intake was estimated based on a large cohort of Swedish women (n Œ 416) with EC. Median dietary cadmium intake was then analyzed in relation to different tumor characteristics and clinical outcomes. Cox proportional hazard models were used to estimate hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Median daily dietary cadmium intake in the cohort was 13.1 lg (interquartile range 25%-75%Œ6.4). High dietary cadmium intake (lg/day) was associated with significantly decreased OS in the study cohort (HR Œ 0.956, 95% CI Œ 0.914- 1.001, p Œ 0.05). Dietary cadmium intake was not associated with PFS (HR Œ 0.975, 95% CI Œ 0.924-1.028, p Œ 0.348). Therefore, our results indicate that high dietary cadmium intake could be associated with poor outcome in women with EC.NonePublishe

    Vederlagsgrundande mÀtning med skördare

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    This study was performed in collaboration with Moelven Skog AB, Örebro district. The purpose of the study was to review existing literature in order to describe the current status of harvester based measurement technology as the way to provide information for calculating payment to the forest owners. In addition to this, a short survey was conducted to find out how a switch to harvester based measurement would affect the administrative workload on timber purchasers working for the district. The literature study shows that the harvester measurement technology is ready to use if it is combined with well-established routines for control of the harvesters, methods for automatic quality indexing of the timber and ways of creating pricelists specially adapted for harvester measurement. Pricing each stem seems to be the most promising method. Stem pricing has several benefits. The method opens up new possibilities for more flexible bucking, as the bucking will have no effect on the price offered to the forest owner. Stem pricing also simplifies road logistics since there is no need to keep timber from different forest owners separated all the way to the sawmill or pulp mill because it is already measured in the forest. The administrative workload on the timber purchasers was examined by conducting a small survey. The potential for increased efficiency seems to lay mostly in the fact that harvester based measurement processes all timber at once, which simplifies the administrative work. It also has the potential to greatly shorten the time between logging and payment from the normal average of eight weeks, to approximately just one to three weeks

    Dare to have a dream : a study about people living as self-sufficiency farmers, their driving forces and the creation of a new social movement

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    VĂ€rlden Ă€r i förĂ€ndring och vi stĂ„r inför en rad framtida utmaningar. Bland annat kommer fossildrivna stĂ€dernas hegemoni utmanas allt mer i takt med att oljan blir dyrare att framstĂ€lla. Det leder till en högre grad av ruralisering, men redan idag finns ett flyttmönster av stadsmĂ€nniskor in till landsbygden. Uppsatsen Ă€r en kvalitativ studie baserad pĂ„ intervjuer med Ă„tta personer som lĂ€mnat staden för ett liv som sjĂ€lvhushĂ„llare pĂ„ landsbygden.Materialet bestĂ„r av informanternas egna berĂ€ttelser om hur de format sitt liv för att vara dĂ€r de Ă€r idag. De kan betraktas som en social rörelse eftersom det finns ett tydligt motstĂ„nd, accepterade beteenden och vilja att pĂ„verka den allmĂ€nna opin-ionen. Analytiska begrepp som varit viktiga för uppsatsen Ă€r socialt kapital, sociala rörelser och ontologisk trygghet. Motiven bakom valen att leva som sjĂ€lvhushĂ„llare Ă€r en lĂ€ngtan till jorden, leva ett enklare och Ă€rligare liv samt att skapa en meningsfull plats.Materialet visar ocksĂ„ att ingen av de intervjuade har jordbrukande förĂ€ldrar. DĂ€remot Ă€r det mĂ„ngas mor- eller farförĂ€ldrar som kommer frĂ„n en gĂ„rd eller har pĂ„ annat sĂ€tt jordbrukserfarenheter. Kunskapen att bruka jorden tycks ha hoppat över en generation. DĂ€rmed har en del av den praktiska kunskapen som Ă€rvts mel-lan generationer gĂ„tt förlorad. De intervjuade försöker överbrygga kunskaps-glappet och pĂ„ olika sĂ€tt sprida kunskap om sin verksamhet – till sina barn, allmĂ€nheten och inom rörelsen av sjĂ€lvhushĂ„llare. De Ă€r alla övertygade om vikten av hĂ„llbara jordbruk. De strĂ€var dĂ€rför efter att Ă„terskapa kretsloppen pĂ„ gĂ„rdarna sĂ„ som det var brukligt innan industrialiseringen och inte ta ‘gen-vĂ€gen’ via konstgödsel. Materialet visar att sociala medier och arbetssamar-beten Ă€r viktiga verktyg för kĂ€nslan av samhörighet inom den sociala rörelsen.The world is changing and we face a number of future challenges. Among other things, the hegemony of fossil-fueled cities will be increasingly chal-lenged as oil becomes more expensive to produce. This leads to a higher de-gree of ruralization, but already today there is a migration pattern of urban people into the countryside. The thesis is a qualitative study based on interviews with eight people who left the city for a life as self-sufficiency farmers in rural areas. The main basis for the thesis materials consists of the informants' own stories about how they shaped their lives to be where they are today. Their way to live can be regarded as a social movement because there is a clear resistance, accepted behavior and willingness to influence public opinion. Analytical concepts that have been important for the thesis are social capital, social movements and onto-logical security. The motives behind the choices to be self-sufficiency farmers are a longing back to the soil and roots, to live a simpler and more honest life and to create a meaningful place. The material also shows that none of the interviewees have farming parents. However, a majority of the interviewees grandparents grew up on a farm or have otherwise gained agricultural experience. The knowledge of farming seems to have skipped a generation. As a result, some of the practical knowledge inherited between generations has been lost. The interviewees try to bridge the knowledge gap and in different ways dissemi-nate knowledge about their activities - to their children, the public and within the movement of self-sufficiency farming. They are all convinced of the im-portance of sustainable agriculture. Therefore they strive to recreate the eco-system on the farm as it was customary before industrialization and not taking the 'short cut' through industrially produced fertilizers. The material shows that social media and work collaborations are important tools for the sense of belonging in the social movement

    Employment from Mining and Agricultural Investments: How Much Myth, How Much Reality?

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    Employment creation is often seen as a key benefit of investment in natural resources. However, this benefit sometimes falls short: job estimates may be inflated, governmental policies may fail to maximize employment generation, and, in some cases, investments may lead to net livelihood losses. A more thorough examination of employment tied to mining and agricultural investments is thus useful for assessing whether and how employment from natural resource investments contributes to sustainable economic development – a particularly timely topic as countries consider how they will achieve the Sustainable Development Goals adopted in 2015. This report aims to clarify the processes and impacts of job creation driven by large-scale mining and agricultural investments, and to suggest how policies can improve employment outcomes. A deeper understanding of the topic helps policymakers, citizens, and others assess employment claims made in the context of investment in mining or large-scale agricultural projects. It also presents governments with a difficult task: developing approaches that are aligned with best practices but fine-tuned to local contexts, and which improve the direct, indirect, and induced job creation outcomes of investments while addressing the disparate needs and expectations of both investors and citizens. Although complicated, such efforts are important for ensuring that the expected employment benefits of such investments do indeed materialize
