14 research outputs found

    Memenin infiltratif duktal karsinomlarında AgNOR yönteminin prognozdaki yeri ve önemi

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    Bu çalışmada infiltratif duktal karsinom tanısı almış metastatik lenf nodülü bulunan 26 adet ve metastatik lenf nodülü bulunmayan 4 adet olmak üzre toplam 30 adet vakada histolojik derecelendirme yapıldı ve AgNOR yöntemi uygulandı. Primer tümörlerin histolojik gradelerine göre saptanan AgNOR ortalaması açısından her üç grade arasındaki fark istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulunmuştur (p<0.05, x2=7.006). Metastatik lenf nodlarının histolojik grade'lerine göre saptanan AgNOR ortalaması açısından da, her üç grade arasındaki fark istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulunmuştur (p<0.05, x2=6.212). Bu bulgular ışığında AgNOR yönteminin, meme kanserlerinde klinikopatolojik önemi olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır. ANAHTAR KELİMELER: İnfiltratif duktal karsinom, AgNOR, prognoz.In this study; total 30 cases, which were consist of 26 cases diagnosing as infiltrative ductal carcinoma and 4 cases with no metastatic lymph nodes, were histological staging made. And, the AgNOR teachnique were applied in this cases. Assessing aspct of the AgNOR mean, which was fixed according to the histological grades of primary tumors; significient statistically differnce wasfond in between each three grades (p<0.05, x2=7.006). Assessing aspect of the AgNOR mean, which was fixed according to the histological grades of metastatic lymph nodes significient statistically difference was found in between each three grades (p<0.05, x2=6.212). In conclusion; using the data, the AgNOR technique was important in clinicopathology of breast cancers. KEY WORDS: Infiltrative ductal carcinoma, AgNOR, prognosis

    Thymolipoma with massive pleural effusion: A case report

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    Thymolipoma is a rare and benign lesion originating from the anterior mediastinum. Thymolipoma is mostly diagnosed incidentally. However, cough, dyspnea and chest pain can be seen. A 35-year-old male patient presented to our hospital with the complaint of shortness of breath lasting for one month. The physical examination revealed a massive pleural effusion on the right. In computed tomography (CT) imaging of the thorax, a soft tissue density of 7.5x5x5 cm in size, containing calcifications were observed in the anterior mediastinum. A right thoracotomy was performed for the treatment and to make a definite diagnosis. The histopathological examination resulted in the diagnosis of a thymolipoma. We presented our case with its differential diagnosis because of its rarity

    A Newborn with a Large Umbilical Cord Pseudocyst with Hemangioma: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

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    Umbilical cord pseudocysts in a newborn are very rare. They may be associated with patent urachus and hemangioma. Generally, they are localized in a particular section of the cord. Urachal or vitelline duct cysts, teratoma, omphalocele, umbilical cord hernia and hematoma are considered in differential diagnosis. In this case report, we discussed the clinicopathological findings of a pseudocyst with hemangioma involving the entire cord in a newborn, and in particular the confusing conditions related to the excision of the umbilical cord