39 research outputs found

    Morphological investigation of alcohol-induced hepatocyte apoptosis and liver injury in rats

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    The aim of this study was to morphologicall investigation of alcohol-induced hepatocyte apoptosis and liver injury in rats. A total of 20 male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into two groups: control, and alcohol treated; each group contain 10 animals. The rats in alcohol treated group was given a daily dose of 6 g/kg ethanol by using intragastric intubation. Control group was given the same volume of saline. This application was continued daily for a total of 6 weeks. The end of the experiment all animals were anesthetized. The anesthetized rats were sacrificed and liver tissues were removed for histopathological investigation. Liver damage was examined by using hematoxylin-eosin and apoptosis was determined by terminal-deoxynucleotidyl- transferase mediated dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL). There existed hepatocyte diffuse steatosis and hemorrhage in alcohol treated group. Our data indicate an enhancement in the activity of TUNEL in hepatocyte apoptosis of the alcholol treated group. The effects of alcohol on liver can be clearly detected as a hepatocyte cell death and liver injury. © 2011 OMU All rights reserved

    Does Post-COVID-19 Erectile Dysfunction Improve over Time?

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    BACKGROUND Some studies have shown that there may be an increase in the frequency of erectile dysfunction after COVID-19. However, no long-term study has investigated whether this is permanent or temporary. In this study, we aimed to examine whether there was an increase in the frequency of erectile dysfunction among individuals with a history of COVID-19, and, if there was, whether their condition improved over time. MATERIALS AND METHODS In this study, a total of 125 healthy male healthcare workers, 95 with and 30 without a history of COVID-19, were evaluated in terms of erectile function. Four study groups were formed. The first three groups consisted of individuals with a history of COVID-19 confirmed by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test at different times, who recovered from the disease (time elapsed since COVID-19 positivity: 12 months for Group 3). The individuals in Group 4 did not have a history of COVID-19 diagnosis. In order to evaluate the erectile function of the participants, they were asked to complete the five-item International Index of Erectile Function questionnaire (IIEF-5). Then, statistical analyses were performed to evaluate whether there was a difference between the groups in terms of the IIEF-5 scores. RESULTS There was a statistically significant difference between the groups in terms of the IIEF-5 scores (p 0.999, p = 0.204, and p = 0.592, respectively). CONCLUSION There may be deterioration in erectile function after COVID-19; however, this tends to improve over time, especially from the first year after active infection. Given that vascular, hormonal, and/or psychogenic factors may lead to the development of erectile dysfunction after COVID-19, we consider that in order to easily manage this process, it is important to determine the underlying cause, initiate appropriate treatment, and inform couples that this situation can be temporary

    The experimental induced hepatic resection after morphological examination of liver regeneration development in rats

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    Yüksek Lisans TeziDeneysel olarak oluşturulan karaciğer rezeksiyondan hemen sonra rejenerasyonun başladığı bilinmektedir. DNA sentezinin ise rezeksiyondan sonra ilk 24-48 saatte maksimum düzeye ulaştığı ve ilk 10 gün içinde de önemli ölçüde rejenerasyonun oluştuğu bilinmektedir. Bu çalışmada da karaciğer rezeksiyonunda 1, 3, 7 ve 14. günlerde ki rejenerasyonunu incelemek üzere gerçekleştirildi. Çalışmada 35 adet Wistar Albino cinsi erişkin sıçan kullanıldı. Denekler, rasgele toplam beş gruba ayrıldı. Karaciğer rezeksiyonu oluşturmak için deneklere üst orta hat insizyon ile laparotomi uygulandı. Karaciğerin sol lateral ve median lob pedikülleri 4/0 ipekle bağlanarak %70 hepatektomi yapıldı. 1, 3,7, ve 14. günün sonunda karaciğer dokuları mikroskobik incelemeler için alındı. Tüm deney gruplarının karaciğer dokularında sinüzoidal dilatasyonun ve hepatositlerde vakuolizasyon görüldü. Ancak, bu histopatolojik bulguların II. grupta diğer gruplardan daha fazla olduğu gözlemlendi. Mitotik indeks, apoptotik indeks ve proliferasyon indeks değerlerinin II. grupta maksimum seviyeye ulaştığı görüldü. Diğer deney gruplarında (III, IV, V) ise bu indeks değerlerinin giderek azaldığı ve kontrol grubuna yakın değerlere ulaştığı izlendi. Karaciğer rölatif ağırlığı, çalışma gruplarının her biri kontrol grubuyla kıyaslandığında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılıklar saptandı. Sonuç olarak, rezeksiyondan sonrası meydana gelen rejenerasyona eşlik eden mekanizmaların günlere göre karşılaştırılmaları immünohistokimyasal ve TUNEL metodlarıyla ortaya konmuştur.AbstractLiver regeneration is known to begin after experimentally induced liver resection. At the first 24-48 hours, DNA synthesis reaches the maximum level after resection and significantly regeneration known to occur on the first 10 days. In this study, we was examined the regeneration of liver on the 1, 3, 7 and 14th days after the resection. In our experiment 35 Wistar albino male rats were used. The rats were randomly divided into five groups. All experimentally groups realized midline incision with laparotomy for resection of liver. Pedicles of the left lateral and median lobes of the liver were applied 70% hepatectomy by 4/0 silk binding. At the end of 1, 3, 7 and 14th days, liver tissue removed for light misroscobic analysis. The tissue of all experimentally groups were showed some histopatological changes such as sinuzoidal dilatation, vacuolization in the hepatocytes. This histopatological findings were seem to increase at II. grup more than experimentally groups. Mitotic index, apoptotic index and proliferation index of values at II. group was reached the maximum level. Other groups (III, IV, V) dramatically reduced the value of these index and were seem to reach near to values of the control group. Relative liver weight (RA) that determined each of experimentally groups were statistically significant differences compared to the control group. As a result, accompanied by regeneration mechanisms that occur after resection immunohistochemica and TUNEL methods were determined the comparison of the days

    Protective effect of Spirulina in the ovary of rats against Doxorubicin toxicity

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    Doxorubicin (Dox) is an anti–cancer agent used of ovarian, breast, liver, lung cancers and solid tumors such as leukemia and lymphoma treatment. However, since it is an antineoplastic agent with a high toxic effect, it causes toxicity on many organs and tissues in the organism. Spirulina spp. (SP) contains phytopigments such as β–carotene, tocopherols and xanthophylls and is a natural source of vitamin A as well as its anticarcinogenic effect. For these reasons, this study was planned to experimentally reveal the antioxidant and protective effects of SP on Dox–induced reproductive toxicity in female rats. In the study, histopathological evaluation was performed after Hematoxylin–Eosin staining in female rats with Dox toxicity. The distribution of GSK–3β for cell proliferation, HIF–1α for oxidative stress and VEGF for vascularization were evaluated. TUNEL staining was performed to determine apoptosis. It was determined that SP prevented tissue damage on the ovarian tissue of rats with Dox toxicity, and this positive effect was achieved through factors such as oxidative stress (HIF–1α), vascularization (VEGF) and inhibition of cell death (Apoptosis). It has been observed that SP treatment to be applied after chemotherapy is effective in protecting both the developing follicles and the primordial follicle pool

    Comparison of Different Extraction Methods on the Recovery Efficiencies of Valuable Components from Orange Peels

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    Supercritical-CO2 extraction, Soxhlet extraction, and ultrasound-assisted extraction methods were conducted in this study to recover valuable components, specifically phenolic antioxidant compounds, from orange peels. Basic operating parameters such as temperature and pressure, which affect the extraction efficiency of phenolic substances in orange peel with supercritical-CO2, were designed using the central composite design methodology. In the Soxhlet and ultrasound-assisted extraction methods, 2-hour extraction processes were carried out using ethanol at different concentrations (50%, 80% and 100%) as a solvent. Yield comparison was made by performing total phenolic content, antioxidant activity and total flavonoid content analyses in the extracts. The total phenolic content (TPC) in the extracts was determined to be 5034 mg GAE/L for supercritical-CO2 extraction at 61.5°C and 20 MPa. In comparison, Soxhlet extraction yielded a TPC of 1728 mg GAE/L, while the ultrasound-assisted extraction method resulted in a TPC of 4056 mg GAE/L. It was determined that the optimum operating parameters of supercritical-CO2 extraction were 60°C and 26.4 MPa in case all the responses were maximized. The best phenolic recovery was obtained at 100% ethanol in Soxhlet extraction and 80% ethanol in ultrasound-assisted extraction. Although supercritical-CO2 extraction is an environmentally friendly application, the recovery rate of valuable components from raw materials is lower than in Soxhlet extraction and ultrasound-assisted extraction. However, since the volume of the extracts obtained from the supercritical-CO2 extraction is small, the ratio of phenolic compounds is higher

    Anti-apoptotic effects of curcumin on cadmium-induced apoptosis in rat testes

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    Cadmium (Cd) is one of the environmental pollutants affecting various tissues and organs including testis. The aim of this study was to investigate the anti-apoptotic effects of curcumin (Cur) on Cd-induced apoptosis in rat testes. The rats were randomly allotted into one of three experimental groups: control, Cd treated and Cd treated with Cur; each group contained 10 animals. The control group received 2 ml/day of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). To induce toxicity, Cd (1 mg/kg body weight) was dissolved in normal saline and subcutaneously injected into rats for 4 weeks. The rats in Cur-treated group was given a daily dose of 100 mg/kg of Cur for 4 weeks. To date, no examinations of the anti-apoptotic properties of Cur on Cd-induced apoptosis in rat testes have been reported. The mean seminiferous tubule diameter, mean testicular biopsy score values and serum testosterone levels were significantly decreased in Cd-treated groups were compared to the control group. Furthermore, the Cur-treated animals showed an improved histological appearance and serum testosterone levels in Cd-treated group. Our data indicate a significant reduction in the activity of in situ identification of apoptosis using terminal dUTP nick end-labeling in testis tissues of the Cd-treated group with Cur therapy. The present study showed that Cur treatment protected testes against toxic effects of Cd. We believe that further preclinical research into the utility of Cur may indicate its usefulness as a potential treatment on the spermatogenesis after testicular injury caused by Cd-treated rats


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    Stem cell shave a tremendous therapeutic potential with their ability to continually renew themselves and their ability to transform into almost all mature cells in our body. In the male reproductive system, a dynamic group of stem cells proliferates and prevents in fertility. This process is called spermatogenesis in mammals and the testis occurs in seminiferous tubules. Testicular stem cells, called germ stem cells (GKH) are capable of rapid regeneration after self-renewal and injury during adult life. How did spermatocytes occur dynamically in the later stages of old age? which is an indispensable element of the male reproductive system and is necessary for the continuation of the next generation. There has always been a question I asked and the answer was sought. In our review study, the changes of spermatogonium proliferating with mitosis in seminiferous tubules up to spermatozoa with meiosis and stem cell reserves are discussed.Kök hücreler kendilerini sürekli yenileyebilme yetenekleri ve vücudumuzda bulunan hemen tüm erişkin hücrelere dönüşebilme yetenekleri ile muazzam bir terapötik potansiyele sahiptirler. Erkek üreme sisteminde dinamik bir kök hücre grubu sürekli çoğalarak infertilite oluşumunu engellemektedir. Bu süreç memelilerde spermatogenezis olarak adlandırılır ve testis seminifer tübüllerinde gerçekleşir. Germ kök hücreleri (GKH) olarak adlandırılan testis kök hücreleri, erişkinlik hayatı boyunca kendini yenileme ve hasarlanma sonrası hızlı rejenerasyon yeteneğine sahiptirler. Erkek üreme sisteminin vazgeçilmez unsuru olan ve bir sonraki neslin devamı için gerekli olan süreçte spermatogenezin dinamik bir şekilde yaşlılığın ilerleyen dönemine kadar nasıl gerçekleştiği? Her zaman sorulan ve yanıtı aranan soru olmuştur. Derleme çalışmamızda seminifer tübüllerde mitozla çoğalan spermatogonyumların mayozla spermatid oluncaya kadar ki değişimleri ve kök hücre rezervleri ele alınmıştır