64 research outputs found

    Klinička procjena intranazalne primjene midazolama i reverzibilnih učinaka flumazenila u euroazijskog škanjca običnog (Buteo buteo)

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    Midazolam, the most commonly used drug in birds, has sedative, muscle relaxant, anxiolytic, amnestic, and appetite-enhancing effects. In this study, we aimed to reach the proper sedation level with intranasal (IN) administration of midazolam, and quick and safe recovery with intranasal flumazenil application after a certain period of time. The buzzards in the experiment reached the desired and controllable sedation at 6.7 ± 1.6 min after administration of IN midazolam at a dose of 2 mg / kg of body weight. In the saline group (%0.9 NaCl), the doses of midazolam and flumazenil calculated according to their weight were administered intranasally as 0.9% NaCl. The heart rate was 290.4 ± 17.81 and 294.8 ± 18.19 beats/min in the midazolam group, and 300.8 ± 17.76 beats/min in the saline group. Cloacal temperature was 41.42 ± 07, 41.39 ± 0.85 °C in the midazolam group and 41.6 ± 0.45 °C in the saline group. The respiratory rate was 48.8 ± 4.5, 47.1 ± 4.3 breaths/min in the midazolam group and 54.6 ± 2.7 breaths/min in the saline group. Flumazenil was used as an antagonist at 0.05 mg/kg intranasally, and after 14.1 ± 1.8 minutes the sedation effect disappeared. Then the buzzards returned to their standard behavior. In conclusion, we suggest IN use of midazolam and use of flumazenil for faster recovery in buzzards as a simple, fast, practical, and economical mode of sedation for minimally invasive procedures.Midazolam, koji se najčešće upotrebljava u ptica, ima sedativni učinak, miorelaksans je, anksio-litik, amnestik te poboljšava apetit. U ovom se istraživanju nastojala postići odgovarajuća sedacija intranazalnom primjenom (IN) midazolama te brz i siguran oporavak primjenom intranazalnog flumazenila poslije određenog vremena. U škanjaca je postignuta željena sedacija 6,7 ± 1,6 minuta poslije intranazalne primjene midazolama u dozi od 2 mg/kg tjelesne mase. U skupini kojoj je da-vana fiziološka otopina (0,9%-tni NaCl), doze midazolama i flumazenila izračunate su prema tjelesnoj masi jedinki i primijenjene intranazalno kao 0,9%-tni NaCl. Srčani su otkucaji bili 290,4 ± 17,81 i 294,8 ± 18,19 u minuti u skupini s midazolamom i 300,8 ± 17,76 otkucaja u minuti u skupini s fiziološkom otopinom. Temperatura kloake bila je 41,42 ± 0,7, 41,39 ± 0,85 °C u skupini s midazolamom i 41,6 ± 0,45 °C u skupini s fiziološkom otopinom. Brzina disanja bila je 48,8 ± 4,5, 47,1 ± 4,3 udaha u minuti u skupini s midazolamom i 54,6 ± 2,7 u skupini koja je dobivala fiziološku otopinu. Flumazenil je primijenjen kao antagonist u dozi od 0,05 mg/kg intranazalno, a poslije 14,1 ± 1,8 minuta sedativni je učinak nestao. Nakon toga škanjci su se uobičajeno ponašali. Zaključeno je da se intranazalna primjena midazolama i flumazenila za brz oporavak može pre-poručiti u škanjaca kao jednostavan, brz, praktičan i ekonomičan postupak sedacije u minimalnoinvazivnim zahvatima

    An Evaluation of Pain Induced by Intermaxillary Elastic Use

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    Aim:Intermaxillary elastics, which are frequently used in fixed orthodontic treatment, cause pain and discomfort and this affects patients' cooperation negatively. The aim of this study is to evaluate pain levels during intermaxillary elastic use for the first time.Subjects and Methods:Sixteen orthodontic patients (9 girls, 7 boys; mean age 16.21 ± 3.01) whom were to use intermaxillary elastics for the first time agreed to participate to the present study. A visual analog scale form was given to each patient to measure the subjective pain levels. After the collection of the forms, pain levels were measured on the forms by the same investigator using a digital caliper. Data evaluation was made with descriptive statistical analysis.Results:The pain level was started to increase two hours after the elastic application. The highest pain level was achieved at 6th hour and the same night. The pain level was started to decrease at the day 2 and at the day 7 only a few patients reported that they had still pain. The pain perception during biting was felt at the posterior teeth more than the anterior teeth.Conclusion:As a conclusion, the patients should be informed about the pain during intermaxillary elastic use and analgesic use for the first 3–4 days is strongly recommended to increase cooperation

    Treatment of fractures and other orthopedic problems in cats and dogs using versatile external fixator

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    Many complicated bone fractures can be healed by different techniques including linear external fixation. New generation linear external fixators enhanced the scope of application for bone fractures by mechanical progress. Difficulties include implementing enough pins through fixation clamps to the comminuted fragments or clamp addition and fixing it properly to the rod with the correct pin insertion angle. Effective configurations may not always result. This study sought to reveal the clinical efficiency of modified clamps of a versatile external fixator (VEF) to fix different types of fractures and orthopedic problems according to the radiographic and clinical results. We used this fixator on 17 cats and 17 dogs of different ages and sizes, having different types of antebrachium, humerus, tibia, ulna fractures, and bone-muscle deformities. Clamps had different features to connect fixator pins. Many fixator configurations were created according to the fracture type and body weight of the animals. The most used ones were unilateral and bilateral configurations. The callus formation and visual gait analysis were observed after the operations, until the removal of the fixator. After fixator removal, the visual gait status of the limbs was excellent in 67% of the cases, good in 15%, fair in 12%, and poor in 6%. We found that rods and fixator pins were connected easily by semi-locked clamps. Also, the double pin holding clamps saved space on the fixation rod by the application of two pins through one clamp. We think that clamps of versatile external fixators can easily be constructed to limb fractures and save time during surgery. Diversas fraturas ósseas complicadas podem ser tratadas por diferentes técnicas, incluindo fixadores externos lineares. Os fixadores externos lineares de nova geração aumentaram o escopo de aplicação para fraturas ósseas devido ao progresso mecânico. A dificuldade é implementar um número suficiente de pinos através de clamps de fixação aos fragmentos osseos ou adição de clamps com fixação  adequadamente à haste com o ângulo correto de inserção do pino. As configurações eficazes nem sempre podem ser realizadas. Este estudo pretendia revelar a eficácia clínica das clamps modificadas de um fixador externo versátil para corrigir diferentes tipos de fraturas e problemas ortopédicos de acordo com os resultados radiográficos e clínicos. O fixador foi utilizado em 17 gatos e 17 cães de diferentes idades e tamanhos, com diferentes tipos de antebraço, úmero, tíbia, fratura de ulna e deformidades ósseo-musculares. Os clamps tinham recursos diferentes para conectar os pinos do fixador. Muitas configurações de fixadores foram criadas de acordo com o tipo de fratura e peso corporal dos animais. As mais utilizadas foram as configurações unilateral e bilateral. A formação do calo e a análise visual da marcha foram observadas após as cirurgias, até a retirada do fixador. Após a retirada do fixador, a utilização dos membros foi excelente em 67% dos casos, bom em 15% dos casos, regular em 12% dos casos, ruim em 6% dos casos. Concluímos que as hastes e os pinos do fixador foram facilmente conectados por clamps semitravados. Além disso, os clamps de fixação de pino duplo economizaram espaço na haste de fixação com a aplicação de dois pinos em clamp. Acreditamos que os clamps de fixadores externos versáteis podem ser facilmente construídas para fraturas de membros, economizando tempo na cirurgia.

    Sığır Koyun ve Keçilerde Topallıklar

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    A Case of Ventral Abdominal Hernia Associated with an Ectopic Egg in an Albino Budgerigar and Evaluation by Infrared Thermography

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    A four-year-old albino budgerigar was presented to Department of Wild Animal Diseases and Ecology clinic, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa, with complaints of abdominal swelling. An ectopic egg and abdominal hernia were diagnosed as a result of radiographic evaluation, and then the hairless, swollen abdominal surface area was evaluated by infrared thermography. In a budgerigar, an abdominal hernia case with ectopic egg was presented for the first time and evaluated for the first time by thermography. In thermographic imaging, the maximum temperature was obtained from the skin surface area on the right side of the hernia sac corresponding to the area where the egg was found on the radiograph. It is thought that heat increase has occurred due to inflammatory fibrin formation process around the ectopic egg. Clinical parameters of the patient were in normal range so the surgical operation was successfully performed under general anesthesia, and the ectopic egg was removed and the abdominal hernia was repaired