248 research outputs found

    Effects of vitamin C treatment on collar-induced intimal thickening

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    Vitamin C has efficient antioxidant properties and is involved in important physiological processes such as collagen synthesis. As such, vitamin C deficiency leads to serious complications, including vascular diseases. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of vitamin C treatment on collar-induced intimal thickening. Rabbits were fed a normocholesterolemic diet and a non-occlusive silicon collar was placed around the left carotid artery for 3, 7, and 14 days. The rabbits were treated with or without vitamin C (150 mg/kg/day). Collar-induced intimal thickening became apparent at day 7. The effect of the collar on intimal thickening was more prominent at day 14. Vitamin C treatment significantly inhibited collar-induced intimal thickening at day 14. The placement of the collar around the carotid artery decreased maximum contractile responses against contractile agents (KCl, phenylephrine, 5-hydroxytryptamine). The effect of the collar on contractile responses was enhanced as days elapsed. Decreased contractile responses of collared carotid arteries normalized at day 14 in the vitamin C treatment group. Vitamin C treatment also restored sensitivity to phenylephrine. The collar also significantly decreased acetylcholine-induced relaxations at day 3 and day 7. Acetylcholine-induced relaxations normalized in collared-arteries in the placebo group at day 14. Vitamin C treatment significantly increased acetylcholine-induced relaxations of both normal and collared carotid arteries at day 14. MMP-9 expression increased in collared arteries at day 3 and day 7 but did not change at day 14. MMP-2 expression increased in collared arteries at day 14. However, vitamin C treatment reduced collar-stimulated expression of MMP-2 at day 14. These findings indicate that vitamin C may have potentially beneficial effects on the early stages of atherosclerosis. Furthermore these results, for the first time, may indicate that vitamin C can also normalize decreased contractile response through perivascular collar placement

    Pseudobullous Anetodermic Pilomatricoma

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    Pilomatricoma (PM) is an asymptomatic, slowly growing, benign skin tumour originating from primitive cells of the hair matrix and hair shaft and appears mostly on the head, neck, and the upper extremities. Typical lesion is usually characterized by a solitary, firm, deep-seated dermal or subcutaneous nodule, covered by normal or erythematous skin, and usually varying in size from 0.5 to 3 cm. Bullous appearance can occur on the lesions of bullous PM and anetodermic PM which are located in the rare atypical forms of PM. Here, we present an 11-year-old girl with an anetodermic PM on her right arm that showed thick-walled flaccid bullous formation over it


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    Leigh sendromu en çok ‘'sitokrom c oksidaz'' eksikliği sonucu ortaya çıkan ve erken süt çocukluğu döneminde nöbet, gelişme geriliği, hipotoni, solunum bozuklukları ve laktik asit yüksekliği ile karakterize bir mitokondrial ensefalomyopatidir. Enzim eksikliği parsiyel olan vakalarda klinik seyir ve laboratuvar bulguları daha farklı olabilmektedir. Bu yazıda altı aylıkken dirençli nöbetler ve psikomotor gerilik ile getirilen, yenidoğan döneminde laktik asit ve kraniyal MRG tetkiki normal olmasına rağmen izlemde laktik asiti yükselen ve kortikal atrofi gelişen parsiyel "sitokrom c oksidaz'' eksikliği ile ilişkili Leigh sendromlu bir vaka sunulmaktadır. SUMMARY Leigh disease is a mitochondrial encephalomyopathy that is frequently caused by "cytocrom c oxidase'' deficiency and is characterised with seizures, psychomotor deficiency, hypotonia, respiratory arrest and lactic acidosis in the early infancy period. Patients who have partial deficiency of the enzyme have different laboratory and clinical findings. We report a case with partial ‘'cytocrom c oxidase'' deficiency associated Leigh Syndrome who was admitted with refractory seizures and psychomotor retardation when she was 6-months-old with a raised lactic acid and cortical atrophy although the lactic acid level and cranial MRI were in normal ranges in her newborn period

    Severe iron overload and hyporegenerative anemia in a case with rhesus hemolytic disease: therapeutic approach to rare complications

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    A 33 weeks’ gestation, a baby with rhesus hemolytic disease (RHD), who had received intrauterine transfusions twice, developed cholestatic hepatic disease and late hyporegenerative anemia. Her serum ferritin and bilirubin levels increased to 8842 ng/ml and 17.9 mg/dl, respectively. Liver biopsy showed cholestasis and severe iron overload. Treatment with recombinant erythropoietin (rHuEPO) decreased the transfusion need, and intravenous deferoxamine resulted in a marked decreased in serum ferritin levels and normalization of liver function. In patients who have undergone intrauterine transfusions due to RHD, hyperferritinemia and late hyporegenerative anemia should be kept in mind. Chelation therapy in cases with symptomatic hyperferritinemia and rHuEPO treatment in cases with severe hyporegenerative anemia should be considered

    Assessment of Subepithelial Angiogenesis in Acquired Cholesteatoma between Pediatric and Adult Patients

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    Objective:The aim of this study was to compare subepithelial angiogenesis developing within the perimatrix of the cholesteatoma between pediatric and adult patients.Methods:Sixty-one patients who underwent mastoidectomy for the first intent because of chronic otitis media with cholesteatoma between 1993 and 2013 and from whom appropriate tissue specimens were taken were included in the study. The patients were classified in the pediatric patient group if they were under the age of 18 years and the adult patient group if they were 18 years and older. Immunohistochemical staining for CD-31 was performed on new sections taken during surgery and sections prepared from archived tissues in paraffin blocks. Results were compared between the groups.Results:A total of 61 patients, of whom 25 were pediatric and 36 were adult patients, were included in the study. The mean CD-31 immunopositive microvessel rates were 8.8 (3-15) and 6.61 (2-14) for the pediatric and adult patient groups, respectively. The difference between the groups was statistically significant (p=0.037). Correlation analysis showed a statistically significant negative correlation between the CD-31 immunopositive microvessel rates and age (p=0.036).Conclusion:Subepithelial angiogenesis developing within the perimatrix of the cholesteatoma of the pediatric patients was more expressed than that of the adult patients


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    Amaç: Gastroşiziste barsak hasarı morbidite ve mortaliteyi önemli ölçüde etkiler.Morbiditenin en önemli nedeni barsak hasarı nedeniyle motilitenin yetersizliğine bağlıhastaların uzun süre parenteral beslenmelerinden kaynaklanan sepsis, kolestaz gibiciddi sorunlardır. Üriner tripsin inhibitörü (ÜTİ)'nün gastroşiziste barsak hasarını engellediğigösterilmiştir. İntestinal motilite üzerindeki etkileri bilinmemektedir. GastroşizisteÜTİ'nin intestinal motilite üzerine etkilerini göstermek amacıyla bu çalışmaplanlanmıştır.Gereç ve yöntem: Bu çalışmada beş günlük civciv embriyoları kullanıldı. Kontrolgrubunda yumurtalar hiç açılmadan izlendi. Sham grubunda sadece amniotik keseaçıldı. Gastroşizis grubunda allantoik kese açılmadan amniyotik kese açılarakgastroşizis oluşturuldu. Mekonyum+gastroşizis grubunda, amnion sıvısına 1/400konsantrasyonda mekonyum süspansiyonu eklendi. Tedavi gruplarında ise, sırasıyla100, 200 ve 400 IÜ/ml ÜTİ + 1/400 mekonyum süspansiyonu gastroşizisli embryolarınamniyon sıvısına eklendi. Embriyolar 18. günde çıkartılarak gastroşizisli barsaksegmentleri Tyrode solüsyonunda organ banyosuna asılarak kümülatif olarak denenenasetilkolin (10-9- 10-4 M) ile oluşan kasılma yanıtları ölçüldü ve maksimum yanıt (Emax)10-4 konsantrasyonda alındı. Barsaklar histopatolojik olarak incelenerek serozakalınlıkları ölçüldü.Bulgular: Tüm gruplar Emax'taki yanıtlarına göre değerlendirildiğinde kontrol, sham ve400 IÜ/ml ÜTİ grupları arasında anlamlı fark olmadığı görüldü. Gastroşizis mekonyum,100 IÜ/ml ÜTİ ve 200 IÜ/ml ÜTİ grupları arasında da anlamlı fark saptanmadı. Bugruplar ile 400 IÜ/ml ÜTİ grubu karşılaştırıldığında anlamlı fark saptandı (p< 0,01).barsak seroza kalınlıklarında gastroşizis mekonyum, 100 ve 200 İU/ml ÜTİ gruplarındaartış saptanırken, 400 IÜ/ml ÜTİ grubunda normal saptandı.Sonuç: Gastroşiziste, intraamniotik 400 IÜ/ml ÜTİ, 1/400 konsantrasyonda mekonyumsüspansiyonun yarattığı barsak hasarı ve motilite azlığını engellemektedir.Objective: Intestinal damage (ID) is closely related to morbidity and mortality ingastroschisis. The reason of morbidity is hypomotility due to ID. Hypomotility causesserious problems such as sepsis and cholestasis following long time parenteralnutrition. Urinary trypsin inhibitor (UTI) has been shown to prevent intestinal damage ingastroschisis. However, the effect of UTI on intestinal motility is not known. Anexperimental study has planned to investigate the effects of UTI on intestinal motility ingastroschisis.Methods: Five-days-old fertilized chick embryos were used in this study. In controlgroup, embryos was observed without opening the eggs. In Sham group only amnioticmembrane was opened. In gastroschisis group, gastroschisis was created afteramniotic membrane was opened. In the meconium + gastroschisis group, 1/400meconium suspension was instilled into the amniotic cavity. In the treatment groups,100, 200 and 400 IU/ml UTI plus 1/400 meconium suspension was instilled to amnioticcavity of the gastroschisis embryos, respectively. On the 18th gestational day, all embryoswere extirpated and intestines were harvested then placed in Tyrode solution.Contraction responses in intestine were assessed by isolated tissue bath withcumulative doses of acetylcholine (10-9-10-4M). Serosal thicknesses of the intestines ineach group were evaluated histopathologically.Results: When all the groups were evaluated according to their response to Emax.,there was no significant difference between control, Sham, gastroschisis and 400IU/ml UTI groups. Similarly there was no significant difference between meconium +gastroschisis group, 100 IU/ml and 200 IU/ml UTI groups. Significant difference wasdetermined between these groups and 400 IU/ml UTI group (p<0,01). Indeed serosalthicknesses were increased in meconium + gastroschisis, 100 and 200 IU/ml UTIgroups, it was normal in 400 IU/ml UTI group.Conclusion: Intraamniotic 400 IU/ml UTI prevents the ID and hypomotility inducedby 1/400 concentration of meconium in gastroschisis