80 research outputs found

    The effects of leadership behaviours of academicians who are at manager position in tourism departments of universities offering the undergraduate on organizational commitment of employees

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    Bu çalışmanın temel amacı, turizm lisans eğitimi veren yüksek öğretim kurumu yöneticilerinin liderlik davranışlarının, çalışanların örgütsel bağlılıkları üzerindeki etkilerinin araştırılmasıdır. Çalışmanın diğer alt amacı ise, Türkiye'nin farklı bölgelerinde bulunan üniversitelerde çalışan akademisyenlerin örgütsel bağlılıklarını ve yöneticilerinin liderlik davranışlarını nasıl algıladıklarını ortaya koymaktır. Araştırmada, veri toplama yöntemi olarak anket tekniği kullanılmıştır. Araştırma verileri, Türkiye'deki 21 devlet üniversitesinde görev yapmakta olan 198 akademisyenden elde edilmiştir. Araştırma verilerinin toplanmasında iki ölçekten yararlanılmıştır. Bu ölçekler, 'örgütsel bağlılık' ve 'liderlik davranışı' ölçekleridir. Araştırmanın ilk ölçeğinde, akademisyenlerin örgütsel bağlılıklarını ölçmek için Mowday, Steers ve Porter'ın örgütsel bağlılık ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Ölçekte, 5'i duygusal bağlılığı, 5'i devam bağlılığı ve 5'i de normatif bağlılığı ölçmeye yönelik 15 ifade bulunmaktadır. Araştırmanın ikinci ölçeğinde ise, Robert Kabacoff tarafından geliştirilmiş olan Lider Etkililiği Analizi kullanılmıştır. Akademisyenlerin, yöneticilerinin liderlik davranışlarını, varsa liderlik davranışları arasındaki farklılıkları ve bu farklılıkların hangi alanlarda olduğunu tespit etmek amacıyla bu ölçek kullanılmıştır. Ölçek, yöneticilerin liderlik davranışlarını ölçmeye yönelik olarak yapılmış 22 değişkenden oluşan 'Liderlik Davranışı Anketi' olarak araştırmada yer almıştır. Araştırmada, verilerin değerlendirilmesinde, istatistik yöntemlerinden; güvenilirlik analizi, yüzde, frekans, aritmetik ortalama, standart sapma, korelasyon, iki yönlü varyans analizi, bağımsız t-testi ve regresyon analizi kullanılmıştır. Bu yöntemler, 'SPSS for Windows 15.0' paket programından yararlanılarak yapılmıştır.The main purpose of this study is to research effects of leadership behaviours of academicians who are at manager position in tourism departments of universities offering the undergraduate on organizational commitment of employees. The other sub-objectives of this study are to determine organizational commitment of academicians in universities in different regions of Turkey and are to reveal how they perceive leadership behaviours of their managers. In the research, questionnaire is distributed for data collection. The research data is obtained with 198 academicians who work in 21 state universities in Turkey. Two measures were used to collect research data. These measures are 'organizational commitment' and 'leadership behaviours'. Mowday, Steers and Porter's Organizational Commitment Questionnaire was used to measure organizational commitment of academicians. There are fifteen expressions in this measure; five expressions for affective commitment, five expressions for continuance commitment, and five expressions for normative commitment. The questionnaire, labelled as 'Organizational Commitment', measures 15 organizational commitment of employees. In the second questionnaire of study, Robert Kabacoff's `Leadership Effectiveness Analysis' were performed. This measure was used to identify leadership behaviours of academicians and managers, and if any, differences between their leadership behaviours and in which areas these differences are. The questionnaire, labelled as `Leadership Behaviours Questionnaire', consisting of 22 variables prepared to measure leadership behaviours of managers. In the study for assessment of data; reliability analysis, percentage, frequency distribution, arithmetical mean, standard deviation, correlation, two way variance analysis, independent sample t-test and regression analysis have been used. These methods are applied with the help of 'SPSS for Windows 15.0' software package

    In Regard to Otelea et al.

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    In Turkey, it is seen that there are a number of experimental studies conducted in relation to the course of Social Studies to reveal the influence of cooperative teaching approaches on achievement. However, in literature, there is no research combining the findings obtained in these studies. In this respect, with the help of the meta-analysis method, the present study aimed at revealing the influence of cooperative teaching approaches used in the course of Social Studies in Turkey on academic achievement. For this purpose, a total of 22 studies, 32 comparison were examined in line with the inclusion and exclusion criteria determined within the scope of the study. For the analysis of the research data, the software of Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (CMA) was used. In addition, regarding the analysis of the data, the treatment effectiveness meta-analysis was applied. In the study, in order to calculate the effect size, “Hedge’s g” was used. According to Thalheimer and Cook (2002), seven studies were found to have a large effect size. Six of the studies had a medium and perfect levels of effect size, while four of them had a very large effect size; three had a trivial effect size; and one had a low level of effect size. As a result of the research, the overall effect size was 0.959 according to the random effects model. The study was carried out by taking into account the study year, type of study, class level and sample size. Accordingly, only a significant difference in sample size has emerged. Consequently, when the meta-analysis results were examined in accordance with the random effects model, it could be stated that use of cooperative approaches in the course of Social Studies increased students’ academic achievement. Accordingly, in the study, related suggestions were put forward.  Article visualizations

    Modular graph functions

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    In earlier work we studied features of non-holomorphic modular functions associated with Feynman graphs for a conformal scalar field theory on a two-dimensional torus with zero external momenta at all vertices. Such functions, which we will refer to as modular graph functions, arise, for example, in the low energy expansion of genus-one Type II superstring amplitudes. We here introduce a class of single-valued elliptic multiple polylogarithms, which are defined as elliptic functions associated with Feynman graphs with vanishing external momenta at all but two vertices. These functions depend on a coordinate, ζ, on the elliptic curve and reduce to modular graph functions when ζ is set equal to 1. We demonstrate that these single-valued elliptic multiple polylogarithms are linear combinations of multiple polylogarithms, and that modular graph functions are sums of single-valued elliptic multiple polylogarithms evaluated at the identity of the elliptic curve, in both cases with rational coefficients. This insight suggests the many interrelations between modular graph functions (a few of which were established in earlier papers) may be obtained as a consequence of identities involving multiple polylogarithms, and explains an earlier observation that the coefficients of the Laurent polynomial at the cusp are given by rational numbers times single-valued multiple zeta values

    Examination of the relationship between preservice social studies teachers’ democratic values and attitudes towards today’s world problems

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    This study was carried out to examine the relationship between preservice social studies teachers’ democratic values and their attitudes towards today’s world problems. In this study, a survey design was used based on quantitative research methodology. The research sample consisted of 174 preservice teachers who were studying at the Social Studies Education Program of Anadolu University in the 2017–2018 academic year. During the study, the “Democratic Values Scale” developed by Selvi (2006) was administered to determine the preservice social studies teachers’ levels of democratic values. The “Attitude Scale for Today’s World Problems,” developed by Kılıçoğlu, Karakuş and Öztürk (2012), was employed to determine the preservice social studies teachers’ attitudes towards today’s world problems. In conclusion, it was found that there was a significantly moderate positive correlation between the preservice social studies teachers’ levels of democratic values and their attitudes towards today’s world problems.This study was carried out to examine the relationship between preservice social studies teachers’ democratic values and their attitudes towards today’s world problems. In this study, a survey design was used based on quantitative research methodology. The research sample consisted of 174 preservice teachers who were studying at the Social Studies Education Program of Anadolu University in the 2017–2018 academic year. During the study, the “Democratic Values Scale” developed by Selvi (2006) was administered to determine the preservice social studies teachers’ levels of democratic values. The “Attitude Scale for Today’s World Problems,” developed by Kılıçoğlu, Karakuş and Öztürk (2012), was employed to determine the preservice social studies teachers’ attitudes towards today’s world problems. In conclusion, it was found that there was a significantly moderate positive correlation between the preservice social studies teachers’ levels of democratic values and their attitudes towards today’s world problems