289 research outputs found

    The effect of physiological development period of donor plant and explant origin on the survival and growth of meristem for grapevine

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    Bu çalışma ile, asmada meristem kültürü çalışmalarını etkileyen faktörlerden donör bitkinin fizyolojik gelişim dönemi ve eksplantın donör bitki üzerindeki pozisyonlarının(orijininin) meristem canlılığı ve gelişimine etkileri incelenmiştir. Bu kapsamda üç farklı çeşidin (Gamay, Trakya İlkeren ve İtalia), üç değişik fizyolojik gelişim dönemi (çiçeklenme başlangıcı, tane tutumu ve tanelerin bezelye büyüklüğü aldığı dönem) ile eksplantın bitki üzerindeki pozisyonu olarak ana sürgün uçları ve koltuk sürgünlerinin uçlarından izole edilen meristemler kullanılmıştır. İzole edilen meristemler in vitro koşullarda MS yapay besin ortamında kültüre alınmışlar ve bunların üç hafta sonraki canlılık ve gelişim düzeyleri değerlendirilmiştir. Yapılan değerlendirmeler sonucunda asmada, meristem canlılığı ve meristem gelişimi açısından en uygun meristem alım döneminin tanelerin bezelye büyüklüğü aldığı dönem olduğu ve bitki üzerinde koltuk sürgünlerinden alınan meristematik dokuların ana sürgün ucundan alınan meristematik dokulara oranla daha yüksek değerler verdiği tespit edilmiştir.In this study,two of the important factors that affect meristem culture, the effect of physiological development period of donor plant and the position(origin) of explant on meristem survival and growth were tried to evaluate. Three different physiological growth periods of three different varieties and meristems isolated from main shoot tips and axillary shoots of explants were used. The isolated meristems were cultured in MS in in vitro conditions for three weeks and parameters such as survival and growth levels were evaluated. According to results of this study, it is concluded that in the point of meristem survival and growth the most suitable period for isolation of meristems were found as period when the berries are in size like pea. Besides, meristems isolated from axillary shoots gave more values than meristems isolated from main shoot tips

    Kemijska i teksturalna svojstva Hellim (Halloumi) sira na tržištu u Turskoj

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    Chemical and textural properties of Hellim (Halloumi) cheese marketed in Turkey were determined in this research. Cheese samples were collected from manufacturers in Turkey and according to data obtained, water amounts of samples were changing in a wide range of 34.07-55.92 %, whereas the average pH values of the samples was 5.91±0.36. Cholesterol contents of the samples were low and changing among 7.54-14.79 mg/100 g. Average fat and protein amounts of samples were 25.43±1.7 (%), and 22.81±5.62 (%) respectively, and 30.31±1.15 (%) of the fat fraction was composed of unsaturated fatty acids. Main organic acids determined in samples were citric, lactic and propionic acids. Also, hardness, chewiness, adhesiveness, cohesiveness and gumminess scores of the samples were determined by TPA analysis and Hunter color scores were evaluated.U istraživanju su utvrđena kemijska i teksturalna svojstva Hellim (Halloumi) sira koji se prodaje na tržištu u Turskoj. Uzorci sira prikupljeni su od proizvođača u Turskoj, a prema prikupljenim podacima količina vode uzoraka bila je u širokom rasponu od 34,07 do 55,92 %, dok je prosječna pH vrijednosti uzoraka bila 5,91±0,36. Sadržaj kolesterola u uzorcima bio je nizak i mijenjao se u rasponu od 7,54 do 14,79 mg/100 g. Prosječne vrijednosti udjela masti i proteina bile su u rasponu od 25,43±1,7 (%), odnosno 22,81±5,62 (%). Postotak od 30,31±1,15 (%) od frakcije masti čine nezasićene masne kiseline. Glavne organske kiseline utvrđene u uzorcima bile su limunska, mliječna i propionska kiselina. Također, rezultati tvrdoće, “žvakljivosti”, adhezivnosti, kohezivnosti i gumenosti uzoraka određeni su TPA analizom a Hunter bojom su ocijenjeni

    Utjecaj korištenja probiotika i prebiotika na aromatske spojeve i teksturalna i senzorska svojstva simbiotskog kozjeg sira

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of probiotics as an adjunct culture, and the use of inulin and oligofructose as a prebiotic product, on symbiotic goat cheeses during their ripening period. The control group had the lowest value in terms of aromatic compounds, and the probiotics used in the production of cheese increased the aromatic substances. The control group was found to have the highest hardness values and that the use of prebiotics and probiotic cultures in cheese production significantly changed the textural profile depending on the probiotic and prebiotic type. The most favoured cheeses were found to contain E. faecium and oligofructose.U ovom radu istražen je utjecaj probiotika, te inulina i oligofruktoze, na simbiotski kozji sir tijekom zrenja. U kontrolnoj grupi su utvrđene najniže koncentracije aromatskih spojeva, dok je dodatak probiotika u proizvodnji sira povećao koncentraciju aromatskih spojeva. Također, u sirevima iz kontrolne grupe su utvrđene najveće vrijednosti čvrstoće. Dodatak probiotika i prebiotika je signifikantno utjecao na teksturalne karakteristike sira. Sirevi koji su ocjenjeni kao najbolji, proizvedeni su uz dodatak E. facium i oligofruktoze

    Utjecaj zamrzavanja i metoda ambalažiranja na udjel organskih kiselina kozjeg sira tijekom skladištenja

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    Effects of freezing and packaging methods on organic acid content of goat cheese during 12 weeks of storage were determined. Goat cheese milk curds were divided into two batches; one of the batches was directly processed in to goat cheese while the other was frozen at -18 °C and stored for six months and processed into cheese after being thawed. Cheese samples were packed in three parts and stored at 4 °C refrigerated control sample and at -18 °C for six months frozen experimental samples. Cheese samples were packed in three different packaging methods: aerobic, vacuum or modified atmosphere. Citric, malic, fumaric, acetic, lactic, pyruvic and propionic acids were analyzed using HPLC method after 1st, 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th week of storage period. Lactic acid was the main organic acids while pyruvic acid had the lowest content in all cheese samples. Citric and fumaric acid levels of frozen samples increased during storage whereas malic, acetic, pyruvic and propionic acid amounts were decreased compared to the beginning of storage. Packaging methods and freezing process also effected lactic acid levels statistically (p<0.05). Fumaric, acetic and lactic acid concentration of refrigerated samples were increased but citric, malic and propionic acids decreased during storage. Pyruvic acid level did not change significantly. It was determined that organic acid concentrations were effected by freezing process, storage time and packaging methods significantly (p<0.05).U istraživanju je utvrđen utjecaj zamrzavanja i metoda ambalažiranja na udjel organskih kiselina kozjeg sira tijekom 12 tjedana skladištenja. Gruš sira od kozjeg mlijeka bio je podijeljen u dva dijela - kao kontrolni uzorak pohranjen u hladnjaku na 4 °C i kao zamrznuti eksperimentalni uzorak na -18 °C tijekom šest mjeseci. Nakon toga, sirevi su pakirani trima različitim metodama pakiranja: aerobnom, vakuum ili modificiranom atmosferom. Citronska, jabučna, mravlja, octena, mliječna, pirogrožđana i propionska kiselina analizirane su HPLC metodom nakon 1., 3., 6., 9. i 12. tjedna razdoblja čuvanja. Mliječna kiselina bila je najvažnija organska kiselina, dok je pirogrožđana imala najniži udjel u svim uzorcima sira. Tijekom skladištenja došlo je do povećanja udjela citronske i mravlje kiseline smrznutih uzoraka, dok su udjeli jabučne, octene, pirogrožđane i propionske kiseline opadali u odnosu na početak pohrane. Metode pakiranja i proces zamrzavanja također su statistički utjecali na udjel mliječne kiseline (p<0,05). Koncentracije mravlje, octene i mliječne kiseline ohlađenih uzoraka bile su povećane, dok su citronske, jabučne i propionske kiseline opadale tijekom skladištenja. Razina pirogrožđane kiseline nije se značajno promijenila. Utvrđen je statistički značajan utjecaj procesa zamrzavanja, vremena pohrane i metoda pakiranja na koncentracije organskih kiselina (p <0,05)

    The Effect Of Parameters Such as Development Period Of Donor Plant and Explant Source on Meristem Stamina and Growth in Grapevine Meristem Culture

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    Bu çalışma ile asmada meristem kültürü çalışmalarını etkileyen faktörlerden donör bitkinin gelişim dönemive eksplantın donör bitki üzerindeki pozisyonlarının meristem canlılığına ve gelişimine etkileriincelenmiştir. Bu kapsamda üç farklı çeşidin (Gamay, Trakya İlkeren ve İtalia), üç değişik fizyolojikgelişim dönemi (çiçeklenme başlangıcı, tane tutumu ve tanelerin bezelye büyüklüğü aldığı dönem) ileeksplantın bitki üzerindeki pozisyonu olarak ana sürgün uçları ve koltuk sürgünlerinin uçlarından izoleedilen meristemler kullanılmıştır. İzole edilen meristemler in vitro koşullarda MS yapay besin ortamındakültüre alınmışlar ve bunların üç hafta sonraki canlılık ve gelişim düzeyleri değerlendirilmiştir. Yapılandeğerlendirmeler sonucunda, asmada meristem canlılığı ve meristem gelişimi açısından en uygun meristemalım döneminin tanelerin bezelye büyüklüğü aldığı dönem olduğu ve bitki üzerinde koltuk sürgünlerindenalınan meristematik dokuların ana sürgün ucundan alınan meristematik dokulara oranla daha yüksekdeğerler verdiği tespit edilmiştir.In this study, two of the important factors that affect meristem culture, the effect of development period of donor plant and the position of explant on meristem stamina and growth were tried to evaluate. Three different physiological growth periods of three different varieties and meristems isolated from main shoot tips and axillary shoots of explants were used. The isolated meristems were cultured in MS in in vitro conditions for three weeks and parameters such as stamina and growth levels were evaluated. According to results of this study, it is concluded that in the point of meristem stamina and growth the most suitable period for isolation of meristems were found as period when the berries are in size like pea. Besides, meristems isolated from axillary shoots gave more values than meristems isolated from main shoot tips

    Purification of some grape cultivar (vitis vinifera l.) and rootstock clones eliminated from viruses with thermotherapy and meristem culture

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    Bağ alanları ve toplam üzüm üretimi bakımından dünyanın sayılı ülkeleri arasında yer alan Türkiye, birim alandan elde edilen üzüm miktarı göz önüne alındığında istenilen düzeyde bulunmamaktadır. Bu durumun en önemli nedenlerinin başında, üzüm üretiminin temel materyali olan fidanın üretimi sırasında ülkemizde genellikle kalite özellikleri belli olmayan, hastalık ve zararlılarla ilgili durumu dikkate alınmayan materyallerin kullanılması gelmektedir. Fidan üretim sürecinde, bilinen herhangi bir kültürel veya kimyasal mücadelesi olmayan bitki patojeni virüsler, diğer hastalık ve zararlılar arasında ön planda bulunmaktadır. Bağcılıkta fidan üretiminde kullanılacak olan baz materyallerin virüslerden arındırılması işlemi termoterapi ve beraberinde meristem kültürü uygulamaları ile mümkün olmaktadır. Bu çalışmada ülkemiz için ekonomik önemi bulunan 14 asma çeşit (Vitis vinifera L.) ve 6 anacına ait klonlar kullanılarak Avrupa Birliği ülkeleri ve ülkemiz sertifikasyon sisteminde belirlenmiş olan virüslerden ve asma patojeni Agrobacterium vitis'ten, termoterapi ve meristem kültürü yöntemleri ile arındırma yapılmıştır. Arındırma işlemleri sonucunda çalışılan asma çeşit ve anaç klonlarından 93 bitki elde edilmiştir.Turkey, one of the few important countries in the world concerning the total area of the vineyards and grape production is not in a desired level considering the amount of grape yield per unit area. The use of materials of unknown quality and whose disease and pest related conditions are not taken into account in sapling production, which is the basic material of grape production, is the main cause of this fact. Plant pathogen viruses, for which no cultural or chemical fight against are unknown, are more important than other disease and pest organisms during sapling production processes. Elimination of the viruses from the base materials used in sapling production in viticulture is only possible with thermotherapy and meristem culture. In this study, the clones of fourteen grape varieties (Vitis vinifera L.) and six rootstocks that have economic importance for our country were used to purify from Agrobacterium vitis and viruses specified in the certification system of our country and European Union countries using thermotherapy and meristem culture methods. 93 plants were obtained at the end of purification processes of the studied clones grape cultivars and rootstocks

    Polyploidy studies in viticulture

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    Dünyada çekirdeksiz üzüm çeşitleri tüketiciler tarafından daha fazla tercih edilmektedir. Islah çalışmalarında çekirdek-sizliğin iki ana kaynağı vardır. Bunlar stenospermokarpi ve partenokarpidir. Çekirdeksiz üzümlerin en belirgin özelliği tane-lerinin çekirdeksiz ancak küçük olmalarıdır. Asma ıslahında çekirdeksiz ve iri taneli yeni üzüm çeşidi elde etmede bir diğer yol poliploididir. Kyoho, Pione, Olimpia, Heukgoosul önemli tetraploid çeşitlerdir. Bunların diploidlerle melezlenmesi sonu-cu triploid Honey Seedless, King Dela ve Mirai çeşitler elde edilmiştir.Seedless table grapes are the most preferred grapes by the consumers. Stenospermocarpy and parthenocarpy are the natural causes of seedlessness in breeding studies. The most significant characteristic of seedless grapes are their small sized and seedless fruits. Polyploidy is an alternative way to obtain seedless and large sized new table grape cultivars. Kyoho, Pione, Olimpia, Heukgoosul are some of the tetraploid grape varieties. Triploid grapes of the variaties Honey Seedless, King Dela and Mirai were obtained by hybridization of these tetraploid cvs. with diploid genotype

    The Effect of Appetitive Daytime Napping on Cognitive Functions

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    Objective:The need for sleep is universal and its function is not completely clarified. Daytime alertness decreases after midday and one of the ways of preventing this decrease is daytime napping. The aim of this study is to investigate the effects 60-minutes appetitive daytime napping on cognitive performance.Materials and Methods:This study was carried out at Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Biophysics Sleep Dynamics Research Laboratory. Participants who came to the sleep laboratory in two different days slept one day and the other day were included in the control group. A total of 14 healthy individuals between age of 19-24 (5 male; mean age: 21.86±1.23 years) without any neurological, psychological, chronic diseases, or sleep disorders were included in the study. Participants slept on their regular sleep pattern before both conditions. Various cognitive tests were administered to participants before sleep recordings. Electroencephalography was used on the purpose of following the sleep/wakefulness situation while sleeping. At the end of 60-minutes, the participants were woken up and after then same tests were performed again. On the control day, without sleep recording, determined questionnaires were applied to the participants. The resting period was set 60-minutes as it was during the sleeping period.Results:Cognitive performances of 14 participants on napping and control conditions were measured. The average duration of sleep was 57.3 (±3.57) minutes. Participants’ scores of N-Back, Psychomotor Vijilans test, and Timewall tests on both conditions were examined. Although there were differences in the scores they were not significant.Conclusion:Daytime napping has different effects on cognitive functions. In future studies, it is aimed that the evaluation of the replacement and appetitive daytime napping in terms of the behavioral and sleep stages as electrophysiologically