149 research outputs found

    Ripple band phase precession of place cell firing during replay

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    Neuronal “replay,” in which place cell firing during rest recapitulates recently experienced trajectories, is thought to mediate the transmission of information from hippocampus to neocortex, but the mechanism for this transmission is unknown. Here, we show that replay uses a phase code to represent spatial trajectories by the phase of firing relative to the 150- to 250-Hz “ripple” oscillations that accompany replay events. This phase code is analogous to the theta phase precession of place cell firing during navigation, in which place cells fire at progressively earlier phases of the 6- to 12-Hz theta oscillation as their place field is traversed, providing information about self-location that is additional to the rate code and a necessary precursor of replay. Thus, during replay, each ripple cycle contains a “forward sweep” of decoded locations along the recapitulated trajectory. Our results indicate a novel encoding of trajectory information during replay and implicates phase coding as a general mechanism by which the hippocampus transmits experienced and replayed sequential information to downstream targets

    Extending cognitive-behavioural theory and therapy to medically unexplained symptoms and long term conditions:a hybrid transdiagnostic/problem specific approach

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    Medically Unexplained Symptoms (MUS) are not only common and distressing, but also are typically poorly managed in general medical settings. Those suffering from these problems tend to incur significantly higher health costs than the general population. There are many effective treatments for different MUS; these are almost entirely based on Cognitive-behavioural approaches. However, the wide range of treatment protocols tend to be “syndrome specific”. As such, they do not generalise well in terms of training and application, making them expensive and difficult to disseminate, suggesting the desirability of developing a transdiagnostic approach. The general basis of such a CBT grounded transdiagnostic approach is considered, and the particular need to incorporate cognitive elements of both anxiety/health anxiety (threat) and depression (loss) is highlighted. Key empirically grounded and evidence based processes (both specific and general) previously identified as underpinning the maintenance of MUS are delineated. The way in which these can be combined in a transdiagnostic model which accounts for most MUS presentations is presented and linked to a formulation driven transdiagnostic treatment strategy, which is described. However, the need to take more syndrome-specific issues into account in treatment is identified, suggesting that the optimum treatment may be a hybrid transdiagnostic/specific approach with formulation, shared understanding, belief change strategies and behavioural experiments at its heart. The generalisation of such approaches to psychological problems occurring in the context of “Long Term Conditions” is identified as a further important development which is now within reach

    Dissociation between Dorsal and Ventral Posterior Parietal Cortical Responses to Incidental Changes in Natural ScenesOpen URL for this publicationDOI for this publication

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    Background The posterior parietal cortex (PPC) is thought to interact with the medial temporal lobe (MTL) to support spatial cognition and topographical memory. While the response of medial temporal lobe regions to topographical stimuli has been intensively studied, much less research has focused on the role of PPC and its functional connectivity with the medial temporal lobe. Methodology/Principle Findings Here we report a dissociation between dorsal and ventral regions of PPC in response to different types of change in natural scenes using an fMRI adaptation paradigm. During scanning subjects performed an incidental target detection task whilst viewing trial unique sequentially presented pairs of natural scenes, each containing a single prominent object. We observed a dissociation between the superior parietal gyrus and the angular gyrus, with the former showing greater sensitivity to spatial change, and the latter showing greater sensitivity to scene novelty. In addition, we observed that the parahippocampal cortex has increased functional connectivity with the angular gyrus, but not superior parietal gyrus, when subjects view change to the scene content. Conclusions/Significance Our findings provide support for proposed dissociations between dorsal and ventral regions of PPC and suggest that the dorsal PPC may support the spatial coding of the visual environment even when this information is incidental to the task at hand. Further, through revealing the differential functional interactions of the SPG and AG with the MTL our results help advance our understanding of how the MTL and PPC cooperate to update representations of the world around us

    Coordinated grid and place cell replay during rest

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    Hippocampal replay has been hypothesized to underlie memory consolidation and navigational planning, yet the involvement of grid cells in replay is unknown. During replay we found grid cells to be spatially coherent with place cells, encoding locations 11 ms delayed relative to the hippocampus, with directionally modulated grid cells and forward replay exhibiting the greatest coherence with the CA1 area of the hippocampus. This suggests grid cells are engaged during the consolidation of spatial memories to the neocortex

    Hippocampal place cells construct reward related sequences through unexplored space

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    Dominant theories of hippocampal function propose that place cell representations are formed during an animal's first encounter with a novel environment and are subsequently replayed during off-line states to support consolidation and future behaviour. Here we report that viewing the delivery of food to an unvisited portion of an environment leads to off-line pre-activation of place cells sequences corresponding to that space. Such 'preplay' was not observed for an unrewarded but otherwise similar portion of the environment. These results suggest that a hippocampal representation of a visible, yet unexplored environment can be formed if the environment is of motivational relevance to the animal. We hypothesise such goal-biased preplay may support preparation for future experiences in novel environments

    Extending cognitive-behavioural theory and therapy to medically unexplained symptoms and long term conditions:a hybrid transdiagnostic/problem specific approach

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    Medically unexplained symptoms (MUS) are not only common and distressing, but are also typically poorly managed in general medical settings. Those suffering from these problems tend to incur significantly higher health costs than the general population. There are many effective treatments for different MUS; these are almost entirely based on cognitive-behavioural approaches. However, the wide range of treatment protocols tend to be ‘syndrome specific’. As such, they do not generalise well in terms of training and application, making them expensive and difficult to disseminate, suggesting the desirability of developing a transdiagnostic approach. The general basis of such a CBT grounded transdiagnostic approach is considered, and the particular need to incorporate cognitive elements of both anxiety or health anxiety (threat) and depression (loss) is highlighted. Key empirically grounded and evidence-based processes (both specific and general) previously identified as underpinning the maintenance of MUS are delineated. The way in which these can be combined in a transdiagnostic model that accounts for most MUS presentations is presented and linked to a formulation-driven transdiagnostic treatment strategy, which is described. However, the need to take more syndrome-specific issues into account in treatment is identified, suggesting that the optimum treatment may be a hybrid transdiagnostic/specific approach with formulation, shared understanding, belief change strategies, and behavioural experiments at its heart. The generalisation of such approaches to psychological problems occurring in the context of ‘long-term conditions’ is identified as a further important development that is now within reach

    Adolescent Learning of Academic Vocabulary in Iceland

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    The fields of vocabulary instruction, literacy professional development, and global language issues framed this research. Situated in Iceland, the intervention consisted of professional development for 10th‐grade teachers focused on academic words in various subject materials, increasing the learners’ proficiency in using explicit strategies to detect word meanings, and offering learners multimodal ways of working with the vocabulary. There were no significant differences between the participants in the experimental schools (n = 157) and in the control schools (n = 88). There were gains from pretest to posttest in vocabulary and in comprehension, and there were some promising trends that distinguished the experimental group from the control group on the reading comprehension test. The nature, intensity, and length of the professional development offered to the high school teachers and the relatively short time of measurement of student outcomes are suggested explanations of the results.Fulbright Foundation/U.S. State DepartmentPre-prin