9 research outputs found

    Dieta e Ritmo Circadiano da Atividade Alimentar do Tamoatá Hoplosternum Littorale (Hancock, 1828) (Siluriformes, Callichthydae) Capturados no Rio Vacacaí, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

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    This paper aims at contributing to biological and ecological knowledge about Hoplosternum littorale by studying its diet in the Vacacaí River, RS. With this aim, samples were taken in all seasons in four points selected along the Vacacaí River, using gill nets with meshes 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 4.0; 5.0, 6.0 and 8.0 cm between adjacent knots. The nets remained in the water for 24 hours, being revised every six hours. The fish which was caught was fixed in 10% formalin and later preserved in 70% alcohol. The specimens were weighed, measured and had the digestive tract removed for diet analysis. The items found in stomach contents were separated into six categories: Insects, Mollusks, Detritus/Silt, Vegetables, Scales and Nematodes, each category being analyzed by frequency of occurrence and volumetric method, being combined to obtain the Feeding Index" (IAi). The stomach repletion index (SRI) and Repletion Index (RI) were also estimated to assess the feeding activity according to the circadian rhythm. The most important items in the diet of this species according to IAi were insects, sediment and plant. H. littorale showed greater feeding activity in early morning, coinciding with greater capture also in reviewing this time, suggesting a nocturnal activity.O presente trabalho tem como objetivo contribuir com os conhecimentos biológicos e ecológicos de Hoplosternum littorale através do estudo de sua dieta no Rio Vacacaí, RS. Para tal, foram realizadas coletas em todas as estações do ano em quatro pontos escolhidos ao longo do Rio Vacacaí, utilizando-se redes de espera com malhas 1,5; 2,0; 2,5; 3,0; 4,0; 5,0; 6,0 e 8,0 cm entre nós adjacentes. As redes permaneceram na água por 24 horas, sendo revisadas a cada seis horas. Os peixes capturados foram fixados em formol 10% e posteriormente conservados em álcool 70%. Os exemplares foram pesados, medidos e tiveram o trato digestório retirado para a análise da dieta. Os itens encontrados no conteúdo estomacal foram separados em seis categorias: Insetos, Moluscos, Detrito/Sedimento, Vegetais, Escamas e Nematoides, sendo cada categoria analisada pelos métodos de frequência de ocorrência e volumétrico, sendo estes combinados posteriormente para se obter o Índice Alimentar (IAi). O Grau de Repleção estomacal (GR) e o Índice de Repleção (IR) também foram estimados para avaliar a atividade alimentar de acordo com o ritmo circadiano. Os itens mais importantes na dieta dessa espécie de acordo com o IAi foram insetos, detrito/sedimento e vegetais. H. littorale apresentou maior atividade alimentar no inicio da manhã, coincidindo com uma maior captura também na revisão deste horário, o que sugere uma atividade noturna

    Differentiation, population structure and reproductive cycle of piracanjubas (Brycon orbignyanus) under cultivation conditions

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    A espécie em estudo (Brycon orbignyanus) vem apresentando um declínio populacional importante nos últimos anos em função de interferências antrópicas. Por este motivo, populações naturais na bacia do rio Uruguai são praticamente inexistentes, e os estoques mantidos em cativeiro apresentam razões sexuais desproporcionais e perdas importantes de variabilidade genética, o que prejudica o uso desta espécie em programas de conservação. Esta tese tem como objetivo principal avaliar parâmetros populacionais e reprodutivos de Brycon orbignyanus sob condições de cativeiro visando a aplicabilidade deste conhecimento em programas de conservação. Com isso, objetivou-se no primeiro experimento avaliar as flutuações na razão sexual ao longo do desenvolvimento ontogenético e os diferentes padrões morfológicos de crescimento entre os sexos. Quinhentos exemplares foram amostrados de uma piscicultura comercial e os dados biométricos foram registrados para a realização de uma regressão linear entre peso e comprimento. A partir do teste Qui-Quadrado (χ²) foi possível observar que a razão sexual apresentou desproporções nas classes de comprimento superiores. Os machos e fêmeas apresentaram crescimento alométrico positivo (b=3,35 e b=3,44), enquanto indivíduos sexualmente indiferenciados apresentaram alometria negativa (b=2,96) O objetivo do segundo estudo foi descrever os processos de diferenciação sexual, afim de definir o período termossensível. Após eutanásia dos animais, as gônadas foram coletadas e fixadas em solução formaldeído tamponado 4%. Os cortes seriados (3μm) foram corados com Azul de Toluidina e analisados por microscopia de luz. Os primeiros sinais de diferenciação sexual foram observados apenas aos 323 dias após a fertilização (DAF) e, aos 730 DAF todos os indivíduos já estavam diferenciados sexualmente. O objetivo do terceiro estudo foi descrever o ciclo reprodutivo de machos de B. orbignyanus, a fim de se estabelecer uma escala de maturação para machos desta espécie. Para isto, exemplares da espécie foram coletados periodicamente em uma estação de piscicultura comercial. Assim como no experimento anterior, as gônadas foram coletadas e fixadas para análise histológica. As análises das imagens foram obtidas através de microscópio óptico e a descrição das fases reprodutivas seguiu recomendações de Brown-Peterson et al. (2011). Foram estabelecidas 5 fases reprodutivas de acordo com as características macroscópicas dos testículos, presença e distribuição das células espermatogênicas e variações no índice gonadossomático. Os primeiros indivíduos aptos à reprodução foram observados aos 435 DAF.The species under study (Brycon orbignyanus) has undergone a important population decline in the last years due to anthropic interferences. For this reason, natural populations in the Uruguay River basin are practically non-existent, and stocks kept in captivity suffer from disproportionate sex ratios, and significant losses of genetic variability, impairing the use of this species in conservation programs. The main objective of this thesis is to evaluate the population and reproductive parameters of Brycon orbignyanus under captive conditions aiming the applicability of this knowledge in conservation programs. Thus, the objective of the first experiment was to evaluate the fluctuations in sexual ratio along the ontogenetic development and the different morphological patterns of growth between the sexes. Five hundred specimens were sampled from commercial fish farming and biometric data were recorded for a linear regression between weight and length. From the chi-square test (χ²) it was possible to observe that the sex ratio showed disproportions in the upper length classes. Males and females showed positive allometric growth (b = 3.35 and b = 3.44), while sexually undifferentiated individuals showed negative allometry (b = 2.96). The objective of the second experiment was describe the processes of sexual differentiation, in order to define the thermosensitive period After euthanasia of the animals, the gonads were collected and fixed in 4% buffered formaldehyde solution. Serial sections (3 μm) were stained with Toluidine Blue and analyzed by light microscopy. The first signs of sexual differentiation were observed only at 323 days after fertilization (DAF), and at 730 DAF all individuals were already sexually differentiated. The objective of the third experiment was to describe the reproductive cycle of B. orbignyanus males, in order to establish a maturation scale for males of this species. For this, specimens were collected periodically in a commercial fish farm. As in the previous experiment, the gonads were collected and fixed for histological analysis. The images were obtained through an optical microscope and analyzed according to the description of the reproductive phases suggested by Brown-Peterson et al. (2011). Five reproductive phases were established according to macroscopic characteristics of the testes, presence and distribution of spermatogenic cells and variations in the gonadosomatic index. The first individuals able to reproduce were observed at 435 DAF

    Differentiation, population structure and reproductive cycle of piracanjubas (Brycon orbignyanus) under cultivation conditions

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    A espécie em estudo (Brycon orbignyanus) vem apresentando um declínio populacional importante nos últimos anos em função de interferências antrópicas. Por este motivo, populações naturais na bacia do rio Uruguai são praticamente inexistentes, e os estoques mantidos em cativeiro apresentam razões sexuais desproporcionais e perdas importantes de variabilidade genética, o que prejudica o uso desta espécie em programas de conservação. Esta tese tem como objetivo principal avaliar parâmetros populacionais e reprodutivos de Brycon orbignyanus sob condições de cativeiro visando a aplicabilidade deste conhecimento em programas de conservação. Com isso, objetivou-se no primeiro experimento avaliar as flutuações na razão sexual ao longo do desenvolvimento ontogenético e os diferentes padrões morfológicos de crescimento entre os sexos. Quinhentos exemplares foram amostrados de uma piscicultura comercial e os dados biométricos foram registrados para a realização de uma regressão linear entre peso e comprimento. A partir do teste Qui-Quadrado (χ²) foi possível observar que a razão sexual apresentou desproporções nas classes de comprimento superiores. Os machos e fêmeas apresentaram crescimento alométrico positivo (b=3,35 e b=3,44), enquanto indivíduos sexualmente indiferenciados apresentaram alometria negativa (b=2,96) O objetivo do segundo estudo foi descrever os processos de diferenciação sexual, afim de definir o período termossensível. Após eutanásia dos animais, as gônadas foram coletadas e fixadas em solução formaldeído tamponado 4%. Os cortes seriados (3μm) foram corados com Azul de Toluidina e analisados por microscopia de luz. Os primeiros sinais de diferenciação sexual foram observados apenas aos 323 dias após a fertilização (DAF) e, aos 730 DAF todos os indivíduos já estavam diferenciados sexualmente. O objetivo do terceiro estudo foi descrever o ciclo reprodutivo de machos de B. orbignyanus, a fim de se estabelecer uma escala de maturação para machos desta espécie. Para isto, exemplares da espécie foram coletados periodicamente em uma estação de piscicultura comercial. Assim como no experimento anterior, as gônadas foram coletadas e fixadas para análise histológica. As análises das imagens foram obtidas através de microscópio óptico e a descrição das fases reprodutivas seguiu recomendações de Brown-Peterson et al. (2011). Foram estabelecidas 5 fases reprodutivas de acordo com as características macroscópicas dos testículos, presença e distribuição das células espermatogênicas e variações no índice gonadossomático. Os primeiros indivíduos aptos à reprodução foram observados aos 435 DAF.The species under study (Brycon orbignyanus) has undergone a important population decline in the last years due to anthropic interferences. For this reason, natural populations in the Uruguay River basin are practically non-existent, and stocks kept in captivity suffer from disproportionate sex ratios, and significant losses of genetic variability, impairing the use of this species in conservation programs. The main objective of this thesis is to evaluate the population and reproductive parameters of Brycon orbignyanus under captive conditions aiming the applicability of this knowledge in conservation programs. Thus, the objective of the first experiment was to evaluate the fluctuations in sexual ratio along the ontogenetic development and the different morphological patterns of growth between the sexes. Five hundred specimens were sampled from commercial fish farming and biometric data were recorded for a linear regression between weight and length. From the chi-square test (χ²) it was possible to observe that the sex ratio showed disproportions in the upper length classes. Males and females showed positive allometric growth (b = 3.35 and b = 3.44), while sexually undifferentiated individuals showed negative allometry (b = 2.96). The objective of the second experiment was describe the processes of sexual differentiation, in order to define the thermosensitive period After euthanasia of the animals, the gonads were collected and fixed in 4% buffered formaldehyde solution. Serial sections (3 μm) were stained with Toluidine Blue and analyzed by light microscopy. The first signs of sexual differentiation were observed only at 323 days after fertilization (DAF), and at 730 DAF all individuals were already sexually differentiated. The objective of the third experiment was to describe the reproductive cycle of B. orbignyanus males, in order to establish a maturation scale for males of this species. For this, specimens were collected periodically in a commercial fish farm. As in the previous experiment, the gonads were collected and fixed for histological analysis. The images were obtained through an optical microscope and analyzed according to the description of the reproductive phases suggested by Brown-Peterson et al. (2011). Five reproductive phases were established according to macroscopic characteristics of the testes, presence and distribution of spermatogenic cells and variations in the gonadosomatic index. The first individuals able to reproduce were observed at 435 DAF

    <b>Trophic ecology of <i>Loricariichthys melanocheilus</i> Reis & Pereira, 2000 (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) in Ibicuí river, southern Brazil

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    Aiming to characterize aspects of the trophic ecology of Loricariichthys melanocheilus in the Ibicuí river, bimonthly samples were taken in lotic and lentic ecosystems. Fish were caught and fixed in 10% formalin and dissected for stomach content analysis. Items were identified to the lowest taxonomic level possible. Stomach fullness (SF), repletion index (RI) and intestinal quotient (IQ) were estimated. Diet was assessed by the frequency of occurrence and the volumetric method, combined to obtain a Alimentary index. Feeding activity was analyzed with mean values of SF, RI and vacuity index (VI), which represents the percentage of empty stomachs. These parameters were compared seasonally, spatially, and according to the circadian rhythm. The main items in the trophic spectrum of L. melanocheilus were detritus, sediment, plant organic matter, nematodes, micro crustaceans (Copepoda, Cladocera) and insects (Diptera, Trichoptera, Ephemeroptera and Odonata). No environmental or seasonal variations were found for the consumed items. Feeding activity showed seasonal and environmental variations according to RI but did not significantly change according to SF. The IQ was 1.51, and showed seasonal variations, indicating changes in the diet

    Population structure of Trachelyopterus albicrux (Siluriformes, Auchenipteridae) from the Ibicuí River, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

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    This study aimed to determine some of the biological aspects of Trachelyopterus albicrux by analyzing its population structure. The study focused on sex proportion, length and the relation of weight/length. Samples were taken every two months, from December 1999 to January 2002, in lotic and lentic environments along the Ibicui River between the cities of São Vicente do Sul and Itaqui, in Rio Grande do Sul. The following nets were used: 10m nets with 1.5, 2.0, 2.5 and 3.0cm mesh; 20m nets with 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 8.0 and 10.0cm mesh; and 4.0/20.0, 5.0/20 and 6.0/20.0 sweep nets (all mesh sizes were in cm and measured between adjacent knots). The nets stayed in the water for 24 hours, and were checked every 6 hours. A total of 122 males and 112 females were captured, which had a standard average length (Ls) of 13.27cm and a total average weight (Wt) of 95.95g. There was no significant difference between the males and females. The weight/length relation was calculated using the equation Wt = 0,0224 × Ls3,1691 for males and Wt = 0,0127 × Ls3,4 for females. Trachelyopterus albicrux showed isometric growth, with the coefficient value of the linear regression equation equal to 3.1691 for males and 3.4 for females

    Assessing the Viability of Reintroduction of Locally Extinct Migratory Fish Brycon orbignyanus: Successful Growth, Dispersal and Maturation

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    The reintroduction of threatened fish species in areas where wild populations have been depleted due to anthropogenic impacts is an increasingly popular conservation tool and mitigation policy. Despite the importance of fish reintroduction for conservation purposes, little is known about its efficiency. Here, we assessed the viability of reintroduction of the endangered migratory fish, Brycon orbignyanus, in an area of the Upper Uruguay River basin where the species has not been reported for more than 30 years. We released 4000 yearling juveniles in the Pelotas River in 2014 and maintained 400 juveniles in captivity as a control population. After three years, a total of 13 individuals was recaptured, of which, 10 were considered sexually mature with first maturation being recorded in animals larger than 42 cm in total body length. The age&ndash;length comparison with a control population growth curve showed that recaptured fish were slightly bigger than those in captivity. Furthermore, important ecological attributes as schooling behavior and dispersal capacity were recorded for all recaptured individuals. Combined, our results suggest that the re-establishment of a self-sustained population of locally extinct species B. orbignyanus in the Pelotas River may be successful if sustained over time and supported by conservation policies