30 research outputs found

    A Survey on the Value Consciousness of Japanese Athletes

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    行為体系理論の立場から設定された4種の価値, スポーツ体系構成要因間の投入産出の相互交換, 及びR.ベネディクトの文化型にみられる日本的特性を手掛りにした調査の結果, わが国競技者(陸上競技, 野球, 剣道)の価値意識について次の事実が明らかになった。1.全体的な傾向についてみれば, スポーツ, チーム, 試合, 練習に関する価値については業績価値, 献身価値が多く選ばれた。これは競技スポーツの特性とよく合致している。指導者の資質, 年長者-年少者の関係についてみれば, 献身価値, 和合価値等の個別主義的価値への志向が多くみられたが, これはベラーの指摘する日本文化の伝統的特性と対応するものである。2.世代間の差についてみれば, スポーツ, チームに関してはOB, 現役とも業績価値, 献身価値という成就本位の価値に志向する者が多いが, OBは現役よりも和合価値を, 現役はOBよりも充足価値を選ぶ者が多い。集団を構成する人間関係についてみれば, 年長者-年少者という先天的属性のみにかかわる上下関係では双方とも和合価値を志向し, 指導者-競技者という機能的上下関係に関してはOBは現役よりも厳しい献身価値を, 現役はOBよりも暖かい和合価値や, 自由な充足価値をより多く志向する。これはOB, 現役が競技者としておかれた社会的文化的背景の差, また監督経験の有無の差によるものであろう。3.種目間の差についてみれば, 陸上競技は合理的な業績価値を, 野球はスポーツに対しては和合価値を, チームや連帯, 指導者に関しては克服価値を他種目より多く選ぶ。これは個人の記録の客観比較である陸上競技と, 監督による統制の強いチーム競技である野球との間のスポーツ文化としての特質の

    Phenomenological model: rules and result.

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    <p>(<b>A</b>) Regulatory graph: the model links three distinct follicle cell fates, Operculum, Floor and Roof, to a combination of input components EGF, BMP, <i>anterior</i>, and Roof_adj. Oval nodes are Boolean (0 or 1) and the rectangular node (EGF) is associated to a multi-valued variable, which here takes values between 0 and 2 (absent, intermediate and high level). EGF directly influences the position of the three domains on the dorsal-ventral axis. BMP establishes the anterior border of the roof, while <i>anterior</i> defines the anterior competence region. Roof_adj is an input variable accounting for the differentiated state of neighboring cells. Green and red edges denote positive and negative effects, respectively. The edge in purple denotes a dual effect, i.e. activating or repressing, depending on the level of its source. (<b>B</b>) Logical functions driving the dynamics of the model: Each rule specifies under which conditions the variable evolves to value 1 (otherwise, the variable tends to 0). The condition of the presence of EGF is simply denoted as “EGF”, and “EGF:1” or “EGF:2” whenever distinction between levels is required. Logical connectors are: & for a conjunction (and), | for a disjunction (or) and ! for a negation (not). (<b>C</b>) Epithelial model: left, patterns for the inputs EGF (yellow), BMP (purple) and <i>anterior</i> (pink) as used during the simulation. Right, final cell fates are shown in green (operculum), blue (floor) and red (roof).</p

    Mechanistic epithelium model, clonal analyses.

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    <p>(<b>A</b>) Loss-of-function clones. (<b>B</b>) Gain-of-function clones. Before Grk extinction (top row) and after Grk extinction (lower row). Row organization and color codes as in <a href="http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003527#pcbi-1003527-g007" target="_blank">Figure 7</a>. In the Br GOF case, the oscillatory attractor obtained before Grk extinction is due to the synchronous simulation scheme (see text). Here, we show the most consistent pattern of the two stable states resulting from the Grk removal.</p

    Overview of oogenesis in <i>Drosophila melanogaster</i>.

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    <p>(<b>A</b>) Schematic of an ovariole. Egg chambers, displayed at progressively later stages from anterior (left) to posterior (right), are formed in the germarium, and consist of three main cell types: nurse cells and the oocyte, both germ line, enveloped by a layer of somatic follicle cells (FC). After stage 9, the FCs have remodeled to form a columnar epithelium over the oocyte, and a squamous epithelium over the nurse cells. (<b>B–B′</b>) At early stages, ligand Gurken (Grk; in yellow) co-localizes with the oocyte nucleus to the posterior pole of the oocyte. It signals to EGFR in the overlying FC, activating the EGF pathway in a posterior-anterior gradient. (<b>C–C′</b>) After oocyte repolarization, Grk and the oocyte nucleus are located at the dorsal-anterior cortex of the oocyte. The EGF pathway is locally activated in overlying FC. (<b>D–D′</b>) Dpp ligand produced in the anterior FC establishes a steep anterior-posterior gradient of BMP signaling activity in the columnar FC. (<b>E–E″</b>) The appendage primordia are defined at stage 10 and consist, on either side of the midline, of two groups of cells, roof and floor. The eggshell deposited between the oocyte (Oo) and the follicle cells (FC) contains the operculum (OP), the micropyle (MP), and two dorsal appendages (DA); and is constituted by the vitelline membrane (VM), the inner chorionic layer (ICL), an endochorion (EnC) and an exochorion (ExC) <a href="http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003527#pcbi.1003527-Marmion1" target="_blank">[31]</a>.</p

    L3 Development Time

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    Data and scripts for the effects of larval diet on third instar development time

    Mechanistic epithelial model, simulation.

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    <p>The simulation starts with a naive configuration (i.e. all cells are undifferentiated) upon which Grk, Dpp, and Mid input levels are applied. All components are updated synchronously except dpERK and the integration variables (not shown), which are always updated earlier (see text). From left to right are depicted the successive states of each component in the epithelium (gene expression patterns), before Grk extinction. The right panels show the components' states after Grk extinction. Color intensities are used for multi-valued components (Grk, Rho and EGRF, see <a href="http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003527#pcbi-1003527-g003" target="_blank">Figure 3B</a>). Red frames denote pattern changes.</p

    Statistical analysis of life-history traits.

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    <p>G: Generation; SR: Selection Regime; SR(P): Population nested within Selection Regime; F: F value; d.f.: degrees of freedom; <i>P</i>: significance. Survival: number of individuals reaching adulthood; Fecundity: number of eggs carried by hermaphrodites at day 4. Non-significant interactions (<i>P<</i>0.1, “NS”) were removed from the model. <i>P</i><0.05 are highlighted in bold.</p

    Adaptation and its potential costs.

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    <p>Life history traits of populations in three different environments: Levamisole (a) and (d), Control (b) and (e), and Ivermectin (c) and (f). Survival (a, b, c) was measured as the proportion of individuals surviving from egg to adulthood (after 3 days). Fecundity (d, e, f) was assessed by counting the number of eggs per hermaphrodite after individual bleaching at day 4. Black bars: Control populations; white bars: LE populations. Vertical bars correspond to the standard error of the mean of the five populations in each selection regime.</p

    Flies have evolved resistance against <i>P. entomophila</i> infection.

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    <p>Bacterial loads in flies from both control populations (grey bars) and populations evolving in presence of a pathogen (white bars) when exposed to oral (a) or systemic (b) infection. Males (full diamonds) and females (empty diamonds) are represented separately. Vertical bars correspond to the standard error of the mean pathogen load of each selection regime at each time point. (N = 48, except for panel b) systemic infection on control lines after 5 days where N = 22).</p

    Test of adaptation and its correlated response.

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    <p>Hazard ratios of lines evolving in presence of a pathogen relative to controls at generations 14–15 (grey bars) and 24–25 (white bars) of adaptation, when exposed to the challenge they have evolved with or to the other infection route. (a) Oral infection selection regime (BactOral) and (b) systemic infection evolved flies (BactSyst). All populations spent one generation in a common environment before being tested. Vertical bars correspond to the standard error of the estimated ratio between the two selection regimes.</p