17 research outputs found

    Az újraélesztés újraértelmezése – autonómia és betegbiztonság

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    Power Consumption Considerations of GSM-connected Sensors in the AgroDat.hu Sensor Network

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    The number of large sensor systems is rapidly growing nowadays in many fields. Well-designed Big Data solutions are able to manage the enormous data flow and create real business benefits. One dynamically growing application area is precision farming. It requires robust and energy- efficient sensors, because the devices are placed outdoors, often in harsh conditions, and there is no power outlet “in the middle of a corn field”. Power efficiency is in general one of the major themes of the Internet of Things (IoT). According to the IoT vision, embedded sensors send their data to processing units (either located near to the sensor or on some intermediate ”gateway” device or in the cloud) using heterogeneous transport networks. Some sensors employ short-range network like Bluetooth and some ”gateway” device like a tablet. Other sensors directly connect to wide-area networks like cellular networks. This paper will analyze different communication patterns accomplished over GSM network from the viewpoint of the energy consumption of the sensor device with the assumption that the sensor is stationary. The measurements were done using two different GSM modems designed for embedded systems to ensure that the results represent a wider picture and not some implementation property of a particular GSM modem. Recommendations are given about the strategies applications should follow in order to minimize the energy consumption of their GSM subsystems


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    The success of human work depends on a number of power sources. Most frequently time, money, expertise and energy are payed attention to. We consider the individual's personal private network, too, such a power source. Our assertation is that with the help of informatics, information technology and computer technology, such a network can be set up that supports the exploration, maintenance and the development that is management of the individuals private relationships. The means to accomplish the system, by the information it is holding, is capable to open up new prospects for the mankind changing from industrial society to informational one, on the most different domains of life. The main objective of the authors is, with positive technocrat mentality and with the help of advanced technology, to be able to manage the presumably more elaborate elements of social being - that is the private networks between individuals

    A tájékozott beleegyezés jogi és etikai problémái

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    INTRODUCTION: The previously accepted paternalistic relationship between patients and doctors has changed in last century. The expectation for patients to be involved in medical decisions is growing, but this involvement cannot be imagined without informed consent, hence it became one of the most important elements of a physician's responsibilities. Although informed consent is broadly regulated legally in Hungary, experiences show that practical realization is insufficient. This is also represented in the large number of lawsuits in connection with the inadequate or wrong use of informed consent. The aim of this study was to survey for the first time in Hungary the state of informed consent by the analysis of written consents to anaesthesia. METHODS: The authors collected and studied written consents to anesthesia from 36 hospitals and clinics in Budapest. They studied among others the presence of the following formal elements: individual consent forms for anesthesia, signatures on forms etc. They also examined whether the consents contained all of the conventional elements of informed consent. RESULTS: 61% of hospitals had individual forms for consent to anesthesia. Every consent form required a signature by the patient and almost every form (except two) by the doctor as well. 39% of forms describe the medical treatment in detail and only 25% mention its advantages and disadvantages. 28% of them specify definite risks, but only 19% mention their probability. 67% of the documents refer to the possible need to extend intervention. Patients have to declare whether they permit urgent blood transfusion in 25 institutions (69%). In only two hospitals are patients informed of their rights to revoke consent or to resign from being informed of medical treatment. CONCLUSION: Although all institutions have written consent forms that adhere to legal regulations, in terms of their format and matter they leave much to be desired. It is especially conspicuous that possible risks are named in less than a fourth of all forms, thus they have to be mentioned verbally and this obviously is a source of later arguments. The authors believe that all invasive medical procedures require templates for consent forms put together by professional panels. These forms could then be adapted to all specific medical procedures of the hospital in question

    End-of-life decisions in Hungarian intensive care units

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    The awareness of local practice of end-of-life decisions in accordance with the law and ethical principles is essential for intensive care physicians in all countries. The first step for the required social dialogue is to investigate local practice. We performed the first Hungarian survey with the aim of better understanding local practice in end-of-life decisions in intensive care units. Questionnaires were sent out electronically to 743 members of the Hungarian Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care. Respecting anonymity, we have statistically evaluated 103 replies (response rate 13.8%) and compared the results to data from other European countries. The results show that the practice of intensive care physicians in Hungary is rather paternalistic. Intensive care physicians generally make their decisions alone (3.75/5 points) without considering the opinion of the patient (2.57/5 points), the relatives (2.14/5 points) or other medical staff (2.37/5 points). Furthermore, they prefer not to start a form of treatment rather than to withdraw an ongoing one. Nevertheless, the frequency of end-of-life decisions (3 to 9% of intensive care unit patients) made in Hungarian intensive care units is less than in other European countries. End-of-life decisions are part of medical practice. Since the legal and ethical framework is unclear practice varies between locations and mostly depends on individual decisions rather than established protocols or guidance. For end-of-life decisions, self-determination must be supported and a dialogue must be established between lawmakers and physicians

    A kezeléskorlátozás gyakorlata a hazai intenzív osztályokon [Practice of treatment restriction in Hungarian intensive care units]

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    End of life decisions affect most of patients in intensive care units, thus, it is important to know both local and international practice in accordance with law and ethical principles for intensive care physicians. AIM: To search for local customs of end of life decisions (withholding or withdrawing the therapy, shortening of the dying process), and to compare the data with the international literature. METHODS: In 2007-2008 the first Hungarian survey was performed with the purpose to learn more about local practice of end of life decisions. Questionnaires were sent out electronically to 743 registered members of Hungarian Society of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care. Respecting anonymity, 103 replies were statistically evaluated (response rate was 13.8%) and compared with data from other European countries. RESULTS: As expected, it turned out from replies that the practice of domestic intensive care physicians is very paternal and this is promoted by legal regulations that share a similar character. Intensive care physicians generally make their decisions alone (3.75/5 point) without respecting the opinion of the patient (2.57/5 point) the relatives (2.14/5 point) or other medical personnel (2.37/5 point). Furthermore, they prefer not to start a therapy rather than withdraw an ongoing treatment. Nevertheless, the frequency of end of life decisions (3-9% of ICU patients) is smaller than other European countries. CONCLUSIONS: There is a need for the expansion of patients' right in our country. For end of life decisions, self determinations must be supported and a dialogue must be established between lawmakers and physicians, in order to improve the legal support of this medical practice

    Kettősballon-enteroszkópiás vizsgálatoknál végzett altatások során szerzett hazai tapasztalatok. Beteg-autonómia az anesztéziában. - Másodközlés magyar nyelven

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    A kettős ballonos enteroszkópia elvégzéséhez megfelelő mélységű anesztézia szükséges a vizsgálat hossza és kellemetlensége miatt. A szakirodalom alapján a vizsgálatoknál leggyakrabban éber szedációt alkalmaznak világszerte. Célkitűzés: A szerzők vizsgálták, hogy a beavatkozás biztonságosan elvégezhető-e intubációs narkózisban, illetve bizonyítani kívánták, hogy az általános érzéstelenítés választható szedálási módszer kettősballon-enteroszkópiákhoz a páciens fizikális állapotától függetlenül. Módszer: Retrospektív vizsgálatot végeztek a Semmelweis Egyetem I. Belgyógyászati Klinikáján intubációs narkózisban kettősballon-enteroszkópián átesett betegek körében. A betegeket csoportosították nem, kor és fizikális státus alapján. Az altatási jegyzőkönyvben rögzítették az altatás hosszát, a felhasznált gyógyszerek mennyiségét és az előforduló aneszteziológiai szövődményeket. Eredmények: Száznyolc intubációs narkózis adatait összesítették. Maradandó aneszteziológiai szövődmény nem történt, a leggyakoribb altatási mellékhatások a hipotenzió (30,55%), a deszaturáció (21,29%) és az apnoe (17,59%) voltak. Ezek a szövődmények szignifikánsan gyakoribbak voltak a több társbetegséggel rendelkező csoportban, viszont gyakoriságuk nem nőtt a gyógyszerek mennyiségének növekedésével vagy a vizsgálat hosszával. Következtetések: Vizsgálatuk megerősíti, hogy az intubációs narkózis legfontosabb előnye más altatási módszerekhez képest a stabil légút biztosítása, a gyakori szövődménynek számító deszaturáció és apnoe könnyű elháríthatósága, illetve az aspiráció megakadályozása. A több társbetegséggel rendelkező betegcsoportban az észlelt altatási szövődmények száma ugyan meredeken növekedett, de ezek intubációs narkózisban könnyen elháríthatóak voltak, ezért ebben a csoportban fokozottan ajánlott ez az altatási mód. A jó egészségi állapotú betegcsoportokban a betegek választása alapján az éber szedáció mellett alternatíva lehet az intubációs narkózis. Orv. Hetil., 2010, 48, 1976–1982. | Double balloon enteroscopy needs sufficient sedation technique, because the examination is uncomfortable and lengthy. The most prevalent sedation method is conscious sedation world-wide. Aim: To demonstrate that double balloon enteroscopy examination can also be safely performed in general anesthesia with intubation and that this method can be an option in patients with severe multiple morbidities. Methods: A retrospective evaluation of intubation narcosis in patients undergoing double balloon enteroscopy was performed at the 1st Department of Internal Medicine, Semmelweis University. Patients were grouped based on gender, age and physical state. Anesthesia records included the duration of anesthesia, the quantities of medications used and anesthesia-related complications. Results: Data obtained from 108 general anesthesia cases were analyzed. There were no permanent anesthesia-related complications in the period examined. The most frequent side effects of anesthesia were hypotension (30.55%), desaturation (21.29%), and apnea (17.59%). These complications were significantly more frequent among patients with multiple morbidities; however, their incidence was not proportional with the quantity of the medications used or the duration of anesthesia. Conclusion: The findings confirm that the most important advantage of general anesthesia over other methods is that it ensures stable airways, which makes it easy to counter-act frequent complications such as desaturation, apnea and aspiration. The number of complications of anesthesia was higher among patients with multiple morbidities, but these complications could be easily overcome in all patient groups. Therefore, this method is highly recommended for patients with multiple morbidities. Intubation narcosis can be also a viable option of conscious sedation for patients without co-morbidities. Orv. Hetil., 2010, 48, 1976–1982