5,324 research outputs found

    Evolving NoSQL Databases Without Downtime

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    NoSQL databases like Redis, Cassandra, and MongoDB are increasingly popular because they are flexible, lightweight, and easy to work with. Applications that use these databases will evolve over time, sometimes necessitating (or preferring) a change to the format or organization of the data. The problem we address in this paper is: How can we support the evolution of high-availability applications and their NoSQL data online, without excessive delays or interruptions, even in the presence of backward-incompatible data format changes? We present KVolve, an extension to the popular Redis NoSQL database, as a solution to this problem. KVolve permits a developer to submit an upgrade specification that defines how to transform existing data to the newest version. This transformation is applied lazily as applications interact with the database, thus avoiding long pause times. We demonstrate that KVolve is expressive enough to support substantial practical updates, including format changes to RedisFS, a Redis-backed file system, while imposing essentially no overhead in general use and minimal pause times during updates.Comment: Update to writing/structur

    Preaching the Law with the Gospel

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    Preaching tools like the Revised Common Lectionary infrequently draw preachers to the legal texts of the Pentateuch, even though the New Testament, and especially the four Gospels, are heavily influenced by the legal texts of the Pentateuch. Congregations are at a disadvantage in understanding the New Testament message when one of the primary sources that shaped the New Testament is ignored. This study addresses this problem by utilizing relevant scholarship focused on New Testament interpretation of the legal texts to develop suggestions for preaching these texts. The four gospels are surveyed to glean insights into how they interpret the legal texts of the Pentateuch. Four scholars are then consulted to present possibilities for preaching derived from the Apostle Paul\u27s letters. Then, the legal texts are addressed more directly, followed by the presentation of six broad suggestions for preaching these texts. The study closes by applying the suggestions to a sermon preached by the author, highlighting ways these suggestions could make the sermon better and ways the sermon already utilized the suggestions well. The hope is that a preacher reading this project can approach the legal texts of the Pentateuch with confidence and preach these texts to a congregation regularly

    Kirsten Saur, Senior Voice Recital

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    Expression and functional domains of Arabidopsis and tobacco NIM1-INTERACTING (NIMIN) genes

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    Systemic acquired resistance (SAR) is an important defense mechanism in plants initiated after exposure to biotrophic pathogens. SAR is characterized by accumulation of PR proteins in non-infected tissues, as well as increased concentrations of the phytohormone salicylic acid (SA). SA is directly perceived by NPR1, the key regulator of SAR. Through interaction with TGA transcription factors and NIM1-INTERACTING (NIMIN) proteins, NPR1 mediates the SA-dependent induction of PR1 gene expression. The Arabidopsis genome contains four NIMIN genes NIMIN1 (N1), N1b, N2, and N3 but members of the NIMIN family can also be found in other higher plants. While NIMIN proteins share their general domain architecture and a C-terminal EAR motif, they differ in other aspects. NIMIN genes are expressed differentially during pathogen infection and development. NIMIN proteins can be subdivided based on their NPR1-interaction motifs, the DXFFK and the EDF motif. N1-type proteins harbor both domains, while N2-type and N3-type proteins carry only the DXFFK or the EDF motif, respectively. Accordingly, NIMIN proteins interact differentially with NPR1: N1, N1b and N2 bind to the C-terminal moiety while N3 binds to the N-terminus. Overexpression studies revealed a role for the N1 and N3 proteins in the transcriptional repression of PR1 gene induction. Strikingly, infiltrated plants overexpressing Arabidopsis N1 and N3 or tobacco N2c also manifest significantly accelerated cell death. These numerous differences indicate diverse functions of NIMIN proteins during SAR establishment and beyond. The objective of this work was to further characterize differences between NIMIN proteins from Arabidopsis and tobacco regarding biochemical properties and biological functions with special emphasis on their cell death promoting activity. For this purpose, reporter constructs harboring promoter and coding regions from Arabidopsis and tobacco NIMIN genes were analyzed in transient gene expression experiments in Nicotiana benthamiana and in transgenic tobacco plants. Functional domains were examined using the introduction of targeted mutations to study their significance for NIMIN protein function. The following results were obtained: 1. The N1b 1135 promoter region is functional and two reporter genes under its control, GUS and the proapoptotic Bax, are active during transient overexpression. In transgenic tobacco plants the N1b promoter is not responsive to chemical induction by SA or its functional analog BTH and phenotypical studies showed no expression during plant development. To what extent the N1b gene is expressed in plants must therefore remain open. 2. Transient overexpression of Arabidopsis N1 and N3 and tobacco N2 type genes N2c and N2-like (FS) results in accelerated cell death. This enhanced emergence of cell death is associated with strong protein accumulation. In transgenic tobacco plants overexpression of the N1, N2c and FS genes is also accompanied by emergence of cell death, especially in the flower area, and low seed production. The affected plants often display defects in growth and leaf morphology. 3. The ability to promote cell death requires the C-terminal EAR motif, a transcriptional repression domain. Mutation of the EAR motif in N1, N2c and FS significantly reduces the emergence of cell death. In yeast the EAR motifs of N1 and N3 interact with a N-terminal fragment of the transcriptional co-repressor TOPLESS (TPL). Transient overexpression of this TPL1/333 fragment also induces cell death but coexpression with N1 or N3 reduces cell death emergence, indicating that NIMIN proteins not only affect NPR1 but also modulate the activity of TPL. 4. The enhanced emergence of cell death mediated by overexpression of NIMIN genes and Bax interferes with measurement of SA induced activity of the PR1 promoter. However, using EAR motif mutans with reduced cell death emergence, like the N1 F49/50S E94A D95V EAR mutant, which is also unable to bind NPR1, allows the analysis of the transcriptional repression of the PR1 promoter mediated by cell-death promoting NIMIN proteins. 5. N1 contains a conserved N-terminal domain (N1nT) of 15 amino acids which regulates its accumulation. In N-terminal position, this domain functions autonomously with other NIMIN proteins and Venus, increasing their accumulation. Mutational analysis has not yet revealed reliance on certain sequences. Presence of the N-terminal methionine is not required for function of the N1nT domain hinting at a function at the mRNA level. NIMIN proteins are multifunctional and could perform different functions through their conserved domains. The results indicate that NIMIN proteins, through their interaction with TOPLESS, could also affect other hormone-dependent signal pathways. While the exact mechanism remains unclear, the enhanced protein accumulation bestowed by the N1nT domain of N1 could allow for more effective study of poorly accumulating proteins.Die systemisch aktivierte Resistenz (SAR) in Pflanzen ist ein wichtiger Abwehrmechanismus gegen biotrophe Pathogene. Die SAR geht einher mit der Akkumulation von PR-Proteinen in nichtinfiziertem Gewebe und erhöhter Konzentration des Phytohormons Salicylat (SA). SA wird direkt von NPR1, dem zentralen Regulatorprotein der SAR, wahrgenommen. NPR1 ermöglicht die SA-abhängige Induktion der PR1 Genexpression durch Interaktion mit TGA Transkriptionsfaktoren und NIM1-INTERACTING (NIMIN) Proteinen. Das Arabidopsis Genom enthält vier NIMIN Gene NIMIN1 (N1), N1b, N2 und N3 aber Mitglieder der NIMIN-Familie sind in vielen höheren Pflanzen vertreten. NIMIN Proteine teilen ihren generellen Aufbau und ein C-terminales EAR-Motiv, unterscheiden sich aber in anderen Aspekten. NIMIN-Gene werden während der Entwicklung und Pathogenabwehr unterschiedlich exprimiert. NIMIN Proteine werden anhand ihrer NPR1-Interaktionsdomänen, dem DXFFK und dem EDF Motiv, in Gruppen eingeteilt: N1-Typ Proteine enthalten beide Domänen, während N2-Typ Proteine nur das DXFFK Motiv und jene vom N3-Typ nur das EDF Motiv enthalten. Daher interagieren NIMIN Proteine unterschiedlich mit NPR1: N1, N1b und N2 binden an den C-Terminus während N3 mit dem N-Terminus interagiert. Überexpressionsstudien zeigten, dass N1 und N3 eine Rolle in der transkriptionellen Repression der PR1-Geninduktion spielen. Außerdem führt Überexpression von Arabidopsis N1 und N3 oder Tabak N2c zu beschleunigtem Auftreten von Zelltod. Diese zahlreichen Unterschiede legen nahe, dass NIMIN Proteine verschiedene Funktionen innerhalb und außerhalb der SAR innehaben. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die biochemischen Eigenschaften und biologischen Funktionen der verschiedenen NIMIN Proteine aus Arabidopsis und Tabak genauer zu charakterisieren, wobei besonderes Augenmerk auf die Zelltod-fördernde Wirkung gelegt wurde. Dafür wurden Reportergenkonstrukte mit Promotorsequenzen sowie codierenden Sequenzen von Arabidopsis und Tabak NIMIN-Genen in transgenen Tabakpflanzen und transienter Genexpression in Nicotiana benthamiana analysiert und funktionelle Domänen durch Einbringen zielgerichteter Mutationen auf ihre Bedeutung für die Funktion der NIMIN Proteine untersucht. Folgende Ergebnisse wurden erzielt: 1. Die Promotorregion von N1b ist funktionsfähig in transienter Expression und erlaubt Aktivität der GUS und Bax Reportergene. In transgenen Tabakpflanzen ist der N1b Promotor nicht durch Behandlung mit SA oder funktionellen Analoga induzierbar und weist keine Aktivität während der Entwicklung der Pflanze auf. Inwieweit das N1b Gen in der Pflanze exprimiert wird muss offenbleiben. 2. Transiente Überexpression von Arabidopsis N1 und N3, sowie der Tabak N2-Typ Gene N2c und N2-like (FS) führt zu beschleunigtem Zelltod. Dieser Phänotyp steht in Verbindung mit starker Proteinakkumulation. In transgenen Tabakpflanzen führt Überexpression von N1, N2c und FS zu Auftreten von Zelltod im Blütenbereich und geringer Samenproduktion. Betroffene Pflanzen weisen oft Defekte in Wachstum und Blattmorphologie auf. 3. Die Zelltod-fördernde Wirkung von NIMIN Proteinen benötigt das C-terminale EAR Motiv, eine transkriptionelle Repressionsdomäne. Mutation des EAR Motivs in N1, N2c und FS reduziert das Auftreten von Zelltod erheblich. In Hefe interagieren die EAR Motive von N1 und N3 mit einem Fragment des transkriptionellen Co-Repressors TOPLESS (TPL). Auch transiente Überexpression des TPL1/333 Fragments induziert Zelltod, was durch Co-Expression mit N1 oder N3 verringert wird. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass NIMIN Proteine nicht nur NPR1 beeinflussen, sondern auch die Aktivität von TPL regulieren. 4. Der durch Überexpression von NIMIN Genen oder Bax induzierte Zelltod beeinträchtigt die Messung der SA induzierten PR1 Promotoraktivität. Die Nutzung von EAR-Motiv Mutanten mit reduzierter Ausprägung von Zelltod, wie der N1 F49/50S E94A D95V EAR Mutante, welche NPR1 nicht binden kann, erlaubt die Untersuchung der durch Zelltod-fördernde NIMIN Proteinen ausgelösten transkriptionellen Repression des PR1 Promotors. 5. N1 enthält am N-Terminus eine konservierte, 15 Aminosäuren lange Domäne (N1nT), welche dessen Akkumulation reguliert. Am N-Terminus anderer NIMIN Proteine und Venus wirkt diese Domäne autonom und verstärkt die Proteinakkumulation. Analyse von Mutanten konnte bisher noch keine Sequenzabhängigkeit zeigen. Anwesenheit des N-terminalen Methionins ist nicht notwendig für die Funktion der N1nT Domäne und weist auf eine Funktion auf der mRNA Ebene hin. NIMIN Proteine sind multifunktionell und können verschiedene Funktionen durch konservierte Domänen ausüben. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit deuten darauf hin, dass NIMIN Proteine durch ihre Interaktion mit TOPLESS andere Phytohormon-abhängige Signalwege beeinflussen könnten. Trotz unklarer Mechanismen könnte die, durch die N1nT Domäne verliehene, erhöhte Proteinakkumulation zur effizienteren Untersuchung von Proteinen mit niedriger Akkumulation beitragen

    Swing It Sister: The Influence of Female Jazz Musicians on Music and Society

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    Female jazz vocalists, both as soloists and in groups, and instrumentalists, both as solo artists and in ensembles, of the jazz era influenced music and society in their own times and in later times. They added new musical concepts, added new vocal styles, worked to change the society they lived in, and worked hard to find their place in music no matter what got in their way, making them inspirations for future generations of women striving to succeed in the world. This paper looks at how these women of jazz influenced music, society, and future generations of women through their journeys through life and the mark they left on jazz music. This is done by looking at various artists such as Ella Fitzgerald, Florence Mills, Bessie Smith, and Billie Holiday, and at various bands and instrumentalists of past and present

    Role of Networking in Innovation Promotion and Cluster Modernization: “House of the Future” Case

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    This paper stresses the potential of innovative business cooperation networks in promoting regional competitiveness. It is based on the case study of a cooperation network, named “House of the Future”, carried out in the framework of a project where the University of Aveiro has an important role. It suggests success factors in the development of co-operation networks between firms from various sectors and a university. The aim of the “House of the Future” initiative is to promote an innovative approach to inter-organizational cooperation joining together firms from a number of different industrial activities related with the habitat meta-sector. This collaborative effort can function as an experiment for the design of regional innovation policies.
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