374 research outputs found

    Factors of Socio-economic Uncertainty in the Bosnian War

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    It appears obvious that war, civil or otherwise, deeply damages confidence in the future. This paper examines socio-economic uncertainty and insecurity connected to violent conflicts on the basis of analysis of various reports and journal articles on the Bosnian war. The paper points to conditions of socio-economic uncertainty, and specifically socioeconomic insecurity, during the conflict cycle and to their relation with the dynamic of the conflict. It also addresses questions concerning the effect of conflict on individuals, families, households, and their relations with their closer or broader social environment. It argues that socio-economic insecurity and lack of means for daily survival were not mere consequences of violence, they were also tools used as parts of the strategy to weaken the opponent. Decisions made on fleeing and returning demonstrate the dynamics of trust, risk-taking and perception of possibilities, both at individual and at community level, and in turn show the insurmountable difficulties of coping with insecure situations under conditions of violent conflict and its aftermath.

    BOOK REVIEW. M. H. Hablanian: High Vacuum Technology

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    A széles kárász

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    Quality problems in restaurants

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    I am writing about procurement of the restaurants in relation to the defects of quality. A lot of quality problems are resulted by negligence, so firms, restaurants can easily become bankrupt. Some reasons for quality defects should be avertable if workers of the given restaurant utilized the old stocks when cooking or in other ways. In addition, I will mention how to solve problems of quality defects. Naturally, restaurants can have other procurement problems, too, for example they need cooking equipment, dishes, utensils etc., but the goods can get spoiled if they are unutilized. The firm will not get back the expenses. They should make an effort to reduce costs. In some cases because of the substandard, they should destroy as refuse by other firms (the restaurants need contract with them). The only targets are to be competitive at a variety of market and to meet the customer’s requirements

    Óceáni kéregmaradványok stabilizotópos vizsgálata = Stable isotope studies on ocean crust remnants

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    A vizsgált ofiolitos összletekből a fontosabb kőzettipusok feldolgozása, számos elektron mikroszondás és stabilizotóp-geokémiai elemzés történt meg. A fluidumzárvány-elemzések céljából laboratóriumi módszerfejlesztést végeztünk. Egyes gabbrók és szerpentinitek megőrizték a köpenyeredetre utaló d18O értékeket, míg mások erős 18O-dúsulást mutatnak, amit kis hőmérsékletű szerpentinesedéshez, vagy 18O-dús fluidumokkal történt izotópcseréhez köthetünk. A csapadékvíz-beáramlás mértéke meglehetősen alárendelt lehetett. Az összetételi eloszlások alapján feltételezhetjük a magmás eredetű ofiolitos kőzetegyüttes és az üledékes sorozatból felszabaduló fluidumok kölcsönhatását. A tengervíz/kőzet kölcsönhatással járó óceáni metamorfózisra jellemző erős D-dúsulás nem jelent meg a vizsgált kőzetekben. A plagiogránitok gránátja az oxigénizotóp-összetételi elemzések alapján egyértelműen metaszediment eredetűnek bizonyult. A Kőszeg-Rohonci Penninikum és a Melléte-Darnó-Szarvaskő sorozat kőzeteinek H és O izotópösszetételi eloszlása hasonló képet mutat a lassú kinyílást mutató óceáni kéregösszletekben megfigyelt összetételi tartományokhoz. A vizsgált összletek szubdukciója az eredeti köpenyösszetételi tartománytól erősen eltérő fluidumot szabadít fel, ami a köpenybe kerülve annak stabilizotóp-geokémiai módszerekkel kimutatható metaszomatózisát okozhatta, összhangban a magmás kőzeteken kapott eredményekkel. | The main rock types of the studied ophiolitic complexes were sampled as well as numerous electron microprobe and stable isotope analyses were conducted. Methodological laboratory development was also made for fluid inclusion analyses. Some of the gabbros and serpentinites have preserved their original mantle-like O isotope compositions, while others show strong 18O-enrichment due to low-temperature serpentinization or isotope exchange with 18O-enriched fluids. The infiltration of meteoric water was subordinate. On the base of stable isotope data distributions an interaction between the ophiolitic complex and the fluids released from the metasedimentary rocks can be assumed. The strong D-enrichment characteristic for seawater/rock interaction during oceanic metamorphism has not been observed in the studied rocks. The oxygen isotope compositions of garnet of plagiogranites have proven a sedimentary origin. The H and O isotope compositions of the Kőszeg-Rechnitz and the Meliata-Darnó-Szarvaskő series shows similar distributions to the isotope ranges observed for oceanic crustal complexes formed by slow spreading. The subduction of the studied complexes would have released fluids having significantly different compositions from the primary mantle ranges. The mantle metasomatism caused by such fluids can be detected by means of stable isotope geochemistry, in accordance with earlier results obtained on magmatic rocks of the Pannonian region

    Háztartás-formálódás a MIDAS modellben

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