2,765 research outputs found

    The Relationships among Mortality Rates, Income and Educational Inequality in Terms of Economic Growth: A Comparison between Turkey and the Euro Area

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    This study focuses on the relationships among mortality rates, income and educational inequality in terms of economic growth to investigate similarities and differences between the Euro Area and Turkey. For this purpose, income gini as an indicator of income inequality and education gini as an indicator of education inequality are used in the analyses. The relations among the variables are examined with panel data analysis for the Euro Area and with time series analysis for Turkey by using these coefficients and mortality rates for the period of 1980 and 2006. The results show that access to education is more important than the others for Turkey and the Euro Area. There is also a considerable relation between education inequality and mortality rates of infant and adult.Educational Gini, Income Gini, Mortality Rates, Economic Growth, Panel Data Analysis, Euro Area, Turkey

    Caught between the notions of ethnicity, citizenship and diaspora : ǂthe ǂcase of the Bosniaks in Turkey

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    Along with many others, Bosniaks are an ethnic group within the contempora-ry Turkish nation with immigrant roots dating back to the last quarter of the 19th century. Constituting a significant ethno-demographic part of the Ottoman legacy within the modern Turkish nation, Bosniaks in Turkey have long refrained from identifying themselves with a separate ethnic or cultural identity when confronted with the assimilationist cultural policies of the new nation state. But, while adapting themselves to Turkish culture and identity, Bosniaks have also preserved a collective identity of Bosniakness, mostly owing to the fact that their population in Turkey has been fed by continuous migration waves in different periods. The aim of this study is to analyze the problematic development of a Bosniak identity in Turkey with regards to the cultural assimilation processes and continuous migration waves and other factors on both foreign and domestic scales. Based on the findings of the study, it can be concluded that Bosniaks in Turkey do not yet constitute a Bosniak diaspora, but rather they can be regarded as a diaspora in the making.Ena izmed številnih etničnih skupin, ki živijo v sodobni turški državi, so Bo-šnjaki. Začetki njihovega priseljevanja segajo v zadnjo četrtino 19. stoletja. Kot pomemben etnično-demografski del otomanske zapuščine v moderni turški drža-vi Bošnjaki, spričo asimilacijske kulturne politike nove nacionalne države, dolgo niso kultivirali ločene etnične ali kulturne istovetnosti. Toda hkrati s prilagajanjem turški kulturi in identiteti so ohranjali tudi kolektivno bošnjaško identiteto, pred-vsem zahvaljujoč stalnim migracijskim valovom, s katerimi se je v različnih obdobjih napajala njihova populacija. Namen pričujoče študije je bil analizirati težavni razvoj bošnjaške istovetnosti v Turčiji z ozirom na procese kulturne asimilacije in neprekinjene migracijske valove ter druge dejavnike tako v okviru turške države kot tudi zunaj njenih meja. Izsledke raziskave lahko strnemo v sklep, da Bošnjaki v Turčiji zaenkrat še ne predstavljajo diaspore, je pa ta v nastajanju

    Development of biosensors for determination of the total antioxidant capacity

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    Thesis (Master)--Izmir Institute of Technology, Chemical Engineering, Izmir, 2008Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 116-122)Text in English;Abstract: Turkish and Englishxiii, 133 leavesIn this study, an amperometric laccase biosensor was developed for determination of the oleuropein concentration that is the biological active component of olive leaf and contributes dominantly to the total antioxidant capacity. The biosensor was prepared by immobilization of laccase from Trametes versicolor by addition of cross-linking agent, glutaraldehyde, into the carbon paste electrode. Different biosensors were prepared by changing the amount of crosslinking agent and concentration of the enzyme solution. So, effect of these parameters on biosensor performance was investigated. The best biosensor performance was determined for the biosensor having glutaraldehyde amount of 12.03 % vol. of the biosensor bottom part and 5 mg/ml of laccase enzyme. The effect of scan rate and temperature on the biosensor performance was also investigated in this study. The scan rate of 10 mV/s was decided to be the optimum for the amperometric detection of oleuropein considering the fastest response and maximum reduction current. 250C was chosen as an optimum temperature value due to the maximum laccase activity and capability of oleuropein acting as an antioxidant. Extraction of phenolics from olive leaf was also an important part of this study. The extract was divided into fractions varying in their oleuropein amounts such as polar fractions and relatively less polar fractions. Therefore, biosensor performance was investigated for fractions containing different type of phenolics. HPLC analyses of the fractions were also performed in this study. In addition total phenol content and antioxidant capacity of the fractions were determined by conventional methods

    Approximate cost preparation in a BİM- based archi̇tectural modelling program

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    Ülkemizin inşaat konusunda gelişmekte olan bir ülke olması ve insanların temel ihtiyaçlarının giderek artması yeni ihtiyaçları kendisi ile birlikte getirmiştir. Günümüz koşulları ile bu tür yapıların yapılması tasarımdan uygulamaya kadar bina yaşam döngüsünün her aşamasında farklı uzmanlıkları ve teknolojik kabiliyetleri gerektirmektedir.Uzmanlıkların ve danışmanlıkların maliyetlerinin yüksek ve az oluşu yapı tasarımı ve inşaatı konusunda ciddi bir engel oluşturmaktadır. Bina bilgi modellemesi (BIM) temel anlamda entegre tasarım ve proje teslim süreçlerini destekleyebilen ve mevcut bilgi teknolojilerine gore karşılaştırıldığında belirgin avantajlar sunan bir teknoloji, metodoloji ve süreçler bütünü olarak algılanmaktadır. Bina tasarımı ve yapımı konusunda açık kaynak yaklaşımlarının BIM yöntemleri ile birleştirilmesi, tüm bu süreçlerin yönetimi açısından büyük potansiyeller içermektedir.BIM tabanlı bir açık kaynak bilgi sistemi sayesinde özellikle küçük ölçek mimarlık ofisleri ile geleneksel anlayışta iş modellerine sahip küçük ölçekli inşaat firmalarının bu önemli konuda bilgi ve uzmanlığa bilgi teknolojileri yardımı ile ulaşılabilir hale getirilmesi mümkündür. Bu çalışmada Autodesk Revit ana platform olarak kullanılmıştır.Yapılmış olan modellemede Revitten alınan metraj cetvellerinden faydalanarak yaklaşık maliyet çıkarılması ve iş akışının hızlandırılması planlanmaktadır

    A Re-evaluation of the Revisionist - Status Quo Dichotomy in Interwar Turkish Foreign Policy, 1936-1939

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    Turkish history during the interwar period (1918-1939) has been described in terms which place it on a dichotomy best used to analyse the actions of the eventual belligerents in World War II. This dichotomy describes the eventual defeated Axis countries as revisionist and the victorious Allies as status quo nations in the interwar period. The contention is that this distinction, taking as its basis the actions of belligerents, is unhelpful in analysing the foreign policy of a non-belligerent state in WWII.Three case studies are examined through the secondary literature as well as archival sources to show that notions of Turkey as either status quo or revisionist are not entirely accurate. This is because Turkish foreign policy can be classified as either or both, thus diminishing the terms’ explanatory utility. Three case studies are; the Montreux Straits Convention (1936), the Saadabad Pact (1937) and the Sanjak dispute of Alexandretta (1936-39). A reading of history which assumes macro level (1914-1945) superiority based on Great Power interests and actions undermines the complexity of Turkish foreign policy in the 1930s. By extension, the practice of subsuming the actions of smaller states under terminology which was intended for Great Powers is challenged.

    Various Representations of Jews in Turkish Cinema

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    This article was delivered in Turkish at the 2015 International Conference on Religion and Film in Istanbul, Turkey. The author has provided the English translation of the paper

    Application of Generative Models on Modeling Biological Molecules

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    The last decade has been the stage for many groundbreaking Artificial Intelligence technologies, such as revolutionary language models: Generative models capable of synthesizing surprisingly unique data. Such a novelty also brings about public concerns, primarily due to state-of-the-art models' ''black box'' nature. One of the domains that has quickly adopted the generative deep learning paradigm is drug discovery, which, from a pharmaceutical industry point of view, is an extremely expensive and time-consuming process. However, the inner workings of such models are not inherently understandable by humans, causing hesitation to fully trust their results. The concept of disentanglement is one of the fundamental requirements to explain generative models, determining the extent to which steerability and navigation can be achieved in the latent space. Unfortunately, the application potential of interpretability approaches has some limitations depending on the availability of generative latent factors. This work aims to shed some light on the synthesized latent spaces of state-of-the-art molecular generative models: A couple of basic assumptions made about the latent space characteristics are analyzed and potential pitfalls related to domain, architecture, and molecule representation preferences are addressed. The degree to which the steerability in the latent space is achieved is quantified by implementing a novel interpretability approach, providing the basis for the comparison of alternative model configurations. The experiments further revealed that modeling decisions have a direct impact on achievable interpretability; albeit limited by the intricacies of the medicinal chemistry domain

    Investigation of yields, yields component and lint quality traits inheritence in some cotton breeds (Gossypium hirsutum L.x Gossypium barbadense L.)

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    Bu çalışma 2011-2012 yıllarında Nazilli Pamuk Araştırma İstasyonu Müdürlüğü tarlalarında ana ebeveyn olarak seçilen Gossypium hirsutum L. türüne ait Claudia, Candia, Şahin 2000, BA 308, Naz 07 ve Fantom genotipleri ile baba ebeveyn olarak seçilen Gossypium barbadense L. türüne ait Giza 45 ve Avesto çeşitleri kullanılarak line x tester yöntemine uygun olarak oluşturulan popülasyonda, lif teknolojik özellikleri, verim ve verim komponentlerine ilişkin kalıtım ve heterotik etkiler incelenmiştir. Çırçır randımanı ve bitki boyu özellikleri yönünden eklemeli gen etkisi; tek bitki verimi, koza sayısı, meyve dalı sayısı, lif mukavemeti, lif inceliği, kısa lif oranı, odun dalı sayısı, yüz tohum ağırlığı, tek koza kütlü pamuk ağırlığı, lif uzunluğu ve uniformite özellikleri yönünden ise eklemeli olmayan gen etkileri daha yüksek bulunmuştur. Lif uzunluğu ve lif kopma dayanıklılığı için tüm kombinasyonlarda, lif inceliği için sekiz kombinasyonda olumlu heterosis yüzdesi elde edilirken lif uzunluğu, lif inceliği ve lif kopma dayanıklılığı bakımından tüm kombinasyonlarda olumlu ve önemli kontrol çeşide üstünlük yüzdeleri elde edilmiştir. Melez popülasyonların bitki kütlü verimi ve lif kalite özellikleri birlikte değerlendirildiğinde, Claudia x Giza 45, Candia x Giza 45, Şahin 2000 x Giza 45, BA 308 x Avesto, Naz 07 x Giza 45 ve Fantom x Avesto melezlerinde uygulanacak kısmi bulk yöntemi ile kabul edilebilir verim potansiyeli ve iyileştirilmiş lif uzunluğuna sahip pamuk hatlarının geliştirilebileceği sonucuna varılmıştır.The study was carried out on the Nazilli Cotton Research Station fields during 2011 and 2012 cotton growing seasons. Claudia, Candia, Şahin 2000, BA 308, Naz 07 and Fantom (Gossypium hirsutum L.) were used as a female parents and Giza 45 and Avesto (Gossypium barbadense L.) used as a male parents. The selected cotton genotypes were crossed by line tester method in 2011. Hybrid combinations were compared in terms of yield, yield components and fiber quality parameters at F1 generations. In combination, fiber quality properties, yield and hereditary and heterotic effects on yield components were examined. Additive gene effects were highly significant for ginning out turn and plant height. Non-additive gene effects were highly significant for yields, number of bolls, sympodia per plant, fiber strenght, micronaire, short fiber index, monopodia per plant, 100 seed weight, single boll weight, fiber lenght and fiber uniformity index. Positif heterosis percentage was obtained in all hybrids for fiber lenght and fiber strenght and in eight hybrids for micronaire. Standart heterosis values was positif and significant for fiber lenght, fiber strenght and micronaire. The performance of all combinations for yield and fiber quality traits at F1 generations showed that Claudia x Giza 45, Candia x Giza 45, Şahin 2000 x Giza 45, BA 308 x Avesto, Naz 07 x Giza 45 and Fantom x Avesto hybrid populations would be used for partial bulk selection in order to improve cotton lines having enhanced for fiber length with acceptable yield potentials