17 research outputs found

    Organizational Commitment in Sports Clubs

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    It is thought that the sustainability of organizations is closely related to the fact that management levels have up-to-date knowledge specific to their respective fields and their ability to conduct their activities in the best possible way. It is believed that what creates the power of this focal point is the sense of belonging to the institutions. The aim of this study is to determine the level of organizational commitment of managers in sports clubs through seven different variables. In this study, the Meyer–Allen (1984) organizational commitment scale was used. The translation of this scale was compared to several scale translations, and no difference in meaning was observed. The scale consists of 18 questions with three sub-dimensions, namely emotional commitment, continuity dependence, and normative commitment. Questions 1–6 were related to emotional commitment, 7–12 dealt with continuation commitment, and 13–18 dealt with normative commitment. The scale is structured according to 5-point Likert scale. While preparing the personal information, support was provided by psychosocial academicians of sports. The study sample involved eleven sport managers from the Super League clubs, eleven from the first league teams, nine from the second league teams, nine from the third league teams, fifteen from the Regional Amateur League (RAL) league teams, and nineteen from the amateur sports clubs. Thus, a total of 74 sports managers participated in the survey. The surveys were constructed in the sports club buildings and in the presence of the managers. The questionnaires were conducted by the footballers who were serving in the sampled clubs. The SPSS 21 package program was used to analyze the data obtained. The Explore test, Mann–Whitney U test, and the Kruskal–Wallis test were employed for the analyses of the variables. At the end of these analyses it is understood that the age of the employees in the clubs, the term of duty, the wages they receive and the age of the club do not significantly affect the level of organizational commitment. Besides, It has been seen that the league, where the club is located, the level of duty of the managers, and having a regular time in the club affect the level of organizational commitment

    Transatriosptal approach to mitral valve

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    1980-1990 yılları arasında İstanbul Göğüs Kalp ve Damar Cerrahisi Merkezi'nde 83 olguya transatrial septal yolla mitral kapaga cerrahi girişimde bulunulmuştur. Olguların 49 tanesi kadın (% 59), 34 tanesi erkek (% 41), yaş dağılımı kadınlarda ortalama 30 ( 19-40), erkeklerde 36 (21- 50), olguların cerrahi anatomik dağılımı 29 olgu daha önce mitral commissurotomy geçmiş (% 34), 23 olguda mitral yetmezligi (% 27. 7), 34 olguda mitral darlığı, mitral yetmezligi mevcuttu. İlave lezyon olarak( 7 glguda atrial septal defekt (% 8.4), 43 olguda triküspid yetmezliği vardı (% 51.8). Cerrahi girişim olarak 75 olguya mitrale mekanik yapay kapak (% 90.3), 4 olguya bioprotez (% 4.8), 3 olguya açık commissurotomy, 1 olguya carlos duran ring annuloplasty uygulanmış, 7 olguda ASD yama ile tamir edilmiş, 43 olguda aynı anda triküspit kapağa müdahale edilmiş (2 olguya mekanik kapak, 28 olguya dewege annuloplasti, 3 olguya puig massana annuloplasty, 1 olguya bioprotez takılmıştır). Postop dönemde 2 olguda A-V tam blok oluşarak kalıcı pacemaker implantasyonu gerektirmiştir. Tüm olgularda mortalite % 6.02'dir.In istanbul thoracic and cardiovascular surgery center, in the years of 1980-1990, 83 mitral valve procedures were performed by transatrial septal way. 49 of the cases were female (% 59) and 34 were male (% 41), mean age were 30 (19-40) in females and 36 (23-50) in males, surgical anatomical findings of the cases were: 29 had mitral commissurotomy (% 34), 23 had mitral failure (% 27.7), 34 had mitral stenosis and mitral failure both, additional to these, there were 7 ASD cases (% 8.4) and 43 tricuspid failure (% 51.8). As a surgical procedure 75 cases had mechanical valve (% 90.3).4 cases had bioprosthesis (% 4.8), 3 had commissurotomy, one had carlos duran ring annuloplasty, in 7 cases ASD was repaired by a patch and in 43 on intervention to tricuspid va/ve was achieved at the same time. At the end of the procedure in two of them, a pemıanent pacemaker was required as a result of AV complet block, mortality was % 6.02 in all of cases

    Determining Fruit Quality Features of Some Early Maturing Navel Oranges in Different Periods

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    Göbekli portakallar çekirdeksiz oluşu, kabuğunun kolay soyulabiliyor olması ve aromasının güzel olması sebebiyle diğer portakal çeşitlerinden daha fazla talep görmektedir. Bu çalışmada Çukurova Üniversitesi (Ç.Ü.) Subtropik Meyveler Araştırma ve Uygulama merkezinde yetiştirilen Newhall, Navelina, Cara cara ve Fukumoto portakal çeşitlerinin üç farklı dönemde meyve kalite özellikleri belirlenmiştir. Meyvelerin eni (mm), boyu (mm), kabuk kalınlığı (mm), dilim sayısı, suda çözünebilir toplam kuru madde miktarı (SÇKM, %), titre edilebilir asit içeriği (TA, %), SÇKM/asitlik oranı, ortalama meyve ağırlığı, meyve indeksi ve usare miktarı ölçülmüştür. Yapılan çalışma sonunda her üç dönemde en yüksek meyve uzunluğu ve indeksi Newhall portakal çeşidinde saptanmıştır. Olgunlaşmayla beraber usare miktarında en fazla düşüş Fukumoto çeşidinde belirlenmiştir.Navel oranges such as Newhall, Navelina, Cara cara ve Fukumoto had great increase and demand than other normal orange cultivars because of being seedless, easy peelers, delicious with their aroma and for fresh consumption. In this study, the fruit quality traits of some Navel orange cultivars (Newhall, Navelina, Cara cara and Fukumoto) were evaluated in three different harvesting period at C.U. Subtropic Fruits Application and Research Center. Furit width (mm), length (mm), weight (g), rind thickness, number of slice, total soluble solid (TSS, %), titratable acidity (TA, %), TSS/TA ratio, fruit index and the fruit juice contents (%) were investigated. As a result of the present study, the highest fruit length was determined in Newhall orange for all periods. In terms of fruit maturation, the highest decrease in the amount of fruit juice content was determined in Fukumoto Navel orange

    Determining Fruit Quality Traits and Ripeness Some Satsuma Mandarin (Citrus unshiu Marc.) Cultivars under Adana Ecological Conditions

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    Satsuma grubu mandarinler çekirdeksiz olması, kolay soyulabilmesi ve genelinin erkenci olmasısebebiyle kış soğuklarından etkilenmiyor olması bu çeşitlerin talebinde artış olmasını sağlamaktadır.Bu çalışmada Ç.Ü. Subtropik Meyveler Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezinde üç farklı dönemde iki yılboyunca Clausellina, Miyagawa ve Nepolitana çeşitlerinin meyve kalite özellikleri belirlenmiştir.Meyvelerin eni (mm), boyu (mm), kabuk kalınlığı (mm), dilim sayısı (adet), çekirdek sayısı (adet),suda çözünebilir toplam kuru madde miktarı (SÇKM, %), titre edilebilir asit içeriği (TEA, %),SÇKM/TEA oranı, ortalama meyve ağırlığı (g), meyve şekil indeksi ve usare miktarı (%)ölçülmüştür. Ayrıca bu çalışmada çeşitlerin derim tarihleri hakkında önemli bulgular elde edilmiştir.Çalışma sonucunda Adana ekolojik koşullarında Clausellina ve Miyagawa çeşitlerinin derimzamanının ekim-kasım ayları arasında ve Nepolitana çeşidi için ise kasım-aralık ayı olduğu kanaatine varılmıştır.Satsuma mandarins are easy peelers, seedless and in general are less affected by the cold winter dueto early on to ensure. In this study, fruit quality traits of some Satsuma varieties (Clausellina,Miyagawa and Nepolitana) were determined at Çukurova University Subtropical Fruit Research andApplication Center in different three periods between the years 2014-2015. Fruit width (mm) andlength (mm), weight (g), rind thickness, number of slice, number of seed, total soluble solid (TSS, %),titretable acidity (TA, %), TSS/TA ratio, fruit weight (g), fruit shape index and fruit juice content (%)were determined in order the see the differences between cultivars. In addition, this study theoptimum harvest periods of these cultivars was investigated. As a result of this study, the optimumharvest date of Clausellina and Miyagawa cultivars determined as October-November in Adanaecological conditions but the optimum harvest date of Nepolitana cultivars was determined as November-December

    Determination of Fruit Quality Traits of Some Mandarin Cultivars under Conditions Ecological Adana

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    Bu çalışmada Çukurova Üniversitesi Subtropik Meyveler Araştırma ve Uygulama merkezinde üç farklı dönemde Klemantin, Fremont, Nova ve Robinson mandarin çeşitlerinin meyve kalite özellikleri belirlenmiştir. Ortalama meyve ağırlığı (g), eni (mm), boyu (mm), indeksi, kabuk kalınlığı (mm), dilim sayısı (adet), çekirdek sayısı (adet), suda çözünebilir toplam kuru madde miktarı (SÇKM, %), titre edilebilir asit içeriği (TEA, %), SÇKM/asitlik oranı ve usare miktarı (%) belirlenmiştir. Çalışma sonucuna göre, Nova çeşidinin en iri, Fremont çeşidinin ise en küçük ve basık meyveye sahip olduğu belirlenmiştir. Klemantin mandarininin ekim-kasım ayları arasında, Nova ve Robinson çeşitlerinin Kasım ayında ve Fremont çeşidinin aralıkta olgunlaştığı saptanmıştır.Bu çalışmada Çukurova Üniversitesi Subtropik Meyveler Araştırma ve Uygulama merkezinde üç farklı dönemde Klemantin, Fremont, Nova ve Robinson mandarin çeşitlerinin meyve kalite özellikleri belirlenmiştir. Ortalama meyve ağırlığı (g), eni (mm), boyu (mm), indeksi, kabuk kalınlığı (mm), dilim sayısı (adet), çekirdek sayısı (adet), suda çözünebilir toplam kuru madde miktarı (SÇKM, %), titre edilebilir asit içeriği (TEA, %), SÇKM/asitlik oranı ve usare miktarı (%) belirlenmiştir. Çalışma sonucuna göre, Nova çeşidinin en iri, Fremont çeşidinin ise en küçük ve basık meyveye sahip olduğu belirlenmiştir. Klemantin mandarininin ekim-kasım ayları arasında, Nova ve Robinson çeşitlerinin Kasım ayında ve Fremont çeşidinin aralıkta olgunlaştığı saptanmıştır

    Determination of Fruit Quality Traits of Some Mandarin Cultivars under Conditions Ecological Adana

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    In this study, the fruit quality traits of varietys of Klemantin, Fremont, Nova and Robinson was determined at Centre Application and Research Subtropical Fruit of Çukurova University in three different periods. The width (mm), length (mm), weight (g), rind thickness, number of carpel, numbers of seed, total soluble solid (TSS, %), titretable acidity (TA, %), TSS/TA ratio, fruit weight, fruit index and amount of fruit juice content (%) were measured. In addition, in this study, information about maturation period of these cultivars was obtained. Regarding to the results, Nova was determined to be the biggest fruit size, Fremont was determined to be the smallest fruit size and the most flattened fruit among the mandarins. It was determined that Klemantin mandarin was matured between September and November, Nova and Robinson mandarin species were matured in November, and Fremont mandarin species was found to matures in Decembe