385 research outputs found

    Brans-Dicke-Maxwell Solutions for Higher Dimensional Static Cylindrical Symmetric Spacetime

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    In this paper, Brans-Dicke-Maxwell type vacuum solutions are considered for a static cylindrically symmetric spacetime in arbitrary dimensions. Exact solutions are obtained by directly solving the field equations for the case where an azimuthal magnetic field is present. Other configurations such as axial magnetic field case can be obtained by suitably relabeling the coordinates. We have also considered conformally related "Einstein frame" to relate the solutions we have obtained with the dilaton-Maxwell type solutions that exist in the literature. We see that for a special case the general solution we present reduces to Dilaton-Melvin spacetime. The General Relativistic limit of these solutions are also discussed and we found that this limit is different from the four dimensional case.Comment: 9 Pages, articl

    The Perceptions of Teachers, Students and Parents on the Learning of a Mother Tongue by Bilingual Turkish Students (Nottingham and Leicester Supplementary Schools Cases, England)

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    It is important for bilingual children growing up in a foreign country to learn an L2 as it is to learn one’s family’s mother tongue; to learn and understand the L1 of that society, develop communication skills with relatives and learn their cultures’ values. This research investigates the learning of Turkish as a one’s family’s mother tongue (L2) by Turkish-English bilingual students living in Nottingham and Leicester. A qualitative research methodology was applied in this study. The data were collected from a total of 8 students between the ages of 5-6, 3 teachers and 11 parents at Nottingham and Leicester Turkish Supplementary schools. In order to gather data about learning techniques, semi-structured interviews and observation were carried out. The purpose of this study is to understand and explain the students’, parents’ and teachers’ views on bilingual Turkish students’ learning of their mother tongue at 5-6 years old. The findings show that the views of the parents’ and students’ on learning Turkish as an L2 as one’s family’s mother tongue are essential to supporting effective communication with their relatives, by using and learning Turkish and its culture. According to teachers, they, in common with others, say they intend to teach Turkish to students so they will be able to express themselves in their mother tongue and help them to acquire their own background’s cultural values. The research’s participants highlighted that their difficulties are with speaking and reading skills; as a possible solution, encouraging students to speak, read and write in Turkish, and watch Turkish media programmes in order to improve their productive skills is recommended. Keywords: Bilingualism, Turkish language learning, mother tongue, L1-L


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    This study aimed to compare whether TGTM or CLT was more effective in teaching English language grammar and vocabulary. The participants of this study were sixty-eight 9th grade students attending to a high school. Mixed methods research design was grounded comprising a pre-test and post-test quasi-experimental design. The results of the pre and post-tests, quizzes and the oral productions of the participants were analyzed based on error analysis. It was observed that the students, who were taught English grammar via TGTM made fewer errors than those who were taught via CLT in both their written and oral productions. Additionally, vocabulary production was higher for the students who were taught based on TGTM than those in CLT. As a result, the quantitative and qualitative findings of the study suggested that TGTM was more practicable and productive than CLT in teaching and learning English grammar and vocabulary


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    This study seeks to investigate the relationship between digital citizenship levels of pre-service primary school teachers and their democratic values. The research was designed in descriptive survey model. The research was conducted with the participation of 346 pre-service primary school teachers (juniors and seniors) from Adnan Menderes University and Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University. “Digital Citizenship Scale” developed by İşman and Güngören (2014) and “Democratic Values Scale” developed by Çermik (2013) were used as the data collection tools. The data were analyzed through descriptive statistics and t-test while the unrelated samples were analyzed through one-way analysis of variance. Also, the relationship between the variables was analyzed by using correlation analysis. The results of the analyses reveal that there is a statistically insignificant difference among the pre-service primary school teachers’ digital citizenship scores in terms of the variables of gender and class. As for the democratic values scores, it is observed that there is a statistically significant difference among the pre-service primary school teachers’ scores in terms of gender, having access to the Internet connection, the duration of the Internet use experience, and the duration of daily Internet use.  There is also a statistically significant difference among the digital citizenship scores in terms of having the Internet connection, the duration of the Internet use experience, the duration of daily Internet use, and perceived level of the Internet using skills. Democratic values scores differ significantly in terms of class and perceived level of the Internet using skills. When the scores taken from the digital citizenship and democratic values scales are analyzed, it is observed that there is a weak positive correlation between these two variables.  Article visualizations

    Sıddık Korkmaz, İmam Mâtürîdî ve Mezhep Eleştirileri

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    İslam düşünce tarihinin en önemli simalarından biri olan İmam Mâtürîdî’nin başta şahsı olmak üzere, yetiştiği ilmî çevre, hocaları ve öğrencileri, mensup olduğu “gelenek” ve de İslam dünyasında pek çok Müslümanın mensubu olduğu bir mezhep olarak Mâtürîdîlik hakkında bilgilerimiz yakın geçmişe kadar oldukça sınırlıydı diyebiliriz. Fakat son yıllarda yapılan çalışmalarla birlikte bu eksiklik giderilmeye başlanmıştır. Sıddık Korkmaz’ın “İmam Mâtürîdî ve Mezhep Eleştirileri” isimli eseri de bu gaye ile kaleme alınmıştır. Bu çalışma da “İmam Mâtürîdî ve Mezhep Eleştirileri” adlı kitabın tanıtımı için yazılmıştır

    Akut inmeli hastalarda modifiye mann yutma değerlendirme testinin Türkçeye uyarlanması: Geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması

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    Objective: The aim of the dysphagia screening test is to identify as many cases as possible before aspiration occurs. In Türkiye, there is a need for a practical and non-invasive screening test that evaluates swallowing pre-skills apart from comprehensive clinical tests. For this purpose, the Turkish validity and reliability of the Modified Mann Assessment of Swallowing Ability (MMASA) test were examined. Material and Methods: The test was translated into Turkish, and its content validity index was calculated. Then, the test was re-translated to English, and its compliance with the original version was evaluated. The generated Turkish MMASA (TR-MMASA) test was applied to 90 patients with acute stroke. Similar scale validity was evaluated by checking its compliance with the Turkish Mann Assessment of Swallowing Ability (T-MASA) test. The test-retest and interrater reliability methods were used for reliability analysis. Internal consistency (IC) and item-total correlation were examined. Results: Reliability was calculated according to intraclass correlation (ICC) coefficients (ICC=0.92, ICC=0.97). IC and item-total correlation coefficients were examined (Cronbach’s alpha=0.91). For convergent and discriminant validity, T-MASA test was applied, and the Spearman’s rho correlation coefficient was examined (r=0.88). As a result of the receiver operating characteristic analysis, the sensitivity (87%), specificity (88%), positive predictive value (0.77), negative predictive value (0.93), positive likelihood ratio (7.14) and negative likelihood ratio (0.14) percentages of the test were found valid. Conclusion: TR-MMASA test was found to be a valid and reliable screening test for bedside clinical evaluation in patients with acute stroke.Amaç: Disfaji tarama testinde amaç, aspirasyon meydana gelmeden olabildiğince çok riskli vakayı belirlemektir. Türkiye’de kapsamlı klinik testlerin dışında yutma ön becerilerini değerlendiren pratik ve girişimsel olmayan bir tarama testine ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Bu amaçla çalışmada, Modifiye Mann Yutma Yeteneği [Modified Mann Assessment of Swallowing Ability (MMASA)] testi, Türkçeye uyarlanarak geçerlik ve güvenirliği incelenmiştir. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Test, ilk olarak Türkçeye çevrilerek sonrasında kapsam geçerlik indeksi hesaplanmıştır. İngilizceye geri çevirisi yapılarak orijinal hâliyle olan uyumuna bakılmıştır. Oluşturulan Türkçe MMASA (TRMMASA) testi, akut inmeli 90 hastaya uygulanmıştır. Benzer ölçüt geçerliliği için Türkçe Mann Yutma Yeteneği Değerlendirmesi [Turkish Mann Assessment of Swallowing Ability (T-MASA)] testi kullanılmıştır. Güvenirlik analizi için test-tekrar test ve klinisyenler arası güvenirlik yöntemleri uygulanmıştır. İç tutarlılık ve madde-toplam madde korelasyonu incelenmiştir. Bulgular: Güvenirlik, sınıf içi korelasyon katsayısına [intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC)] göre (ICC=0,92, ICC=0,97) hesaplanmıştır. İç tutarlılık ve madde-toplam madde korelasyon katsayıları incelenmiştir (Cronbach alfa=0,91). Yakınsak ve ayırt edici geçerlik için T-MASA testi uygulanarak Spearman rho korelasyon katsayısı bulunmuştur (r=0,88). Alıcı işletim karakteristiği analizi sonuçlarına göre duyarlılık (%87), özgüllük (%88), pozitif öngörü değeri (0,77), negatif öngörü değeri (0,93), pozitif olabilirlik oranı (7,14) ve negatif olabilirlik oranı (0,14) tespit edilmiştir. Sonuç: TR-MMASA testi, akut inmeli hastalarda yatak başı klinik değerlendirme için geçerli ve güvenilir bir tarama testi olarak bulunmuştur

    Cylindrically Symmetric Vacuum Solutions in Higher Dimensional Brans-Dicke Theory

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    Higher dimensional, static, cylindrically symmetric vacuum solutions with and without a cosmological constant in the Brans-Dicke theory are presented. We show that, for a negative cosmological constant and for specific values of the parameters, a particular subclass of these solutions include higher dimensional topological black hole-type solutions with a flat horizon topology. We briefly extend our discussion to stationary vacuum and Λ\Lambda-vacuum solutions.Comment: V3: Published Versio