7 research outputs found

    Shelf life: Neritic habitat use of a turtle population highly threatened by fisheries

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Wiley via the DOI in this recordAim: It is difficult to mitigate threats to marine vertebrates until their habitat use is understood. We report on a decade of satellite tracking loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) from an important nesting site to determine priority habitats for their protection in a region where they are known to be heavily impacted by fisheries. Location: Cyprus, Eastern Mediterranean. Method: We tracked 27 adult female loggerheads between 2001 and 2012 from North Cyprus nesting beaches. To eliminate potential biases, we included females nesting on all coasts of our study area, at different periods of the nesting season and from a range of size classes. Results: Foraging sites were distributed over the continental shelf of Cyprus, the Levant and North Africa, up to a maximum distance of 2100 km from nesting sites. Foraging sites were clustered in (1) near-shore waters of Cyprus and Syria, (2) offshore waters of Egypt and (3) offshore and near-shore regions of Libya and Tunisia. The North Cyprus and west Egypt/east Libyan coasts are important areas for loggerhead turtles during migration. Movement patterns within foraging sites strongly suggest benthic feeding in discrete areas. Early nesters visited other rookeries in Turkey, Syria and Israel where they likely laid further clutches. Tracking suggests minimum annual mortality of 11%, comparable to other fishery-impacted loggerhead populations. Main conclusions: This work further highlights the importance of neritic habitats of Libya and Tunisia as areas likely used by loggerhead turtles from many of the Mediterranean rookeries and where the threat of fisheries bycatch is high. Our tracking data also suggest that anthropogenic mortalities may have occurred in North Cyprus, Syria and Egypt; all within near-shore marine areas where small-scale fisheries operate. Protection of this species across many geopolitical units is a major challenge and documenting their distribution is an important first step.Peoples Trust for Endangered SpeciesBritish Chelonia GroupUnited States Agency for International DevelopmentBP EgyptApacheNatural Environment Research Council (NERC)Erwin Warth FoundationKuzey Kıbrıs TurkcellEktam KıbrısSEATURTLE.orgMEDASSETDarwin InitiativeBritish High Commission in CyprusBritish Residents Society of North CyprusMarine Turtle Conservation ProjectMarine Turtle Research GroupSociety for the Protection of Turtles in North Cyprus (SPOT)North Cyprus Department of Environmental Protectio

    Dietary analysis of two sympatric marine turtle species in the eastern Mediterranean

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    This is the final version. Available from Springer via the DOI in this record. Data and any available visuals, such as figures and tables, will be provided upon reasonable request to the corresponding author. Any codes created to assist in data analysis and/or any software application utilised in the current study will be provided upon reasonable request submitted to the corresponding author.Dietary studies provide key insights into threats and changes within ecosystems and subsequent impacts on focal species. Diet is particularly challenging to study within marine environments and therefore is often poorly understood. Here, we examined the diet of stranded and bycaught loggerhead (Caretta caretta) and green turtles (Chelonia mydas) in North Cyprus (35.33° N, 33.47° E) between 2011 and 2019. A total of 129 taxa were recorded in the diet of loggerhead turtles (n = 45), which were predominantly carnivorous (on average 72.1% of dietary biomass), foraging on a large variety of invertebrates, macroalgae, seagrasses and bony fish in low frequencies. Despite this opportunistic foraging strategy, one species was particularly dominant, the sponge Chondrosia reniformis (21.5%). Consumption of this sponge decreased with increasing turtle size. A greater degree of herbivory was found in green turtles (n = 40) which predominantly consumed seagrasses and macroalgae (88.8%) with a total of 101 taxa recorded. The most dominant species was a Lessepsian invasive seagrass, Halophila stipulacea (31.1%). This is the highest percentage recorded for this species in green turtle diet in the Mediterranean thus far. With increasing turtle size, the percentage of seagrass consumed increased with a concomitant decrease in macroalgae. Seagrass was consumed year-round. Omnivory occurred in all green turtle size classes but reduced in larger turtles (> 75 cm CCL) suggesting a slow ontogenetic dietary shift. Macroplastic ingestion was more common in green (31.6% of individuals) than loggerhead turtles (5.7%). This study provides the most complete dietary list for marine turtles in the eastern Mediterranean.European CommissionErwin Warth FoundationKarşıyaka Turtle WatchAngela WadsworthMaureen and Tony HutchinsonKuzey Kıbrıs TurkcellMAVA FoundationNatural Environment Research Council (NERC)University of Exete

    Retrospective head motion estimation in structural brain MRI with 3D CNNs

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    Head motion is one of the most important nuisance variables in neuroimaging, particularly in studies of clinical or special populations, such as children. However, the possibility of estimating motion in structural MRI is limited to a few specialized sites using advanced MRI acquisition techniques. Here we propose a supervised learning method to retrospectively estimate motion from plain MRI. Using sparsely labeled training data, we trained a 3D convolutional neural network to assess if voxels are corrupted by motion or not. The output of the network is a motion probability map, which we integrate across a region of interest (ROI) to obtain a scalar motion score. Using cross-validation on a dataset of n=48 healthy children scanned at our center, and the cerebral cortex as ROI, we show that the proposed measure of motion explains away 37% of the variation in cortical thickness. We also show that the motion score is highly correlated with the results from human quality control of the scans. The proposed technique can not only be applied to current studies, but also opens up the possibility of reanalyzing large amounts of legacy datasets with motion into consideration: we applied the classifier trained on data from our center to the ABIDE dataset (autism), and managed to recover group differences that were confounded by motion

    Lessons From the Western Atlantic Lionfish Invasion to Inform Management in the Mediterranean

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    Major invasions of Indo-Pacific lionfish (Pterois volitans and P. miles) are underway in the Western Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. While the establishment of lionfish in the Western Atlantic is perhaps the most well-studied marine fish invasion to date, the rapidly expanding invasion in the Mediterranean is more recent and has received less attention. Here we review and synthesize successes and failures from two decades of lionfish management in the Western Atlantic to give policy recommendations for their management in the Mediterranean. Two failed approaches that were attempted multiple times in the Western Atlantic and that we advise against are (1) feeding lionfish to native fish to promote predation and (2) implementing bounty programs to incentivize lionfish harvest. Broadly, the most important management lessons that we recommend include (1) conducting routine removals by spearfishing with scuba, which can effectively suppress local abundances of lionfish; (2) encouraging the development of recreational and commercial lionfish fisheries, which can promote long-term, sustainable lionfish population control; and, (3) engaging local communities and resource users (e.g., with lionfish removal tournaments), which can concurrently achieve multiple objectives of promoting lionfish removals, market-development, research, and public education. Managers in the Western Atlantic often needed to adapt current conservation policies to enable lionfish removals in areas where spearfishing with scuba was otherwise prohibited for conservation purposes. The risk of abusing these policies was mitigated through the use of gear restrictions, diver trainings, and through participatory approaches that integrated scuba divers and stakeholder organizations in lionfish research and management. Our review of policies and practices in the Mediterranean Sea found that many of our recommended lionfish management approaches are not being done and indicate potential opportunities to implement these. We expect and fully recommend that work continues towards multinational cooperation to facilitate regional coordination of research, control, and management efforts with respect to the Mediterranean lionfish invasion. As with other major biological invasions, lionfish are unconstrained by political borders and their control will require rapid and strategic management approaches with broad cooperation among and between governments and stakeholders

    Conflict between Dolphins and a Data-Scarce Fishery of the European Union

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    This is the author's accepted manuscript.Final version available from Springer via the DOI in this record.Fisheries depredation by marine mammals is an economic concern worldwide. We combined questionnaires, acoustic monitoring, and participatory experiments to investigate the occurrence of bottlenose dolphins in the fisheries of Northern Cyprus, and the extent of their conflict with set-nets, an economically important metier of Mediterranean fisheries. Dolphins were present in fishing grounds throughout the year and were detected at 28% of sets. Net damage was on average six times greater where dolphins were present, was correlated with dolphin presence, and the associated costs were considerable. An acoustic deterrent pinger was tested, but had no significant effect although more powerful pingers could have greater impact. However, our findings indicate that effective management of fish stocks is urgently required to address the overexploitation that is likely driving depredation behaviour in dolphins, that in turn leads to net damage and the associated costs to the fisheries