15 research outputs found

    Investigation of opportunities the addition of canned watermelon pomace and watermelon juice produced from unmarketable watermelon in broiler quail ration

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    This study was conducted to evaluate the use of watermelon pomace and watermelon juice obtained from unmarketable watermelon in the diets of fattening quails. A total of 90 Japanese quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica) wereassigned to three groups (30 quails in each group), each comprising of 5 replicates each having 6 quails. One groupwas designated as control groups whereas other groups fed 5% watermelon pomace or watermelon juice on dry matter basis. All the diets were isonitrogenous and isocaloric formulated in order to meet the nutrient requirements ofquails outlined in NRC standards. Live weight was greater in quails fed watermelon pomace compared with controlgroup in first week only (P0.05). Infirst week and overall period (1 to 4 wk), average daily feed intake (ADFI) was higher in control group than quailsfed watermelon juice which, in turn, was higher in comparison with those fed watermelon pomace (P0.05). In conclusion,it was observed that watermelon pomace can be used in quail diets having additional growth enhancer properties

    Distrofia muscular nutricional en los músculos del muslo de los pollos: análisis patológico de un problema de campo

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    Objetivo. Este estudio tiene como objetivo utilizar el método histopatológico para investigar la distrofia muscular nutricional en pollos debido a la carencia de vitamina E. Materiales y métodos. Se analizaron muestras de tejido tomadas de 20 polluelos muertos y un total de 28 muestras de sangre tomadas de ocho polluelos enfermos. La cantidad de vitamina E determinada en el análisis de los piensos resultó ser un 5% inferior a la cantidad declarada como presente en la ración. Resultados. La cantidad promedio de α-tocoferol en los sueros sanguíneos arrojó un resultado de 0.285 µg/g. Los niveles plasmáticos de calcio y de fósforo resultaron ser elevados mientras que los de sodio, potasio y magnesio, normales. A nivel histopatológico, se encontró una distrofia muscular nutricional en 18 de 20 polluelos (90%). En el examen histopatológico de las secciones musculares se observaron diversos grados de degeneraciones hialinas, necrosis, mineralización, lipidosis e infiltraciones de células mononucleares. Conclusiones. Se determinó que a medida que aumentaba el contenido de grasa de la ración, los niveles de vitaminas y minerales, en particular de vitamina E, cambiaban dentro del alimento y la salud de los polluelos se deterioraba y provocaba daños histopatológicos en diferentes tejidos de los órganos. El estudio concluye que la industria avícola debe dar importancia a los sistemas de control de piensos para que los polluelos reciban una alimentación adecuada y saludable

    The effects on nutrient digestibility of hay and silages made in different conditions in lambs

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    This study was conducted to determine the effects of silages and hay on feedlot performance and nutrient digestibility in lambs, and chemical differences in silages made in different media and forms. Twenty-four Akkaraman male lambs with an average mass of 27.93 kg and 8 months of age were used in the study. Lambs were assigned randomly to three groups. Barley-vetch (50/50%) was used as silo and for hay material two silos were installed. The control group was fed barley-vetch hay. Silo I was exposed to sunshine (group 1). Silo II was established in a long, closed hole which was open to air circulation and half underground (group II). Group III (control) consisted of barley-vetch hay. Dry matter levels were determined to be 33.20, 31.50 and 89.52% in group I-III, respectively. The pH, NH3-N and lactic acid levels of silages were observed to be 4.62 and 4.55; 0.54 and 0.50%; 2.35 and 2.50%, respectively. Dry matter intakes (DMI) of lambs were 941.44, 894.60 and 1119.00 g in groups I-III, respectively (P<0.05). Live mass gains (LWG) were 141.67, 145.83 and 122.92 g/day in group I-III, respectively. Feed conversion ratios were 6.67, 6.14 and 9.20 g DMI/g LWG in groups I-III, respectively. Dry matter, crude protein and crude fibre digestibility were determined to be 65.67, 67.99 and 59.78%; 61.40, 65.81 and 58.40%; 64.27, 66.06 and 59.67% in groups I-III, respectively (P<0.01)

    Obtaining the by-products that can be used in animal nutrition from non-marketing watermelons, storage of these products, researching some nutrient and microbiological properties

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    Çalışmada, pazar dışı kalma durumunda olan karpuzların kabuk, çekirdek ve etli kısımlarının tamamından katma değerli ve dayanıklı karpuz ürünlerini üretilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmada hasatı üzerinden 15 gün geçmiş karpuzlardan karpuz suyu, karpuz püresi ve karpuz posası olmak üzere üç farklı ürün üretilmiştir. Bu ürünlerin hiçbir muamele yapılmamış olana taze grup, buhar basınçlı ısıl işlem uygulanmış olana asitsiz grup ve buhar basınçlı ısıl işlem + sitrik asit ilavesi uygulanmış olana da asitli grup adı verilmiştir. Çalışmada taze örneklerde, konserve işlemlerinden hemen sonra alınan örneklerde, 0., 30., 90. ve 180. gün depolanan örneklerde kimyasal ve mikrobiyolojik analizler yapılmıştır. Karpuzlardan elde edilen ürünler posa, püre ve su olarak tanımlanmıştır. Konserve işlemlerinden hemen sonra alınan örneklerin (asitli ve asitsiz) sonuçlarına göre her iki muamelede de mikrobiyolojik açıdan pastörizasyon sağlanmıştır. Depolamanın 0., 30., 90. ve 180. günlerinde açılan konserve ürünlerinden alınan örneklerde mikroorganizma üreme durumları incelenmiştir. Asitli gruba göre asitsiz grupta daha yüksek toplam mezofilik aerobik bakteri (p<0.01) ve toplam Clostridia (p<0.01) ürediği tespit edilmiştir. 0. gün depolamaya göre; 30. ve 90. günlük depolamalarda her iki bakteri sayısı artmış ancak 180. günde alınan örneklerde ise bakteri sayıları azalmıştır. Çalışmada, pazarlama dışı kalmış karpuzlardan hayvan beslemede kullanılabilecek karpuz suyu, karpuz püresi ve karpuz posası üretilebileceği belirlenmiştir. Diğer uygulamalara göre, asit katkısı + ısıl işlem uygulamasının daha uygun olduğu görülmüştür.In the study, it was aimed to produce value-added and durable watermelon products from the rind, seeds and fleshy parts of the watermelons which are out of market. In the research, three different products were produced watermelon juice, watermelon puree and watermelon pulp from watermelons that were harvested 15 days ago. No treatment of these products was called fresh group, the steam pressurized heat treated group was called acid-free group and the steam pressurized heat treated + citric acid addition was called acidic group. In this study, chemical and microbiological analyzes were carried out on fresh samples, samples taken immediately after canning processes, samples stored at 0., 30., 90. and 180. days. The products obtained from watermelons are defined as pulp, puree and water. According to the results of the samples taken immediately after canning processes (with and without acid), pasteurization was provided microbiologically in both treatments. Microbiological reproduction status of the samples taken from the canned products opened on the 0., 30., 90. and 180. days of storage were examined. It was determined that total mesophilic aerobic bacteria (p <0.01) and total Clostridia (p <0.01) were higher in the acid-free group than the acidic group. According to storage on day 0.; In the 30. and 90. day storage, both bacteria numbers increased but in the 180. day samples the number of bacteria decreased. In the study, it was determined that watermelon juice, watermelon puree and watermelon pulp which can be used in animal feeding can be produced from the non-marketing watermelons. It has been found that acid addition + heat treatment is more suitable than other applications

    Pazarlama Dışı Olan Karpuzlardan (Citrullus lanatus) Hayvan Beslemede Kullanılabilecek Yan Ürünlerin Elde Edilmesi, Depolanması, Bazı Besin Madde ve Mikrobiyolojik Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi

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    Çalışmada, pazar dışı kalma durumunda olan karpuzların kabuk, çekirdek ve etli kısımlarının tamamından katma değerli ve dayanıklı karpuz ürünlerini üretilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmada hasatı üzerinden 15 gün geçmiş karpuzlardan karpuz suyu, karpuz püresi ve karpuz posası olmak üzere üç farklı ürün üretilmiştir. Bu ürünlerin hiçbir muamele yapılmamış olana taze grup, buhar basınçlı ısıl işlem uygulanmış olana asitsiz grup ve buhar basınçlı ısıl işlem + sitrik asit ilavesi uygulanmış olana da asitli grup adı verilmiştir. Çalışmada taze örneklerde, konserve işlemlerinden hemen sonra alınan örneklerde, 0., 30., 90. ve 180. gün depolanan örneklerde kimyasal ve mikrobiyolojik analizler yapılmıştır. Karpuzlardan elde edilen ürünler posa, püre ve su olarak tanımlanmıştır. Konserve işlemlerinden hemen sonra alınan örneklerin (asitli ve asitsiz) sonuçlarına göre her iki muamelede de mikrobiyolojik açıdan pastörizasyon sağlanmıştır. Depolamanın 0., 30., 90. ve 180. günlerinde açılan konserve ürünlerinden alınan örneklerde mikroorganizma üreme durumları incelenmiştir. Asitli gruba göre asitsiz grupta daha yüksek toplam mezofilik aerobik bakteri (p<0.01) ve toplam Clostridia (p<0.01) ürediği tespit edilmiştir. 0. gün depolamaya göre; 30. ve 90. günlük depolamalarda her iki bakteri sayısı artmış ancak 180. günde alınan örneklerde ise bakteri sayıları azalmıştır. Çalışmada, pazarlama dışı kalmış karpuzlardan hayvan beslemede kullanılabilecek karpuz suyu, karpuz püresi ve karpuz posası üretilebileceği belirlenmiştir. Diğer uygulamalara göre, asit katkısı + ısıl işlem uygulamasının daha uygun olduğu görülmüştür.In the study, it was aimed to produce value-added and durable watermelon products from the rind, seeds and fleshy parts of the watermelons which are out of market. In the research, three different products were produced watermelon juice, watermelon puree and watermelon pulp from watermelons that were harvested 15 days ago. No treatment of these products was called fresh group, the steam pressurized heat treated group was called acid-free group and the steam pressurized heat treated + citric acid addition was called acidic group. In this study, chemical and microbiological analyzes were carried out on fresh samples, samples taken immediately after canning processes, samples stored at 0., 30., 90. and 180. days. The products obtained from watermelons are defined as pulp, puree and water. According to the results of the samples taken immediately after canning processes (with and without acid), pasteurization was provided microbiologically in both treatments. Microbiological reproduction status of the samples taken from the canned products opened on the 0., 30., 90. and 180. days of storage were examined. It was determined that total mesophilic aerobic bacteria (p <0.01) and total Clostridia (p <0.01) were higher in the acid-free group than the acidic group. According to storage on day 0.; In the 30. and 90. day storage, both bacteria numbers increased but in the 180. day samples the number of bacteria decreased. In the study, it was determined that watermelon juice, watermelon puree and watermelon pulp which can be used in animal feeding can be produced from the non-marketing watermelons. It has been found that acid addition + heat treatment is more suitable than other applications

    Distrofia muscular nutricional en los músculos del muslo de los pollos: análisis patológico de un problema de campo

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    Objective. This study aims to use histopathologic method to investigate nutritional muscular dystrophy in broilers due to vitamin E deficiency. Materials and methods. Tissue samples taken from 20 dead chicks and total 28 blood samples sent by taking from diseased also eight chicks were analyzed. The amount of vitamin E determined in feed analysis was found to be 5% less than the amount declared to be present in the feed ration. Results. The average amount of α-tocopherol in blood serums was measured as 0.285 µg/g. Plasma calcium and phosphorus levels were found to be high, whereas sodium, potassium, and magnesium levels were found to be normal levels. Histopathologically, nutritional muscular dystrophy was defined in 18 of 20 chicks (90%). In the histopathologic examination of muscular sections, varying degrees of hyaline degenerations, necrosis, mineralization, lipidosis, and mononuclear cell infiltrations were observed. Conclusions. It was determined that when the fat content of the ration was increased, vitamin and mineral levels, particularly vitamin E, changed within the ration content, and the health of the chicks deteriorated, resulting in histopathologic damages in different organ tissues. The study concludes that the poultry farming industry should attach importance to feed management systems for chick’s the proper and healthy feeding.Objetivo. Este estudio tiene como objetivo utilizar el método histopatológico para investigar la distrofia muscular nutricional en pollos debido a la carencia de vitamina E. Materiales y métodos. Se analizaron muestras de tejido tomadas de 20 polluelos muertos y un total de 28 muestras de sangre tomadas de ocho polluelos enfermos. La cantidad de vitamina E determinada en el análisis de los piensos resultó ser un 5% inferior a la cantidad declarada como presente en la ración. Resultados. La cantidad promedio de α-tocoferol en los sueros sanguíneos arrojó un resultado de 0.285 µg/g. Los niveles plasmáticos de calcio y de fósforo resultaron ser elevados mientras que los de sodio, potasio y magnesio, normales. A nivel histopatológico, se encontró una distrofia muscular nutricional en 18 de 20 polluelos (90%). En el examen histopatológico de las secciones musculares se observaron diversos grados de degeneraciones hialinas, necrosis, mineralización, lipidosis e infiltraciones de células mononucleares. Conclusiones. Se determinó que a medida que aumentaba el contenido de grasa de la ración, los niveles de vitaminas y minerales, en particular de vitamina E, cambiaban dentro del alimento y la salud de los polluelos se deterioraba y provocaba daños histopatológicos en diferentes tejidos de los órganos. El estudio concluye que la industria avícola debe dar importancia a los sistemas de control de piensos para que los polluelos reciban una alimentación adecuada y saludable