10 research outputs found

    Cash flow news, discount rate news, and momentum

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    Due to copyright restrictions, the access to the full text of this article is only available via subscription.We examine the effect of aggregate cash flow news and discount rate news on momentum returns. We find that momentum profits are higher following aggregate positive cash flow news, even in down markets or low sentiment periods. This finding expands on the evidence in Cooper et al. (2004) that momentum is significant only when past market returns are non-negative and in Antoniou et al. (2013) that momentum is weaker when sentiment is pessimistic. We find that the higher momentum profits during aggregate positive cash flow news periods are primarily driven by the losers continuing to underperform in subsequent periods. Our findings are consistent with the Hong and Stein (1999) model in the sense that gradual diffusion of contradictory news is accentuated when change in wealth is positive and relatively more permanent

    Estudo randomizado do tratamento cirúrgico da síndrome do túnel do carpo Surgical treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome: a randomized study

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    Este trabalho tem o objetivo de avaliar, por meio de um estudo clínico prospectivo randomizado, dois grupos de pacientes portadores de síndrome do túnel do carpo, divididos de acordo com a metodologia cirúrgica aplicada. O primeiro grupo (grupo A) foi tratado pela endoscopia e o segundo (grupo B) pelo acesso aberto. Foram avaliados 55 pacientes (57 punhos), sendo 32 (56,0%) do sexo feminino e 25 (44,0%) do masculino. A amostra foi composta por 36 (65,5%) pacientes brancos, 17 (30,90%) negros e 2 (3,63%) orientais. A média das idades foi de 34,75 anos (mínimo de 24 e máximo de 76 anos). O grupo A foi composto por 30 (52,63%) punhos e o grupo B foi composto por 27 (47,36%). Todos os pacientes foram avaliados no período pré-operatório e após 1, 2, 4, 6 e 12 semanas após a cirurgia e os seguintes parâmetros foram considerados: trofismo da musculatura tenar, dor (escala analógica), sensibilidade com monofilamento de Semmes-Weinstein, força de preensão e força de pinça (com dinamômetro Jamar). Não encontramos diferença estatística significante quando consideramos o lado, a dominância, a hipotrofia, a dor e o grau de força. O teste não-paramétrico de Mann-Whitney (p = 0,0178) evidenciou que o grupo de pacientes operados pela via endoscópica retornou ao trabalho mais precocemente. Nossa pesquisa, não evidenciou ao final da análise das demais variáveis analisadas diferença estatisticamente significante quando comparamos as duas metodologias de tratamento cirúrgico.<br>This paper aims to evaluate, by means of a randomized prospective clinical study, two distinct groups divided according to the surgical methodology applied. The first group (group A) was treated by endoscopic operation and the second (group B) one by open access. We evaluated 55 patients (57 wrists), 32 (56.0%) females and 25 (44,0%) males. The sample was composed by 36 (65.5%) Caucasian, 17 (30.9%) black and 2 (3.63%) Asian patients. The mean age was 34.75 years (minimum of 24 y.o. and maximum of 76 y.o.). Group A was composed by 30 (52.63%) wrists and group B by 27 (47.36%). All the patients were pre- and postoperatively evaluated at 1, 2, 4, 6 and 12 weeks after surgery and the following parameters were considered: thenar muscle trophism, pain (analogical scale), sensibility with Semmes-Weinstein monofilament, grip strength and finger pinch (with Jamar dynamometer). We did not find significant statistical differences regarding side, dominancy, hypotrophy, pain and strength. The non-parametric Mann-Whitney's test (p = 0.0178) showed that the group of patients submitted to endoscopic operation were able to resume professional the activities. Our study did not evidence, at the end of statistical analysis, statistically significant differences comparing the both methods of surgical treatment