19 research outputs found

    Birdhouses and production by 3D printing method

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    İnceliğin estetiğe, estetiğin mimariye dönüştüğü kuşevi, yaşadığımız coğrafyada, yüzyıllar öncesi temelleri atılmış bir geleneğin, kültürel değerin günümüze ulaşan, kaybolmasından endişe duyulan izleri olarak görülebilir. Kuşevi geleneği, teknolojik gelişmeler, değişen toplum ihtiyaçları ve üretim teknikleri gibi bazı sebeplerle kaybolmaya yüz tutmuş, mevcut örnekler korunamaz olmuştur. Bu makalede, kaybolmakta olan bir geleneğin, yeni teknolojilerin kullanılması ile tekrar canlandırılması yönünde yapılan çalışmalar paylaşıldı. Bu çalışmada bir sanatın kaybolmasına sebep olan teknolojik gelişmenin aynı sanatı geri getirmekte veya yaşatmakta etkili olabileceği düşünüldü ve uygulaması yapıldı.Birdhouse with aesthetics derived from common architecture, the geographical areas we live in and traditions can be seen as traces of cultural value from centuries before. Unfortunately, since there have been changes in architectural styles and preferences, necessities and social groups, the culture of implementing bird houses into normal buildings has not been preserved. In this article, studies on the revival of a lost tradition, with the use of new technologies, were shared. In this study, it was thought that the technological development which caused the disappearance of an art could be effective in bringing back the same art

    Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Production with Additive Manufacturing

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    In this study, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) design, analysis and production was made using selective laser sintering (SLS) system. Four different aircraft bodies were designed in the interdisciplinary project, one of the models was selected by comparing the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis results. According to the numerical study, the model 4 design was found to be the most suitable among the tested models, then the design was produced with the SLS system. Finally, the actual flight test was carried out in three different weather conditions, and the results are presented here

    Double Stud Cargo Fitting Research, Alternative Cargo Clip Design and Analysis

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    In air transportation, fixing the cargo inside the aircraft is important in terms of both flight safety and operational process. Positioning and fixing of the cargo to the aircraft within a short period of time without any risk in terms of flight safety is carried out with the use of some apparatus and subsystems within the pre-determined rules. This fixation is carried out by covering the cargo loaded onto aluminium pallets. The connection of the net on the pallet is provided by metal apparatuses known as clip (Figure 1). These apparatuses are also referred to in the aerospace industry as cargo fitting, double stud cargo fitting. In this study, the design development process of these clips in the history of aviation design, the alternative clip design work we have done and the comparative analysis of this design will be discussed. Firstly, we will address our work on cargo clip in parallel with the historical development process. In this context, different systems and apparatus design studies from the 1950s until the present day will be examined in order to load and stabilize the cargo. In our review, the design development process of cargo clip, the formation of the standard product, with the patent images of the period will be detailed. In this patent review, cargo loading system designs for cargo aircraft and apparatus patent applications designed for cargo operations were utilized

    Mimari Planlamada, Günışığı Etkinliğinin Arttırılması İçin Kurgusal Tasarım Destek Modeli

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    Mimaride günışığı etkinliği mekânsal kaliteyi arttıran ve insanın doğa ile bütünleşmesini sağlayan önemli bir mekânsal tasarım girdisidir. Sürdürülebilirlik kavramı ile birlikte mekânsal konfor şartlarının daha fazla iyileştirilmesi tasarımcılardan daha fazla talep edilmeye başlanmıştır. Enerji etkinliğinin de tasarımda daha fazla konuşuluyor olması, bu konuların tasarımcılar için tasarım evresinin daha erken evrelerinde düşünülme ihtiyacını doğurmuştur. Çalışma tasarımcılar için günışığı bazlı bir destek modelini oluşturmayı amaçlamaktadır. Model kapsamında günışığına bağlı tasarın değişkenleri ile günışığı tasarım kriterleri ilişkilendirilmekte olası sorunlara çözüm önerileri için temel rehber oluşturulmaktadır. Bu nedenle çalışmada günışığı faktörleri tasarımcı için rol gösterici ve sistematik biçimde ele alınarak detaylıca açıklanmaktadır. Böylece mimari tasarımda mimarların bu faktörleri daha erken tasarım evresinde kullanmaları ve içselleştirmeleri hedeflenmektedir. Oluşturulan model tasarımcının farklı önem derecelerinde bakabildiğini kabul ederek destek sistemini oluşturmaktadır ve adım adım tasarımcının yanında olarak günışığı konusunda tecrübeli tasarımcıların davranış ve çözüm modelini ortaya koymaktadır. Model kapsamında farklı işlevlerin günışığı gereklilikleri de değerlendirilmekte ve sonuçta amaca yönelik aktif günışığı tasarımı çözümü için tasarımcıya yardımcı olacak bir sistem oluşturulmaktadır. Çalışmanın sınanması bölümünde ise bir okul yapısı seçilerek modelin çalışması sınanmakta olası sorunların çözümleri model tarafından oluşturulmaktadır.Daylight activity in architecture is an important design input that increases the spatial quality and enables the integration of human with nature. With the concept of sustainability, further improvement of spatial comfort conditions has started to be demanded increasingly from designers. The fact that energy efficiency is also discussed more in design has led to the need for designers to consider these issues earlier in the design phase. The study aims to create a daylight based support model for designers. Within the scope of the model, daylight design variables and daylight design criteria are correlated and basic guidance is provided for solutions to possible problems. For this reason, daylight factors are explained in detail in a systematic way. Thus, it is aimed for architects to use these factors in the early design phase and internalize them in architectural design. The model created constitutes the support system by accepting that the designer can look at different degrees of importance and support by the designer at every stage of the design

    A Novel Synchronous Scanning Strategy in Laser Powder Bed Fusion and Effect on Mechanical Properties of Industrial Gears

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    The effect of LPBF process parameter change on production results has been the subject of many studies. In this study, innovative synchronous scanning strategy in LPBF production system and the effect of this scanning strategy on industrial gears are discussed. The scanning strategy obtained by the synchronous use of hatch distance, stripe width, and layer thickness parameters constitutes the innovative aspect of the study. In trial productions, it was observed that the traditional melt pool form changed and the strength increased by 25% in industrial gears produced with this scanning strategy. It is thought that this synchronous parameter change creates a potential for the production of industrial components with reduced weight. The scope of the study consists of parameter studies, LPBF production, material laboratory studies, microstructure, and SEM (scanning electron microscope) examination, and compression test

    Reviving Ottoman Bird Palaces and Retro Approach with Additive Manufacting Method

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    In recent years, three-dimensional printing technology has begun to be used as an alternative production technique as well as classical methods with technological developments. The Additive manufacturing (AM) production technique, which increasing use in recent years allows rapid prototyping as well as the production of complex designs. With this technology, we wanted to take a step to revitalize the lost cultural heritage of the bird palaces that can be expressed as miniature architectural items of the ancient Turkish culture

    A review of additive manufacturing technologies in building production

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    Bu çalışma, mimarlık alanında kullanılan eklemeli imalat teknolojileri konusunda gerçekleştirilen bir derleme çalışmasıdır. Temel olarak, eklemeli imalatın mimarlık alanındaki uygulama alanlarını, belirli sistematik içerisinde ele alan araştırma, gerek literatürde yer alan örnekler, gerekse uygulamaları bulunan yeni teknolojiler hakkında bilgi vermeyi amaçlamaktadır. Çalışmada, karşılaştırmalı olarak incelenen üretim teknolojilerinin güçlü ve zayıf yönleri, sistemlerin kullanım alanları, sistemlerde kullanılan malzemeler, mimari alan uygulamaları özelinde ele alınmıştır. Eklemeli imalat teknolojilerinin dezavantajlarından birisi olarak bilinen yüksek üretim ve malzeme maliyetinin, zaman içerisinde üretim yöntemlerinin yaygınlaşması ile çözümleneceği öngörülmektedir. Malzeme üretimi ve teknoloji konusunda halen gelişme sürecinde olan eklemeli imalat üretim sistemleri, gelecek endüstri uygulamalarında ve mimarisinde etkin olarak kullanılacağı düşünülmektedir. Yüksek maliyet sorununa çözüm olarak, eklemeli imalat yöntemi ile kalıp üretimlerinin ilerleyen yıllarda daha fazla gündemde olacağı öngörülmektedir.This study is a review on additive manufacturing technologies used in the field of architecture. Basically, the research, which deals with the application fields of additive manufacturing in the field of architecture, within a certain systematic, aims to provide information on both the examples in the literature and new technologies with applications. In the study, the strengths and weaknesses of the production technologies analyzed comparatively, the usage areas of the systems, the materials used in the systems, and architectural field applications are discussed. It is anticipated that the high production and material costs, known as one of the disadvantages of additive manufacturing technologies, will be developed over time with the spread of production methods. Additive manufacturing production systems, which are still in the development process in material production and technology, are thought to be used effectively in future industry applications and architecture. As a solution to the high cost problem, it is anticipated that mold production will be on the agenda in the coming years with additive manufacturing method

    Additive Manufacturing on the Façade: Functional use of Direct Metal Laser Sintering Hatch Distance Process Parameters in Building Envelope

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    Purpose – The purpose of this article is on the functional usability of metal additive manufacturing (AM) direct metal laser sintering (DMLS) production technology process parameters in the construction industry. In the study, the advantages of thermal optimization and weight reduction in the case of the use of foam metals obtained by changing the hatch distance the production process parameter, in the production of facade panels in the architectural field are revealed. Design/methodology/approach – The methods in the study; production of the small scaled facade panels with nine different hatch distance parameters, determination of the thermal change with the infrared thermography method, microstructure examination, weight measurement. Findings – The paper lays the groundwork for the manufacturability of lighter and lower thermal conductivity facade panels by changing the hatch distance parameters. Within the scope of the study, the definition of semi-open-cell foam aluminum and the product screening strategy offers innovation. Within the scope of the study, this scope is shared as an algorithmic summary. In addition, the study offers a new perspective within the scope of multiple optimizable panel production in facade panels with AM technology. Originality/value – Hatch distance parameter change was first discussed in this study in the architectural field, and a semi-open cell foam aluminum panel was obtained with the scanning strategy determined within the scope of the study. This panel geometry, which is defined as semiopen cell foam aluminum, can be used as a design element by painting or coating the outer surface, it can be stated that it will also provide thermal and weight optimization

    A Novel 3D Printed Air-Cooled Fuel Cooler Heat Exchanger for Aviation Industry

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    Unmanned aerial vehicles are expected to complete their missions even in adverse weather conditions. Overheating in the engine area may occur, particularly at high speeds due to using the full engine throttle. Another design factor that affects endurance duration and maximum take-off weight is the weight of the unmanned aerial vehicle heat exchanger. In this paper, a new type of air-cooled fuel cooler heat exchanger is proposed to reduce the total weight of the heat exchanger by increasing cooling performance through the design flexibility offered by additive manufacturing. The printed circuit heat exchanger has a circular cross-section to prevent dead bends in the heat transfer surfaces and feed coolant air directly onto the fins and circulation pipes. Twisted fins and piping structure were adjusted so they could be produced without any support, generate turbulence, and reduce total weight. The fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics of novel and conventional heat exchangers were simulated in 3D. The flow physics of both exchangers were studied to determine how the new design enhances heat transfer. Numerical results showed that the new heat exchanger has 55.6% more cooling capacity than the conventional one. The heat exchanger weight was decreased from 774 to 263 g

    The Novel Hybrid Lattice Structure Approach Fabricated by Laser Powder Bed Fusion and Mechanical Properties Comparison

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    Aluminum-based cellular structures are gaining a huge traction in several applications, including lightweight aircraft, military equipment, and heat exchangers. With additive manufacturing, the fabrication of complex periodic cellular structures with any unit cell form, size, and volume fraction has become a lot easier, allowing for more investment, research, and attention from both academia and industry. The aim of the research was to assess the manufacturability and performance of AlSi10Mg periodic cellular structures generated using the laser powder bed fusion process. Re-entrant and triply periodic and minimum surface (TPMS) gyroid cells were hybridized into a single cellular structure having identical volume fraction. Because of distinct mechanical properties of TPMS and re-entrant types, these cells were selected and assembled in various patterns to study their manufacturability, deformation behavior, energy absorption, and compressive strength. This work demonstrates good geometric agreement between the manufactured hybrid lattice structures and computer-aided design models. Hybridized structures with several repeated layers of TPMS gyroid and re-entrant cells can result in superior compressive strength and energy absorption than those with only few large layers