12 research outputs found

    Goodness of Fit Measures in Logit and Probit

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    DergiPark: 326308trakyasobedIn this paper, we calculate the different goodness of fit measures for both logit and probit model and compare the results. The findings of the study indicate that there are large numerical differences between the different measures. The results show that it is obviously important to ensure it is the same measure when comparing the goodness of fit values from the same estimation method on different data sets and modelsBu çalışmada, farklı uyum iyiliği ölçülerinin hesaplanması ve hem logit hem de probit model için sonuçlarının karşılaştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda elde edilen bulgular incelendiğinde, farklı uyum iyiliği ölçülerinin farklı sonuçlar verdiği görülmüştür. Sonuçlar göstermektedir ki; modellerin karşılaştırılması için aynı uyum iyiliği ölçüsünün hesaplanması ve kullanılması oldukça önemlidir

    The Effect of Inflation Gap, Output Gap and Currency Gap on Interest Rate Movements

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    DergiPark: 326255trakyasobedThe aim of study is to observe the effect of variables included in the equation of Taylor Rule, which is also known as central bank reaction function on interest rate movements. While central banks do settings on interest rates, they will either raise or reduce or leave interest rates stable. This condition, which we can name as interest rates movements, was considered as the raise, reduction or stabilization of interest rates compared to previous period. In our study, estimations were done with multinominal probit models in order to observe the effects of inflation gap and output gap on the possibility of these movements of interest rates. Moreover, currency gap was included among the variables in the rule as well in order to observe whether it is important in the explanation of interest rate movements whose necessity is still being discussed. Findings show that inflation gap is more important than output gap on the possibility of raise or reduction of interest rates in Turkey and that inclusion of currency in the model is effective, however when it does not give adequate explanatory information in the sense of rule when it is compared with other variablesÇalışmanın amacı, merkez bankası reaksiyon fonksiyonu olarak da adlandırılan Taylor Kuralı eşitliğinde yeralan değişkenlerin faiz oranları hareketleri üzerindeki etkisini incelemektir. Merkez bankaları, faiz oranları üzerinde ayarlamalar yaparken ya faiz oranlarını artıracak, ya azaltacak ya da sabit bırakma yolunu izleyecektir. Faiz oranları hareketi olarak ifade edeceğimiz bu durum çalışmamızda faiz oranlarının bir önceki döneme göre artması, azalması ya da sabit bırakılması olarak ele alınmıştır. Çalışmamızda enflasyon açığı ve üretim açığının faiz oranlarının bu hareketlerinin gerçekleşme olasılıkları üzerindeki etkilerini incelemek amacı ile multinominal probit modelleri ile tahminler yapılmıştır. Ayrıca, literatürde gerekliliği hala tartışılan döviz kuru açığının, faiz oranı hareketlerinin açıklanmasında önemli olup olmadığını incelemek amacı ile kuralda yeralan değişkenler arasına döviz kuru açığı da eklenmiştir. Elde edilen bulgular; Türkiye için faiz oranlarındaki artma ve azalma olasılıkları üzerinde enflasyon açığının üretim açığından daha fazla etkili olduğunu ve döviz kurunun modele eklenmesinin anlamlı olduğunu, fakat diğer değişkenler ile karşılaştırıldığında kural açısından yeterli açıklayıcı bilgi vermediğini göstermektedi

    Opinions of Turkish Physicians About the Participation of Patients and/or Patient Caregivers in Multidisciplinary Tumor Boards; A Survey Study From Tertiary Center in Konya

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    Abstract Objective: Multidiscplinary management is very important component of treatment of cancer. Multidisciplinary tumor boards (MB) provide the chance for shared-decision making in this complex type of disease. The participation of patients or caregivers in MB is a contentious issue and is not common in Turkey. In this study we aimed to determine what Turkish physicians participating MTBs in Selcuk University Faculty of Medicine think about the participation of patients and caregivers in MTBs. Method: The study was conducted in Selcuk University Faculty of Medicine in August 2022. The physicians that accepted to participate completed a 9-item questionnaire. The relationships between the participants’ sociodemographic characteristics and their questionnaire responses concerning MTBs were analyzed using Pearson’s chi-square test or the Fisher-Freeman-Halton test. Results: No statistically significant correlation was found between the socio-demographic characteristics of the participants and the opinions of cancer patients or their relatives about their participation in multidisciplinary tumor boards. 50 % of the participants do not approve participation of patient or caregivers in MTBs. 35 % of participants approve the participation of both in the MB. 4.4 % of participants approve only the participation of caregivers whereas only the 8.9 % of medical oncologist approve only the participation of patients in tumor board. Conclusion: Among 45 Turkish physicians in a tertiary care center, half of the participants do not approve of the participation of patients or caregivers in MTBs. The major reason for this lack of approval is fear that patients and caregivers will not understand medical terminology which may lead to misunderstanding by patients or caregivers

    Evaluation of complication development and laboratory data between diabetic individuals with regular follow-up and diabetic individuals who were'nt regularly check in Necmettin Erbakan University Meram Medical Faculty Hospital Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases Policlinic, in last five years

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    Çalışmamızda diyabet tanısı alan hastalarda, diyabet eğitimi ve belli aralıklarla düzenli olarak klinik takip ve zamanında müdahaleler ile, glisemik kontrol, lipid profili, tam kan, böbrek fonksiyon testleri, idrar albumin-kreatinin oranları gibi laboratuvar tetkikleri, vücut ağırlığı, vücut kitle indeksi (VKİ), bel ve kalça çevresi gibi antropometrik ölçümler ve diyabete bağlı komplikasyonların gelişiminin ve progresyonunun önlenmesi arasındaki ilişkiyi araştırmayı amaçladık. Yöntem: Çalışmaya son beş yılda Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi, Meram Tıp Fakültesi Endokrinoloji ve Metabolizma Hastalıkları polikliniğine başvuran, düzenli takibe gelen ve düzenli takibe gelmeyen yeterli kayıtlı verisi olan , 18 yaş ve üzeri, Tip 2 DM tanısı alan hastalar dahil edildi. Bulgular: Çalışmaya dahil edilen hastalar takibe düzenli ve düzensiz gelen şeklinde 2 gruba ayrıldı. Toplam 222 (%61.4) hasta takibe düzenli gelirken, 139 (%38.6) hasta düzensiz gelmekteydi. Gruplar yaş, cinsiyet dağılımı, sistolik ve diyastolik kan basıncı ölçümü açısından benzerdi. Takibe düzensiz gelen hastaların ortalama diyabet süresi düzenli gelenlerden daha yüksek bulundu (11.6±7.5 vs 8.3±7.1, p<0.001). Takibe düzensiz gelen grubun VKİ ortalaması 32.4±6.4 kg/m2, diğer grubun 31.3±5 kg/m2 olarak hesaplandı (p=0.14). Takibe düzensiz gelen grubun vücut ağırlığı ortalaması 87±16 kg, diğer grubun ise 82.2±11.9 kg bulundu (p=0.003). İki grup arasında kalça çevresi açısından fark yok iken, bel çevresi takibe düzensiz gelen grupta daha yüksek bulundu (105.4±15.7 vs 100.7±13.7, p=0.005). Sigara kullanımı ve egzersiz yapma oranları açısından gruplar arasında fark bulunmazken, tıbbi beslenme tedavisine uyanların oranı takibe düzenli gelen grupta daha yüksek bulundu (%36.5 vs %18.7, p<0.001). Gruplar komorbid hastalıklar ve diyabetik komplikasyonlar açısından karşılaştırıldığında takibe düzensiz gelen grupta, koroner arter hastalığı, diyabetik böbrek hastalığı, diyabetik nöropati ve diyabetik ayak varlığı daha yüksek oranda bulundu (sırasıyla, p=0.002, p=0.001, p=0.001, p=0.002). Hipertansiyon, periferik arter hastalığı, serebrovasküler hastalık, diyabetik retinopati, hipoglisemi ve üriner sistem enfeksiyonu öyküsü sıklığı açısından gruplar arasında fark yoktu. Çalışma grupları laboratuvar parametrelerine göre karşılaştırıldığında, takibe düzensiz gelen hastalarda açlık plazma glukozu, HbA1C, trigliserid ve spot idrarda mikroalbumin/kreatinin oranı ortalamaları takibe düzenli gelen hastalardan istatistiksel olarak anlamlı düzeyde daha yüksek bulundu (sırasıyla p<0.001, p<0.001, p=0.023 ve p=0.017). Sonuç: Diyabete bağlı komplikasyonların veya progresyonunun, morbidite ve mortalitenin önlenmesi için hastaların belli aralıklarla düzenli takibi hem HbA1c deki değişikliklerin önceden farkedilmesini ve glisemi kontrolünün bozulmadan erken tedavi müdahalelerinde bulunulmasını hem de kontrol edilebilir risk faktörlerinin önlenmesi ve hasta eğitimi açısından olanak sağlar. Düzenli kontrole gelme diyete uyumu arttırıyor olabilir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Tip 2 Diyabetes Mellitus, Diyabete Bağlı Komplikasyonlar, HbA1c, TakipIn our study, we aimed to investigate the relationship between laboratory tests, such as glycemic control, lipid profile, complete blood count, renal function tests, urine albumin-creatinine ratios, antropometric measurement, such as body weight, body mass index, circumference of waist, the development and progression of complications related to diabetes and diabetes education, periodic clinical follow-up and timely interventions in patients diagnosed with diabetes. Methods: Patients, over 18 years old, admitted to Necmettin Erbakan University, Meram Medical Faculty Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases Outpatient Clinic, who have been followed up regularly and who do not have regular follow-up, were enrolled to the study. Results: The patients included in the study were divided into two groups as regular and irregular follow-up. A total of 222 (61.4%) patients had regular follow-up, while 139 (38.6%) patients were irregular. The groups were similar in terms of age, gender distribution, systolic and diastolic blood pressure measurement. The mean duration of diabet of patients with irregular follow-up was higher than the regular ones (11.6±7.5 vs 8.3±7.1, p<0.001). The mean BMI was 32.4 ± 6.4 kg / m2 of patients with irregular follow-up in diabetes and the other group was 31.3 ± 5 kg / m2 (p = 0.14). The mean weight of the group was 87 ± 16 kg with irregüler follow-up and the other group was 82.2 ± 11.9 kg (p = 0.003). While there was no difference between the two groups in terms of hip circumference, waist circumference was higher in the irregular group (105.4 ± 15.7 vs 100.7 ± 13.7, p = 0.005). While there was no difference between the groups of smoking and exercise rates, the ratio of those who applied medical nutrition therapy was found to be higher in the group following regular (36.5% vs 18.7%, p <0.001). When the groups were compared in terms of comorbid diseases and diabetic complications, there was a higher rate of coronary artery disease, diabetic kidney disease, diabetic neuropathy and diabetic foot in the irregüler follow-up group (p = 0.002, p = 0.001, p = 0.001, p = 0.002, respectively). There was no difference between the groups in terms of the incidence of hypertension, peripheral artery disease, cerebrovascular disease, diabetic retinopathy, hypoglycemia and urinary tract infection. When the study groups were compared according to the laboratory parameters, the mean of fasting plasma glucose, HbA1C, triglyceride and microalbumin / creatinine ratio in spot urine were found to be significantly higher in the patients who were in irregular follow-up (p <0.001, p <0.001, p = 0.023 and p = 0.017, respectively). Conclusion: Regular follow-up of patients provide prevention of diabetes-related complications or progression, morbidity and mortality. It allows for the early recognition of changes in HbA1c and early treatment interventions without impairing glycemia control, as well as preventing controllable risk factors. Regular follow-up also provides for patient education. Regular follow-up may increase compliance with diet. Keywords:Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Diabetic Complications, HbA1c, Follow-u

    Interest reaction function of the central bank: The case of Czech Republic

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    İstanbul Bilim Üniversitesi, Sağlık Hizmetleri Meslek Yüksekokulu.Central banks will either increase or decrease interest rates, or resort to leave them fixed while making adjustments on interest rates. For this reason, in general, central banks examine different strategies of monetary politics and employ distinct interest reaction functions. The aim of this study is to examine different reaction functions explicating the movement of interest rates for Czech Republic. For this aim, the impacts of inflation gap and production gap on possibilities for materialization of the abovementioned movements of interest rates analyzed by multinomial probit models. According to the attained findings, while the lag of interest rates and inflation gap play an efficient role both on increasing and decreasing interest rates, production gap plays an efficient role only on increasing interest rates. Besides, it is possible to say that the lag of interest rate and inflation gap have further effect than of production gap. As a result, it can be said that reaction functions, which deal with inflation gap, production gap and the lag of interest rates for monetary politicians of Czech Republic, will be a good and simple guide

    An econometric analysis of Engel’s curve: Household food and clothing consumption in Turkey

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    İstanbul Bilim Üniversitesi, Sağlık Hizmetleri Meslek Yüksekokulu.This paper estimates models of Engel curves for two household commodities, namely food and clothing in Turkey using LAD, M and LTS regressions beside OLS. Obtain results indicate that income elasticities of both food and clothing expenditures are smaller than one, in other words both food expenditure and clothing expenditure are compulsory ex-penditures. In the light of the obtained information, it can be said that tax applications on compulsory expenditures that mean vital needs shall be in a way that will impact the low in-come groups less

    A microeconometric analysis of household consumption expenditure determinants for both rural and urban areas in Turkey

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    İstanbul Bilim Üniversitesi, Sağlık Hizmetleri Meslek Yüksekokulu.This paper investigates the determinants of household consumption expenditure in Turkey. It also estimates the models for both rural and urban areas separately to examine the regional gaps for the entire distribution of consumption expenditure. Quantile regression is used to examine the correlates of consumption at different point on the distribution for both rural and urban areas. The findings show that the age increases the consumption expenditures in general and urban estimations, while it decreases the consumption expenditures in the rural estimations. In rural estimates, only age, income, marital status, insurance and the size of the household are obtained significantly. In the estimates through all observations regardless of rural-urban distinction, the lower value of consumption expenditures of men than the consumption expenditures of women are rather close to the values obtained for the same variables in the urban estimates

    An empirical analysis of the determinants of household poverty in Turkey

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    İstanbul Bilim Üniversitesi, Sağlık Hizmetleri Meslek Yüksekokulu.This paper investigates the determinants of household poverty in Turkey using ordered logit model. It also focuses on parallel regression hypothesis and uses generalized ordered logit model. In this study, the data has been obtained from Household Budget Survey in 2009 and poverty levels have been categorized in order to determine the factors affecting different levels of poverty. The findings show that middle class has approached poor classes and the gap between the rich and the middle class has widened

    Comparing the efficacy of regorafenib and 5-fluorouracil-based rechallenge chemotherapy in the third-line treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer

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    Abstract Background The optimal treatment for metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) after the second line is still controversial. Regorafenib has been the standard of care in this setting as it improved overall survival (OS) compared to placebo. In real-world practice chemotherapy rechallenge is also a preferred option even though supporting evidence is not enough. We aim to compare the efficacy of regorafenib and 5-fluorouracil-based (5-FU) rechallenge treatment in the third line setting of mCRC. Methods In this retrospective multi-institutional trial, mCRC patients from 21 oncology centers who progressed after 2 lines of chemotherapy were analyzed. Patients who were treated with regorafenib or rechallenge therapy in the third-line setting were eligible. Rechallenge chemotherapy was identified as the re-use of the 5-FU based regimen which was administered in one of the previous treatment lines. OS, disease control rate (DCR), progression free survival (PFS) and toxicity were analyzed. Results Three hundred ninety-four mCRC patients were included in the study. 128 (32.5%) were in the rechallenge, and 266 (67.5%) were in the regorafenib group. Median PFS was 5.82 months in rechallenge and 4 months in regorafenib arms (hazard ratio:1.45,95% CI, p = 0.167). DCR was higher in the rechallenge group than regorafenib (77% vs 49.5%, respectively, p =  < 0.001). Median OS after the third-line treatment was 11.99 (95% CI, 9.49–14.49) and 8.08 months (95% CI, 6.88–9.29) for rechallenge and regorafenib groups, respectively (hazard ratio:1.51, 95% CI, p < 0.001). More adverse effects and discontinuation were seen with regorafenib treatment. Conclusion Our study revealed that higher disease control and OS rates were achieved with rechallenge treatment compared to regorafenib, especially in patients who achieved disease control in one of the first two lines of therapy