173 research outputs found

    Pancar Hasat Makinası Ayar Tamburunun Değişikilerleme Hızlarında Pancar Tepesinden Dü ş me Sürelerinin incelenmesi

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    Bu çal ışmada, bir tahrik tekeri taraf ı ndan hareketlendirilen t ı rt ı ll ı ayar tamburunun 30-110 mm pancar yüksekliklerinde, 0.39; 0.68; 0.975 ve 1.7 m/s ilerleme h ı zları ile 175 N ve 235 N tambur dü şey kuvvetlerindeki dü şme süreleri say ı sal olarak elde edilmiştir. Düş me süreleri 0.050 s ile 0.375 s aras ı nda değ işim göstermektedir. Küçük pancar tepe yükseklikleri, yüksek ilerleme h ı z ı ve büyük tambur dü şey kuvvetinde düşme süreleri küçük olmu ştur. Tamburun dü şme an ı ndaki yatay yolu ise 60-220 mm aras ı nda değ işim göstermi ş , yüksek h ı zlarda ve küçük tambur düşey kuvvetinde yüksek değerine ulaş m ışt ı r

    Assessment of the Prevalence of Pulp Stones in a Sample of Turkish Central Anatolian Population

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    Objective. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of pulp stones (PS) in a Turkish dental patient population with respect to sexes and dental localization in relation between sex and this anomaly. Materials Methods. A retrospective study was performed using bitewing radiographs of 814 patients ranging in age from 15 to 65. All data (age, sex, and location) was obtained from the files. These patients were analyzed for pulp stones. Descriptive characteristics of sexes, jaws, and dental localization were recorded. The Pearson chi-squared test was used. Results. Of the patients, 462 (56.8%) were female and 352 (43.2%) were male. Sixty (12%) had one or more teeth that contained pulp stones. Pulp stones were identified in 518 (63.6%) of the subjects and in 2391 (27.8%) of the teeth examined. Pulp stone occurrence was significantly more common in the females than in males. With the increasing of age, the prevalence of pulp stones increased. Molars had statistically more pulp stones than premolars. Pulp stones were significantly more common in the maxilla compared with mandible. Conclusion. Prevalence of pulp stones in Turkish population was 27.8% but further larger-scale studies are required to assess its prevalence in the general population to compare it with other ethnic groups

    Zeytinin Olea europaea L.cv. Memecik Sürtünme Katsayılarının Belirlenmesi

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    Bu çal ışmada, İ zmir yöresinde yetiştirilen Memecik zeytinin, çeşitli sürtünme yüzeyleri üzerindeki sürtünme katsay ı ları belirlenmi ştir. Sürtünme katsay ı s ı değ erlerini belirlemek amac ı yla bir biçme düzeni geli ştirilmiştir. Ölçme düzeni, zeytinlerin içine konuldu ğ u kutu, sürtünme yüzeyi ve kuvvet alg ı lama düzeninden olu şmuştur. Sürtünme yüzeyi olarak lastik, kontrplak, galvanize sac ve krom çelik sac kullan ı lm ışt ı r. Denemelerde normal kuvvet, 23.1, 28.1 ve 33.1 N olarak seçilmi ş ve sistemde oluşan sürtünme kuvvetleri sürekli olarak veri i şleme sistemine kaydedilmiştir. Deneme sonuçlar ı na göre statik ve dinamik sürtünme katsay ı s ı üzerine normal kuvvetin etkisi önemsiz, sürtünme yüzeyinin etkisi ise önemli bulunmu ştur

    A future whose roots lean in the past “yahya kemal”

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    Yahya Kemal, who used the rules and principles of the old poetry, is one of the most important representatives of Turkish poetry and he placed the metaphor of Divan literature in his verses. However, it is not wise to accept Yahya Kemal as the representative of old poetry since he was stuck between the old and the new poetry. Based on his poems, a poetic evaluation about him is the idea that he is a “bridge between the old and the new poetry” and it is accepted by all the researchers. In this study, according to his own poems and the other works, Yahya Kemal’s poetic thought about the old and the new poetry will be put forth

    A Quantitative and Qualitative Assessment of Turkey's Water Resources Potential

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    One of the most basic human needs is water, which is also needed to create all the nutrients required for nutrition. For this reason, water is the basic element of life. While the presence of underground mines and oil is an indicator of the wealth of a country, the existence of water resources is now considered a part of this group. A hundred years ago, the existing water availability in a country was a direct indicator of the water wealth of that country. However, as a result of the increase in industrialization and the rapid pollution of water resources, it has become a necessity to evaluate water not only in terms of quantity but also in terms of quality. Because the unit water value of a source is related to the number of different purposes that source can be used for, the more varied a water resource’s application, the more valuable it is. Sometimes one unit of very clean water is more valuable than a hundred units of dirty water. For this reason, the value of a country's water resources should be evaluated not only in terms of quantity but also in terms of quality. In this study, the total surface water as rivers and lakes and groundwater of Turkey were examined in terms of quantity and quality on a basin basis, and assessments were made about the basin water potentials. While the amount of water in 25 water basins in Turkey does not show a significant change over time, a serious changing draws attention in terms of quality, especially in the last 50 years. The change in the amount of water in the basin primarily manifests itself in the form of a decrease in the water levels of rivers, lakes and groundwater. This process arises due to the effects of global warming and climate change, which is a global problem that concerns the whole world. However, pollution in water resources and making the water resource unusable are all related to the fact that the regulations on the protection of water are not adequately implemented and people do not act consciously. In other words, although quantitative reduction is a global problem, the quality problem is related to the polluting factors in the region of that resource. In a country with a very high population growth rate, the decrease in the per capita water potential and the rapid increase in the pollution in the existing resources leads to a steady decline in the availability of usable water resources. In this study, attention was drawn to point and diffuse pollution on the basis of water presence and water source on the basis of basin, and an evaluation of Turkey's water resources in terms of quantity and quality was made

    Şekerpancarının Bazı Agroteknik Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesinde Kullanılabilecek Bir Sensör Geliştirilmesi

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    Bu çal ışmada, şekerpancarı hasad ı öncesinde pancar s ı ras ı na ait baz ı verileri elde edebilecek bir sensör geliştirmesi amaçlanm ışt ı r. Bunu gerçekleştirmek için, toprak kanal ı nda yapay bir pancar s ı ras ı oluşturulmuştur. Geliştirilen ahşap sensör ile düşük h ı zda ölçümler yap ı lm ış , indüktif bir yol ölçerle elde edilen veriler bir data i şleme sistemi yard ı m ı yla bilgisayara kaydedilmi ştir. Microsoft Excel dosyas ı olarak saklanan verilerin zamana ba ğ l ı olarak elde edilen grafik görüntüleri, pancar s ı ras ı n ı n profilini oluşturmada kullan ı lm ışt ı r

    Yuvaya Ekim Makinalarında Kullanılabilen Farklı Yuva Açıcı Uçların Penetrasyon Kuvvetlerinin Belirlenmesi

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    Yuvaya ekim sistemi toprak işlemeli ve toprak işlemesiz koşullar için tohumlar ı n toprağa en uygun şekilde b ı rak ı lmas ı n ı sağlayan bir tekniktir. Bu teknik geleneksel ekim sistemlerine göre daha yüksek, daha h ı zl ı ve daha uniform bir tohum ç ı kışı ve çimlenme sağlamaktad ı r. Ayrica tohum ile toprak aras ı nda iyi bir temas oluş makta ve tohumlar üniform derinlik ve s ı ra üzeri mesafelerde topra ğ a b ı rak ı lmaktad ı r. Bu koşullara ancak tohumlar ı toprakta aç ı lan yuvalara tek tek b ı rak ı lmas ı yla ulaşı lmaktad ı r. Bu yöntemle toprakta daha derine b ı rak ı lan tohumlar, toprak yüzeyinde olu şacak nem kayb ı , ekstrem s ı cakl ı k değ işimleri ve tuz birikimi gibi olumsuzluklardan etkilenmeyecektir. Yuvaya ekim makinalan üzerindeki ekici tekerlek üzerine yerle ştirilen farkl ı şekillerdeki yuva aç ı c ı uçlar ile toprakta tohumlar için uygun şekilli yuvalar aç ı lmaktad ı r. Bu çal ışmada, yuvaya ekim makinalar ı nda kullan ı lan dört farkl ı şekil ve ölçüdeki yuva açlci uç için penetrasyon kuvvetleri belirlenmi ştir. Tarla ko şulları n ı n simüle edildiği laboratuvar ortam ı nda yürütülen denemelerde yuva aç ı c ı uçları n şekillerine ve toprak hacim a ğı rl ığı değerlerine göre toprak penetrasyon kuvvetlerinin de'ğ işimi incelenmi ştir. Denemler sonucunda, projeksiyon alan ı en küçük olan yuva aç ı c ı ucun en düşük penetrasyon kuvvetini oluşturduğ u saptanmışt ı r. Ayr ı ca, toprak hacim a ğı rl ığı ndaki art ışla birlikte penetrasyon kuvvetinin de artt ığı belirlenmiştir

    Comparison of primary care prescriptions for old and very old hypertensive patients

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    Background/aim: Elderly and very elderly individuals might be subject to different approaches for the treatment of hypertension. We aimed to compare drug utilization in hypertensive old patients and very old patients in primary care, along with the evaluation of potentially inappropriate drug prescribing. Materials and methods: In this cross-sectional study, we compared prescriptions of 65-79-year-old (old patient prescriptions [OPP], n = 433,988) vs. >= 80-year-old (very old patient prescriptions [VOPP], n = 134,079) with "essential hypertension" diagnosis, issued by 3:1 systematically-sampled primary care physicians (n = 1431) in Istanbul throughout 2016. Drug utilization patterns and distribution of antihypertensives based on drug class and combination status were evaluated. Frequency of potentially inappropriate drugs per Beers Criteria were identified and compared. Results: Antihypertensive monotherapy practice was less common in OPP than VOPP (43.3% vs. 45.3%; p < 0.001). In both groups, the most commonly prescribed drugs were beta-blockers for monotherapy (37.4% vs. 33.1%, p < 0.001) and thiazide diuretics for combined therapy (69.8% vs. 67.4%, p < 0.001). Metoprolol was the most commonly prescribed antihypertensive both in OPP and VOPP (15.3% vs. 14.8%). Furosemide was ranked 10th in OPP and 3rd in VOPP (2.7% vs. 5.5%). Cardiovascular system drugs were the most commonly encountered potentially inappropriate medications in both groups (263.9 vs. 283.4 per 10,000 prescriptions, p = 0.004). Regarding antihypertensive drugs, 2.2% of those in OPP and 2.4% of those in VOPP were identified as potentially inappropriate (p = 0.002). Conclusion: Prescribing preferences to old and very old patients mostly showed slight differences. Almost half of prescriptions comprising antihypertensive monotherapy might imply hesitancy to prescribe combinations. Overuse of risky drugs such as furosemide in both groups, especially in the very elderly, requires more attention

    Investigation of Biliary Canal Variations as a Cause of Stone Formation in the Choledochal Canal

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    The present study aimed to investigate if there is an association between the diameter of the choledochal duct and choledochal duct stone formation. The present study consisted of 79 patients who had endoscopic interventions and MRCP procedure with surgery history. Some followed due to disorders of the liver, gall bladder, and biliary tract and some of whom presented hepatobiliary complaints between 2017 and 2019. The choledochal duct diameter measured from MRCP images and choledochal duct stone had examined; the type classified according to Huang classification. Among the cases classified, 29 patients, was Huang Type A1, 27 patients were Huang Type A2, 16 patients were Huang Type A3, and seven patients were Huang Type A4. There was not any statistically significant association in terms of choledochal diameter regarding the types. Choledochal duct diameter was statistically higher in female patients than male patients (p&lt;0.05). According to the age group, a statistically significant difference detected for choledochal duct stone formation; individuals over 45 years of age present an increase for choledochal duct stone (p&lt;0.05). The choledochal duct diameter was found higher in female patients compared with male patients; stone formation has found increased in both gender over 45 years of age. It should consider before surgical procedures and radiological tests

    Utilization of injectable drugs for communicable and non-communicable diseases in primary healthcare: A retrospective study in Turkey

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    Objective: Primary care, which is often the first level of contact for patients with various communicable diseases (CDs) and noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), might exhibit patterns of injectable drug utilization different from hospitals. We aimed to examine injection prescribing to adults with CD or NCD in primary care. Methods: In this retrospective study, single- diagnosis injectable drug-containing prescription data from Family Medicine Information System comprising 32 provinces of Turkey were analysed. The prescriptions were grouped by diagnosis as "CD" (n=3848) and "NCD" (n=9338). Injectable drug utilization patterns in these groups were analysed by demographics, diagnoses, and drug subgroups. Results: Out of 13186 prescriptions, 70.8% were issued for NCDs. NCD prescriptions were mostly generated for women and elderly (p<0.05 for both). About 63.3% (n=2948) of injectable drugs in CD prescriptions were antibiotics and 12.6% were analgesics. Cefazolin (15.2%) was the most commonly prescribed antibiotic for acute pharyngitis and acute sinusitis, and benzathine benzylpenicillin (12.8%) was the top- choice for acute tonsillitis and rheumatic fever. In NCD prescriptions, 34.0% (n=4214) of injectable agents were analgesics and 16.9% were muscle relaxants. The most frequently encountered drug in NCD prescriptions was thiocolchicoside (16.3%), which was the top-choice in all seven common musculoskeletal diagnoses. Conclusion: Muscle relaxants and analgesics were the most commonly prescribed injectable drugs for NCDs, musculoskeletal diseases in particular. Antibiotics were frequently encountered in CD prescriptions, mostly as broad-spectrum for lower respiratory tract infections (RTIs) and narrow-spectrum for upper RTIs. These findings may elucidate the issues to especially focus on regarding excessive use of injections