6 research outputs found

    Evaluation of two cases with round pneumonia

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    Round pnömoni, akciğer grafisinde yuvarlak konsolidasyon şeklinde sıklıkla çocuklarda görülen bir pnömonidir. Radyolojik olarak pulmoner kitle ile karışması nedeni ile önem teşkil etmektedir. Klinik ve laboratuar bulguları round pnomoni ile uyumlu olan çocuklarda ayırıcı tanı için ileri tetkik edilmeden önce antibiyotik tedavisi sonrası klinik ve radyolojik bulguların tekrar değerlendirilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu sunumda öksürük ve ateş yüksekliği ile başvuran, akciğer grafisinde yuvarlak konsolidasyon saptanan ve tedavi ile kliniği gerileyen iki olgu sunulmuştur. Round pneumonia is a manifestation of pneumonia which seen particular to childhood and it appears as a rounded consolidation on chest x-ray. Radiologically, it is important because of interference with the pulmonary mass. Children whose clinical and laboratory findings are compatible with round pneumonia should be eveluated again after antibiotic treatment before further evaluation for differantial diagnosis. We presented two cases who admitted with cough, fever and round consolidation on chest x-ray and whose clinical and radiological findings regressed after treatment

    Serum motilin levels and motilin gene polymorphisms in children with functional constipation

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    BACKGROUND: Functional constipation is an important clinical problem among chidren all over the world. Its main cause is not completely understood. Motilin is a gastrointestinal hormone that increases intestinal motility. In this study, we aimed to investigate the serum motilin levels and its relationship with stool consistency and motilin gene polymorphisms in constipated children