5 research outputs found

    Ratlarda Maternal Obezite ve Taurin Suplementasyonunun Gebelik, Fetal Büyüme ve Gelişim Üzerine Etkileri

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    Bu araştırma, TÜBİTAK 1001-Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Araştırma Projelerini Destekleme Programı (115S538) ve Hacettepe Üniversitesi B.A.P Doktora Tez Projesi (TDK-2019-17813) ile desteklenmiştir.Kabasakal Çetin, A. The Effects of Maternal Obesity and Taurine Supplementation on Pregnancy, Fetal Growth and Development. Hacettepe University Graduate School of Health Sciences, Nutrition and Dietetics Program, Doctoral Thesis, Ankara, 2020. This study aimed to examine the effect of maternal obesity and taurine supplementation on birth weight, body weights during lactation, adult offspring’s plasma biochemical parameters, plasma free amino acid profile and whole genome microarray analysis in adult offspring’s livers. Three week old female Wistar rats were randomly divided into 4 groups at the end of one week adaptation period. Female Wistar rats were fed a control (CON: Control, chow diet, n=6) diet, CON supplemented with taurine (CONT: Chow diet and taurine supplementation, n=7), cafeteria diet (CAF:Cafeteria diet, n=7) and CAF supplemented with taurine (CAFT: Cafeteria diet and taurine supplementation, n=7). Animals were supplemented with %1.5 taurine (w/v) in their drinking water. After 8 weeks all animals were mated. Dams were maintained on the same diets during pregnancy and lactation. At the end of lactation, one male and female offspring from every dam was separated and all dams and remaining offspring were euthanized. One male and female offspring from every dam weaned onto a control diet until 20 weeks of age. Animals were culled and plasma and tissue samples were taken at the end of 20th week. Adult male and female offspring’s plasma free amino acid profile was determined using EZ:faast amino acid kit. Concentrations of biochemical parameters were measured in plasma samples using ELISA kits. Whole genome microarray analysis was performed on adult male and female offspring’s livers. Maternal diet and taurine supplementation had no effect on birth weights (p>0.05). Maternal diet and taurine supplementation affected body weights of offspring during lactation and both CAF and CAFT pups were leaner than CON and CONT pups (p0,05). Maternal diyet ve taurin suplementasyonunun yavruların vücut ağırlığı üzerindeki etkisi anlamlı bulunmuştur (p<0,001). CAF ve CAFT grubunda yer alan yavruların vücut ağırlığı ortalaması, CON ve CONT gruplarından daha düşük bulunmuştur (p<0,001). CAFT grubunda yer alan yetişkin yavruların plazma glikoz düzeyleri CONT grubunda yer alan yetişkin yavrulardan daha düşük bulunmuştur (p<0,05). CAF grubunda yer alan yetişkin yavruların plazma leptin düzeyleri CON grubunda yer alan yetişkin yavrulardan daha yüksek bulunmuştur (p<0,05). Maternal kafeterya diyeti ve taurin suplementasyonunun yetişkin erkek ratlarda hepatik Cd36 ve Cyp7a1 ekspresyonunda; yetişkin dişi ratlarda ise Acsm3 ve Aldh1b1 ekspresyonunda azalmaya yol açarak lipid metabolizması üzerinde olumlu etkilere yol açabileceği bulunmuştur. Sonuç olarak, maternal kafeterya diyeti ve taurin suplementasyonu yetişkin yavruların bazı biyokimyasal parametreleri ile hepatik gen ekspresyonunu etkilemektedir. Taurin amino asidinin fetal programlama üzerine etkilerinin değerlendirilebilmesi için daha fazla araştırmaya ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır

    Ratlarda Maternal Düşük Kaliteli Protein Diyetinin Gebeliğe Adaptasyon, Fetal Gelişim Ve Plazma Amino Asit Profili Üzerine Etkisi.

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    This study aimed to examine the effect of maternal low quality protein diet on maternal adaptation to pregnancy, fetal growth and maternal and fetal plasma free amino acid profile at weaning. Thirteen, 9-11-week old virgin female Wistar rats mated and were randomly divided into two groups fed casein (C: 20% casein protein; n=6) and low quality protein diet (WG: 20% wheat gluten protein; n=7) ad libitum. Maternal food intake and body weight were recorded daily during pregnancy and lactation. All dams and 2 offspring from every dam were euthanized at the end of lactation. Blood and tissue samples were taken and organ weights (liver, brain, kidneys and heart) were recorded. Maternal and fetal plasma free amino acid profile were determined using Ez:faast amino acid kit by GC (gas chromatography). It was determined that weight gain and food intake was significantly lower in experimental group than control group at the third week of pregnancy (p0.05). Brain weights of male litters at weaning in WG were significantly lower (p<0.05). While free glutamine and lysine concentrations in plasma of WG litters were significantly lower, plasma free aspartic acid and glycyl-proline concentrations were significantly higher in group C (p<0.05). Consequently, maternal low quality protein diet had an important effect on plasma amino acid profile of dams and litters. Further comprehensive studies are required in order to assess long term metabolic and physiological effects of maternal low quality protein diet on fetal metabolism. This research was supported by TUBITAK 1002-Short Term R&D Funding Program.Bu çalışma maternal düşük kaliteli protein diyetinin gebeliğe adaptasyon, fetal gelişim ve laktasyon dönemi sonunda anne ve yavruların plazma serbest amino asit konsantrasyonu üzerine etkisinin değerlendirilmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. 9-11 haftalık 13 adet Wistar türü dişi rat randomize olarak iki gruba ayrılmıştır. Gebelik ve laktasyon süresince kazein grubu (n=6) %20 oranında kazein proteini içeren bir diyetle, buğday gluteni grubu (n=7) ise düşük kaliteli protein diyeti (%20 buğday gluteni proteini) ile ad libitum beslenmiştir. Gebelik ve laktasyon dönemi süresince hafta içi her gün maternal vücut ağırlığı ve yem tüketimi ölçülmüştür. Her batından randomize olarak 4 yavru ayrılmış ve diğer yavrulara ötanazi uygulanmıştır. Laktasyon dönemi sonunda tüm annelere ve her batından 2 yavruya ötanazi uygulanmış ve kan ve doku örnekleri (karaciğer, beyin, böbrekler ve kalp) alınmıştır. Maternal ve yavruya ait plazma serbest amino asit profili EZ: faast amino asit kiti kullanılarak gaz kromatografi cihazı ile belirlenmiştir. Gebeliğin son haftasında buğday gluteni grubunda (BG) yer alan ratların besin tüketiminin ve ağırlık kazanımının kazein grubundan (K) önemli düzeyde daha düşük olduğu bulunmuştur (p0.05). Laktasyon dönemi sonunda, BG grubunda yer alan erkek ratların beyin ağırlıklarının K grubundan istatistiksel olarak anlamlı düzeyde daha düşük olduğu gösterilmiştir (p<0.05). BG grubunda yer alan yavrulara ait plazma glutamin ve lizin konsantrasyonu K grubundan önemli düzeyde daha düşük, aspartik asit ve glisil-prolin konsantrasyonu ise daha yüksek bulunmuştur (p<0.05). Sonuç olarak, maternal düşük kaliteli protein diyeti hem maternal hem de yavruya ait plazma amino asit profilini etkilemektedir. Maternal düşük kaliteli protein diyetinin fetüs metabolizması üzerindeki uzun dönem metabolik ve fizyolojik etkilerinin değerlendirilebilmesi için daha fazla kapsamlı araştırmalara ihtiyaç vardır. Bu çalışma TÜBİTAK 1002 Hızlı Destek Programı tarafından desteklenmiştir

    Effects of maternal taurine supplementation on maternal dietary intake, plasma metabolites and fetal growth and development in cafeteria diet fed rats

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    Background Maternal obesity may disrupt the developmental process of the fetus during gestation in rats. Recent evidence suggests that taurine can exert protective role against detrimental influence of obesogenic diets. This study aimed to examine the effect of maternal cafeteria diet and/or taurine supplementation on maternal dietary intake, plasma metabolites, fetal growth and development. Methods Female Wistar rats were fed a control diet (CON), CON supplemented with 1.5% taurine in drinking water (CONT), cafeteria diet (CAF) or CAF supplemented with taurine (CAFT) from weaning. After 8 weeks all animals were mated and maintained on the same diets during pregnancy and lactation. Results Dietary intakes were significantly different between the groups. Both CAF and CAFT fed dams consumed less water in comparison to CON and CONT dams. Taurine supplementation only increased plasma taurine concentrations in CONT group. Maternal plasma adiponectin concentrations increased in CAF and CAFT fed dams compared to CON and CONT fed dams and there was no effect of taurine. Hyperleptinemia was observed in CAF fed dams but not in CAFT fed dams. Malondialdehyde was significantly increased only in CAF fed dams. Litter size, sex ratio and birth weight were similar between the groups. There was an increase in neonatal mortality in CONT group. Discussion This study showed that maternal taurine supplementation exerted modest protective effects on cafeteria diet induced maternal obesity. The increased neonatal mortality in CONT neonates indicates possible detrimental effects of taurine supplementation in the setting of normal pregnancy. Therefore, future studies should investigate the optimal dose of taurine supplementation and long term potential effects on the offspring