19 research outputs found

    Towards Lane-Keeping Electronic Stability Control for Road-Vehicles

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    The emerging new idea of lane-keeping electronic stability control is investigated. In a critical situation, such as entering a road curve at excessive speed, the optimal behavior may differ from the behavior of traditional ESC, for example, by prioritizing braking over steering response. The important question that naturally arises is if this has a significant effect on safety. The main contribution here is to give a method for some first quantitative measures of this. It is based on optimal control, applied to a double-track chassis model with wheel dynamics and high-fidelity tire-force modeling. The severity of accidents grows with the square of the kinetic energy for high velocities, so using kinetic energy as a measure will at least not overestimate the usefulness of the new safety system principle. The main result is that the safety gain is significant compared to traditional approaches based on yaw rotation, for several situations and different road-condition parameters

    A solanesyl-diphosphate synthase localizes in glycosomes of Trypanosoma cruzi

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    Fil: Ferella, Marcela. ANLIS Dr. C. G. MalbrĂĄn. Instituto Nacional de ParasitologĂ­a "Dr. M. Fatala ChabĂ©n" (INP); Argentina.Fil: Montalvetti, Andrea. University of Illinois. Department of Pathobiology; Estados Unidos.Fil: Rohloff, Peter. University of Illinois. Department of Pathobiology; Estados Unidos.Fil: Miranda, Kildare. University of Georgia. Center for Tropical and Emerging Global Diseases. Department of Cellular Biology; Estados Unidos.Fil: Fang, Jianmin. University of Georgia. Center for Tropical and Emerging Global Diseases. Department of Cellular Biology; Estados Unidos.Fil: Reina, Silvia. ANLIS Dr. C. G. MalbrĂĄn. Instituto Nacional de ParasitologĂ­a "Dr. M. Fatala ChabĂ©n" (INP); Argentina.Fil: Kawamukai, Makoto. University Matsue. Faculty of Life and Environmental Science. Department of Applied Bioscience and Biotechnology; JapĂłn.Fil: Bua, Jacqueline. ANLIS Dr. C. G. MalbrĂĄn. Instituto Nacional de ParasitologĂ­a "Dr. M. Fatala ChabĂ©n" (INP); Argentina.Fil: Nilsson, Daniel. Karolinska Institute. Center for Genomics and Bioinformatics; Suecia.Fil: Pravia, Carlos. ANLIS Dr. C. G. MalbrĂĄn. Instituto Nacional de ParasitologĂ­a "Dr. M. Fatala ChabĂ©n" (INP); Argentina.Fil: Katzin, Alejandro. Universidade de Sao Paulo. Instituto de Ciencias BiomĂ©dicas. Departamento de Parasitologia; Brasil.Fil: Casera, MarĂ­a B. Universidade de Sao Paulo. Instituto de Ciencias BiomĂ©dicas. Departamento de Parasitologia; Brasil.Fil: Áslund, Lena. Uppsala University. Department of Genetics and Pathology; Suecia.Fil: Andersson, Björn. Karolinska Institute. Center for Genomics and Bioinformatics; Suecia.Fil: Docampo, Roberto. University of Illinois. Department of Pathobiology; Estados Unidos.Fil: Bontempi, Esteban. ANLIS Dr. C. G. MalbrĂĄn. Instituto Nacional de ParasitologĂ­a "Dr. M. Fatala ChabĂ©n"; Argentina.We report the cloning of a Trypanosoma cruzi gene encoding a solanesyl-diphosphate synthase, TcSPPS. The amino acid sequence (molecular mass ∌ 39 kDa) is homologous to polyprenyl-diphosphate synthases from different organisms, showing the seven conserved motifs and the typical hydrophobic profile. TcSPPS preferred geranylgeranyl diphosphate as the allylic substrate. The final product, as determined by TLC, had nine isoprene units. This suggests that the parasite synthesizes mainly ubiquinone-9 (UQ-9), as described for Trypanosoma brucei and Leishmania major. In fact, that was the length of the ubiquinone extracted from epimastigotes, as determined by high-performance liquid chromatography. Expression of TcSPPS was able to complement an Escherichia coli ispB mutant. A punctuated pattern in the cytoplasm of the parasite was detected by immunofluorescence analysis with a specific polyclonal antibody against TcSPPS. An overlapping fluorescence pattern was observed using an antibody directed against the glycosomal marker pyruvate phosphate dikinase, suggesting that this step of the isoprenoid biosynthetic pathway is located in the glycosomes. Co-localization in glycosomes was confirmed by immunogold electron microscopy and subcellular fractionation. Because UQ has a central role in energy production and in reoxidation of reduction equivalents, TcSPPS is promising as a new chemotherapeutic target

    The Short Non-Coding Transcriptome of the Protozoan Parasite Trypanosoma cruzi

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    The pathway for RNA interference is widespread in metazoans and participates in numerous cellular tasks, from gene silencing to chromatin remodeling and protection against retrotransposition. The unicellular eukaryote Trypanosoma cruzi is missing the canonical RNAi pathway and is unable to induce RNAi-related processes. To further understand alternative RNA pathways operating in this organism, we have performed deep sequencing and genome-wide analyses of a size-fractioned cDNA library (16–61 nt) from the epimastigote life stage. Deep sequencing generated 582,243 short sequences of which 91% could be aligned with the genome sequence. About 95–98% of the aligned data (depending on the haplotype) corresponded to small RNAs derived from tRNAs, rRNAs, snRNAs and snoRNAs. The largest class consisted of tRNA-derived small RNAs which primarily originated from the 3â€Č end of tRNAs, followed by small RNAs derived from rRNA. The remaining sequences revealed the presence of 92 novel transcribed loci, of which 79 did not show homology to known RNA classes

    LĂ€rande inom Polismyndigheten som en effekt av arbetsrotation: intervjuer med "arbetsroterade" och deras chefer

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    Polismyndigheten har som organisation genomgÄtt stora förÀndringar. För att möta dessa förÀndringar startade Polismyndigheten i SkÄne 1997 ett arbetsrotationsprogram, vilket i kombination med andra kompetensutvecklings-ÄtgÀrder syftade till att skapa en lÀrande organisation. Tanken var att deltagarna i programmet skulle fÄ nya kunskaper och att de skulle sprida sin kunskap och kompetens inom organisationen. Syfte med uppsatsen Àr att genom en mÄlfri effekt-utvÀrdering studera vilka effekter som Arbetsrotations-programmet har inneburit för individen och för organisationen. För att besvara syftet har vi med en abduktiv ansats genomfört en kvalitativ empirisk undersökning med hjÀlp av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Vi har intervjuat sex deltagare och fyra berörda chefer. Vi har sedan försökt att tolka de effekter som framkommit av den empiriska undersökningen med hjÀlp av en tolkningsmodell i tre steg som vi hÀmtat frÄn Kvale (1997). Resultatet av undersökningen visar att Arbetsrotations-programmet i praktiken har fungerat som tvÄ olika program med tvÄ olika syften; ett kompetensutvecklande och ett personalvÄrdande syfte. Effekterna har framför allt blivit ett individuellt lÀrande och vad vi vill kalla för en nytÀndning för deltagarna. Det organisatoriska lÀrandet har dÀremot varit litet. En tÀnkbar förklaring till resultatet Àr att Arbetsrotations-programmets kompetensutvecklande syfte inte varit tydligt. Det har inte heller funnits gemensamma riktlinjer kring hantering av personal inom ramen för programmet och stödet till cheferna och deltagarna nÀr de ÄtervÀnt har inte varit tillrÀckligt

    Hur ser den pedagogiska processen ut för ett arbetsplatsombud?: En empirisk undersökning i en facklig organisation

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    Vi har i vÄrt uppsatsarbete valt att studera de fackligt engagerade arbetsplatsombudens vardag ur ett pedagogiskt perspektiv. DÄ vÄr frÄgestÀllning Àr av explorativ art ansÄg vi att en kvalitativ ansats var att föredra. Vi har genomfört ett antal semistrukturerade intervjuer med dels utbildningsansvariga vid tvÄ regionalavdelningar samt ett antal arbetsplatsombud. Vid genomförandet av intervjuerna Äkte vi ut pÄ arbetsplatserna för att underlÀtta för ombuden. Vi hade gjort en intervjuguide som vi skickade till de ombud som ville förbereda sig. För att underlÀtta vÄrt eget fortsatta arbete med intervjumaterialet spelade vi in alla intervjuerna pÄ en mp3 spelare. De omrÄden i ombudets arbete vi valde att fokusera pÄ var vad som motiverar individen. Vilken möjlighet som finns att kunna pÄverka nÄgot efter genomgÄngna utbildningar. Vi har Àven intresserat oss för olika lÀrprocesser samt metoder som kan kopplas till dessa teorier. Individens handlingsutrymme styrs dels av styrdokument men Àven ombudet och organisationen i förhÄllande till chefer och arbetskamrater. I den teoretiska delen, som vi har genomfört har vÄrt fokus riktats pÄ litteratur som kretsar kring de nyckelord vi har anvÀnt exempelvis: pÄverkan, lÀrande, kunskapsanvÀndning, handlingsutrymme. Vi har anstrÀngt oss för att komplettera den vanliga litteraturen med nÄgra vetenskapliga artiklar. VÄr avsikt har ocksÄ varit att anvÀnda primÀrkÀllor. Arbetsplatsombudens motivation och intresse har klart övertrÀffat de förvÀntningar vi hade innan arbetets början. Utbildningsinsatser fungerar som en drivkraft för vissa ombud dÄ man menar att möjligheterna att pÄverka ökar i takt med kunskaperna

    Personlig utveckling under polisutbildningen

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    Syftet med arbetet Àr att belysa de eventuella förÀndringar studenter pÄ polisutbildningen vid UmeÄ universitet genomgÄr. MÀnniskor, platser, behovet av att passa in och grupper pÄverkar oss hela livet och enligt vÄr mening har de flesta i vÄr umgÀngeskrets pÄ ett eller annat sÀtt förÀndrats sen dem kom in pÄ polisutbildningen. Vad anbelangar arbetets del om personlig utveckling Àr den avgrÀnsad till att endast undersöka den personliga utvecklingen hos polisstudenter vid UmeÄ Universitet, vi har ocksÄ bara riktat in oss pÄ studenter som gÄr i termin 4. I undersökningen har vi att anvÀnt av oss enkÀter bestÄende av 44 frÄgor som sedan slumpmÀssigt delats ut till 39 studenter. AngÄende de förÀndringar vi kunnat pÄvisa var vÄrt mÄl att sedan försöka koppla dem till olika teorier om grupper. DÄ vissa av dessa förÀndringar hade att göra med polisens kÄranda ville vi Àven belysa eventuella kopplingar till denna. UtifrÄn analysen sÄ har vi kunnat se sammanband med de teorier vi valt att fördjupa oss i. Stora delar av resultatet blev som vÀntat medan vissa svar var överraskande och inte alltid positiva

    Studying the influence of roll and pitch dynamics in optimal roadvehicle maneuvers

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    A comparative analysis shows how vehicle motion models of different complexity, capturing various characteristics, influence the solution when used in time-critical optimal maneuvering problems. Vehicle models with combinations of roll and pitch dynamics as well as load transfer are considered, ranging from a single-track model to a double-track model with roll and pitch dynamics combined with load transfer. The optimal maneuvers in a 90 ◩-turn and a double lane-change scenario are formulated as minimum-time optimization problems, and are solved using numerical optimization software. The results obtained with the different models show that variables potentially important for safety systems, such as the yaw rate, slip angle, and geometric path, are qualitatively the same. Moreover, the numeric differences are mostly within a few percent. The results also indicate that although input torques differ about 50–100 % for certain parts of the maneuver between the most and least complex model considered, the resulting vehicle motions obtained are similar, irrespective of the model. Our main conclusion is that this enables the use of low-order models when designing the onboard optimization-based safety systems of the future. 1

    An efficient pre-object collimator based on an x-ray lens

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    A multiprism lens (MPL) is a refractive x-ray lens with one-dimensional focusing properties. If used as a pre-object collimator in a scanning system for medical x-ray imaging, it reduces the divergence of the radiation and improves on photon economy compared to a slit collimator. Potential advantages include shorter acquisition times, a reduced tube loading, or improved resolution. We present the first images acquired with a MPL in a prototype for a scanning mammography system. The lens showed a gain of flux of 1.32 compared to a slit collimator at equal resolution, or a gain in resolution of 1.31–1.44 at equal flux. We expect the gain of flux in a clinical setup with an optimized MPL and a custom-made absorption filter to reach 1.67, or 1.45–1.54 gain in resolution.QC 20100713QC 20210105</p

    Observer model optimization of a spectral mammography system

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    Spectral imaging is a method in medical x-ray imaging to extract information about the object constituents by the material-specific energy dependence of x-ray attenuation. Contrast-enhanced spectral imaging has been thoroughly investigated, but unenhanced imaging may be more useful because it comes as a bonus to the conventional non-energy-resolved absorption image at screening; there is no additional radiation dose and no need for contrast medium. We have used a previously developed theoretical framework and system model that include quantum and anatomical noise to characterize the performance of a photon-counting spectral mammography system with two energy bins for unenhanced imaging. The theoretical framework was validated with synthesized images. Optimal combination of the energy-resolved images for detecting large unenhanced tumors corresponded closely, but not exactly, to minimization of the anatomical noise, which is commonly referred to as energy subtraction. In that case, an ideal-observer detectability index could be improved close to 50% compared to absorption imaging. Optimization with respect to the signal-to-quantum-noise ratio, commonly referred to as energy weighting, deteriorated detectability. For small microcalcifications or tumors on uniform backgrounds, however, energy subtraction was suboptimal whereas energy weighting provided a minute improvement. The performance was largely independent of beam quality, detector energy resolution, and bin count fraction. It is clear that inclusion of anatomical noise and imaging task in spectral optimization may yield completely different results than an analysis based solely on quantum noise.QC 20110111</p

    Energy resolution of a photon-counting silicon strip detector

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    A photon-counting silicon strip detector with two energy thresholds was investigated for spectral X-ray imaging in a mammography system. Preliminary studies already indicate clinical benefit of the detector, and the purpose of the present study is optimization with respect to energy resolution. Factors relevant for the energy response were measured, simulated, or gathered from previous studies, and used as input parameters to a cascaded detector model. Threshold scans over several X-ray spectra were used to calibrate threshold levels to energy, and to validate the model. The energy resolution of the detector assembly was assessed to range over ΔE/E=0.12–0.26 in the mammography region. Electronic noise dominated the peak broadening, followed by charge sharing between adjacent detector strips, and a channel-to-channel threshold spread. The energy resolution may be improved substantially if these effects are reduced to a minimum. Anti-coincidence logic mitigated double counting from charge sharing, but erased the energy resolution of all detected events, and optimization of the logic is desirable. Pile-up was found to be of minor importance at typical mammography rates.QC 20100714</p