146,322 research outputs found
Lagrangian perturbation theory for a superfluid immersed in an elastic neutron star crust
The inner crust of mature neutron stars, where an elastic lattice of
neutron-rich nuclei coexists with a neutron superfluid, impacts on a range of
astrophysical phenomena. The presence of the superfluid is key to our
understanding of pulsar glitches, and is expected to affect the thermal
conductivity and hence the evolution of the surface temperature. The coupling
between crust and superfluid must also be accounted for in studies of neutron
star dynamics, discussions of global oscillations and associated instabilities.
In this paper we develop Lagrangian perturbation theory for this problem,
paying attention to key issues like superfluid entrainment, potential vortex
pinning, dissipative mutual friction and the star's magnetic field. We also
discuss the nature of the core-crust interface. The results provide a
theoretical foundation for a range of interesting astrophysical applications.Comment: 13 pages, no figures, to appear in MNRA
Sealed Bid Auctions vs. Ascending Bid Auctions: An Experimental Study
This paper considers the sealed bid and ascending auction, which both identifies the minimum Walrasian equilibrium prices and where truthful preference revelation constitutes an equilibrium. Even though these auction formats share many theortical properties, there are behavioral aspects that are not easily captured. To explore this issue in more detail, this paper experimentally investigates what role the design of the auction format has for its outcome. The results suggest that the sealed bid mechanism performs weakly better in all of investigated measures (consistent reporting, efficiency etc.). In addition, we find that the performance of the ascending auction is increasing over time, whereas the sealed bid auction shows no such tendency.Auctions; Non-manipulability; Efficiency; Experiments
The Lund Model at Nonzero Impact Parameter
We extend the formulation of the longitudinal 1+1 dimensional Lund model to
nonzero impact parameter using the minimal area assumption. Complete formulae
for the string breaking probability and the momenta of the produced mesons are
derived using the string worldsheet Minkowskian helicoid geometry. For strings
stretched into the transverse dimension, we find probability distribution with
slope linear in m_T similar to the statistical models but without any
thermalization assumptions.Comment: 12 pages, 2 .eps figures, footnotes added, results unchanged, version
to be published in Phys.Lett.
Historical land-use information from culturally modified trees
In a global perspective, the human impact on forest ecosystems varies greatly in type, frequency and magnitude. Knowledge of the history of forest use is crucial for understanding the development of forests, which in turn helps to understand how societies react to forest development. Culturally modified trees (CMTs), recorded in the western U.S., northern Scandinavia and south-eastern Australia, are features that can be dated precisely, and they bear witness to unique events of human activity. CMTs are traces from historical uses of forest resources that reflect the activities of local communities and extend far back in time, and therefore offer information not usually available from other sources. In this thesis I argue that CMTs have high potential for assessing human activity and possibly human impacts on forest ecosystems, particularly those concerning local indigenous uses. Periods of increased activity in a certain area are reflected in peaks in the distribution of CMT dates. These also show the time period and speed of abandonment of a traditional forest use in a landscape. The possibility to learn about the people, their behaviour and activities in the forest are good, but their impact on ecosystems will always be difficult to assess when only CMT data are available. Therefore, it is important to learn as much as possible about traditional customs expressed in CMTs, in combination with oral and ethnological sources, and the role of CMTs in the traditional use of the forest. In this way it is possible to estimate what the density and distribution of CMTs in the landscape actually tells us about historical impact on the ecosystem. CMTs contradict the idea of “pristine” forests but symbolize the traditional view that people are part of nature rather than separate from it
Journal Staff
Utifrån en rad perspektiv är det angeläget att antagningssystemet och de instrument som används för urval till högre utbildning har legitimitet hos systemets avnämare. Den undersökning som redovisas har genomförts inom ramen för VALUTAprojektet (Validering av den högre utbildningens antagningssystem). Syftet är att belysa antagningssystemets konsekvenser ur ett avnämarperspektiv genom att undersöka hur olika grupper av högskolestudenter ser på högskoleprovets relevans som urvalsprov samt om de studerande använt sig av strategier, i form av upprepat provdeltagande och komplettering av gymnasiebetyg. Huvudresultaten visar, oberoende av utbildning, kön och social bakgrund, att det delprov som anses vara det mest relevanta är LÄS medan det minst relevanta delprovet är ORD. Vidare att de studerande genomfört och upprepat högskoleprovet samt kompletterat sina gymnasiebetyg, men att dessa strategier använts på olika sätt av olika studerandegrupper vilket är relaterat till utbildning, kön och social bakgrund
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