438 research outputs found

    Dysphagia in the Elderly and its Implications in the Administration of Oral Dosage Forms

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    Introduction: Dysphagia is defined as difficulty in swallowing and is more prevalent in advanced ages. To overcome this difficulty, the elderly resort to altering the physical form of the medication, resulting in consequences for themselves and for the therapy.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Definindo a camada de gestão operacional de cursos das plataformas de e-learning, com base numa ontologia de domínio

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    O presente artigo pretende descrever o processo que tem sido seguido no sentido da obtenção de um referencial para a camada de gestão on line dos processos de e learning. Tal camada deverá ser desenvolvida por forma a poder integrar se no todo que constiui uma qualquer plataforma de ensino/aprendizagem utilizando tecnologias de informação e comunicação, nomeadamente aquelas que assentam o seu funcionamento nos serviços da Internet. Esta integração será viabilizada a partir da utilização de de uma abordagem comum àquela que já se verifica, relativamente à especificação das restantes camadas, em particular no âmbito do projecto SCORM. Existem diversas abordagens capazes de permitir a obtenção destes objectivos, isto é, de permitirem a obtenção dos metadados necessários à completa caracterização da camada de gestão operacional de cursos em plataformas de e-Learning. Para levar a cabo este trabalho, recorremos à escrita de uma ontologia de domínio, aplicável a este caso concreto. Tal abordagem, para além de conjugar em si todas as caratecrísticas de formalismo e rigor desejáveis, permite ainda um entendimento muito fácil do modelo desenvolvido. Para além disso, a sua tradução para XML pode ser também obtida com um mínimo de esforço, possibilitando a divulgação do documento num formato de utilização universal na Web.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Specific IgE Anti-Ascaris in Brazilian Children and Adolescents

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    From an article published by our group by Medeiros et al, we discuss and review the literature on the role of serum specific anti-ascaris IgE in patients with respiratory allergies living in countries where helminthic infestations are common. Medeiros et al conducted a study using 101 patients aged 12 to 21 years with respiratory allergy. Median IgE level was 660 IU/mL. Serum specific anti-ascaris IgE was positive in 73% (74/101) of the individuals, but parasitological stool examination yielded positive results in only 33.7% (34/101). The correlation coefficient between serum total IgE level and serum specific anti-ascaris IgE was 0.52 (P < 0.001) and this effect occurred regardless of eosinophil count and of the presence of intestinal helminthic infection. In patients with respiratory allergy with very high serum total IgE levels, in whom the past or present history of parasitic infection is a possible explanation, the presence of serum specific anti-ascaris IgE was common and should be better evaluated in allergic patients from Ascaris lumbricoides endemic areas

    Genetic and virulence characterization of Toxoplasma gondii strains isolated from pigeons in Lisbon region

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    habitat with cats and humans, bands are observed in recreational areas such as urban parks, playgrounds and parks. The interaction between cats, birds and human population is quite evident favoring the fecal-oral transmission of T. gondii between the definitive host and intermediate hosts, in the urban cycle of the parasite. The results of the inoculation in vivo of the brain homogenates showed pigeon isolation rates (58.5%) significantly higher when compared with previous studies, including the preliminary study in 2006 that the isolation rate in mice was 39,1% (9/23) (Waap 2008) and another that was not achieved any isolation in mouse (Godoi 2010). The genotypic analysis revealed a majority of strains of type II, which is consistent with what has been described in Portugal, the rest of Europe and the USA (Ajzenberg 2005, Fazaeli 2000, Honoré 2000, Howe 1997, Waap 2008) . We also isolated strains of type III and type I. The identification of type III strains in animals have been reported by other authors, but the type I have been rarely found in animals has not been previously described in Portugal except in a preliminary study of our team at the 2008 (Waap 2008). The type I strains are usually associated with high virulence in laboratory mice, leading to death within days. This strain was identified by molecular biology and has not been isolated in vivo. The difficulty in isolation of strain may be related to the small number of cysts of the type I strains can develop, these type strains are considered low cystogenic. Genetic characterization of strains of T. gondii is far from its terminus, more sequences of different genes should be studied to help the understanding of the molecular epidemiology and genetic characterization of T. gondii, a relevant parasite for which these data are lacking. The combination of data from humans and animals, through the use of high resolution genetic characterization should improve our perceptive of T. gondii, which will be ultimately beneficial for the control of T. gondii transmission

    Beliefs, attitudes and expectations on how to translate medical and biomedical content: the perspective of the novice translator

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    In contrast to medical interpreting, there is much less information on translators’ beliefs about how to translate written medical content and how these beliefs differ from the translation preferences and expectations of health professionals. Investigating translators’ beliefs is nevertheless important if we want a more nuanced understanding of how translators’ choices are influenced by how they believe they should translate and what they believe health professionals expect from them. Adopting a sociological and philosophical approach to the study of expectations, this paper reports on the findings from a survey investigating novice translators’ beliefs about medical and biomedical translation from English to European Portuguese. The data suggests that translators’ beliefs about how they think they should translate do not coincide with their expectations about how readers believe they should translate. The research results represent a further step towards a fuller picture of the role of expectations about medical translation, as well as having implications for translators' training.Language Use in Past and Presen

    On the reception of biomedical translation: comparing and contrasting health professionals’ evaluation of translation options and expectations about the safe use of medical devices in Portuguese

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    Little is known about health professionals’ evaluation of translation options and expectations about communicating risks concerning the use of medical devices. Since translators’ decisions are (at least partially) based on what they believe readers expect from the translated product, investigating health professionals’ reception of translated medical texts is particularly useful. Adopting a cross-disciplinary approach to the study of translation norms, this article reports on a questionnaire involving 34 Portuguese health professionals who were asked to evaluate translated instructions for a medical device. This evaluation was followed by questions on the health professionals’ expectations. The results suggest that readers’ expectations about how translators should translate do not coincide with their evaluation of translation options. In other words, the findings point to a contradiction between what health professionals say translators should do when translating biomedical texts and what are their preferred translation options when evaluating translated excerpts. We believe these findings can contribute to the awareness of health professionals’ dominating discourses of faithfulness and fidelity towards the original in the translation of biomedical texts and their influence on perceptions of quality. These discourses, as the findings suggest, can have implications on how readers perceive how translators should translate.Descriptive and Comparative Linguistic

    Composição química do óleo essencial de 40 acessos de sacaca (Croton cajucara Benth) do banco de germoplasma da Embrapa Amazônia Ocidental.

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    A coleção de germoplasma de sacaca (Croton cajucara Benth.) da Embrapa Amazônia Ocidental teve início em 1997, com acessos coletados em 15 localidades da Região Norte, objetivando realizar o estudo de variabilidade entre elas, a conservação do germoplasma da espécie e selecionar genótipos superiores para a produção de biomassa (folhas) com maior potencial para a produção de óleo essencial rico em linalol. Dois morfotipos, definidos principalmente pela diferença na coloração das folhas, foram identificados na coleção e denominados sacaca branca e sacaca vermelha. Dentro das ações previstas nesta rede, está a avaliação da composição química dos óleos essenciais

    Exploring a two-way street: revisers’ and translators’ attitudes and expectations about each other in biomedical translation

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    Revisers’ practices, as well as translators’ decision-making are based on their attitudes towards and expectations about what the community expects from their work. It is relevant not only to understand what are the attitudes and expectations of revisers, but also to compare those attitudes and expectations with what translators believe revisers expect of them. Since such types of beliefs are still understudied from a descriptive-oriented perspective in particular in scientific-technical contexts, this chapter adopts survey methodology to report on the attitudes and expectations of professional revisers and translators in English to European Portuguese biomedical translation. It analyses data elicited from a questionnaire to 71 professionals, and identifies attitudes and expectations of revisers about the competence and working practices of translators, and translators’ attitudes and expectations about revisers, describing revision and translation process expectations or, in other words, how the translator is expected to perform his/her work according to the reviser, and vice versa. Results show that while revisers mainly express negative attitudes and expectations about translators, referring to superficial self-revision practices and lack of communication, translators believe that quality is subjective, and that revisers mostly introduce preferential changes in their revisions. These findings contribute to creating a fuller picture of the relationship between revisers and translators, and enable us to better understand the practices in place in professional biomedical revision and translationDescriptive and Comparative Linguistic
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