37 research outputs found

    Quina és l'evidència científica als programes de prevenció de lesió muscular?

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    Les lesions musculars són freqüents en molts tipus d’esport, si la càrrega biomecànica passa a ser superior a la tolerància del múscul. Això pot ocórrer tant si la càrrega biomecànica és massa alta com si la tolerància del múscul davant aquest augment de càrrega es redueix. La prevenció de les lesions musculars ha de centrar-se en la preparació dels atletes per a suportar la càrrega biomecànica que requereix el tipus específic d’esport. Els estudis han demostrat que els programes d’entrenament dirigits a l’esport específic i a la millora de la tolerància a la fatiga muscular redueixen la incidència de lesions en els isquiosurals. Un entrenament específic com proporcionen els “Nordic hamstring lowers" també ha demostrat reduir la incidència de lesions musculars en els isquiosurals. Millorar la funció lumbopèlvica als moviments d’alta velocitat també podria ser de gran importància. Igualment, una rehabilitació de qualitat després d’una lesió muscular, també podria reduir l’índex de re-lesions. En l’àmbit de la prevenció de les lesions musculars es requereixen més evidències de quines són les mesures òptimes de prevenció. Es precisa un major número d’estudis i d’investigacions sobre la prevenció de lesions en cada tipus d’esport

    ¿Cuál es la evidencia científica en los programas de prevención de la lesión muscular?

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    Las lesiones musculares son frecuentes en muchos tipos de deporte si la carga biomecánica pasa a ser superior a la tolerancia del músculo. Esto puede ocurrir tanto si la carga biomecánica es demasiado alta como si la tolerancia del músculo frente a este aumento de carga se reduce. La prevención de las lesiones musculares debería centrarse en la preparación de los atletas para soportar la carga biomecánica que requiere el tipo específico de deporte. Los estudios han demostrado que los programas de entrenamiento dirigidos al deporte específico y a la mejora en la tolerancia a la fatiga muscular reducen la incidencia de lesiones en isquiosurales. Un entrenamiento específico como proporcionan los "Nordic hamstring lowers" también ha demostrado reducir la incidencia de lesiones musculares en isquiosurales. Mejorar la función lumbo-pélvica en los movimientos de alta velocidad también podría ser de importancia. Igualmente, una rehabilitación de calidad tras la lesión muscular podría reducir el índice de re-lesiones. En el ámbito de la prevención de las lesiones musculares se requieren más evidencias de cuáles son las medidas óptimas de prevención. Se precisan un mayor número de estudios e investigaciones bien dirigidos sobre la prevención de lesiones en los diferentes tipos de deporte

    Endurskipulagning náms við sjúkraþjálfunarskor Háskóla Íslands

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenÁrið 1976 hófst kennsla í sjúkraþjálfun við Háskóla Íslands. Þó kennslan tæki nokkrum breytingum þegar árin liðu, var kennsluskráin lítið breytt. Á árunum 1994–1999 komu oft upp hugmyndir um að endurskipuleggja þyrfti námið, með það að markmiði að tengja betur saman einstaka þætti námsins, samþætta námskeið í stærri heildir og þar með takmarka fjölda lítilla og oft einangraðra námskeiða á ýmsum stigum námsins. Fyrsti vinnufundur kennara um endurskipulagningu námsins var haldinn í janúar árið 2000. Eftir það voru haldnir kennarafundir nær vikulega um einstaka málefni endurskipulagningarinnar ásamt stærri vinnufundum. Haustið 2002 hófst svo kennsla á fyrsta ári samkvæmt nýrri námsskrá. Þar sem um miklar breytingar og tilfærslur námskeiða milli ára var að ræða, var ákveðið að nemendur á öðru til fjórða ári lykju námi í gamla kerfinu

    Áhættuþættir meiðsla í knattspyrnu í tveimur efstu deildum karla á Íslandi

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenRisk factors for injuries in soccer in the two highest male divisions in Iceland The purpose of this study was to identify risk factors for football injuries using a multivariate model. Participants were 306 male football players from the two highest divisions in Iceland. Before the football season started, the following factors were examined: height, weight, body composition, flexibility, leg extension power, jump height, peak O2 uptake, joint stability and history of previous injury. Injuries and player exposure were recorded through the competitive season. The results showed that older players were at higher risk of injury in general (odds ratio [OR]=1.1 per year, p=0.05). For hamstring strains the significant risk factors were age (OR=1.4 [1 year], p<0.001) and previous hamstring strains (OR=11.6, p<0.001). For groin strains the predictor risk factors were previous groin strains (OR=7.3, p=0.001) and decreased range of motion in hip abduction (OR=0.9 [1°], p=0.05). Previous injury was also identified as risk factor for knee (OR=4.6) and ankle sprains (OR=5.3).Margar rannsóknir hafa verið framkvæmdar til að kanna tegund, staðsetningu og alvarleika meiðsla í knattspyrnu.1,3-5,7,8,10-12,16,18-20,25,27,30 Í mörgum rannsóknum hafa mögulegir innri og ytri áhættuþættir verið skoðaðir.1,3,4,9-14,16,18-20,27,30-32 Rannsóknir gefa til kynna að innri áhættuþættir svo sem hækkaður aldur30 og fyrri meiðsli11,12 virðast auka hættu á meiðslum. Sumar rannsóknir benda til að mekanískur óstöðugleiki í ökklum og hnjám, almennur slaki í liðböndum og starfrænn óstöðugleiki geti einnig leitt til meiðsla.1,30,32 Ytri áhættuþættir svo sem lítil þjálfun,9 lágt hlutfall milli æfinga og keppni,14 svo og hart og stamt undirlag1,29 virðast einnig geta aukið hættu á meiðslum. Skilningur á einstaklingsbundnum áhættuþáttum meiðsla er mikilvægur grunnur undir forvarnir. Í slíkum rannsóknum er mikilvægt að nota fjölþátta líkan til að skoða möguleg innbyrðis tengsl áhættuþátta. Markmið þessarar rannsóknar var að skoða tíðni, tegund, staðsetningu og alvarleika meiðsla í tveimur efstu deildum karla í knattspyrnu á Íslandi. Einnig að skoða hvort ákveðnir þættir (aldur, hæð, líkamssamsetning, liðleiki, sprengikraftur, stökkkraftur, hámarks súrefnisupptaka, óstöðugleiki í ökklum og hnjám, fyrri meiðsli og magn æfinga og leikja) gætu flokkast undir áhættuþætti meiðsla

    The effect of educational and prevention course for music students on subjective body awareness and attitude toward health and prevention

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    Efst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinnBakgrunnur: Rannsóknir hafa sýnt að allt að 87% tónlistarfólks finna fyrir stoðkerfiseinkennum. Því hefur aukin áhersla verið lögð á að kanna hvaða áhrif forvarnar- og fræðslunámskeið, hönnuð fyrir tónlistarfólk, geta haft á líkamsvitund og hugarfar þátttakenda gagnvart góðri heilsu. Markmið: Að kanna hvaða áhrif þátttaka í heilsueflandi námskeiði hefði á líkamsvitund tónlistarnemenda í Listaháskóla Íslands (LHÍ) og viðhorf þeirra til góðrar heilsu og forvarna. Aðferðir: Lýsandi, framskyggn samanburðarrannsókn. Þátt tóku 23 nemendur úr LHÍ. Þrettán nemendur tóku þátt námskeiðinu „Tónlistarleikfimi“ (námskeiðshópur, NH) og 10 nemendur fengu enga slíka kennslu (samanburðarhópur, SH). Þátttaka fólst í því að svara spurningalista, fyrir og eftir námskeiðið, sem kannaði meðal annars algengi þess að stunda reglulega hreyfingu, upphitun fyrir spilamennsku og forvarnir gegn álagsmeiðslum en einnig huglægt mat á líkamsvitund við tónlistarflutning við mismunandi aðstæður og athafnir daglegs lífs. Niðurstöður: Við upphaf rannsóknar sögðust 74% þátttakenda stunda reglulega hreyfingu og hélst það óbreytt á tímabilinu. Algengi þess að stunda upphitun fyrir spilamennsku jókst hjá NH eftir námskeiðið á meðan það lækkaði hjá SH og var marktækur munur á milli hópanna í lok rannsóknar (p=0,036). Víxlhrif fundust varðandi breytingar á huglægu mati þátttakenda á líkamsstöðu sinni við æfingar (p=0,026), því NH bætti sig marktækt á tímabilinu en SH ekki. Sama mynstur milli hópa skýrði marktæk víxlhrif varðandi breytingar á mati á eigin líkamsstöðu við daglegar athafnir (p=0,004). Ályktanir: Niðurstöðurnar benda til þess að tónlistarnemendur geti haft gagn af forvarnar- og fræðslunámskeiðum. Frekari rannsóknir eru nauðsynlegar til að meta áhrif slíkra námskeiða á nýgengi meiðsla hjá íslensku tónlistarfólki.Background: Studies show high cumulative prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders among musicians, both professional musicians and music students. Increased emphasis is therefore on studying the effectiveness of educational and prevention courses in music schools. Objectives: To investigate the effects of the participation of music students in a prevention and educational course, specially designed for music students, on body awareness and their attitude toward health and prevention strategies. Methods: A prospective descriptive comparative study. Twentythree music students participated in the study. Thirteen students in a prevention education group (PG), which participated in the course and ten students in a comparison group (CG). The participants answered a questionnaire, before and after the course, about the prevalence of regular physical activity, doing warm-up exercises prior to musical performance, engaging in healthpromoting activities and subjective body awareness during musical performance in different situations and during activities of daily living (ADL). Results: Over the study period the PG group increased, while the CG lessened, the amount of warming up prior to music performance. Thereby a statistically significant group difference was found after the course (p=0.036). Significant interactions were seen for group and subjective body awareness scores during practice (p=0.026) and during ADL (p=0.004) where the PG group had significantly higher scores after participating in the course. Conclusions: Participation in a prevention and educational course may be beneficial for music students due to improved subjective body awareness and attitude toward prevention strategies. More studies are needed to investigate the long term effect of such an intervention on the incidence of musicians’ injuries

    Pathogen inactivation in platelet concentrate storage : effects on quality and utilization

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    In transfusion medicine and blood banking, product quality and safety of patients are both essential. Blood transfusion is, in many instances, a lifesaving procedure; however, is not without risk. Blood products contain biological response modifiers (BRMs) that can induce febrile and allergic reactions and there is risk of donor/patient incompatibility, resulting in hemolytic transfusion reaction. Pathogen contamination of donor origin or due to collection and processing is another risk. The implementation of efficient viral screening has made blood transfusions safer, despite not addressing the risks from emerging pathogens or from bacterial contamination. For platelet concentrates (PCs) in particular, the standard storge conditions (room temperature) present an elevated risk of bacterial contamination and transfusion transmitted bacterial infection (TTBI) compared to other blood components, which are stored at subzero or refrigerated temperatures. Though the risk of TTBI can be minimized via the use of various screening assays, TTBI resulting in sepsis still occurs, with a high mortality rate. Therefore, methods have been developed to inactivate pathogens in blood products; such methods include photo or photochemical techniques, which influence the nucleic acids of pathogens and disable transcription. These methods have proven highly efficient in reducing the pathogenic load in blood products, namely PCs and plasma. As these methods have been approved through clinical trials and then implemented in routine use, indications of negative effects on blood products have emerged, specifically effects on platelet quality have been of concern. In response to the concern about reduced platelet quality, we investigated effect of pathogen inactivation (PI) with amotosalen and ultraviolet A (UVA) on the quality of stored platelets using a pool and split strategy and whole blood collected buffy coat (BC) platelet concentrates, with the aim of adding to the existing information. Multiple reports have suggested that micro RNA (miRNA) are important post transcription regulators in platelets, and there have been indications of altered miRNA profile due to pathogen inactivation (PI) methods. Therefore, we examined PI effects on 25 pre-selected miRNAs. Minimal influence was observed, with only 1 out of the 25 showing PI treatment-related down regulation. The release of BRMs from platelets into the storage media presents a potential risk of adverse events, as well as BRMs being indicators of platelet activation during storge. Monitoring the concentration of 36 proteins, we observed both reduction and increase of BRMs related to PI treatment. Additionally, PC utilization in national blood transfusion services (at the Blood Bank of Iceland) was analyzed pre- and post-PI implementation. We observed several PI treatment-related effects on both miRNA profiles and protein concentrations in the storage media, as well as elevated expression of markers of platelets storge lesion (PSL), though these effects did not translate to increased utilization or adverse events. We also observed increased product availability and more efficient stock management due to increased storge time, without an increase in outdated stock.Í blóðbankastarfsemi og við blóðinngjöf skipta gæði afurðar og öryggi sjúklings öllu máli. Í mörgum tilfellum er blóðinngjöf lífsbjargandi meðferð, en ekki laus við áhættu. Blóð inniheldur lífvirka þætti sem geta stuðlað að aukaverkunum eins og hækkun á líkamshita og ofnæmi, að auki er áhætta á blóðgjafa og blóðþega misræmi sem getur valdið niðurbroti á blóðfrumum. Sýking í blóðhluta sem getur átt uppruna frá blóðgjafa eða við vinnslu á blóðhlutanum er annar áhættuþáttur. Innleiðing veiru skimunar í blóðhlutum hefur aukið mikið á öryggi við blóðinngjöf, án þess þó koma í veg fyrir sýkingar vegna óþekktra sýkla eða bakteríu smits. Almennt er blóðflögu þykkni (BÞ) geymt á vöggu og við stofuhita sem eru kjöraðstæður fyrir vöxt baktería, og þess vegna er áhætta á slíku smiti margföld í tilfelli BÞ borið saman við aðra blóðhluta sem eru kældir eða frystir við geymslu. Hægt er að lágmarka áhættu á bakteríu mengun með margvíslegum skimunar aðferðum, en þrátt fyrir slíkar aðferðir eru tilfelli þar sem bakteríu mengað BÞ veldur alvarlegri blóðsýkingu með hárri tíðni dauðsfalla. Til að draga enn frekar úr og jafnvel koma alveg í veg fyrir bakteríu mengun i BÞ hafa verið þróaðar smit-hreinsunar (SH) aðferðir sem byggja ljósa eða ljósa og efnatækni sem hafa áhrif á kjarnsýrur í sýklum og koma í veg fyrir umritun. Þessar aðferðir hafa sannað sig í að draga úr magni sýkla í blóðhlutum, þá sérstaklega BÞ og blóðvökva. Á sama tíma og þessar aðferðir fengu samþykki byggt á klínískum tilraunum og voru innleiddar inn i almenna blóðbanka starfsemi, komu fram vísbendingar um neikvæð áhrif á gæði blóðhluta sérstaklega BÞ

    Experimental challenges with Renibacterium salmoninarum in Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus

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    Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus L. is an important species in Icelandic aquaculture and the most common wild salmonid in Iceland. A study on the course of infection with the bacterium Renibacterium salmoninarum was conducted using 3 different challenge methods in brackish and fresh water. Bacterial isolation, ELISA and PCR tests were used for detection of the bacterium in multiple organ samples. In an experiment, run for 34 wk in brackish water, infection was established by intraperitoneal injection with 5 × 106 colony forming units (CFU) fish-1. There were external and internal symptoms of bacterial kidney disease (BKD) and mortalities between 6 and 13 wk after injection. A cohabitation trial was run simultaneously and infection was well established after 4 wk, as demonstrated by the detection methods applied. Symptoms of BKD were not seen and all but 1 cohabitant survived. In a separate experiment, infection was established by pumping a fixed amount of water from a tank with fingerlings infected by intraperitoneal injection into tanks with naïve fish, in fresh or brackish water, for 6 wk. Fish in the inflow tanks were reared for an additional 3 wk. There were neither macroscopic symptoms nor mortalities. ELISA and PCR tests showed that infection started to take hold after 3 wk. The challenge trials demonstrated that Arctic charr is susceptible to R. salmoninarum. Cohabitation and inflow of water from tanks with infected fish provide useful models for further studies on R. salmoninarum infection acquired in a natural way in Arctic charr.The authors are indebted to Islands-bleikja at Grindavik (Samherji hf., Akureyri, Iceland) for providing the fish used in the study, to the staff at Sudurnes Science and Learning Centre for attendance to the experimental fish and to Sigurour Snorrason and Asthildur Erlingsdottir for constructive criticism on the manuscript. This work received grants from the AVS R&D Fund of Ministry of Fisheries and Agriculture in Iceland no. R 10 0093-10 and R 13 074-13.Peer Reviewe

    Snow drift challenges at Klettsháls mountain road pass in Iceland

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    Snow fences are usually used to control snowdrift problems on a relatively flat and open terrain. Snowdrift problems on mountain roads and passes are normally more challenging. The terrain is often more complex, winds can be stronger and other problems related to road construction have to be solved in joint action with snowdrift problems

    Effects of Sex and Fatigue on Biomechanical Measures During the Drop-Jump Task in Children

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    Background: Female athletes have a higher rate of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury than males from adolescence and into maturity, which is suggested to result from sex-specific changes in dynamic movement patterns with maturation. Few studies have studied movement strategies and response to fatigue in children. Purpose: To evaluate the effect of fatigue on biomechanical variables associated with increased risk for ACL injury during a drop-jump (DJ) performance in children. Study Design: Controlled laboratory study. Methods: A total of 116 children (mean age, 10.4 years) were recruited from local sports clubs and performed 5 repetitions of a DJ task before and after a fatigue protocol. Kinematic and kinetic data from initial contact (IC) to the first peak vertical ground reaction force (vGRF) were analyzed for both limbs, including limb and fatigue as within-subject factors for analyses between boys and girls. Pearson correlation coefficients were calculated to identify associations between variables of interest. Results: Girls demonstrated greater peak vGRF values than boys (by 8.1%; P < .05), there were greater peak vGRF values for the right limb than the left (by 6.2%; P < .001), and fatigue led to slightly greater values (P < .05). Although weak, the correlation between peak vGRF values and knee flexion excursion was stronger for girls (r = –0.20) than boys (r = –0.08) (P < .006). Fatigue resulted in greater knee flexion angles at IC and less excursion during landing, more so for girls (by 6.1° vs 1.4°; interaction, P < .001), although the knee flexion moment was generally lowered by fatigue (P < .001). Limb asymmetry in knee flexion moments was more pronounced for boys than for girls (interaction, P < .05), contrary to that seen in frontal plane knee moments, where asymmetry was much greater in girls than boys (interaction, P < .001). Conclusion: Even as young athletes, girls and boys seem to adopt dissimilar movement strategies and are differently affected by fatigue.This study was supported by grants from The Icelandic Research Fund (120410023) and the University of Iceland Research FundPeer Reviewe

    Musculoskeletal ultrasound imaging of proximal and distal hamstrings cross sectional area in individuals with history of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2022 The Author(s). Published with license by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.Background: Ultrasound (US) imaging is used by physical therapists for diagnosis and assessment of musculoskeletal injury and follow-up Purpose: The aim was to identify long-term effects of graft harvesting on hamstrings muscle mass among athletes who had undergone anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR). Methods: Twenty-eight participants (ages 18–55) were recruited: 18 with history of ACLR using semitendinosus (ST) autograft and 10 healthy controls. Images of the cross-sectional area (CSA) of ST and biceps femoris (BF) were captured at 30% and 70% of the distance from the ischial tuberosity to the popliteal crease. A mixed model ANOVA was used to identify inter-limb differences in the CSA of ST and BF at each location, for each group Results: Inter-limb differences were found for the CSA of ST but not BF across both locations for the ACLR group, not controls (p < .001). Within the ACLR group, ST atrophy of the injured limb was relatively greater at the distal vs. proximal location (p < .001). Conclusion: US imaging identified selective atrophy of ST on the injured side with no compensatory hypertrophy of BF. Specific rehabilitation may influence muscle mass of medial vs. lateral hamstrings muscle groups after ACLR using a ST graft, and monitored with US imaging.Peer reviewe