1,058 research outputs found

    Compendio de competencias para directivos escolares: Una propuesta teórico-práctica

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    In this paper we consider the use of competencies as a new and effective way to teach and measure professional development. This practice has been equally appreciated in business and in academia. The present article analyzes the concept of competencies as well as their types and levels. It concludes that the best way to categorize competencies is by taking into account three different domains. This is, taking into account the skills (“how to”), the interpersonal competence (the “living alongside others”) and the intrapersonal competence (the “being”). The present article proposes thirteen (13) competences to be practiced by school principles. Topics that are addressed include school management and vision, teaching, research, creativity, teamwork, conflict resolution, learning, decision making, time management, emotional inteEn este escrito consideramos el uso de las competencias como un nuevo modo de tratar la formación y la medición eficaz del desarrollo profesional, lo que ha sido apreciado de igual forma por al ámbito escolar. Se hace un análisis del concepto de competencia así como de sus tipos y niveles. Se concluye que la mejor clasificación es la que toma en consideración el desarrollo de los dominios en el “conocer y hacer” (competencias profesionales), en el “convivir” (competencias interpersonales) y en el “ser” (competencias intrapersonales). Se hace una propuesta de trece competencias para directivos escolares. Para el conocer y hacer: dirección educacional, visión de la educación, didáctica, investigación y creatividad. Para el convivir: comunicación orientadora, trabajo en equipo y gestión de conflictos. Y para el ser: aprendizaje, toma de decisiones, gestión del tiempo, equilibrio emocional y autocrítica. Finalmente, se ofrece una herramienta con la cual se puede iniciar un proceso de autodesarrollo en estas competencias

    A Phylogenetic Study of the ANT Family Points to a preANT Gene as the Ancestor of Basal and euANT Transcription Factors in Land Plants

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    Comparative genomics has revealed that members of early divergent lineages of land plants share a set of highly conserved transcription factors (TFs) with flowering plants. While gene copy numbers have expanded through time, it has been predicted that diversification, co-option, and reassembly of gene regulatory networks implicated in development are directly related to morphological innovations that led to more complex land plant bodies. Examples of key networks have been deeply studied in Arabidopsis thaliana, such as those involving the AINTEGUMENTA (ANT) gene family that encodes AP2-type TFs. These TFs play significant roles in plant development such as the maintenance of stem cell niches, the correct development of the embryo and the formation of lateral organs, as well as fatty acid metabolism. Previously, it has been hypothesized that the common ancestor of mosses and vascular plants encoded two ANT genes that later diversified in seed plants. However, algae and bryophyte sequences have been underrepresented from such phylogenetic analyses. To understand the evolution of ANT in a complete manner, we performed phylogenetic analyses of ANT protein sequences of representative species from across the Streptophyta clade, including algae, liverworts, and hornworts, previously unrepresented. Moreover, protein domain architecture, selection analyses, and regulatory cis elements prediction, allowed us to propose a scenario of how the evolution of ANT genes occurred. In this study we show that a duplication of a preANT-like gene in the ancestor of embryophytes may have given rise to the land plant-exclusive basalANT and euANT lineages. We hypothesize that the absence of euANT-type and basalANT-type sequences in algae, and its presence in extant land plant species, suggests that the divergence of pre-ANT into basal and eu-ANT clades in embryophytes may have influenced the conquest of land by plants, as ANT TFs play important roles in tolerance to desiccation and the establishment, maintenance, and development of complex multicellular structures which either became more complex or appeared in land plants

    ¿El Guardián Ciego de la Constitución? El Tribunal Constitucional Colombiano frente a las Políticas Distributivas. Un Problema de Teoría Constitucional, Democrática y de Interpretación Constitucional Democrática

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    The norms that discipline the State, regarding the conformation of its organs and powers, are considered fundamental norms and, therefore, for some legal theorists, they deserve a special constitutional interpretation carried out through the democratic judicial review. This special judicial review must be differentiated from the traditional one made by the classic methods of interpretation. Therefore, this text, through the case study of the judicial review of the norms that gave rise to the Regional Social Investment Budget in Colombia, will reflect on the democratic judicial review of a pluralist society and multiple interpreters. It will criticize the main elements of the ruling and explain the requirements that a truly democratic constitutional interpretation should have beyond that indicated by the magistrates who saved the vote.Las normas que disciplinan al Estado, sobre la conformación de sus órganos y poderes son consideradas normas fundamentales y, por tanto, para algunos teóricos del derecho, merecen una interpretación constitucional especial realizada a través de un control de constitucionalidad democrático. Este control de constitucionalidad especial, debe diferenciarse del tradicional que aplica los métodos clásicos de interpretación. Por lo anterior, el presente texto, a través del estudio de caso del control de constitucionalidad sobre las normas que dieron origen al Presupuesto de Inversión Social Regional en Colombia, reflexionará en torno al control de constitucionalidad democrático de una sociedad pluralista y de intérpretes múltiples. Criticará los principales elementos del fallo y explicará los requisitos que debería tener una verdadera interpretación constitucional democrática más allá de lo señalado por los magistrados que salvaron el voto

    Índices de calidad del agua subterránea para uso agrícola en el Soconusco, Chiapas, México

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    "In Soconusco, Chiapas, in spite of the high availability of surface water, it is resorting to the use of groundwater. Knowledge about the quality of surface or groundwater used to irrigate crops in that region is low. This paper aims to contribute to the knowledge of the quality of groundwater for agricultural use through the characterization of the spatial variability. Assuming a random spatial distribution of 45 samples which were collected in situ were determined: acidity and alkalinity (pH), electrical conductivity (EC), Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), cations and anions and trace elements; in addition to the agricultural index: Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR), Residual Sodium Carbonate (RSC), Soluble Sodium Percentage (SSP), Sodium Percentage (% Na), Kelly Ratio (KR), Magnesium Adsorption Ratio (MAR), Permeability Index (PI), Effective Salinity (ES), Salinity Potential (SP) and Osmotic Potential (OP). In general, SSP, % Na, KR, PI are low, there is only one anomalous point (9) with high values at W of the study area. Similarly, PS, ES, Cl, Na and SAR are low except point 16 and conversely, RSC and pH are high, except at this point located in the center of the study area. The results allow us to infer that the water in that aquifer presents no problems or sodicity toxic ions. In 27 sites sampled values above 250 µmhos/cm were found at 25°C, classified as medium to high risk of salinity, unsuitable for agricultural use. Analysis of the combined effect of the presence of sodium (SAR) and salinity (EC or TDS) shows that 27 of analyzing sites have restricted water medium at very high for use in irrigation.""En el Soconusco, Chiapas, a pesar de la alta disponibilidad de agua superficial, se recurre al uso del agua subterránea. El conocimiento de la calidad del agua superficial o subterránea utilizada para el riego de los cultivos en la región es bajo. Este trabajo contribuye al conocimiento de la calidad del agua subterránea para uso agrícola a través de la caracterización de su variabilidad espacial. Asumiendo una distribución espacial aleatoria, se colectaron 45 muestras, a las que se les determinó: acidez y alcalinidad (pH), conductividad eléctrica (CE), Sólidos Totales Disueltos (TDS), cationes y aniones y oligoelementos; además se determinaron índices agrícolas: Índice de adsorción de sodio (SAR), Carbonato de sodio residual (CSR), Porcentaje de sodio soluble (PSS), Porcentaje de sodio (% Na), Relación de Kelly (RK), Relación de Absorción de Magnesio (RAM), Índice de Permeabilidad (IP), Salinidad Efectiva (SE), Salinidad Potencial (SP) y Potencial Osmótico (OP). En general, el PSS, % Na, RK, IP son bajas, sólo hay un punto anómalo (9) con valores altos en la parte oeste del área de estudio. Del mismo modo, SP, SE, Cl, Na y el RAS son bajos, excepto en el punto 16 y en contraste, CSR y pH son altos, excepto en este punto ubicado en el centro del área de estudio. Los resultados nos permiten inferir que el agua en ese acuífero no presenta problemas de sodicidad y de tóxicos. En 27 sitios se encontraron valores superiores a 250 µm/cm a 25 ° C, clasificados como de riesgo medio a alto de salinidad, es decir inadecuados para uso agrícola. El análisis del efecto combinado de la presencia de sodio (RAS) y salinidad (CE o SDT) muestra que 27 de los sitios analizados presentan restricciones de medias a muy altas para su uso en riego.

    Modeling of groundwater flow and water use for San Luis Potosí Valley aquifer system

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    "Land use changes are currently one of the indisputable factors in the alteration of processes and cycles of the aquifer system in the San Luis Potosí Valley. Due to its importance, is considered indispensable to investigate this detrimental factor of aquifers. The aim of this research is to use a numerical flow model to analyze the impact that land use changes have had on the aquifer. A finite differences numerical model was adapted to the size and hydrological properties of the aquifer system. It consisted of a regular grid with 30 columns and 34 rows with constant spacing of 1000 meters. It has two layers; the first includes the shallow aquifer and the second, the deep aquifer. The initial hydraulic head of the model corresponds to 1986 and was verified for 1995 and 2007. The model shows the development of a drawdown cone (central valley) extending toward the industrial area (southern valley). Piezometric water levels revealed a decrease of 0.6 to 1.6 meters annually during a period from 1977 to 2007. This work demonstrates that it is the consequence of land use changes and of the incessant overall decline in groundwater reserves. Based on the flow model, population growth projections and water use change, the calculated predictions indicate that by 2021, the total established volume of 136 Mm3/year for consume will be reached. The flow model of the San Luis Potosí Valley aquifer system shows a clear effect of the risks associated with aquifer mining.

    Origen de la calidad del agua del acuífero colgado y su relación con los cambios de uso de suelo en el Valle de San Luis Potosí

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    "La historia de la ciudad San Luis Potosí se remonta al siglo XVI. Con el descubrimiento de yacimientos de oro y plata y la presencia de cuerpos de agua en el valle, fue fundada la ciudad San Luis Minas del Potosí, dando lugar a los dos primeros usos de suelo, urbano y minero. A partir del siglo XVII, el uso de suelo agrícola se desarrolló en huertos y fue relegado a la periferia de la zona urbana en el transcurso del tiempo. Finalmente el uso de suelo industrial surgió de manera importante en la segunda mitad del siglo XX. En la actualidad los tres usos de suelo existentes dentro del Valle de San Luis Potosí son el urbano, agrícola e industrial. A través de una campaña de muestreo hidrogeoquímico en octubre de 2008, con 44 muestras de norias y 3 de manantiales dentro del valle, se evaluaron parámetros físico-químicos, cationes, aniones y elementos traza. En los tres usos de suelo en la zona de estudio fueron detectados niveles importantes de nitratos, sulfatos, cloruros, conductividad eléctrica, coliformes totales y fecales; sin embargo, en la zona urbana existen anomalías puntuales de metales pesados principalmente de mercurio, bario, estroncio, cadmio, plomo, fósforo y plata, relacionadas a las antiguas actividades mineras y a la industria activa en la zona. Mientras que en la zona agrícola, la presencia de metales está asociada a los canales a cielo abierto que también reciben agua del Tanque Tenorio y éste a su vez de la zona industrial. En la zona industrial se detectaron grandes anomalías de tipo puntual en casi todos los metales pesados analizados; la principal fuente de estos contaminantes corresponden a un terreno industrial activo. Este trabajo está enfocado a evaluar el impacto que ha generado la actividad antropogénica sobre el acuífero colgado del Valle de San Luis Potosí desde inicios de la fundación de la ciudad hasta la actualidad, utilizando la calidad del agua como herramienta de análisis.""The history of San Luis Potosi City dates back to the sixteenth century. With the discovery of gold and silver deposits and the presence of water bodies in the valley, the city of San Luis Minas Potosí was founded, leading to the first two uses of land: urban and mining. From the seventeenth century, agricultural land developed in orchards and, over time, was relegated to the periphery of the urban area. Finally, industrial land use emerged significantly in the second half of the twentieth century. Currently the three existing land uses within the Valley of San Luis Potosi are urban, agricultural and industrial. Through a hydrogeochemical sampling campaign in October 2008 with 44 samples from wells and 3 from springs within the valley, we assessed physical and chemical parameters, cations, anions and trace elements. In the three land uses within the study area, we detected significant levels of nitrates, sulphates, chlorides, electrical conductivity, total and fecal coliforms; but in urban areas there are punctual anomalies of heavy metals, mainly mercury, barium, strontium, cadmium, lead, phosphorus and silver related to former mining and active industry in the area. However, in the agricultural zone, the presence of metals is associated with open channels, which also receive water from the Tanque Tenorio and this in turn from the industrial area. In the industrial area, puntual anomalies were detected in almost all heavy analyzed metals; the main source of these pollutants corresponds to an active industrial area. This work aims to evaluate the impact of anthropogenic activity in the perched aquifer of the Valley of San Luis Potosí since the city's foundation to the present, using water quality as an analytical tool.

    Insights into Growth Factors in Liver Carcinogenesis and Regeneration: An Ongoing Debate on Minimizing Cancer Recurrence after Liver Resection

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    This research was funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades (Project Grant RTI2018-095114-B-I00) Madrid, Spain; European Union (Fondos FEDER, "una manera de hacer Europa"); CERCA Program/Generalitat de Catalunya; the Secretaria d' Universitats I Recerca del Departament d' Economia I Coneixement (Project Grant 2017_SGR_551) Barcelona, Spain, by the COST action Programs CA17103 (DARTER), CA17112 (PRO-EURO-DILI-NET), CA17121 (COMULIS) and CA17126 (TUMIEE), and by the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia (CONACYT), Fondo Sectorial de Investigacion para la Educacion (Project grant 257743), Mexico. Marc Mico-Carnero is the recipient of a fellowship from FCT (Fundacio Catalana de Trasplantament), Spain.Hepatocellular carcinoma has become a leading cause of cancer-associated mortality throughout the world, and is of great concern. Currently used chemotherapeutic drugs in the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma lead to severe side effects, thus underscoring the need for further research to develop novel and safer therapies. Liver resection in cancer patients is routinely performed. After partial resection, liver regeneration is a perfectly calibrated response apparently sensed by the body’s required liver function. This process hinges on the effect of several growth factors, among other molecules. However, dysregulation of growth factor signals also leads to growth signaling autonomy and tumor progression, so control of growth factor expression may prevent tumor progression. This review describes the role of some of the main growth factors whose dysregulation promotes liver tumor progression, and are also key in regenerating the remaining liver following resection. We herein summarize and discuss studies focused on partial hepatectomy and liver carcinogenesis, referring to hepatocyte growth factor, insulin-like growth factor, and epidermal growth factor, as well as their suitability as targets in the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma. Finally, and given that drugs remain one of the mainstay treatment options in liver carcinogenesis, we have reviewed the current pharmacological approaches approved for clinical use or research targeting these factors.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades Madrid, Spain RTI2018-095114-B-I00European Union (Fondos FEDER, "una manera de hacer Europa")General ElectricSecretaria d' Universitats I Recerca del Departament d' Economia I Coneixement Barcelona, Spain 2017_SGR_551COST action Programs CA17103 CA17112 CA17121 CA17126Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia (CONACyT)Fondo Sectorial de Investigacion para la Educacion, Mexico 257743FCT (Fundacio Catalana de Trasplantament), Spai

    Linfoma de Burkitt abdominal

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    Burkitt's lymphoma is a type of uncommon non-Hodgkin lymphoma, affecting mainly children and adolescents. A white male teen, 12 years of age, presents with previous health record, epigastric pain, cramping of some days of length, which was increasing, unchanged coughing, sneezing or changes in position, irradiated to the right iliac fossa, without vomiting, fever or other symptoms. Imaging, endoscopic and histological studies were performed. He was diagnosed with a colon tumor, removed later on. Burkitt lymphoma is a rare entity that requires clinical observation and combining several imaging methods to come close to the suspected diagnosis, and represents a big challenge, so we alert pediatricians to suspect of abdominal pain and abdominal tumors.El linfoma de Burkitt es un tipo de linfoma no Hodgkin, infrecuente, que afecta principalmente a niños y adolescentes. Se presenta un adolescente masculino, blanco, de 12 años de edad y antecedentes de salud anterior, con un dolor en epigastrio, tipo cólico de pocos días de evolución, que fue incrementándose, sin modificaciones con la tos, estornudos o cambios de posición ni preferencia de horario, irradiado a fosa ilíaca derecha, sin vómitos, fiebre u otra sintomatología. Se realizan estudios imagenológicos, endoscópicos e histológicos, diagnosticándole un tumor de colon, es intervenido quirúrgicamente. El linfoma de Burkitt es una rara entidad que necesita de la clínica y la combinación de varios métodos de imagen para aproximarse a la sospecha diagnóstica y representa un gran desafío, por lo que alertamos a los pediatras a sospecharlo ante los dolores abdominales y tumoraciones de abdomen

    Pautas hacia un estilo de vida saludable

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    PublishedLa vida universitaria trae consigo diferentes cambios a nivel social, cultural, económico y psicológico; por lo tanto, mantener el equilibrio entre todas las dimensiones del ser humano engloba una serie de retos tanto para la comunidad en cuestión como para los entes reguladores, a esto le llamamos salud participativa y activa