63 research outputs found

    Image-space surface-related multiple prediction

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    A very important aspect of removing multiples from seismic data is accurate prediction of their kinematics. We cast the multiple prediction problem as an operation in the image space parallel to the conventional surface-related multiple-prediction methodology. Though developed in the image domain, the technique shares the data-driven strengths of data-domain surface-related multiple elimination (SRME) by being independent of the earth (velocity) model. Also, the data are used to predict the multiples exactly so that a Radon transform need not be designed to separate the two types of events. The cost of the prediction is approximately the same as that of data-space methods, though it can be computed during the course of migration. The additional cost is not significant compared to that incurred by shot-profile migration, though split-spread gathers must be used. Image-space multiple predictions are generated by autoconvolving the traces in each shot-gather at every depth level during the course of a shot-profile migration. The prediction in the image domain is equivalent to that produced by migrating the data-space convolutional prediction. Adaptive subtraction of the prediction from the image is required. Subtraction in the image domain, however, provides the advantages of focused energy in a smaller domain since extrapolation removes some of the imperfections of the input data

    Complex saddle points in the Gross-Witten-Wadia matrix model

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    We give an exhaustive characterization of the complex saddle point configurations of the Gross-WittenWadia matrix model in the large-N limit. In particular, we characterize the cases in which the saddles accumulate in one, two, or three arcs, in terms of the values of the coupling constant and of the fraction of the total unit density that is supported in one of the arcs, and derive an explicit condition for gap closing associated with nonvacuum saddles. By applying the idea of large-N instanton we also give direct analytic derivations of the weak- coupling and strong-coupling instanton actions

    Phase space and phase transitions in the Penner matrix model with negative coupling constant

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    The partition function of the Penner matrix model for both positive and negative values of the coupling constant can be explicitly written in terms of the Barnes G function. In this paper we show that for negative values of the coupling constant this partition function can also be represented as the product of an holomorphic matrix integral by a nontrivial oscillatory function of n. We show that the planar limit of the free energy with 't Hooft sequences does not exist. Therefore we use a certain modification that uses Kuijlaars-McLaughlin sequences instead of 't Hooft sequences and leads to a well-defined planar free energy and to an associated two-dimensional phase space. We describe the different configurations of complex saddle points of the holomorphic matrix integral both to the left and to the right of the critical point, and interpret the phase transitions in terms of processes of gap closing, eigenvalue tunneling, and Bose condensation

    Phase structure and asymptotic zero densities of orthogonal polynomials in the cubic model

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    We apply the method we have described in a previous paper (2013) to determine the phase structure of asymptotic zero densities of the standard cubic model of non-Hermitian orthogonal polynomials. We provide a complete description of the two phases: the one cut phase and the two cut phase, and analyze the phase transition processes of the types: splitting of a cut, birth and death of a cut. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Quasi-exactly solvable models in nonlinear optics

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    We study a large class of models with an arbitrary (finite) number of degrees of freedom, described by Hamiltonians which are polynomial in bosonic creation and annihilation operators, and including as particular cases nth harmonic generation and photon cascades. For each model, we construct a complete set of commuting integrals of motion of the Hamiltonian, fully characterize the common eigenspaces of the integrals of motion and show that the action of the Hamiltonian on these common eigenspaces can be represented by a quasiexactly solvable reduced Hamiltonian, whose expression in terms of the usual generators of sl_2 is computed explicitly

    Generalised Asymptotic Solutions for the Inflaton in the Oscillatory Phase of Reheating

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    We determine generalised asymptotic solutions for the inflaton field, the Hubble parameter, and the equation-of-state parameter valid during the oscillatory phase of reheating for potentials that close to their global minima behave as even monomial potentials. For the quadratic potential, we derive a generalised asymptotic expansion for the inflaton with respect to the scale set by inverse powers of the cosmic time. For the quartic potential, we derive an explicit, two-term generalised asymptotic solution in terms of Jacobi elliptic functions, with a scale set by inverse powers of the square root of the cosmic time. In the general case, we find similar two-term solutions where the leading order term is defined implicitly in terms of the Gauss hypergeometric function. The relation between the leading terms of the instantaneous equation-of-state parameter and different averaged values is discussed in the general case. Finally, we discuss the physical significance of the generalised asymptotic solutions in the oscillatory regime and their matching to the appropriate solutions in the thermalization regime

    Kinetic dominance and the wave function of the Universe

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    We analyze the emergence of classical inflationary universes in a kinetic-dominated stage using a suitable class of solutions of the Wheeler-DeWitt equation with a constant potential. These solutions are eigenfunctions of the inflaton momentum operator that are strongly peaked on classical solutions exhibiting either or both a kinetic-dominated period and an inflation period. Our analysis is based on semiclassical WKB solutions of the Wheeler-DeWitt equation interpreted in the sense of Borel (to perform a correct connection between classically allowed regions) and on the relationship of these solutions to the solutions of the classical model. For large values of the scale factor the WKB Vilenkin tunneling wave function and the Hartle-Hawking no-boundary wave functions are recovered as particular instances of our class of wave functions

    Critical Role of Two-Dimensional Island-Mediated Growth on the Formation of Semiconductor Heterointerfaces

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    We experimentally demonstrate a sigmoidal variation of the composition profile across semiconductor heterointerfaces. The wide range of material systems (III-arsenides, III-antimonides, III-V quaternary compounds, III-nitrides) exhibiting such a profile suggests a universal behavior. We show that sigmoidal profiles emerge from a simple model of cooperative growth mediated by twodimensional island formation, wherein cooperative effects are described by a specific functional dependence of the sticking coefficient on the surface coverage. Experimental results confirm that, except in the very early stages, island growth prevails over nucleation as the mechanism governing the interface development and ultimately determines the sigmoidal shape of the chemical profile in these two-dimensional grown layers. In agreement with our experimental findings, the model also predicts a minimum value of the interfacial width, with the minimum attainable value depending on the chemical identity of the species

    Separatrices in the Hamilton-Jacobi formalism of inflaton models.

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    We consider separatrix solutions of the differential equations for inflaton models with a single scalar field in a zero-curvature Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker universe. The existence and properties of separatrices are investigated in the framework of the Hamilton-Jacobi formalism, where the main quantity is the Hubble parameter considered as a function of the inflaton field. A wide class of inflaton models that have separatrix solutions (and include many of the most physically relevant potentials) is introduced, and the properties of the corresponding separatrices are investigated, in particular, asymptotic inflationary stages, leading approximations to the separatrices, and full asymptotic expansions thereof. We also prove an optimal growth criterion for potentials that do not have separatrices

    Plan estratégico para Delta Signal 2019-2022

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    El presente trabajo propone el plan estratégico para el período 2019–2022 que permita a Delta Signal afrontar los cambios del sector, recuperar el crecimiento en ventas y asegurar la continuidad de la empresa. En el segundo capítulo, se realiza la evaluación externa e interna de la empresa para encontrar las oportunidades, amenazas, fortalezas, debilidades y otros factores sobre los cuales se definirá la estrategia de la compañía. Como parte de esta evaluación externa, se realiza el análisis del macroentorno, donde se evalúan los aspectos políticos, económicos, sociales, tecnológicos y legales para Estados Unidos. Además, se realiza el análisis de localización utilizando el diamante de Porter para la Unión Europea y China. De igual modo, en el análisis del microentorno, se evalúa el sector utilizando las cinco fuerzas de Porter. Para el análisis interno, se analizaron los resultados obtenidos en el periodo 2015-2018, el modelo de negocio, la cadena de valor y los recursos y capacidades de la empresa, con cual se identificó la ventaja competitiva