10 research outputs found

    Characterization and therapeutic application of canine adipose mesenchymal stem cells to treat elbow osteoarthritis

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    Visceral adipose tissue (AT) obtained from surgical waste during routine ovariectomies was used as a source for isolating canine mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). As determined by cytofluorimetry, passage 2 cells expressed MSC markers CD44 and CD90 and were negative for lineage-specific markers CD34 and CD45. The cells differentiated toward osteogenic, adipogenic, and chondrogenic directions. With therapeutic aims, 30 dogs (39 joints) suffering from elbow dysplasia (ED) and osteoarthritis (OA) were intra-articularly transplanted with allogeneic MSCs suspended in 0.5% hyaluronic acid (HA). A highly significant improvement was achieved without any medication as demonstrated by the degree of lameness during the follow-up period of 1 y. Control arthroscopy of 1 transplanted dog indicated that the cartilage had regenerated. Histological analysis of the cartilage biopsy confirmed that the regenerated cartilage was of hyaline type. These results demonstrate that transplantation of allogeneic adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells (AT-MSCs) is a novel, noninvasive, and highly effective therapeutic tool in treating canine elbow dysplasia. © 2017, Canadian Veterinary Medical Association. All rights reserved

    Characterization and therapeutic application of canine adipose mesenchymal stem cells to treat elbow osteoarthritis

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    Visceral adipose tissue (AT) obtained from surgical waste during routine ovariectomies was used as a source for isolating canine mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). As determined by cytofluorimetry, passage 2 cells expressed MSC markers CD44 and CD90 and were negative for lineage-specific markers CD34 and CD45. The cells differentiated toward osteogenic, adipogenic, and chondrogenic directions. With therapeutic aims, 30 dogs (39 joints) suffering from elbow dysplasia (ED) and osteoarthritis (OA) were intra-articularly transplanted with allogeneic MSCs suspended in 0.5% hyaluronic acid (HA). A highly significant improvement was achieved without any medication as demonstrated by the degree of lameness during the follow-up period of 1 y. Control arthroscopy of 1 transplanted dog indicated that the cartilage had regenerated. Histological analysis of the cartilage biopsy confirmed that the regenerated cartilage was of hyaline type. These results demonstrate that transplantation of allogeneic adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells (AT-MSCs) is a novel, noninvasive, and highly effective therapeutic tool in treating canine elbow dysplasia. © 2017, Canadian Veterinary Medical Association. All rights reserved

    Általános nyelvészeti tanulmányok XXIX. - Kísérletes nyelvészet

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    Ez a kötet kísérletes nyelvészeti tanulmányokat tartalmaz, azaz olyan kutatások eredményeit ismerteti, amelyek egy tág értelemben vett „laboratóriumban" végzett kísérletek eredményein alapulnak. A kötet koncepciója szerint mind a legmodernebb technikai eszközrendszerekkel felszerelt kísérleti laboratóriumi struktúra, mind valamilyen speciális terep (óvoda, iskola, rehabilitációs intézet), mind pedig az internet, például a Facebook is szolgálhat kísérlet lefuttatásának kereteként. A nyelvészetben alkalmazott kísérletek módszertana természetesen követi a tudományos kísérletek általános paradigmáját és megőrzi annak lényeges jegyét: hogy megismételhető, objektív legyen. Amíg számos interdiszciplináris területen, így például a neurolingvisztikában és a pszicholingvisztikában, a tudományos kísérleteket a 19. század óta alkalmazzák, addig az olyan nyelvészeti témákban, mint a nyelvtan készítése, a nyelvleírás, viszonylag újabb fejlemény a kísérletes módszertan alkalmazása. Ezt sok minden motiválta, többek között a kurrens nyelvészeti modellek, elméletek és variánsaik versengései és ennek kapcsán olyan objektív bizonyítékok keresése, amelyek csak kísérleti helyzetekben állíthatók elő. Kötetünk tanulmányait négy tematikus egység szerint csoportosítottuk: 1. Nyelvleírási kérdések, 2. Nyelvelsajátítás, 3. A mesterségesnyelvtan-elsajátítási paradigma alkalmazásai, 4. Nyelvi zavarok. A szerzők között nemcsak a terület jelentős ismertségű személyiségei, hanem külföldről korábban hazatért, vagy más országokban dolgozó és az itthoniakkal szoros kapcsolatokat fenntartó, sőt Magyarországon működő külföldi kutatók is megtalálhatók, példázva a magyarországi nyelvészet nemzetközi beágyazottságát. Nyolc tanulmány esetében a szerzők mellékeltek a kísérleteik hátteréhez, például az adatbázisokhoz, vagy a keretként szolgáló kutatási projekthez és kutatócsoporthoz elvezető internetes linkeket, melyeket QR-kódok formájában adunk meg. A QR-kódok okostelefonnal azonnal aktív linkekre fordíthatók

    Significance of Mycobacterium avium subspecies avium, ‘hominissuis’#, and silvaticum, and data on their occurrence in Hungary

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    SUMMARY The authors report on the occurrence of Mycobacterium avium ssp. avium, ‘Mycobacterium avium ssp. hominissuis’, and Mycobacterium avium ssp. silvaticum in Hungary. Similar to Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis, these subspecies are also capable of provoking immunological cross-reactivity in tuberculin skin test, thus hampering the in vivo diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis. Between 2006 and 2015 the authors isolated 301 Mycobacterium avium strains which were other than M. avium ssp. paratuberculosis. Molecular biological identification methods were applied on 290 isolates, and 140 M. avium ssp. avium, 87 ‘M. avium ssp. hominissuis’ and 63 M. avium ssp. silvaticum strains were detected. From avian hosts the authors almost exclusively identified M. avium ssp. avium. In red deer and cattle ‘M. avium ssp. hominissuis’ was dominant while from swine, wild boars and red foxes M. avium ssp. avium was isolated more often. The high number of M. avium ssp. silvaticum isolates indicates the importance of this subspecies. It can be stated that beside M. avium ssp. paratuberculosis M. avium ssp. avium, ‘M. avium ssp. hominissuis’, and M. avium ssp. silvaticum are also consequently isolated from the whole geographic region of Hungary equally from domestic and wild mammals and birds. The dog and monitor lizard cases highlight the possibility of zoonotic infections, while the wild animals serve as reservoirs in maintaining and spreading these pathogens

    Thermal Manipulation of Human Bone Collagen Membrane (SoftBone) and Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF) Membranes

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    Resorbable barrier membranes, including platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) and collagen membranes, can play a key role in guided bone regeneration surgeries (GBR) in dentistry. A new collagen membrane made of partially decalcified allogeneic cortical bone, termed SoftBone membrane (SB), was produced by West Hungarian Regional Tissue Bank. It can be easily adapted to diverse surfaces. Fresh and freeze-dried folded-PRF membranes were compared with freeze-dried SB. Important properties of membranes were reported (moisture content, rehydration capacity, and resistance against proteolytic enzyme). The SB exhibited the best resistance against enzymatic digestion on day 21, its weight was 34% of the original. Fresh F-PRF (folded PRF) disintegrated on the 11th day, while the freeze-dried F-PRF membrane dissolved completely on day 8. The thermal manipulation of the F-PRF membrane using freeze-drying has advantages and also disadvantages in comparison to the fresh one

    Interdisciplinary analyses of Bronze Age communities from Western Hungary reveal complex population histories

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    In this study we report 21 ancient shotgun genomes from present-day Western Hungary, from previously understudied Late Copper Age Baden, and Bronze Age Somogyvár-Vinkovci, Kisapostag, and Encrusted Pottery archaeological cultures (3530–1620 cal BCE). Our results indicate the presence of high steppe ancestry in the Somogyvár-Vinkovci culture. They were then replaced by the Kisapostag group, who exhibit an outstandingly high (up to ∼47%) Mesolithic hunter-gatherer ancestry, despite this component being thought to be highly diluted by the time of the Early Bronze Age. The Kisapostag population contributed the genetic basis for the succeeding community of the Encrusted pottery culture. We also found an elevated hunter-gatherer component in a local Baden culture associated individual, but no connections were proven to the Bronze Age individuals. The hunter-gatherer ancestry in Kisapostag is likely derived from two main sources, one from a Funnelbeaker or Globular Amphora culture related population and one from a previously unrecognised source in Eastern Europe. We show that this ancestry not only appeared in various groups in Bronze Age Central Europe, but also made contributions to Baltic populations. The social structure of Kisapostag and Encrusted pottery cultures is patrilocal, similarly to most contemporaneous groups. Furthermore, we developed new methods and method standards for computational analyses of ancient DNA, implemented to our newly developed and freely available bioinformatic package. By analysing clinical traits, we found carriers of aneuploidy and inheritable genetic diseases. Finally, based on genetic and anthropological data, we present here the first female facial reconstruction from the Bronze Age Carpathian Basin

    Synthesis and Evaluation of Phosphorus Containing, Specific CDK9/CycT1 Inhibitors

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    International audienceAlthough there is a significant effort in the design of a selective CDK9/CycT1 inhibitor, no compound has been proven to be a specific inhibitor of this kinase so far. The aim of this research was to develop novel and selective phosphorus containing CDK9/CycT1 inhibitors. Molecules bearing phosphonamidate, phosphonate, and phosphinate moieties were synthesized. Prepared compounds were evaluated in an enzymatic CDK9/CycT1 assay. The most potent molecules were tested in cell-based toxicity and HIV proliferation assays. Selectivity of shortlisted compounds against CDKs and other kinases was tested. The best compound was shown to be a highly specific, ATP-competitive inhibitor of CDK9/CycT1 with antiviral activity