9 research outputs found

    Az adalimumab hatékonysága és biztonságossága hagyományos kezelésre refrakter colitis ulcerosában

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    INTRODUCTION: Adalimumab was approved for the treatment of ulcerative colitis refractory to conventional therapy several years later than infliximab in Europe. Due to the relatively low remission rate observed in Ultra trials, data on the efficacy of adalimumab in ulcerative colitis are really helpful in the daily practice. AIM: The aim of this study was to prospectively collect data on induction and maintenance adalimumab therapy in patients with ulcerative colitis treated in Hungarian centres. METHOD: This prospective study collected data of all patients with ulcerative colitis treated with adalimumab in 10 Hungarian centres. The primary endpoints of the study were rates of remission, response and primary failure at week 12, and the rate of continuous clinical response, remission and loss of response at weeks 30, and 52. Secondary endpoints were endoscopic outcome at week 52 and comparison of the efficacy of adalimumab between treatment naive and infliximab-experienced patients. RESULTS: 73 patients with active ulcerative colitis were enrolled in the study. 75.3% of the patients exhibited clinical response after the induction at week 12. The probability of maintaining adalimumab treatment was 48.6% at week 52 with a continuous clinical response in 92% of these patients. Mucosal healing was achieved in 48.1% of the patients at week 52. Dose intensification was performed in 17.6% of the patients. Minor side effects developed in 4% of the patients and 5.4% of the patients underwent colectomy during the 1-year treatment period. CONCLUSIONS: These results coming from the real clinical setting demonstrate a favourable efficacy of adalimumab induction and maintenance therapy in patients with ulcerative colitis. Orv. Hetil., 2016, 157(18), 706-711

    Prevalence of inflammatory bowel disease among coeliac disease patients in a Hungarian coeliac centre

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    BACKGROUND: Celiac disease, Crohn disease and ulcerative colitis are inflammatory disorders of the gastrointestinal tract with some common genetic, immunological and environmental factors involved in their pathogenesis. Several research shown that patients with celiac disease have increased risk of developing inflammatory bowel disease when compared with that of the general population. The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence of inflammatory bowel disease in our celiac patient cohort over a 15-year-long study period. METHODS: To diagnose celiac disease, serological tests were used, and duodenal biopsy samples were taken to determine the degree of mucosal injury. To set up the diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease, clinical parameters, imaging techniques, colonoscopy histology were applied. DEXA for measuring bone mineral density was performed on every patient. RESULTS: In our material, 8/245 (3,2 %) coeliac disease patients presented inflammatory bowel disease (four males, mean age 37, range 22-67), 6/8 Crohn's disease, and 2/8 ulcerative colitis. In 7/8 patients the diagnosis of coeliac disease was made first and inflammatory bowel disease was identified during follow-up. The average time period during the set-up of the two diagnosis was 10,7 years. Coeliac disease serology was positive in all cases. The distribution of histology results according to Marsh classification: 1/8 M1, 2/8 M2, 3/8 M3a, 2/8 M3b. The distribution according to the Montreal classification: 4/6 Crohn's disease patients are B1, 2/6 Crohn's disease patients are B2, 2/2 ulcerative colitis patients are S2. Normal bone mineral density was detected in 2/8 case, osteopenia in 4/8 and osteoporosis in 2/8 patients. CONCLUSIONS: Within our cohort of patients with coeliac disease, inflammatory bowel disease was significantly more common (3,2 %) than in the general population

    D-vitamin-szint mérése hazai gyulladásos bélbetegekben [Vitamin D level in Hungarian patients with inflammatory bowel diseases]

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    Introduction: Vitamin D has an important role in the immune regulation. Vitamin D is essential for innate and adaptive immune systems and it plays a significant role in the formation of immune tolerance, as well. Aim: Vitamin D deficiency has been observed in patients with inflammatory bowel diseases in Western Europe, but there is no data available from Eastern Europe. Method: The study included 169 patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Results: The median vitamin D level was 22.7+/-10.6 ng/ml. Only 20% of the patients had adequate vitamin D level (>30 ng/ml), 52% had vitamin D insufficiency (15-30 ng/ml), and 28% of them had severe vitamin D deficiency (<15 ng/ml). Vitamin D concentration failed to correlate with clinical activity indexes (partial Mayo score: r = -0.143; Crohn's disease activity index: r = -0.253) and with inflammatory parameters (C-reactive protein: r = 0.008; erythrocyte sedimentation rate: r = 0.012). Conclusions: Since vitamin D deficiency can be frequently observed in Hungarian patients with inflammatory bowel disease, its level should be tested in these patients. Orv. Hetil., 154(46), 1821-1828

    Plasma Levels and Renal Handling of Amino Acids Contribute to Determination of Risk of Mortality or Feed of Ventilation in Patients with COVID-19

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    COVID-19 infection may lead to serious complications, e.g., need for mechanical ventilation or death in some cases. A retrospective analysis of patients referred to our COVID Emergency Department, indiscriminately, was performed. A routine lab analysis measured amino acids in plasma and urine of patients. Data of surviving and deceased patients and those requiring or not requiring mechanical ventilation were compared, and logistic regression analyses have been performed. Deceased patients were older, had higher blood glucose, potassium, AST, LDH, troponin, d-dimer, hsCRP, procalcitonin, interleukin-6 levels (p p p p p < 0.001). Using logistic regression, CT-score, troponin, plasma level, and fractional excretion of glycine were predictors of ventilation. Plasma levels and renal excretion of certain amino acids are associated with the outcome of COVID-19 infection beside other parameters such as the CT-score or age

    Puccinia komarovii var. glanduliferae var. nov.: a fungal agent for the biological control of Himalayan balsam (Impatiens glandulifera)

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    Clearly defining the taxonomic identity of a potential biocontrol agent is an essential component of any biological control programme. As part of such a programme against Impatiens glandulifera, a highly invasive annual weed in both Europe and North America, the rust fungus Puccinia komarovii was collected on this host plant in its native Himalayan range. However, current literature indicates that P. komarovii is a pathogen of a number of Impatiens species globally and was described originally from I. parviflora, a species native to Asia and now naturalized in Europe. Morphological comparisons, based on urediniospore and teliospore measurements, were generally inconclusive in showing any clear differences between the accession from I. glandulifera and those from other Impatiens species. Both, nrDNA ITS and ITS2-LSU sequence analyses indicated a difference between the rust infecting I. glandulifera compared to accessions on other hosts. However, the large variations in both ITS and 28S (ITS2-LSU) sequences determined within single accessions in this study, makes a clear separation difficult. Cross-inoculation experiments, using one accession of P. komarovii ex I. glandulifera (from India) and two accessions of P. komarovii ex I. parviflora (from China and Hungary), confirmed the specificity of these strains to their original hosts. Two Himalayan Impatiens species, I. scabrida and I. brachycentra, showed varying levels of susceptibility to these rust accessions, where the former was weakly susceptible to all three accessions and the latter was weakly susceptible only to P. komarovii ex I. parviflora (from China). However, commercial cultivars of I. balsamina proved to be fully susceptible to all rust accessions, although this has not been demonstrated under field conditions in India. Based on these host specificity differences between the rust accessions, we propose a new variety: Puccinia komarovii var. glanduliferae var. nov. associated with I. glandulifera in the Himalayas