5 research outputs found

    A nyújtási technikák elemzése a rekreációs sporttevékenységek szempontjából

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    ÖSSZEFOGLALÁS: A nyújtási technikák vizsgálata, folyamatosan kutatott területe a sporttudománynak, időről időre változik a nyújtás aktuális trendje, mely épp teret hódít az élsportban. Ezeket az irányzatokat előszeretettel alkalmazzák a rekreációs sporttevékenység területén is. Az élsport és a rekreációs sport célrendszere alapvetően különbözik, így érdemes megvizsgálni, hogy mely nyújtási technikák a legalkalmasabbak a rekreációs sporttevékenység területén, annak érdekében, hogy az egészség megőrzését tartsuk szem előtt. A két fő nyújtási technika (statikus-dinamikus nyújtás), az edzés két különböző részében alkalmazható (bemelegítés, levezetés), és néhány esetben ezek felhasználása ellentétesek az élsportban és a rekreációban. A jövőben érdemes az elérni kívánt cél szerint választani a nyújtási technikák közül, és ennek megfelelően differenciálni a széles körű tudományos eredmények között. Kulcsszavak: rekreációs edzés, nyújtás, prevenció ABSTRACT: Stretching techniques is a constantly researched area of sport sciences, the current leading trends of techniques in professional sports are changing from time to time. These trends are highly prefered methods in the field of recreational sports activites. In order to keep health promotion in mind we have to examine, which stretching techniques are the most capable for the purpose of recreational sports actvities, since the goal settings are different in case of professional sports and recreational sports. We can use two main stretching technic (static and dynamic) in different parts during the training (warm up cool down). In some cases the applicaton of the methods is opposite in professional sport and recreation. We suggest to choose the right stretching method according to our goal and diferentate among the widespread scientific results. Keywords: recreation, stretching, preventio

    Differential Roles of the Two Raphe Nuclei in Amiable Social Behavior and Aggression - An Optogenetic Study.

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    Serotonergic mechanisms hosted by raphe nuclei have important roles in affiliative and agonistic behaviors but the separate roles of the two nuclei are poorly understood. Here we studied the roles of the dorsal (DR) and median raphe region (MRR) in aggression by optogenetically stimulating the two nuclei. Mice received three 3 min-long stimulations, which were separated by non-stimulation periods of 3 min. The stimulation of the MRR decreased aggression in a phasic-like manner. Effects were rapidly expressed during stimulations, and vanished similarly fast when stimulations were halted. No carryover effects were observed in the subsequent three trials performed at 2-day intervals. No effects on social behaviors were observed. By contrast, DR stimulation rapidly and tonically promoted social behaviors: effects were present during both the stimulation and non-stimulation periods of intermittent stimulations. Aggressive behaviors were marginally diminished by acute DR stimulations, but repeated stimulations administered over 8 days considerably decreased aggression even in the absence of concurrent stimulations, indicating the emergence of carryover effects. No such effects were observed in the case of social behaviors. We also investigated stimulation-induced neurotransmitter release in the prefrontal cortex, a major site of aggression control. MRR stimulation rapidly but transiently increased serotonin release, and induced a lasting increase in glutamate levels. DR stimulation had no effect on glutamate, but elicited a lasting increase of serotonin release. Prefrontal serotonin levels remained elevated for at least 2 h subsequent to DR stimulations. The stimulation of both nuclei increased GABA release rapidly and transiently. Thus, differential behavioral effects of the two raphe nuclei were associated with differences in their neurotransmission profiles. These findings reveal a surprisingly strong behavioral task division between the two raphe nuclei, which was associated with a nucleus-specific neurotransmitter release in the prefrontal cortex

    Differential Roles of the Two Raphe Nuclei in Amiable Social Behavior and Aggression – An Optogenetic Study

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    Serotonergic mechanisms hosted by raphe nuclei have important roles in affiliative and agonistic behaviors but the separate roles of the two nuclei are poorly understood. Here we studied the roles of the dorsal (DR) and median raphe region (MRR) in aggression by optogenetically stimulating the two nuclei. Mice received three 3 min-long stimulations, which were separated by non-stimulation periods of 3 min. The stimulation of the MRR decreased aggression in a phasic-like manner. Effects were rapidly expressed during stimulations, and vanished similarly fast when stimulations were halted. No carryover effects were observed in the subsequent three trials performed at 2-day intervals. No effects on social behaviors were observed. By contrast, DR stimulation rapidly and tonically promoted social behaviors: effects were present during both the stimulation and non-stimulation periods of intermittent stimulations. Aggressive behaviors were marginally diminished by acute DR stimulations, but repeated stimulations administered over 8 days considerably decreased aggression even in the absence of concurrent stimulations, indicating the emergence of carryover effects. No such effects were observed in the case of social behaviors. We also investigated stimulation-induced neurotransmitter release in the prefrontal cortex, a major site of aggression control. MRR stimulation rapidly but transiently increased serotonin release, and induced a lasting increase in glutamate levels. DR stimulation had no effect on glutamate, but elicited a lasting increase of serotonin release. Prefrontal serotonin levels remained elevated for at least 2 h subsequent to DR stimulations. The stimulation of both nuclei increased GABA release rapidly and transiently. Thus, differential behavioral effects of the two raphe nuclei were associated with differences in their neurotransmission profiles. These findings reveal a surprisingly strong behavioral task division between the two raphe nuclei, which was associated with a nucleus-specific neurotransmitter release in the prefrontal cortex


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    The aim of this study is to determine body composition (BC) factors that influence agility among adolescent soccer players (N=66), in U14, U16, U18 soccer teams of the Topola Sport Club. Agility tests (Dribbling test, Illinois test), Inbody 720 instrument measuring the BC, and Oxa Starter infrared timing gate instrument measuring speed the agility were used. Data are processed by the IBM SPSS Statistics 25 software. In addition to descriptive statistics, a correlation matrix analysis, linear regression and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) were also applied (p<0.05). A moderate correlation between agility with a ball and without a ball (r=0.595) is determined as well as between agility and BC parameters: Skeletal Muscle Mass, Intracellular Water Mass, Protein Mass, Mineral Mass (r=-0.453, -0.454, -0.453, -0.417, respectively) while the correlation between agility and Height, Mass, Body Mass Index, Right Leg Lean Mass, Left Leg Lean Mass, Extracellular Water Mass is less than moderate (r=-0.318, -0.329, -0.276, -0.332, -0.330, -0.374, respectively). A slight correlation is determined between agility with a ball and BC variables. No correlation was determined between Agility and Body Fat Mass. The influence of BC on agility is lower than expected. Using the scientific based approach and measurements, a complex exercise plan can be made for players and in this way young soccer players can be trained by using tailor-made and post-specified coaching methods.Cilj ove studije je da se utvrde faktori telesne kompozicije (TK) koji utiču na agilnost fudbalera adolesxenata (N=66), u fudbalskim timovima U14, U16, U18, fudbalskog kluba Topola. Testovi agilnosti (Dribbling test, Illinois test) i instrument Inbody 720 za merenje telesne kompozicije i Oka Starter infracrveni merni instrument za merenje brzine agilnosti korišćeni su u ovoj studiji. Podaci su obrađeni softverom IBM SPSS Statistics 25. Pored deskriptivne statistike, primenjene su i korelaciona matrična analiza, linearna regresija i jednosmerna analiza varijanse (ANOVA) (p<0.05). Utvrđena je umerena korelacija između agilnosti sa loptom i bez lopte (r=0.595), kao i između agilnosti i parametara telesne kompozicije: Mišićna masa skeleta, Unutarćelijska masa vode, Masa proteina, Mineralna masa (r=-0,453, -0,454, -0,453, -0,417, tim redosledom) dok korelacija između agilnosti i Visine, Masa, Indeks telesne mase, Nemasna masa desne noge, Nemasna masa leve noge, Vanćelijska vodena masa, jeste manja od umerene (r=-0,318, -0,329, -0,276, -0,332, -0,330, -0,374, tim redosledom). Utvrđena je blaga korelacija između agilnosti sa loptom i parametara telesne kompozicije. Nije utvrđena korelacija između, agilnosti i mase telesne masti. Uticaj telesne kompozicije na agilnost je manji od očekivanog. Korišćenjem naučno zasnovanog pristupa i merenja može se napraviti složen plan vežbanja za igrače i na taj način može da se sprovede obuka mladih fudbalera prilagođenim i posebno utvrđenim metodama treniranja