88 research outputs found

    Controllability, matching ratio and graph convergence

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    There is an important parameter in control theory which is closely related to the directed matching ratio of the network, as shown by Liu, Slotine and Barab\'asi (2011). We give proofs on two main statements of that paper on the directed matching ratio, which were based on numerical results and heuristics from statistical physics. First, we show that the directed matching ratio of directed random networks given by a fix sequence of degrees is concentrated around its mean. We also examine the convergence of the (directed) matching ratio of a random (directed) graph sequence that converges in the local weak sense, and generalize the result of Elek and Lippner (2009). We prove that the mean of the directed matching ratio converges to the properly defined matching ratio parameter of the limiting graph. We further show the almost sure convergence of the matching ratios for the most widely used families of scale-free networks, which was the main motivation of Liu, Slotine and Barab\'asi.Comment: 22 page

    On percolation critical probabilities and unimodular random graphs

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    We investigate generalisations of the classical percolation critical probabilities pcp_c, pTp_T and the critical probability pc~\tilde{p_c} defined by Duminil-Copin and Tassion (2015) to bounded degree unimodular random graphs. We further examine Schramm's conjecture in the case of unimodular random graphs: does pc(Gn)p_c(G_n) converge to pc(G)p_c(G) if GnGG_n\to G in the local weak sense? Among our results are the following: 1. pc=pc~p_c=\tilde{p_c} holds for bounded degree unimodular graphs. However, there are unimodular graphs with sub-exponential volume growth and pT<pcp_T < p_c; i.e., the classical sharpness of phase transition does not hold. 2. We give conditions which imply limpc(Gn)=pc(limGn)\lim p_c(G_n) = p_c(\lim G_n). 3. There are sequences of unimodular graphs such that GnGG_n\to G but pc(G)>limpc(Gn)p_c(G)>\lim p_c(G_n) or pc(G)<limpc(Gn)<1p_c(G)<\lim p_c(G_n)<1. As a corollary to our positive results, we show that for any transitive graph with sub-exponential volume growth there is a sequence TnT_n of large girth bi-Lipschitz invariant subgraphs such that pc(Tn)1p_c(T_n)\to 1. It remains open whether this holds whenever the transitive graph has cost 1.Comment: 28 pages, 1 figure. The paper is reorganized, the theorem numbering is completely change

    Thermal Investigation of flame retarder containing PET

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    PET (polyethylene terephthalate) was modified with a flame retardant (FR) additive, which is melamine derivative (MC). The FR additive was mixed to the original PET material in different quantities. . Modified PET samples were investigated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermogravimetry (TG). By TG technique the desolvation and its nature can be measured. With DSC the changes in enthalpy can be investigated, like melting and formation of crystallite fractions. The TG measures were performed in inert (nitrogen) and in oxygen atmosphere, so the effect of oxygen was investigated. In this paper the materials with different doses of FR additive were compared with each other, and conclusion was made from experiment

    Halogénmentes égésgátló hatása PET kristályosodására = Effect of Halogen-Free Flame Retardant on Crystallization of PET

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    Halogénmentes égésgátlóval kevert PET anyagokat vizsgáltunk pásztázó differenciális kaloriméterrel (DSC). Változtattuk a hűtés sebességét, és vizsgáltuk a kristályosodás folyamatát, arra keresve a választ, hogy az 1-5 96-ban bekevert égésgátlónak van-e befolyásoló hatása. Az égésgátló mennyiségének növelése a kristályosodási hők és a kristályosodás hőmérsékletének növekedését okozta. Az eredmények alapján érdemes további vizsgálatokat elvégezni

    Test sensitivity is important for detecting variability in pointing comprehension in canines

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    Several articles have been recently published on dogs' (Canis familiaris) performance in two-way object choice experiments in which subjects had to find hidden food by utilizing human pointing. The interpretation of results has led to a vivid theoretical debate about the cognitive background of human gestural signal understanding in dogs, despite the fact that many important details of the testing method have not yet been standardized. We report three experiments that aim to reveal how some procedural differences influence adult companion dogs' performance in these tests. Utilizing a large sample in Experiment 1, we provide evidence that neither the keeping conditions (garden/house) nor the location of the testing (outdoor/indoor) affect a dogs' performance. In Experiment 2, we compare dogs' performance using three different types of pointing gestures. Dogs' performance varied between momentary distal and momentary cross-pointing but "low" and "high" performer dogs chose uniformly better than chance level if they responded to sustained pointing gestures with reinforcement (food reward and a clicking sound; "clicker pointing"). In Experiment 3, we show that single features of the aforementioned "clicker pointing" method can slightly improve dogs' success rate if they were added one by one to the momentary distal pointing method. These results provide evidence that although companion dogs show a robust performance at different testing locations regardless of their keeping conditions, the exact execution of the human gesture and additional reinforcement techniques have substantial effect on the outcomes. Consequently, researchers should standardize their methodology before engaging in debates on the comparative aspects of socio-cognitive skills because the procedures they utilize may differ in sensitivity for detecting differences

    „Iránymutatás kell az önálló szabályalkotó gondolkodáshoz” — Interjú dr. Balog Ádámmal, a BKIK alelnökével

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    A Világpolitika és közgazdaságtan interjút kért dr. Balog Ádámtól a compliance tudatosság szerepéről a kis- és középvállalatok körében, és arról, hogy miért fontos a szabályalkotás akár a vállalat belső működése, akár a vállalatok közötti együttműködés szempontjából, illetve, hogy mit tehet a kamarai rendszer a tudatosság növelése érdekében

    „We need guidance independent rule-making thinking” — Interview with dr. Ádám Balog, Vice President of BKIK

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    World Politics and Economics interviewed Dr. Ádám Balog on the role of compliance awareness among SMEs, why rule-making is important for both internal company operations and inter-company cooperation, and what the chamber system can do to raise awareness

    Subpallialis rendszerek szerepe madarak tanulásában = Subpallial systems in avian learning

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    Elsőként írtunk le madárban (emlős homológiára alapozva) olyan pályarendszert, amely L-aszpartátot (Asp) tartalmaz. Patkányban a basolateralis amygdalába, csirkéken az ekvivalens területre juttatott anterográd pályajelölő anyagokkal azonosítottuk a nucl. accumbensben megjelenő projekciókat és szinapszisaikat, amelyekben az Asp immuno-elektronmikroszkópia segítségével kimutatható volt. Mindkét fajon az Asp és az L-glutamát (Glu) morfológiailag azonos elemekben fordul elő. Ugyancsak elsőként igazoltuk madár striatumban, túlélő agyszeleten az Asp direkt posztszinaptikus hatásait elektrofiziológiai módszerrel, a glutamáterg mechanizmusokkal együttesen elemezve. A fent leírt kétféle megközelítésen túl, amelyek a transzmitter jelenlétét valamint posztszinaptikus hatását igazolták, újabb független módszer (in vivo mikrodialízis) segítségével mutattuk ki az Asp Glu-tól elkülöníthető release mechanizmusát a madár striatum/accumbens területén. A madár nucl. accumbens pontosabb lokalizációjára és szubdivízióira vonatkozó eredeti megfigyeléseket tettünk. Az emlős viszonyokhoz jórészt hasonló projekciók mellett új, sajátos projekciók voltak kimutathatók, főleg az alsó agytörzsben. Leírtuk a csirke septum afferens kapcsolatrendszerét, a septalis szubdiviziók szerint. Fiatal csirkék vizsgálatával megállapítottuk, hogy jelentős számban képződnek posztembrionálisan is új neuronok a telencephalonban és a kisagyban, míg a subtelencephalonban a neurogenesis folyamata hamarabb befejeződik. | Based on homologies with mammals, we were first to describe in birds a pathway, which contains L-aspartate (Asp). By injecting anterograde tracers into the basolateral amygdala of rats, or the equivalent region of chicken, the Asp-containing projections and synapses terminating in the nucl. accumbens were identified using electronmicroscopic immunocytochemistry. In both species Asp and L-glutamate (Glu) occur in morphologically identical tissue elements (partly colocalize). Also, we were first to demonstrate on surviving tissue slices from avian striatum the direct postsynaptic effects of Asp co-acting with Glu. In addition to the previous approaches, verifying the presence and postsynaptic effects of Asp, the release of Asp as distinct from Glu has been shown using yet another independent method, in vivo microdialysis, in the avian striatum/accumbens. Original observations have been reported on the precise localization and subdivisions of avian nucl. accumbens. Apart from projections largely similar to those of mammals, novel and specific projections were revealed, mainly in the lower brainstem. We also described the afferent connectivity of chicken septum according to septal subdivisions. By investigations on young chicks, a significant degree of postembryonic neurogenesis has been established in the telencephalon and cerebellum, whereas in the subtelencephalic region the neurogenetic process ends sooner