257 research outputs found

    The Gaia view of the Cepheus flare

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    We present a new census of candidate pre-main-sequence stars in the Cepheus flare star-forming region, based on Gaia EDR3 parallaxes, proper motions, and colour-magnitude diagrams. We identified new candidate members of the previously known young stellar groups associated with NGC 7023, L1177, L1217/L1219, L1228, L1235, and L1251. We studied the 3D structure of the star-forming complex and the distribution of tangential velocities of the young stars. The young stellar groups are located between 330 and 368 pc from the Sun, divided into three kinematic subgroups, and have ages between 1 and 5 million yr. The results confirm the scenario of propagating star formation, suggested by previous studies. In addition to the bulk pre-main-sequence star population between 330 and 370 pc, there is a scattered and more evolved pre-main-sequence population around 150-180 pc. We found new candidate members of the nearby Cepheus Association, and identified a new moving group of 46, 15-20 million yr old pre-main-sequence stars located at a distance of 178 pc, around the A0-type star HD 190833. A few pre-main-sequence stars are located at 800-900 pc, indicative of star-forming regions associated with the Galactic local arm above the Galactic latitude of +10°.Funding: ESA PRODEX Contract nr. 400012991

    The Gaia view of the Cepheus flare

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    We present a new census of candidate pre-main-sequence stars in the Cepheus flare star-forming region, based on Gaia EDR3 parallaxes, proper motions, and colour-magnitude diagrams. We identified new candidate members of the previously known young stellar groups associated with NGC 7023, L1177, L1217/L1219, L1228, L1235, and L1251. We studied the 3D structure of the star-forming complex and the distribution of tangential velocities of the young stars. The young stellar groups are located between 330 and 368 pc from the Sun, divided into three kinematic subgroups, and have ages between 1 and 5 million yr. The results confirm the scenario of propagating star formation, suggested by previous studies. In addition to the bulk pre-main-sequence star population between 330 and 370 pc, there is a scattered and more evolved pre-main-sequence population around 150-180 pc. We found new candidate members of the nearby Cepheus Association, and identified a new moving group of 46, 15-20 million yr old pre-main-sequence stars located at a distance of 178 pc, around the A0-type star HD 190833. A few pre-main-sequence stars are located at 800-900 pc, indicative of star-forming regions associated with the Galactic local arm above the Galactic latitude of +10°.Funding: ESA PRODEX Contract nr. 400012991

    Examining the T Tauri system with SPHERE

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    Context. The prototypical low-mass young stellar object, T Tauri, is a well-studied multiple system with at least three components. Aims. We aim to explore the T Tau system with the highest spatial resolution, study the time evolution of the known components, and re-determine the orbital parameters of the stars. Methods. Near-infrared classical imaging and integral field spectrograph observations were obtained during the Science Verification of SPHERE, the new high-contrast imaging facility at the VLT. The obtained FWHM of the primary star varies between 0.050" and 0.059", making these the highest spatial resolution near-infrared images of the T Tauri system obtained to date. Results. Our near-infrared images confirm the presence of extended emission south of T Tau Sa, reported in the literature. New narrow-band images show, for the first time, that this feature shows strong emission in both the Br-{\gamma} and H2 1-0 S(1) lines. Broadband imaging at 2.27 {\mu}m shows that T Tau Sa is 0.92 mag brighter than T Tau Sb, which is in contrast to observations from Jan. 2014 (when T Tau Sa was fainter than Sb), and demonstrates that T Tau Sa has entered a new period of high variability. The newly obtained astrometric positions of T Tau Sa and Sb agree with orbital fits from previous works. The orbit of T Tau S (the center of gravity of Sa and Sb) around T Tau N is poorly constrained by the available observations and can be fit with a range of orbits ranging from a nearly circular orbit with a period of 475 years to highly eccentric orbits with periods up to 2.7*10^4 years. We also detected a feature south of T Tau N, at a distance of 144±3144 \pm 3 mas, which shows the properties of a new companion.Comment: Accepted by A&A Letter

    On the Relationship Between Debris Disks and Planets

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    Dust in debris disks is generated by collisions among planetesimals. The existence of these planetesimals is a consequence of the planet formation process, but the relationship between debris disks and planets has not been clearly established. Here we analyze Spitzer/MIPS 24 and 70 μm data for 150 planet-bearing stars, and compare the incidence of debris disks around these stars with a sample of 118 stars around which planets have been searched for, but not found. Together they comprise the largest sample ever assembled to deal with this question. The use of survival analysis techniques allows us to account for the large number of nondetections at 70 μm. We discovered 10 new debris disks around stars with planets and one around a star without known planets. We found that the incidence of debris disks is marginally higher among stars with planets, than among those without, and that the brightness of the average debris disk is not significantly different in the two samples. We conclude that the presence of a planet that has been detected via current radial velocity techniques is not a good predictor of the presence of a debris disk detected at infrared wavelengths

    Multi-epoch, high spatial resolution observations of multiple T Tauri systems

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    Context. In multiple pre-main-sequence systems the lifetime of circumstellar disks appears to be shorter than around single stars, and the actual dissipation process may depend on the binary parameters of the systems. Aims. We report high spatial resolution observations of multiple T Tauri systems at optical and infrared wavelengths. We determine if the components are gravitationally bound and orbital motion is visible, derive orbital parameters and investigate possible correlations between the binary parameters and disk states. Methods. We selected 18 T Tau multiple systems (16 binary and two triple systems, yielding 16+2×2=2016 + 2\times2=20 binary pairs) in the Taurus-Auriga star forming region from the survey by Leinert et al. (1993), with spectral types from K1 to M5 and separations from 0.22" (31 AU) to 5.8" (814 AU). We analysed data acquired in 2006-07 at Calar Alto using the AstraLux lucky imaging system, along with data from SPHERE and NACO at the VLT, and from the literature. Results. We found ten pairs to orbit each other, five pairs that may show orbital motion and five likely common proper motion pairs. We found no obvious correlation between the stellar parameters and binary configuration. The 10 μ\mum infra-red excess varies between 0.1 and 7.2 magnitudes (similar to the distribution in single stars, where it is between 1.7 and 9.1), implying that the presence of the binary star does not greatly influence the emission from the inner disk. Conclusions. We have detected orbital motion in young T Tauri systems over a timescale of 20\approx20 years. Further observations with even longer temporal baseline will provide crucial information on the dynamics of these young stellar systems.Comment: Accepted by A&

    Outbursts in Global Protoplanetary Disk Simulations

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    While accreting through a circumstellar disk, young stellar objects are observed to undergo sudden and powerful accretion events known as FUor or EXor outbursts. Although such episodic accretion is considered to be an integral part of the star formation process, the triggers and mechanisms behind them remain uncertain. We conducted global numerical hydrodynamics simulations of protoplanetary disk formation and evolution in the thin-disk limit, assuming both magnetically layered and fully magnetorotational instability (MRI)-active disk structure. In this paper, we characterize the nature of the outbursts occurring in these simulations. The instability in the dead zone of a typical layered disk results in "MRI outbursts". We explore their progression and their dependence on the layered disk parameters as well as cloud core mass. The simulations of fully MRI-active disks showed an instability analogous to the classical thermal instability. This instability manifested at two temperatures--above approximately 1400 K and 3500 K--due to the steep dependence of Rosseland opacity on the temperature. The origin of these thermally unstable regions is related to the bump in opacity resulting from molecular absorption by water vapor and may be viewed as a novel mechanism behind some of the shorter duration accretion events. Although we demonstrated local thermal instability in the disk, more investigations are needed to confirm that a large-scale global instability will ensue. We conclude that the magnetic structure of a disk, its composition, as well as the stellar mass, can significantly affect the nature of episodic accretion in young stellar objects.Comment: 16 figure

    Plk4 Is a Novel Substrate of Protein Phosphatase 5

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    The conserved Ser/Thr protein phosphatase 5 (PP5) is involved in the regulation of key cellular processes, including DNA damage repair and cell division in eukaryotes. As a co-chaperone of Hsp90, PP5 has been shown to modulate the maturation and activity of numerous oncogenic kinases. Here, we identify a novel substrate of PP5, the Polo-like kinase 4 (Plk4), which is the master regulator of centriole duplication in animal cells. We show that PP5 specifically interacts with Plk4, and is able to dephosphorylate the kinase in vitro and in vivo, which affects the interaction of Plk4 with its partner proteins. In addition, we provide evidence that PP5 and Plk4 co-localize to the centrosomes in Drosophila embryos and cultured cells. We demonstrate that PP5 is not essential; the null mutant flies are viable without a severe mitotic phenotype; however, its loss significantly reduces the fertility of the animals. Our results suggest that PP5 is a novel regulator of the Plk4 kinase in Drosophila