2,802 research outputs found

    The welfare cost of Argentine risk

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    In this paper we do a couple of things: discussing a way to measure the welfare cost of country risk, and measuring it for Argentina in the period 1875-2006. There are two conclusions: a) the welfare cost of Argentine risk has been huge: for example, in the period 1976-2006 it was around 20% of GDP, several times larger than the welfare cost of any conventional distortion; b) this cost would be wholly paid by labor. These fascinating results deserve further investigation.country risk, welfare cost, growth, Argentina

    Usability and Feasibility Study of a Remote Cognitive Behavioral Therapy System with Long-Term Unemployed Women

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    We present the results of the use of a cognitive behavioral therapeutic intervention tool to improve the mental, physical, and social health of a group of long-term unemployed women in Spain. Method: We sent automated text messages (SMS) to the mobile phones of long-term unemployed women selected at random from public social services. During a 28-day intervention period, women received four daily automated text messages on her mobile phone on a predetermined hourly schedule. We measured depression symptoms at the start and end of the intervention and we analyzed qualitative data to determine the acceptability of a remote SMS program. Results: Depression symptoms using the Personal Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9), went from an average of 13.8 at baseline to 4.9 at the end of 28 days (p = 0.89). One hundred percent of the women reported that they liked receiving the text messages and most found them helpful

    Fraccionamiento del poder impositivo

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    The essay provides support to the hypothesis that financing of provincial public spending through national transferences leads to overspending. We rest on persuasive economic and politicoinstitutional arguments. Fiscal illusion and the Leviathan model help to explain the overspending. And cartelization of tax collection helps to explain why governors are so reluctant to decentralize this task. We conclude that a fiscal organization closer to that of a confederation would be desirable. Two ways of organizing fiscal relations between the Nation and the provinces are considered. One way consists of paying for national spending by means of periodic provincial transferences; control of public spending by tax-payers would be the greatest possible in this scenario, though leaving national financing in provincial hands could be a risky affair. Another way consists of allowing the Nation some taxing power and incorporating constitutional restrictions as regards the kinds of public goods the national government is permitted to provide

    Libre comercio pactado con una superpotencia

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    The purpose of the essay is to investigate the proposition that a free-trade treaty with a superpower is more effective in promoting exports, investment and per capita growth than a unilateral opening to free trade. To that end we study five success stories: Chile (unilateral opening), Mexico (treaty with a superpower), Spain (supranational integration), Japan (forced unilateral opening), and Argentina in the 19th century (informal treaty with a superpower). We conclude that the historical evidence supports the proposition. The wider the scope of the treaty and the stronger the partner, the greater the success

    Tecnologias para o manejo de pragas iniciais em milho safrinha.

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    bitstream/item/65384/1/29903.pdfOrganizado por Gessi Ceccon e Luiz Alberto Staut; Palestra

    HSP: A Tool for Heat Stress Prevention for Farm Workers

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    We present the initial development of an integrated application for heat stress and heat related illness prevention in farm workers. In developing the application we have follow the OSHA guidelines and an extended project includes the social, cultural and economic factors of farm workers. Even though, our development focus is on workers in the California fields, we believe our project will be useful in multiple situations where individuals are exposed to extreme heat working conditions. This paper describes the motivation for our development, the overall approach we are following, and the first version of our application

    Libre comercio pactado con una superpotencia

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    The purpose of the essay is to investigate the proposition that a free-trade treaty with a superpower is more effective in promoting exports, investment and per capita growth than a unilateral opening to free trade. To that end we study five success stories: Chile (unilateral opening), Mexico (treaty with a superpower), Spain (supranational integration), Japan (forced unilateral opening), and Argentina in the 19th century (informal treaty with a superpower). We conclude that the historical evidence supports the proposition. The wider the scope of the treaty and the stronger the partner, the greater the success.

    El enfoque del Riesgo-País

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    En este ensayo desarrollamos la idea del riesgo-país en la visión del autor, sintetizamos el pensamiento pionero de Arnold Harberger y los recientes progresos de Joshua Aizenman, hacemos un balance de las visiones del fenómeno, e ilustramos el nuevo enfoque mediante algunas aplicaciones. El nuevo enfoque valoriza el papel de la Historia, ofrece un método de análisis macroeconómico superior, y conduce a interpretaciones inesperadas y sugestivas sobre una cantidad de grandes temas de la realidad económica nacional. Una conclusión del ensayo es la necesidad de identificar instituciones que funcionen como antídotos contra la incertidumbre sistémica.