5 research outputs found

    Health risks of Simulium (Boophthora) erythrocephalum (De Geer, 1776) in the Valencian Autonomous Region, Eastern Spain

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    The presence and distribution of Simulium erythrocephalum (De Geer, 1776) in the Valencian Autonomous Region is analyzed, an arthropod of medical-sanitary importance due to the marked anthropophilic characteristics exhibited and the tendency to carry out massive attacks. The increasing incidence registered in certain areas as a consequence of their hematophagy, and the meager availability of epidemiological, fauna, bioecological, and distribution data, have led to this study. A field study of 137 samplings was carried out from 2013 to the present in the 14 hydrographic basins of the Valencian Autonomous Region. The study variables were the presence or absence of preimaginal states, environmental and physical-chemical parameters of the water, bite data from the Generalitat Valenciana, population density and incidence of bites by municipality, and geographic location of the population areas. A scarce and reduced presence of the aforementioned species is revealed in the study area. Risk maps of human populations near the detected breeding areas are provided, and the epidemiological interest is discussed due to its vector capacity to transmit pathogens that cause disease. The number of bites registered between 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018 in the seven health departments involved is provided. The general trend toward an increase in the number of cases is observed year after year, where the highest peaks in the number of cases coincide with the months of June, July, and August, and eventually, September and October. Surveillance and control programs to minimize the problem in the Spanish health system are needed

    Black fly immature stages control efficacy (Diptera: Simuliidae) by means of Bti preparations

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    In the Valencian Autonomous Region, eastern Spain, for approximately 20 years, there has been a constant increase in populations of Black flies (Diptera: Simuliidae). This observation has been evidenced mainly by the medical reports from health centers and hospitals. Due to the inconvenience and damage caused by this insect to the human being, one of the municipalities most affected by the simuliids was chosen, to verify the effectiveness of Bti preparations on immature black fly states. In this article, the results of this scientific experience are presented and its high efficiency in the control of the immature populations of this harmful arthropod is corroborated

    Mosquito Magnet ® traps as a potential means of monitoring blackflies of medical and veterinary importance

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    Mosquito Magnet® traps, deployed in widespread parts of England as part of nationwide mosquito surveillance projects, also caught blackflies. As many as 1242 blackflies were caught in a trapping session lasting 4 days. Principal among the species caught were Simulium equinum, Simulium lineatum and Simulium ornatum s.l. As S. ornatum s.l. is a vector that transmits Onchocerca linealis to cattle and S. equinum is responsible for dermatitis ('sweet itch') in cattle and horses, it is suggested that Mosquito Magnet® traps could be used to monitor and partially control these pests, as well as nuisance anthropophilic blackflies such as Simulium posticatum that can cause simuliidosis in southern England

    Atuações de Saúde Ambiental perante o mosquito tigre na Comunidade Valenciana (2014-2017)

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    The Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus, has spread across the Spanish Mediterranean area, including the Autonomous Region of Valencia. This mosquito is capable of transmitting at least 22 arboviruses such as Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika.The Regional Public Health and Universal Healthcare Ministry’s Directorate General of Public Health has launched several initiatives to monitor and control this species as well as any diseases caused by it. The Environmental Health Area set up a multidisciplinary work group, which includes technicians from both the regional and local administrations and university entomologists, to lead the fight against this vector.An Institutional Commission –with a managerial scope— was subsequently established that has reached key commitments and launched programs with specific actions.The Directorate General of Public Health is working together with the University of Valencia’s Entomology and Pest Control Laboratory to accomplish the goals that have been set.El mosquito tigre, Aedes albopictus, se ha expandido por el arco mediterráneo español, incluyendo la Comunitat Valenciana. Tiene capacidad para transmitir al menos 22 arbovirosis, como dengue, enfermedad por virus de chikunguña y zika. Desde la Direcció General de Salut Pública, de la Conselleria de Sanitat Universal i Salut Pública, se han puesto en marcha actuaciones de vigilancia y control de la especie y de las enfermedades derivadas. Para abordar la lucha contra este vector se creó, desde Sanidad Ambiental, un grupo de trabajo multidisciplinar que incluye a técnicos de la administración autonómica y local así como a entomólogos universitarios. Posteriormente, se constituyó la Comisión Institucional, de ámbito directivo, donde se adquirieron compromisos clave y se impulsaron programas con actuaciones concretas. La Direcció General de Salut Pública, trabaja conjuntamente con el Laboratorio de Entomología y Control de Plagas de la Universitat de València, para dar cumplimiento a los objetivos fijados.O mosquito tigre, Aedes albopictus, expandiu-se pelo arco mediterrâneo espanhol, onde se inclui a Comunidade Valenciana. Tem capacidade de transmitir pelo menos 22 arbovírus, como dengue, doenças pelosvírus de Chikungunya e Zika. A Direção Geral de Saúde Pública, do Departamento de Sanidade Universal e Saúde Pública, desencadeou ações de vigilância e controle das espécies e doenças derivadas. Para enfrentar a luta contra este vetor, foi criado, um grupo de Saúde Ambiental, de trabalho multidisciplinar, que inclui técnicos da administração regional e local, bem como entomologistas universitários. Posteriormente, constituiu-se uma Comissão Institucional, a nível diretivo, onde se definiram compromissos-chave e impulsionaram programas com atuações concretas. A Direção Geral de Saúde Pública, do Departamento de Sanidade Universal e Saúde Pública, trabalha em conjunto com o Laboratório de Entomologia e Controlo de Pragas da Universidade de Valência, para o cumprimento dos objetivos definidos

    Actuaciones de Sanidad Ambiental frente al mosquito tigre en la Comunitat Valenciana (2014-2017)

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    El mosquito tigre, Aedes albopictus, se ha expandido por el arco mediterráneo español, incluyendo la Comunitat Valenciana. Tiene capacidad para transmitir al menos 22 arbovirosis, como dengue, enfermedad por virus de chikunguña y zika. Desde la Direcció General de Salut Pública, de la Conselleria de Sanitat Universal i Salut Pública, se han puesto en marcha actuaciones de vigilancia y control de la especie y de las enfermedades derivadas. Para abordar la lucha contra este vector se creó, desde Sanidad Ambiental, un grupo de trabajo multidisciplinar que incluye a técnicos de la administración autonómica y local así como a entomólogos universitarios. Posteriormente, se constituyó la Comisión Institucional, de ámbito directivo, donde se adquirieron compromisos clave y se impulsaron programas con actuaciones concretas. La Direcció General de Salut Pública, trabaja conjuntamente con el Laboratorio de Entomología y Control de Plagas de la Universitat de València, para dar cumplimiento a los objetivos fijados