98 research outputs found


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    Narrow gauge railways played an important role in the development of countries during the industrialisation process at the end of 1860s and at the beginning of 1870s. Countries like Japan and Switzerland, which are among the leaders in the field of modern industrial technology today, together with Hungary, achieved the fastest dynamic industrial development before the World War I. The 20 000 km long national railway network in Japan is of 1056 mm gauge. Switzerland also had a large narrow gauge (1000 mm) network. In 1918, Hungary had a 6700 km long narrow gauge network together with an 18 000 km standard gauge network. In the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the 760 mm gauge network in Bosnia and Herzegovina was 1700 km long. After the World War II, one third of the Hungarian railway network was still narrow gauge. The operation of narrow gauge network created special requirements and tasks for the Hungarian steam engine builders

    The Class 490 Steam Engines of MÁV, and the Restoration of Locomotive No. 490,039

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    The Hungarian designed narrow gauge steam engine-type built in the largest number and the largest class of 760 mm gauge MÁV locomotives. The paper shortly describes the more than 100 years history of locomotives type 70 of MÁV Gépgyár (MÁV Machine Factory). During the 46 years of its production, 142 units were built in 21 batches in Budapest between 1905 and 1950. MÁV put into service 61 locomotives on its local narrow gauge lines between 1906 and 1950 designated as class XXIc at the beginning, and as class 490 after 1911. The 100-th anniversary offered a good reason for the rehabilitation of the oldest unit of the type that could be found in Hungary, the oldest survival of the MÁV 490 class. As the result of the restoration, putting into service the locomotive increased the number of the passengers travelling on the Budapest Children´s Railway significantly

    The collective identity of Hungarians: Addressing, healing the traumas of the 20th century

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    Treball Final de Máster Universitari en Estudis Internacionals de Pau, Conflictes i Desenvolupament. Modalitat A. Codi: SBG119. Curs acadèmic 2020-2021This thesis argues that the Hungarian collective identity is severely damaged being reflected in victimhood, low self-esteem, fear, alcoholism, individualism, among others. It explores how the historical memories of the Hungarian people are still relevant today and how they manifest in the Hungarian collective identity and the socio-psychological environment. The focus of this research is interdisciplinary, in the areas of history, sociology and psychology. Such a study is important to understand the relevance of historical memories. The main conclusions drawn from this study are that the chain of historical events of the 20th century, especially the Trianon Trauma and communism have caused great traumas to the people of Hungary. The collective identity of Hungarians has been negatively affected that manifest in the present political culture and the negative socio-psychological reality of Hungary. The Dissertation recommends that peaceful means have to be found to readdress historical memories and the conflict so that positive transformation may take place

    Frequency and Advantages of Animal-Powered Logging for Timber Harvesting in Hungarian Nature Conservation Areas

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    Despite the fact that the management of forests in nature conservation areas represents a key interest in Europe, animal-powered logging is only rarely covered by scientific papers. The main aim of this study was to explore the occurrences of this practice in Hungarian nature conservation areas (i.e. that belong to IUCN Categories Ia, II or V as well as Natura 2000 SPA or SAC sites) that are owned by the state (i.e. about 75% of all the forested nature conservation areas), and compile the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of animal-powered logging according to interviews with loggers. All the Forest Districts in Hungary (116) were contacted by phone. 26% of the Forest Districts apply animal logging regularly (draft horse in every case), but only 2.6% (a mere 3 Forest Districts) own a horse stock for this purpose, while the others (27) employ contractors. 7.76% (9 Forest Districts) use animal power for skidding only occasionally and none of them own horses. All operate at least partially on nature conservation areas. Although 2.6% of the Forest Districts own a horse stock, they do not use animal power for skidding. The average animal logging operation consists of two animals and three people (one of them leads the horses) that do thinning in young stands and selection work. Data on advantages and disadvantages was gathered via semi-structured onsite interviews. The daily logging capacity of a single draft horse ranges from 4.5 m3 to 30 m3, depending on topography and weather conditions. Resulting advantages include: less harm to topsoil, wood stands, and saplings, the support of natural regeneration of forests, horses are more economical than machines in thick snow, there is no use of fossil fuels, more jobs are created, and preservation of native horse breeds is supported. Conversely, output capacity is less compared to the use of machines, and only few people want or are able to work with draft horses. It is mostly the terrain conditions (especially efficient in steep terrain) and the environmental constraints that determine the use of horses instead of skidders

    Botanikai értékek és tájgazdálkodási formák kapcsolata a Putnoki-dombságban

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    A Szőnyi-szigetcsoport tájtörténete és vegetációja

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    A vizsgálat célja a Szőnyi-szigetek (Komárom) kialakulásának, tájtörténetének és vegetációjának megismerése. A szigetcsoport viszonylag fiatalnak tekinthető, megközelítőleg 150 éve jött létre. Először az 1864-1887 közötti III. katonai felmérés térképe jelöli. A XIX. század végi folyamszabályozási munkálatok során a mellékágát mindkét oldalról lezárták, a főmeder felőli partját kőszórásokkal szegélyezték. A beavatkozások nagy hatással voltak a sziget mai képének kialakulására. Mindezek ellenére a sziget vegetációja alapvetően megőrizte a hajdani természetes ártéri erdők jellegét, száz évnél is idősebb egyedekkel a puhafás ligeterdők fajai jellemzők: fekete és fehér nyár (Populus nigra, P. alba), valamint fehér fűz (Salix alba). A mellékág felőli parton megtalálható az iszapos talajon kialakult mandulalevelű bokorfüzes (Polygono hydropiperi – Salicetum triandae) társulás is. A főág felőli szigeten a hatalmas méretű ősfák és fává nőtt egybibés galagonyák (Crataegus monogyna) mellett sajnos megjelent az egész ország alacsony ártereire jellemző néhány adventív faj is, a zöld juhar (Acer negundo) és a vörös kőris (Fraxinus pennsylvanica), veszélyeztetve a társulás természetességének jövőbeli fennmaradását


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    Artificial lift methods are used in oil wells when the natural energy of the reservoir is not enough to bring the reservoir fluids at the surface. Therefore, these methods are used to add the missing energy. There are many types of artificial lift methods with different characteristics. The selection of an artificial lift technique for a well is crucial because it influences long-term well production and operating costs. In our paper, we propose an application that allows a quick screening and selection of the best artificial lift technique. The application uses Boolean logic as a mathematical and conceptual approach. The model is based on a memory set of data which is working like a database and compares the information in order to select the best artificial lift method for a well data set. The results are presented in two layers such as a front page used for input data set and a second one where it will be displayed the selected method and its advantages and disadvantages